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/lit/ - Literature

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19416669 No.19416669 [Reply] [Original]

Post great writers who are terrible people. I'll start.

>> No.19416678

God I want to make cummies with mommy Rowling.

>> No.19416683

Why is she a terrible person?

>> No.19416685
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>> No.19416687

Ahahaha look anon he started a thread by posting bait which "shits" on the Podderwomen by implying she's a "great author" ahahahaha OP really got us with this one great thread ahead guys I can't wait for this riveting discussion and more takes from based OP!

>> No.19416734

>"Men who cut their dicks off aren't women."
>"hOw CAn yOU sAy thAT, yOU'RE A teRRIBle pERsOn!"

>> No.19416743

what makes this a good bait OP is that you can't decide which aspect of it is better bait

>> No.19416745

She keeps finding trannies who raped preteen girls in women's bathrooms and suplexing them through glass tables

>> No.19416746

You know I'm neutral on Rowling. She's a clear hack and sellout roastie, but she also makes mentally ill twitter trannies upset.

>> No.19416843

More like terrible authors who are great people!

>> No.19417034

She's literally better than any /lit/ writer despite being a hack.

>> No.19417104
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>> No.19417119

pretty based, where is she posting that?

>> No.19417137

fuck that pisses me off so much I would love to cum all over her face and titties just to teach her a lesson

>> No.19417149

>I could easily achieve the same success she has, but I choose not to due to my artistic integrity

>> No.19417150

Everyone on /lit/ would fuck her. Either hatefuck her, or legit suck on her toes and eat her asshole.

>> No.19417156

Does nobody else here like Harry Potter? I dont read any other fantasy but I will always like HP and Lotr. They are simply comfy. I know Rowling's prose is almost comically barren but who cares, it is a kid story

>> No.19417167
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I love Harry Potter

>> No.19417620


>> No.19417627


>> No.19417630
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you posted the opposite lol. Rowling is one of the only people standing up to the tranny madness. Her books are kinda busted tho.

You mad, tranny?

>> No.19417667
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>> No.19417743
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Yeah, she's got a set of fatties. I'd like to rub my wand between those fat sacks until Patronus shoots out the tip

>> No.19417846


>> No.19417882

>no simulacra and simulation

>> No.19417893

i mean we shouldn't be too hard on the trannies, come on you practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you if you, fell for the wrong psyops or had really gotten into anime, if dad had been around less or the gym teacher diddled you a bid more, after all its an autistic person just like you, they just wanna be your friend, the lgbt crowd are pretty tolerant of neurodiversity, it is even said they will fuck anything that moves, some of them are self aware and more well read than the straights, its not like you have any chances with stacy, wouldnt it be nice if someone could touch you and make you feel loved?

>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

sees something like this, retches in disgust and goes hard no

>> No.19417899

You will never be a woman

>> No.19418399

any man with a functioning dick would. Shit, imagine that shit when she was 24 and those things were perky.

>> No.19418420

what is your point? That trannies are just people who fell for psyops? Yes, they are victims. But that doesn't mean I'm going to enable their delusions lol. That would be the opposite of getting victims the help they need.

>> No.19419468
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>> No.19419512

/lit/sisters...we got too cocky...

>> No.19419542

understands how biology works is all it takes for someone to be labelled a horrible person

>> No.19419937

please teach me the sex mommy Rowling

>> No.19419964
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>> No.19420426

god i want to fuck her so bad, just put my face in those big flappy titties while she reads me some of her recent passive agressive tweets

>> No.19420428


>> No.19420432

what's wrong with his faaaaaace

>> No.19420450

Except me, of course.
Just wait until I send you a free copy of my breakout self-published novella.

>> No.19420461

We're all terrible people so you could've simply asked about the great writers. -20 points, you failed the final exam, you smell in class, summer school for you, thankfully I won't be there, lose some weight.

>> No.19420494

spoiler alert, every single writer from the guy who wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh to Homer and Dante and Cervantes and Shakespeare has been racist, homophobic, and sexist. You are the terrible person, you are on the wrong side of history, not them. Get over yourself, you psycho faggot.

Also, J K Rowling is a terrible writer who is nowhere within 1,000 miles of the aforementioned authors. But in the case of defending troons and pedophiles, it is you who is wrong, not her.

>> No.19420495


>> No.19420510

I've completely checked out of tranny-discourse. Last I looked into it, I could only find the numbers for america, but I guess they are by and large comparable to the rest of the west. Estimations say that somewhere between 0.3%-0.9% of the population are trannies in the US.
Numbers from the US census reveals that a bit more than 3.5 million people in the us, which is roughly 1% of their population, are truck drivers.
Now imagine if truck drivers took up such a large space of public discourse. Mindnumbing, isn't it? Imagine celebrities having to pay lip service to truck drivers, literature being scanned for truck-driver-phobia by truck-drivers especially hired to do so by publishing houses, truckies lobbying for truck-driver inclusion on every level of government and in all art, truckies cancelling people who made jokes or insensitive comments about truck-drivers, entire branches of academia devoted to the culture and science of truck drivers.
I mean god damn what the fuck

>> No.19420562
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nigga looks like The Grinch, is all

>> No.19420704

LITERALLY built for BBC.

>> No.19420723

I hate Rowling, jk.

>> No.19420743

>Yeah, she's got a set of fatties.

>> No.19420780
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What about terrible writers but a great person?

>> No.19420817

Damn I know it was tl;dr, but if you started reading you at least could have finished.
He was basically showing the progression of “progressive” normies who haven’t completely lost their minds yet.
Everyone wants to say “love over hate!” and promote universal positivity and acceptance, like his first mocking paragraph emulates, but then, when even progressive normies are faced with the fact that love and acceptance are being used as tools of perversion and indoctrination by various LGBTQXYZ3 groups, as he shows in the greentext, even the normalfags recoil and second-guess the globohomo movement.

>> No.19420849

Fucking lol
All too accurate. It’s fucking clown world, and nobody knows who’s a clown anymore, not even the clowns.

>> No.19421255

based hentai coomer who can only get off to watermelon jugs

>> No.19421261

>reading the hp series

>> No.19421269
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>> No.19421655

god i wish i were a truckie

>> No.19422109

Troons are absolutely disgusting.

>> No.19422133

>already made her fortune
>can't be canceled
>troons seething
literally we just had one troon professor come out as a pedophile and a troon high school kid rape multple women in 2 different schools and the faculty tried to cover it up because muh troonerinos or smg
at what point does someone cross the line from "victim" to "criminal" when they are actively supporting crime and participating in it willingly? troons rape women. JKR was right. troons are all sexual predators. maybe they were diddled as kids, but at what point does that stop being an excuse? a lot of criminals had bad childhoods. enough with the bleeding heart shit. you do crime, you get eviscerated by a firing squad. that is the law. every tranny needs to hang. they literally cannot stop raping women and children.

>> No.19422143

I seriously doubt that 1% of the US are trannies. That’s half the size of their Jewish population.

>> No.19422163

I've never looked at her in a sexual way but god fucking zaym

>> No.19422164

theyre not all sexual predators
many are just genuinely fucked up and confused about their identity, without a desire to take advantage of others
but they are all mentally ill, and coming to terms with this fact is what society seethes over most

>> No.19422177

>I've never looked at her in a sexual way
u a faggot or somethin?

>> No.19422186

To be honest I didnt know she had them behdonkha donk wally wolla humpha humpha eoooooorrrrr eooooorrrrrrs if you know what I mean

>> No.19422328

they need to be locked in a white room with no internet access for the rest of their lives, at best, otherwise and put in an electric chair. transvestites are sexual predators.

>> No.19422857

Plenty of people are both criminals and victims of crimes. Most criminals become criminals because something sad happened to them in childhood.

Doesn't mean they shouldn't go to prison.

>> No.19422870

I've ONLY ever looked at her in a sexual way. There's no way you can ignore those big bazongas.

lol behdonkha/badonka is for the butt anon. tho boobs are kind of a chest butt Tbh.

>> No.19422880


>> No.19422889
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her fakes are fucking based as fuck, they look super realistic too.

>> No.19422898
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Have another bro, I'm just imagining you getting ready to shoot fat loads and I'm loving it

>> No.19422912
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some old creepy dude almost grabbing her tit

>> No.19422913

thank you thank you thank you thank you

>> No.19422948


>> No.19422975

pop "jk rowling nudes" into google images, a lot of good ones there. One of her getting fucked while her tits hang low

>> No.19423474

hehe, I think I may just possibly have deciphered the logistics of what you're implying my dude

>> No.19423483

can coomers drink bleach please?

>> No.19423487

You mean shit writers that are shit people

>> No.19423488
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>> No.19423493
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>> No.19423680

So what if it is a mental illness? It's a mental illness that's best treated, and in many cases only treatable, by transition.

>> No.19423704
