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19416753 No.19416753 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/bros ich habe ein Frage. Since Hegel made philosophy into Science do you think I can go over to /sci/ and discuss Hegelian Science with the /sci/bros, or do you think they'll kick me back over here?

>> No.19416772

The definition of "science" changed in the middle of the 19th century to be limited to strictly empirical fields of what was previously called natural philosophy. Before then, as in Hegel, "science" (literally Latin for "knowledge") could refer to any field of knowledge, including abstract metaphysics. HTH.

>> No.19416804

When you consider that Hegel claimed that his system led to absolute knowledge, and you measure that up against the number of scientific discoveries made using Hegel’s system as basis (zero), and you throw Hegel’s own “natural philosophy” (laughable) in the mix for good measure, you arrive at the conclusion that he was a clown.

>> No.19416805

It still fits though since Hegel regularly used (what is today understood as) science in his philosophy but is mostly laughed at for it now.

There is no single proof, knowledge is mutually dependant for him.

>> No.19416829

We are 200 years in since the discovery of “absolute knowledge” by the philosopher messiah himself. We surely must have solved all mysteries of the universe by now :rolleyes:

>> No.19416912


>> No.19416991

If he was a clown than why is he so fucking famous? Everywhere I go everyone's like Hegel this and Hegel that? There's gotta be something there right? Right?

>> No.19417080

Clown world.