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/lit/ - Literature

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1941350 No.1941350 [Reply] [Original]

i'm bored you guys
what should i do?

>> No.1941351


>> No.1941354

Relive the days when you used to get women using books.

>> No.1941355

Make a thread about a book that everyone loves, saying you don't get it or that you hate it.

>> No.1941357
File: 40 KB, 740x455, Busta Sword CJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's the old me man, i can't be donig that anymore


what book?


i'm not a barbarian

>> No.1941361


>i'm not a barbarian

So do it while wearing a top hat and monocle.

>> No.1941369

Play some vidya.

I recently borrowed my brother's PS3 to see if I still liked games. I don't for the most part, but I played one called Borderlands and he and I sunk a collective 150 hours into it.

It will contribute absolutely nothing to your literary skills, but fuck it. If you are having fun you aren't wasting time.

Or read something exciting and fast-paced and engaging, like China Mieville.

>> No.1941371
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i don't own either of thsoe

>> No.1941376


Well then I think you might be a barbarian after all.

>> No.1941382

go forth. . .and kill!

>> No.1941385
File: 30 KB, 250x250, 964369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah i've been playing the new(ish) Fallout recently, got 50 hours into it, but then i picked up Fifa 10 again (call the cops, idgaf) and have been playing some seasons on that, but that;s boring me too.

doing a listen through of Radiohead's discog atm and i have Infinite Jest to read, maybe i'll do that after i finish OK Computer, i'm on Idiotique so it'll be like 15 mins til i can start it i think

>> No.1941392

I am reading IJ too, and listening to Astronautalis [Thanks for the recommendation, by the way] and the more I get into IJ, the more I wonder whether I should push on or just go read something a bit lighter.

I also have No Country for Old Men sitting around. I love the movie but haven't read the book yet. If it captures the same feeling as the movie i'm sure I won't be disappointed.

>> No.1941401

On the contrary, he should try not masturbating for once.

>> No.1941410
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nice really glad you like Astronautalis, he's on an Eastern European tour atm but i really hope he comes to England some day...got a last.fm?

yeah im thinking the same thing with IJ, i mean, it's good and all, and i like the way it's going, but it's so dense that it takes me forever to read and i just fancy picking up something a bit lighter.

it's like going to a restaurant with your friends and you kinda just wanted a sandwich from some place but instead now you've gotta sit down and eat a big meal which you know you can finish, but which doesn't seem to be particularly enjoyable

>> No.1941421

I do not have a lastfm =/

I've been meaning to make one, but at the moment my internet has been capped [Australia] so anything I do online is painfully slow. 4chan is pretty texty so it's alright, but i'd hate to mess around with music while it's like this.

I rarely do this, but I might have to take frequent breaks from IJ and read lighter stuff in between. I can see myself skipping over the denser parts if I don't. If at the end I don't understand it, God gave tvtropes unto man, to help him better understand the crap he just read.

>> No.1941426


I can't think of any good reason to not masturbate.

>> No.1941433


How far are you into IJ?

>> No.1941434
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a well, don't go wasting your time getting one if your internet is going to suffer from it, it's not that great, i just use to for new music recommendations and i am not capped so i can download anything i want really

yeah im thinking that too, i'm at like page 200 now and have been taking it super slowly just because 'm lazy, i've been reading stuff in-between too, but i think i really need to commit to either reading JUST IJ and burning through it, or taking it even more slowly and reading lighter books in between

>> No.1941513


page 209 to be exact

>> No.1941529


>> No.1941571 [DELETED] 


anti sage

>> No.1943688


>> No.1943691

Maybe you should read a book~

>> No.1943895
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