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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 500x492, Nobel_Prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19418095 No.19418095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most ridiculous recepient?

>> No.19418102

Nobels are worthless except for the science prizes

>> No.19418105


>> No.19418124

all prizes are worthless

>> No.19418148

kinda funny how everyone who gets this ends up getting the peace prize ends up being implicated in mass murder

>menachem begin
>aung san suu kyi
>liu xiaobo (basically supported every american war including vietnam, afghanistan, and iraq)
>abiy ahmed

>> No.19418158

*kinda funny how everyone who gets the peace prize ends up being implicated in mass murder

>> No.19418219

It fits well with Nobel himself

>> No.19418357
File: 184 KB, 1000x1498, CW+publicityphoto2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Colson Whitehead is going to win it someday and it will piss off this board.

>> No.19418384

too mainstream and lowbrow. why give it to him when they can just find some other irrelevant author from tanzania or something

>> No.19418386

Even Barry knew it was ridiculous

>> No.19418395


>> No.19418895


Kissinger, Obama, the other Vietnam guy, Arafat. The peace prize is illegitimate and void.

In literature, I'd say Par Lagerkvist just because I read The Dwarf once and it was stupid.

>> No.19418897

For the Peace Prize (which most people are focusing on) you could randomly select any 5 of them over the last 50 years and at least 2 would be retarded.

For literature, Bertrand Russell and Bob Dylan stick out weirdly on the list. The most recent laureate that was clearly entirely political (and it wouldn't at all be a surprise if his winning came out to be due to bribery or something) is Mo Yan (2011). Yeah, there are plenty of others that were politically fashionable when they won but Mo Yan is that as well as a huge reach to be included.

>> No.19418901

Thomas Mann for sure

>> No.19418926

Probably Churchill, some have said he was a good writer but it just doesn't make sense with what they seem to value.
The nobel peace prize is shit, everyone knows that. The only relationship it has with the literature nobel is the name.

>> No.19418970
File: 94 KB, 990x465, dario fo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to say Dario Fo, but at least Fo knew he was a clown and didn't pretend to be otherwise. And he was a good clown. Meanwhile, some other recipients...

>> No.19418976

>Probably Churchill, some have said he was a good writer but it just doesn't make sense with what they seem to value.
It should have been Hitler.

>> No.19418996

I couldn't choose. They are all equally ridiculous.

>> No.19419006

For literature, it's Dylan, and it's not even close.

>> No.19419029
File: 26 KB, 463x480, Louise_Gluck_Wild_Iris_Snowdrops_480x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this Louise Gluck poem, one of her most famous, better than Visions of Johanna?
Please explain.

>> No.19419054

reminder that nobel is about works that make a contribition to humanity (whatever that is) not about pure literature magnificence.

>> No.19419085

It's serves no purpose beyond allowing the Norwegian Nobel Committee to state that they think some given controversial high-profile personality is actually a great fellow.

>> No.19419090

you wanted a white man you got one

>> No.19419091

>The most recent laureate that was clearly entirely political (and it wouldn't at all be a surprise if his winning came out to be due to bribery or something) is Mo Yan (2011).
Alexievich is also up there.

Don't ask me why I read Alexievich.

>> No.19419138

>The most recent laureate that was clearly entirely political (and it wouldn't at all be a surprise if his winning came out to be due to bribery or something) is Mo Yan
You think so? I would think the opposite is true. The Swedish academy seems to dislike authoritarian governments in general and the Chinese government in particular and that's something they have taken into account when giving the award in the past. Seeing that Mo Yan seems to be okay with the Chinese government you'd think that would have discouraged fthem to give him the award.
Is she not good? She's very easy to find in my city so I was thinking of reading one of her books.

>> No.19419422

I almost mentioned her but I haven't read her writing so it wouldn't have been fair.
>Don't ask me...
Is it the same reason I've forced myself to read Atwood? (She's one of the most well-known authors from my country--disliking her is heresy so you better be able to back up a contrary opinion in being able to show you've done the work).
The reaction to China's prominence has been morphing and shifting rapidly over the past decade--criticism is freer now than it was when Yan was awarded the prize. (We all know how China will bluster over even the smallest, real or perceived, slight). Thereby, awarding Yan the prize validates the idea that the it is truly international (woke values) and keeps them from bitching. Further, Yan was a safe choice as he kowtows and offers vocal support to the CCP alongside being held up as a premier literary figure by them going back to the 80s,

>> No.19420119

>Another source of criticism was a perceived conflict of interest on the part of Göran Malmqvist, who is one of the members of the Swedish Academy. Malmqvist had translated several of Mo Yan's works into Swedish and published some through his own publishing house. Mo had also written a laudatory preface to one of Malmqvist's own books, and been a close friend of Malmqvist's wife for 15 years. The Nobel committee denied that this constituted a conflict of interest, and said that it would have been absurd for Malmqvist to recuse himself.

>> No.19420146

Svetlana is good tho

>> No.19420162

I’d say the science prizes are usually deserved

>> No.19420204

I wanted an author, not some kitschy folk rock musician.

>> No.19420209

Every choice is politically motivated to further some kind of narrative.

>> No.19420210

Dude invented dynamite and firearms. Makes sense desu

>> No.19420232

Give me an example

>> No.19420235

It they were gonna give it to a folk musician, they should have given it to Leonard Cohen desu.

>> No.19420239

Ernest Hemingway to make people think bad writing is good.

>> No.19420321

Of a science award I meant

>> No.19420387

I don't really pay attention to the Nobel Prize winners so I don't really know everyone who won and for what, but it stands to reason that an organisation that confers worldly prestige such as the Nobel Committee wouldn't be above using that power to influence minds, etc.

>> No.19420404

you browse /x/ don't you?

>> No.19420406


>> No.19420418

based schizo poster

>> No.19420419

Of course they would

>> No.19420672

Figures. Thanks for the info anon.

>> No.19420696

Bob Dylan.
I'd have understood Leonard Cohen who also wrote a couple of novels and poetry books and whose writings have almost constantly been excellent.
But Dylan has been irrelevant for at least thirty years.

>> No.19420700

Out of the recent Laureates I've read Alice Munro and Patrick Modiano. Honestly, didn't seem special to me.
Not that their writing is bad, it's just not special.

>> No.19421162

>Martti Ahtisaari

Legend, zero blemishes. Widen your view dumbass.

>> No.19421443
File: 465 KB, 797x607, Screenshot_20210902-175227_YouTube Vanced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19421485


>> No.19421541

I agree except that he signed a partnership with Starbucks which could be seen as performance art--demonstrating how the cultural ethos of the Boomers was about cashing in and selling out. One of the albums was even called "Live at the Gaslight '63"

Fucking boomers.

>> No.19421595

Louise Gluck writes like an undergraduate feminist, no idea why she got a nobel. Same with Dylan, why he and not Ashberry.

>> No.19422665

Oh for science it's easy
Cosmology keeps getting awards despite being worthless while actual scientific advancements that sound less cool but improve the lives of everyone almost never get recognised