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/lit/ - Literature

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19418143 No.19418143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Favorite book
>Favorite song right now
>Current read
>How you're holding up

>> No.19418160

>med student
>Crime and Punishment
>Miserere mei, Deus
>Fine I guess

>> No.19418171

21 soon to be 22
Part time chef, studying music production.
Les Chants de Maldoror
The Night Collectors by Les Rallizes Denudes.
Journey to the end of the night
Very good, just got an apartment so i can move out of my parents house and in with my gf.

>> No.19418178
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>> No.19418186
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>Favorite book
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
>Favorite song right now
>Current read
Jane Eyre
>How you're holding up
I've never felt so alone in all my life & I've never wanted to die more than I do now.

>> No.19418192

>Favorite book
Devil in the White City
>Favorite song right now
>Current read
Dead Souls
>How you're holding up
I have been down for a while, but I have been feeling optimistic and energized as of late.

>> No.19418225

>Answering calls in the basement of a big bank's corporate office, all day, everyday.
>Aghora 2: At the left hand of God
>Pt. Bhimsen Joshi's Darbari Kannada performed live in 1970.
>Didn't fall for the MBTI meme.
>The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss
>I exist a little more and live a little less everyday; life demands either a complete devotion -- submission -- to God, or a steep descent into nihilist absurdity; one day I will feel the light of the lamp unseen permeate my being, living in and with gnosis. An Al-Haq.

>> No.19418231

Gentleman of leisure/Trophy Husband/monarch
Aerodynamics for Navy Aviators
Vehicle, Ides of March
The Holy Bible
Don't care enough to think about it.

>> No.19418237

I don't have one
Neither this
I don't know and I don't care to know
Nothing, I'm not a reader

>> No.19418268
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>The Idiot
>Pretty good. Things seem to be on an upward trajectory, and I'm gonna try and make next year a lot better than the last few, just gotta get through the long days of winter first.

>> No.19418277
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>College student, getting educated in Architecture Engineering Construction tech. Also babysit my niece and nephew for spare cash
>Brothers Karamazov
>The Idiot
>Mediocre. School ramping up has me stressed, but I've recently started talking to an ex I dated for 3 years. Hopefully that can spark something in me

based bait, but on the off-chance it isn't why be here if you don't read
Nice to see you like the Idiot. I'm most of the way through by now; don't enjoy it as much as the other Dosto works I've read but will save final judgement for after the ending

>> No.19418282

-cashier at walmart
-House of Leaves (i know)
-oh well, okay (elliott smith)
-complete poems of emily dickenson
-contemplating suicide

>> No.19418298

med student
>favourite book
haven't read enough to have one yet
>favourite song right now
Baлepий Пeтpяeв - Aфгaн
>Current read
>how you're holding up
I'm alright. Don't really know where I'm going with my career. Not really a fan of research, which appears to be important for career development. Maybe I'm just lazy idk

>> No.19418330

tree planter
fear and loathing?
camarillo brillo - zappa
blindness -jose saramago
a bit sad, just got vaxxed, feel defeated...

>> No.19418342

Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread Primus
Accounting coursework bores me to tears and slowly retreating into my obsessive habits, future looks sort of bleak. Highlight of my day is training/training for bjj.

>> No.19418358

satcom engineer
simon finn jerusalem
ixxx idk
confessions or something idk, in between books
waiting to die

>> No.19418366
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NEET and trying to write a book
>Favorite book
Idk, maybe Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Favorite song right now
Mahler's 2nd
>Current read
The Technological Society
>How you're holding up
Fuck life I hate it

>> No.19418404

project manager for software company
>favorite book
An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man by George Gurdjieff
>favourite song right now
Charles Villers Stanford's 1st piano concerto
>current read
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Martinez
>how you're holding up
delightful. own 10% of the company i work for and we blew up so i'm quite comfortable. many relationships, beautiful sights, numerous experiences under my belt.

>> No.19418503

Extroverts need to be banned from this board.

>> No.19418543

'Notes from Underground'
'I've Got You Under My Skin'
Dunno, it has been a good while.
Tao Te Ching
Alright. Not amazing, not terrible, just alright.

>> No.19418547

>residential construction/remodeling
>Brothers Karamazov
>Tramp on the Street, Hank Williams Sr. recording
>Fundamentally disagree with personality tests
>okay I guess, very anti-social but content

>> No.19418573

>HS science teacher
>sexual personae
>junkhead by AOC
>ego and archetype by edinger
i haven't had an intelligent conversation with anyone since july. these kids are retards, and i fear for the future of humanity. only a stopgap job to pay down debts, or so i tell myself.

>> No.19418577
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>The Tartar Steppe
>A Mutual Friend by Wire
>Prometheus Rising, Persuasion & Rhetoric
>I absolutely despise myself, passively watching life & its endless opportunities passing by, yet i've done nothing about it. I am screwed.

>> No.19418583

>i haven't had an intelligent conversation with anyone since july. these kids are retards, and i fear for the future of humanity. only a stopgap job to pay down debts, or so i tell myself.
Do you not even have any cool nerdy kids you like? or are those completely gone now as well?

>> No.19418596

>Past Master by R A Lafferty
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6xWfqY7Ez8
> INTP at work ENTP outside of work
>Penguin Island by Anatole France and The History of the Conquest of New Spain
>Had a rough day at my meaningless job doing useless shit. Don’t go into government work people— its bad for the soul. Considering finding something else since the job market is so hot right now, state benefits and pension be damned. I got a fucking masters degree in this library shit. What a waste. Should have known by the caliber of my peers and classmates. Every aspect of my life is sorely wanting. Dissatisfaction is a symptom of ambition, as they say. Maybe I should find religion or start smoking weed again

>> No.19418610

>i am screwed
bro, you're 20, stop. Don't fall for psyops about how your life is over if you haven't done xyz by 20-something. Take a year or so to figure out what you want in life, and by the time your 21 you can be on that path. You're literally still a kid, if your American you're not even legal drinking age. No reason to stress about shit at your age.

>> No.19418636

far and few. even still, hardly have the time to get to know them in between the incessant disruptions. online "school" broke them beyond repair.

>> No.19418656

>online "school" broke them beyond repair.
I had this at uni and it absolutely destroyed my social life

>> No.19418657

>Can't choose
>Pitseleh by Elliot Smith
>Will read either Sun and Steel or Confessions of a Mask. Not sure yet.

>> No.19418664

Bro you’re only 20. Just fucking do something. Anything. Even if you fail, which you probably will, you’ll still have some experience to show for it. Go and get an entry level job— fast food places are desperate for employees and wages are mad competitive right now. Better yet work at a privately owned restaurant and learn what it would take to set one up and run it yourself. Might be worth looking in to.

>> No.19418707
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>>drug dealer
>>The process
>>I listen to albums no idea about individual song names
>>The big sleep
>>Dropped out of uni

>> No.19418709

>the tartar steppe
i tried getting that book and the publisher said they didn't have it ):

>> No.19418716

code monkey
>Favorite book
the dispossessed
>Favorite song right now
oathbreaker - second son of r
fuck nerd astrology
>Current read
midnight tides
>How you're holding up
drunk every day

>> No.19418718
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I understand that it's somewhat irrational and still steeped in an adolescent spirit, but i just carried a lot of regrets over the last three years because of a severe lack of assertion and discipline. I knowingly signed up for something i hated in university while bullshitting to my family that i had it under control, spent years failing, then dropped out this september. I had an immense amount of free time where I could have done anything that i'd ever want, but again, I chose to just wallow in self-delusion and consumption until time slipped by my filthy hands. I learned little, both in practical and theoretical realms, not even attempted to make the projects that have been haunting my thoughts/dreams since prepubescence. So many things gone to waste over nothing, and now I have to work doubly hard to make up for it. Stagnation is lethal. It's my responsibility to maintain a healthy vigor for example, and its nowhere to be seen.
The worst part is the sheer disappointment in the faces of those who have supported me, genuinely believing that i can live up to my capabilities instead of succumbing to sloth and other forms of cowardice. Their tired, sad eyes kill me. Not to mention their justifiably voiced frustrations with my constant failures. Self-induced humiliation. And yet, i'm still here, not knowing what to do. Lotta lofty dreams for zero skills. I've read that a machinist is good for a placeholder job, is that something you'd recommend?
I understand that it's a privilege that is scarcely presented to human beings in general to have so much free time and (relative) freedom to make something out of yourself, and it terrifies me to think that ive missed that window forever, the opportunity to give back to this world's kindness. Plus, there's the analogy of the bent tree. If it's allowed to grow that way, it can never be straightened without being broken. I don't know if getting used to being a lazy piece of shit for so long has created a subconscious ceiling that i'll never be able to break. That's i have a morbid curiosity with the 30+ year old people who are the epitome of oblivious dull mediocrity. I don't know, i'm probably stuck too far up my own ass.
Sorry for the blogpost and the annoyance. Thank you nonetheless.

>> No.19418741

Hey anon, i could easily link you an ebook copy if you want to read it digitally. Read it on your phone if you don't own an e-reader, or your pc if you can do that. It's still a great experience.

>> No.19418776

>Amazon driver in school for psychology
>Titus Groan
>INTP or INTJ depending on my mood
>not really reading anything at the moment
>doing okay. married, no kids, doing well in school, job pays reasonably well. no debt, money in the bank, good car, good apartment. still get bouts of depression. church life is stagnant.

>> No.19418793

>how are you holding up
It's a little schnarby

>> No.19418812

Age: 23
Occupation: Student
Favourite book: In Search of Lost Time
Favourite song right now: Rêverie by Debussy
MBTI: INFP I think, but MBTI lacks validity and is essentially meaningless
Current read: If on a winter’s night a traveller by Italo Calvino
How you’re holding up: I’m trying to stop myself from spiralling into self-destructive behaviour again

>> No.19418825
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None, student
>Favorite book
Great Gatsby
>Favorite song right now
Song of the week is Beyond the Realms of Death by Judas Priest
>Current read
The Lord's Land by Ridgeway. I saw it previously and loved the cover and illustrations. Last week, I wanted to take a look at it further with no intention of checking it out, but since there was mention of an incredible scholar, Strong of Strong's Numbers fame, who was part of the book, I had to check it out.
>How you're holding up
I'm struggling. I'm still an undergrad, partially because of mental health issues and partially because I wanted to learn more languages. I want to be a scholar without becoming a professor, so grad school has not been a high priority until recently. I have run into conflict with some of my classmates who are all midwits, of course, even though I've done nothing unreasonable, even according to the instructor. After I get home from class, I'm completely exhausted and find it incredibly difficult to do anything but just sit. My mental and physical health are not great. My dad has cancer and will be getting a stem cell transplant soon. He is doing very well, but it is still stressful. He also us doing a lot of traveling to be in a clinical trial. Since September, I've been looking forward to Thanksgiving, and it is finally here. I don't think I will have enough time to rejuvenate, but I will have to make it enough. So far, I've been doing well, considering the circumstances.

>> No.19418840

Lol! Pre-pandemic, I had zero social life, and now, I still don't have one. But I know how you feel. I wish you well, anon.

>> No.19418852

Very badly. I desperately want to connect with others and have a girlfriend, but each time I do the moment I know the girl likes me I go completely cold on them, I feel lethargic, I lose my libido, I can only see the worst in them, they seem dumb and vapid, I take issue with everything they do and say, and I just want to escape. Despite previously liking them a lot, and it always starts off so well. And the moment I cut things off with them I feel insane panic and intense regret (and always almost instantaneously like the girl and see everything good about her again) and I immediately try to jump into another relationship (or try to revive it with the girl). It's happened 4 times this year. It's just getting tiring, I just want to be able to love a girl normally. I'm becoming quite distressed over it. Before 2021 I had just isolated myself and was content being alone.

>> No.19418892

Hey, anon. This >>19418825 is me. I used to be in the same boat as you for a semester at 19. While my life isn't perfect and I still contemplate suicide, I am closer to making something of my life. You're on this board, you're reflecting on your life, you're reading books. That's not so bad. I don't know the details of your situation. You might not make it. I could end up killing myself this summer or in a couple of years. That really is quite possible for me. One thing that has helped me live better is self-acceptance. If we don't make it, it's not so bad, and if we do succeed, that isn't entirely worthless either. Do whatever you want to do, if that means ending it all or building a great monument. You can do anything. Even presidents have been killed, and for one of them, his killers got away with it.

>> No.19418913

That sounds really tough, anon— both for you and for the girls you’ve been involved with. How old are you? Age and maturity can play a major role in these kinds of things. And was there a specific event that triggered this pattern for you?

>> No.19418964

student and retail clerk
>Favorite book
Paradise Lost
>Favorite song right now
My Eyes - Travis
>Current read
War and Peace, 1 Alcibiades
>How you're holding up
I dislike my major (computer science) and am once again in danger of failing. I want to switch, but I honestly don't know what else I'd study. I'm doing online classes because commuting is a pain in the ass without a car or license and have not made any friends as a result.
TL;DR, not so good

>> No.19419057

I'm 21. What started it this year is a girl showed interest in me and pursued me, and she started the chain of finding girls, being with them until they liked me, and then pushing them away.
What I've realized recently is that this relationship pattern has manifested basically in all my friendships as well. When i was in highschool I remembering always feeling extremely uncomfortable if anyone liked me a lot and told me so. And just never allowing a friendship to go beyond a certain level. And I ghosted everyone after highschool.
So I don't know of any specific event, I've just always been like this but It's been so taxing now that that girl pursued me and after the stint of self imposed isolation I experienced what it was like to have affection and someone validate my existence (and I guess I was suppressing my desire for that so hard) to then go through the throes of going hot and cold on them.
I've only just become conscious of this pattern so I'm not going to try and find another girl because no matter what she is like I will go cold on her the moment I know she likes me or I feel like it will develop into something serious.

>> No.19419117

ffs i expected better of you, /lit/

>> No.19419132

> The Brothers Karamazov
> Sea Dragon by Covet
> Rereading the Iliad
> Been having skin issues (rashes, rapid hair loss) but I'm going to the dermatologist soon and overall doing well

>> No.19419142

>uni studnet/ cart pusher
>brohters karamazov
>nights by frank ocean
>dont believe in that shit
>paradise lost
>alternating between feeling contempt and manic episodes

>> No.19419164

What's up with people <30 and Dostoyevsky, specifically Brothers Karamazov? I mean of course, it's a great book but I hardly ever see it for older folk?


>> No.19419173

I’m a damn neet
World as will and representation desu
Probably Space oddity rn
Master and margarita
Alright. Only drawback is winter, it gets incredibly dark in the winters here

>> No.19419201

>Favorite book
Pierre Clostermann - The Big Show or Moby Dick for fiction.
>Favorite song right now
Deafheaven - Come Back
>Current read
Plutarch - Fall of the Roman Republic
>How you're holding up
I'm about to go on leave without pay because I won't be allowed to work from next month but will take the opportunity of some time away to set priorities straight and maybe even read a book or two.

>> No.19419323

One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Last by Longbeard
Dune, Bubbles (Sloterdijk), some Ibn Arabi
Fine, I guess? Experimenting with perspective, self-image. Mostly working.

>> No.19419353

Les miserables
I don't believe in that made up bullshit

>> No.19419443

Wagie, STEM student
El amor en los tiempos del cólera
Not too bad

>> No.19419466
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Who's that 19th century Russian novelist time traveler?

>> No.19419497

Grouper. fuck yeah

>> No.19419498


>> No.19419629
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Based lizchad

>> No.19419739

>business student
>maybe storm of steel
>no song but favorite bands are Clutch hand Horn
>moby dick
>Could be better but could also be much worse, rolling with it

>> No.19419743
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>Three Comrades
>The Power of the Ancient Force (Hanna Turi version) - Twilight Force
>Nothing, but started Glen Cook's the Black Company a few days ago, just haven't been reading much
>Right now fine, but it doesn't usually last long

>> No.19419818


Computer engineer
>Favorite book
The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
>Favorite song right now
Strange Waves by Quest for Fire
>Current read
The Comple Essays by Montaigne
>How you're holding up
I'm good

>> No.19419843

>Favorite book
The Skin of Shagreen by Balzac
>Favorite song right now
>Current read
Moral Letters to Lucilius by Seneca
>How you're holding up
Not really good. Years of depression and loneliness drained me out completely.

>> No.19419894
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>Favorite book
Either Notes or C&P
>Favorite song right now
>Current read
The Red and the Black
>How you're holding up
Quite terribly, there is indication that my health is beginning to fail me quite quickly. I have never been so depressed in my life. I have realized at last what my family truly regards me as. Terrible feeling, that. I think I'll die some spiteful, proud creature, unless my survival is ordained by God.

>> No.19419905

termporary NEET; previously did invoices from home
>>Favorite book
The Last days of Socrates
>>Favorite song right now
The Great Below by Nine Inch Nails
INTP or INTJ, don't remember which
>>Current read
Springfield Confidential. It's just okay, the writer isn't as funny as he thinks he is but his inside scoops on the production and writing of the simpsons early days is interesting.
>>How you're holding up
Right in this very moment, good. When I wake up tomorrow I will feel bad. I wake up at 2pm, a mess. I don't drink or do drugs but my body is so fucked and shutting down. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm gonna go for a 6 mile walk tomorrow.

>> No.19420187
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Student, former manual labour
>Favourite book
My copy of Edgar Allan Poe's complete tales of course
>Favourite song
Storm Upon the Shores by Rellik. I like the solo a lot, so anthemic
>Current read
Whatever's assigned for school, found Anne Conway's Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy quite compelling btw
>How you're holding up
Not defined by my past, that's good enough for me. I lived life on autopilot until very recently and consider my awakening a step in the right direction, wherever that may lead.

>> No.19420218

University student
No longer human by Dazai
Station to Station by Bowie
Byron's Don Juan
In-between of self hate and narcissistic love

>> No.19420270

-Postal Service atm, going to re-enroll in classes next year and actually stay in.
Im trying to stick by the classics so it isnt much, but I enjoyed Complete works of Plato
-Castlevania Aria of Sorrow - Premonition
-My Russian textbook (гoлoca), The Odyssey, Soviet chess Primer, Introduction to logic
-Pretty well. Finished a chapter in my life where I was wandering around learning about myself and other people which was important since I was raised by a single mother. Learned that university is the only option for me as a STEM major. After living in the countryside with hillbillies for a month I definitely learned a thing or two about where I don’t belong in the world. Need a car though since im in Texas again

>> No.19420292

Are you gay?

>> No.19420336 [DELETED] 

w0w does everyone think I'm gay? Shut up, you know exactly who I am and I don't think it's funny to torment me like this. I don't even know what you're doing here since you don't read but I'm not in the mood, leave me alone.

>> No.19420338

Nta but I would also assume you're a homosexual based on your song choice

>> No.19420350
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lab tech
butchers crossing
im getting back into can again lately
intj or intp depending on how im testing that day
farewell my lovely
not great, sober and out of rehab but i took this job i had back to help out until i train some new hires and they kinda suck and im getting a camper with the money i made from selling tesla stock.

>> No.19420372

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Girl, Ghost the Jukebox
>Hounds of Baskerville
>Really well! I'm about to have a two month holiday!

>> No.19420376

time to update my lit demographics spreadsheet

>> No.19420381
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>> No.19420386


>> No.19420390

Office manager (nonjob)
Don Quixote
Current fav song https://youtu.be/KOuqVCp0Vi8
Idk that shit
Bout to start Master and Margarita
Fine, always could be better

>> No.19420397

what an ugly fucking word i hate it

>> No.19420401

>The Mass Psychology of Fascism
>Leonard Cohen - Death of A Lady's Man or Kate Bush - Hounds of Love
>Not so great, but not so bad

>> No.19420409

>all this Dosto
I mean he's good but jesus guy's read some other shit

>> No.19420431

>dropped out from uni, currently pizza delieverer
>chopin's etude op. 10 no. 1
>i don't know
>discipline and punish
>i've been better, i've been worse

>> No.19420433
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>military service
>Lord of the Rings
>A Phantom Pain
>Anna Karenina
>Pretty good, I just feel a bit down since I have to go back to my garrison soon and that makes my lovely gf very upset. She needs my support but it's difficult when I'm so far away

>> No.19420436

Data mining thread

>> No.19420442

>Master student in bioinformatics and one in medical biotechnology
>le printemps
>The rise and fall of American growth and a new nobility of blood and soil
>Bit bored but overall fine.

>> No.19420512

I listen to Taylor Swift unironically and I enjoy cumming in pussies. Am I gay? time will tell

>> No.19420519

23. I'm a consultant for a tech company. I don't really have favourites. The Gay science or War and Peace if I had to say. As for songs, I'd say it's Пeчaль (sadness) by Russian band Kino. Currently I'm reading Steppenwolf. I'm doing OK I suppose. Could be worse.

>> No.19420520

>I enjoy cumming in pussies
Mad gay

>> No.19420536

That’s probably a Femanon.

>> No.19420559

No I'm not.

>> No.19420565

>Unemployed til Jan.
>Can't decide - Song of Achilles?
>Unworthy Republic
>Psyching myself up to go back to school to get my MLS next year

>> No.19420581

ESL teacher
>>Favorite book
Portrait of the Artist
>>Favorite song right now
That's life, Still Woozy
>>Current read
Modern man in search of a soul
>>How you're holding up
Reading Jung has made me understand my daddy issues better. I now know why my father is weak and I'm not angry at him anymore, I'm just sad.

>> No.19420594

>Favorite book
Book of the New Sun (yeah I know)
>Favorite song right now
Group Four - Massive Attack
>Current read
Paradis Perdus by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
>How you're holding up
Not so good

>> No.19420608

I admit I do fantasize topping effeminate men

>> No.19420615

Instructional Design
>Favourite book
The Confidence Man
>Favourite song right now
The Door by The Toms
>Current read
Oliver Twist and Dictionary of the Khazars. Really enjoying both, though very different reads obviously
>How you're holding up
Doing ok. Didn't get a promotion I really wanted and it made me feel surprisingly helpless and stuck

>> No.19420647
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>Uni-dropout since october
>The Magus
>Not good, never felt so lost and alone, i wonder if i ever will be able to connect with someone. Just wish i could live up to my parent's expectations at least

>> No.19420655

Song of Achilles is one of the worst, trashiest books I’ve ever read in my life. The prose is embarrassingly bad. Miller essentially wrote a shitty YA fanfic of the Iliad, glossing over any meaningful representation of violence and heroic masculinity, and replacing it with cringeworthy romanticized cave sex scenes. If you actually like that book, you need fuck off to TikTok where you belong.

>> No.19420707

Sports coach
>Favorite book
Mmm not sure I have one, meditations maybe
>Favorite song right now
O Tannenbaum, I love Christmas music
>Current read
12 rules for life
>How you're holding up
I held to my virtues yesterday, hoping to do so again today.

>> No.19420811
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>>Favorite book
Not really sure I guess I'd say Spring Snow or The Iliad.
>>Favorite song right now
A cover of Werewolves of London that Jackson Browne did back in the 70s.
>>Current read
Storm of Steel
>>How you're holding up
Mostly ok, but a bit stressed because I've spent the past few weeks trying to decide if I keep my current job where I think will open up more future opportunities or go back to my old one that I made less at but enjoyed more.

>> No.19420908

>Sports coach
>12 rules for life
My god

>> No.19420943

Sound designer (sort of)
>Favorite book
Don Quix
>Favorite song right now
Xô Satanás by Asa de Águia
>Current read
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>How you're holding up
Starting to act more in accordance with my "will", actually working and following through with projects. It feels very good to get stuff done, but somehow my feelings regarding the outward aspects of my life are much worse than when I felt personally worthless.

>> No.19420949

>forest ecologist (MSc) working as forestry consultant at a law firm
>Lord of the Rings
>Xanadu by Rush
>don't know
>The Unfettered Mind
>Quite good actually

>> No.19420957

student and part-time busser
brave new world
aguas de marco
wtf is mbti
im having a hard time holding up, I really wish I have friends, and someone to talk to.

>> No.19420971

Library administrator
Nihil by Ghostemane
No clue
Colloquia Personarum by Orberg
Not great. Dislike my job and the people I work with.

>> No.19420977

don quixote
modestgoals - bones
Hunger by Hamsun, it's trash
I'm fine. Smoking too much weed, consuming too much while producing to little. Mental health is generally stable though. I'm physically fitter than I've ever been before and progressively becoming more and more attractive.

>> No.19420979

You got plenty of time, just start taking steps toward what you need to do to succeed. Don't listen to the people who say "You're [x] years old, blah blah." The people who focus on that kind of thing are usually full of shit.

>> No.19420987

>Hunger by Hamsun, it's trash

Yeah? I was thinking of reading it because I heard it was similar to Martin Eden by Jack London. Why does it suck?

>> No.19420996

CompSci student
Stoner by John Williams
Me/Myself/I by Will Wood
Pretty good actually, things are going really well for me, definitely at a high point rn

>> No.19421015

KJV Bible
I don't listen to much music
Corpus Hermeticum
Great. My first son was born recently and I started a better job than my old one.

>> No.19421174

Post tits

>> No.19421200
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>The Sun Also Rises
>Tree Among Shrubs off Men I Trust’s new album
>Broom Of The System
>Im alright. I’ve had a horrible go of it the last 2 years, but I think I’m finally nearing the end of the tunnel. We’re all gonna make it, etc etc

>> No.19421382

>12 rules for life
How are you liking it?

>> No.19421617

NEET/rarely do farm work
>>Favorite book
Confessions of a Mask
>>Favorite song right now
Lens (solo) - Frank Ocean

>>Current read
Forbidden Colors
>>How you're holding up

>> No.19421645

>cigarrettes and coffee - otis redding
>confessions of a mask - mishima

>> No.19421729

I like Lolita but I think its a bit suspect to be your favorite book desu. How do people respond irl when you tell them?

>> No.19421752
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>Favorite book
I don't have one. I guess Plato's dialogues if I had to pick one thing right this instant. Maybe the Count of Monte Christo but I haven't finished it yet so I don't feel like I'm allowed to pick that one.
>Favorite song right now
what? fuck off.
>Current read
a collection of sci-fi short stories
>How you're holding up
good at home, fucked at work. going to have to seriously look for other vacancies (in the same company) before I go under with this team. shit is stressful.

>> No.19421833

>The Giver
>Life is a Highway
>never taken the test
>Shock Doctrine
>barely, on my 14th natty light now, nothing to eat since tuesday

>> No.19421866

Everyone is posting such lofty books here meanwhile I just love The Silmarillion.

structural engineer
dance with the dead - from hell
I dunno, I'm a scorpio I guess.
dune: god emperor
I want to sleep forever.

>> No.19421897

>Data entry
>Crime and Punishment
>Mothers Talk by Tears for Fears
>Introduction to Archaeology
>I’m materially well off but mightily bored

>> No.19422023

What’s Dostoyevsky doin on the train

>> No.19422033
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>Favorite book
>Favorite song right now
GOAT - Polyphia
>Current read
Memoirs of Hadrian
>How you're holding up
Life is great

>> No.19422041

>I want to sleep forever
>god emperor
found your problem

>> No.19422078

Cashier at fast food chain
Trial by Pilate
Just finished Walden, moving to Utopia soon
Everything is going great :)

>> No.19422116

>My first son was born recently

>> No.19422194

>the nix- nathan hill
>aline- jarvis cocker
>the stranger- camus
honestly can not complain

>> No.19422200

>The Ego and His Own
>Pretty Alright

>> No.19422207

R&D Engineer
>>Favorite book
The Fall
>>Favorite song right now
Not autistic
>>Current read
Lots of articles
>>How you're holding up
It's going rough:(

>> No.19422214

Underage b&

>> No.19422215

Nicotine, by Nell Zink
Miss Atomic Bomb, by The Killers
The Songmaster

>> No.19422242

Of course the 15 year old reads Camus

>> No.19422264

honestly its pretty wanky too many short sentences
only half way through so it might pick up

>> No.19422270

Bro you're 15, don't talk to me.

>> No.19422324

damn u right lemme just larp as a 40 yo

>> No.19422326
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Visual arts
>Favorite book
Gilles Deleuze 1000 Plateaus
>Favorite song right now
SALUKI & 104 - Kelin
>Current read
Wittgenstein Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
>How you're holding up
Fucking phenomenally