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19415407 No.19415407 [Reply] [Original]

Western society is slipping into paganism. This has been going on since the Enlightenment, when Greek and Roman pagan sources were given priority again. The result is our modern society. The occult is spreading, UFO cults are forming, young women identify as ‘witches’, trannies and gays are an atavism of ancient pagan practices and devotees of Ishtar and Magna Mater. Hindu and Buddhist ideas about reincarnation and karma are flooding into the West, all while Christianity recedes. This is a pretty major trend, but it seems as if no one has wrote a good book on it it. Has this been covered by anyone?

>> No.19415412

Le Bible, not even joking.

>> No.19415419

That is basically the theme of half the OT. One day the Israelites are worshiping God, but by the next chapter they’ve begun worshiping Moloch and sacrificing babies again. It’s wild

>> No.19415431

>Western society is slipping into paganism. This has been going on since the Enlightenment, when Greek and Roman pagan sources were given priority again. The result is our modern society. The occult is spreading, UFO cults are forming, young women identify as ‘witches’, trannies and gays are an atavism of ancient pagan practices and devotees of Ishtar and Magna Mater. Hindu and Buddhist ideas about reincarnation and karma are flooding into the West, all while Christianity recedes.
Finally we return to the ancient truths and shrug off neo-spirituality and abrahamist religion. The kali yuga is coming to a close and we are inching towards pagan eco-communist utopia, the evolists will not be happy about this one!

>> No.19415432
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> Has this been covered by anyone?
Has this been covered by anyone, he asks.

>> No.19415441

>pagan eco-communist utopia,
No, it is a society of last men. Feminists playing with crystals while worshiping demons together with a modern-day eunuch is the religion of the future at this rate, and then everyone will commit mass-suicide for a pagan ‘Mother Earth’ goddess in order to hold back the apocalyptic ‘climate change’ preached to them by the holy men in white labcoats.

>> No.19415449

In the Reign of Quantity?

>> No.19415463

>This is a pretty major trend
get the fuck off the internet you stupid faggot

>> No.19415466

>No, it is a society of last men. Feminists playing with crystals while worshiping demons together with a modern-day eunuch is the religion of the future at this rate, and then everyone will commit mass-suicide for a pagan ‘Mother Earth’ goddess in order to hold back the apocalyptic ‘climate change’ preached to them by the holy men in white labcoats.
Pagan eco-communist utopia here we come baby! see you in the monad as restore logos to the Earth!

>> No.19415520

>claims to be the only religion worthy of membership
>can't even survive a blue haired lady with scented candles


>> No.19415535

I think it’s a bit of a leap to associate anything and everything occult and UFOs as “pagan”. Pagan implies a certain polytheism. UFOs aren’t gods. They’re atheist delusions and fantasies.

>> No.19415551

>UFOs aren’t gods
There is however a degree to which the descriptions of these extra-terrestrial phenomena exhibit other-worldly powers like telekinesis, telepathy, invisibility, invincibility, and other god-like traits.

>> No.19415561

You're serious aren't you? Go outside and touch some grass

>> No.19415584

>Muh paganism
Western civilization has been in steady decline ever since the Romans decided to worship a Jew.

>> No.19415603
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>everything i don't like is.... paganism
Very based take fellow christer

>> No.19415617

Do you even know who "last men" is from? Do you know what religious morality these scientists and their followers have inherited? It's not "paganism." Read a fucking book

>> No.19415623

Trannies and the woke crowd aren't "pagans" by miles. They aren't following the traditions of their ancestors and project their fetishes on the Gods. Ancient polytheists would hang their modern descendants if they knew how they're treating their sacred traditions.

>> No.19415642

These people are directly descended from secularized christers, they have nothing to do with any sort of historical polytheistic or pantheistic religion other than such, and are simply inserted whatever they like into the holes left behind. The original pagans were not so wounded by the collapse of a belief system and its community as to pursue this level of find-and-replace.

>> No.19415677

>they have nothing to do with any sort of historical polytheistic or pantheistic religion
Last time I checked even the original meanings of the roman festivities were lost by the time of Ovid. Reconstructionism isn't an issue since it happened in ancient times, it's faggot LARPers who project modern secular sensitivities on these ancient religions that are a major problem.

>> No.19415692
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damn rite bruh enlightenment philosophers were masonic jews dassum real shit

>> No.19415717

Yes all the old beliefs changed over time, so doing a museum-y dress up with Christian characteristics and claiming it is something other than that is a bit of a farce

>> No.19415737

>with Christian characteristics
>implying Christianity didn't absorb the characteristics of paganism which became the underlying layers of the Christianized religion
You talk like abrahamic religions destroyed completely these ancient faiths, meanwhile they're still very much alive in the festivities and the local traditions of these countries.

>> No.19415756

Pagans gods and the entities piloting flying saucers are the same beings, i.e. demons or fallen angels. There is a steady push now even for the idea of ancient aliens or aliens being some sort of enlightened spiritual beings

>> No.19415893

>doing a museum-y dress up with Christian characteristics
>Christian characteristics
>when monotheism has its roots in Egypt and the golden rule in Babylon

>> No.19415911

>This has been going on since the Enlightenment
*since the renaissance. And it's the reason why the west is not a shithole, unlike the middle east.

>> No.19415970

>very much alive in the festivities and the local traditions of these countries.
Really? There are temples and festivals to all the dead gods? Clearly a transformation has taken place; are you trying to argue a limited continuity somehow invalidates this?
UFO stuff is basically esoteric atheism, no gods but aliens who are effectively gods. See the movie Prometheus for a great take on this. Awful as an Alien movie though but everything has to be franchisable now or it won't be funded.
Yeah I know the origins of monotheism. But the dominant species of it are as I indicated.

>> No.19416041

Jesus did not have short hair. Church doesnt stop your women from acting like whores it just blames them after the fact. Christmas is only fun because Christians are too stupid to be Christian enough to buzzkill Yuletide with faithful adherence dogma. Jesus never cared about Gentiles following any Jewish law for he said not one jot will change of Mosaic law. The Children's bread is not for dogs. Well Rudolph the Rednose Raindeer worshipped Satan I tell ya. You would even say his operating system glows.

>> No.19416044

Hopefully the Middle East is able to resist the worst aspects of modernity. If there is one thing to admire about Muslims, it’s this

>> No.19416059

I think the Jesus authors had short hair and purpose depicted countless contradictions just subtle enough to introduce strategically annoying cognitive dissonance. Girly femboy Jesus. Oh sweet baby Jesus. Oh JESUS COME!
>Christian Radio Softcore Softrock Hits will be right back after these messages