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/lit/ - Literature

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19409414 No.19409414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else become physically sick seeing just how uneducated and foolish this board is?

>> No.19409424

Examples? I'm not nauseated by "edgy" adolescents, particularly. Just annoyed, but that's my fault for continuing to browse here after I aged out of the recruitment pool.

>> No.19409430

Sounds like you have a worryingly weak constitution

>> No.19409439
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>wow dude these leftists sure love pedophilia
>you should definitely become a retarded nazi now

>> No.19409449

It's /pol/ tourists shitting up the site. I've been coming to /lit/ since 2012

This is the last place I have too. I don't know where to go after this.

>> No.19409507

Most here have read less than 80 books in their entire lives. Most are late teens or early twenties and thus utterly fucking retarded. Effortposts are rare, and when they're made, they're actively discouraged by being met with hollow posturing. Twitter-brains are rampant. Twitterphilosophy is too. The board is by and large incapable of expressing their love of literature, partially because it will be met with empty posturing and endlessly tiresome scorn, and partially because only few here actually love literature. The board is much better at expressing scorn, but not in creative or interesting ways, but merely as another endlessly tiresome attempt to be so above it all.

But no, I do not feel physically sick, I just get very, very bored, which is a good thing, because then I go read a book instead.

>> No.19409510
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>reading the same 10 threads for almost a decade
poor, poor anon...

>> No.19409548

I've grown considerably because of /lit/.

There are a few anons who share the same spirit of autodidactism as me here. They post less and less though.

I've read through the entire history of western philosophy. Most of the guys here seem to be <25 now. I'm 28. I wonder where everyone went.

There used to be regular Ancient Greek study threads. I remember /lit/ being much better. Maybe it was because /his/ was created I don't know.

>> No.19409554

Ancient Greek language study threads, like the daily japanese threads on /a/.**

>> No.19409666

There were Ancient Greek threads? Wow this place took a huge nosedive

>> No.19409672

Same. Even in 2012 things were on their way to getting bad because there was evident cross-pollination with social media, but since 2016 there was a massive nosedive. I've quit all the boards but /lit/ and I'm not making much of an effort anymore. As you said I hang by a thread because I don't know where to go. All the other image boards are garbage and ruled by cliques who make the tripfags here look like fun. I don't go to reddit or other social media so this is literally the last place I have.

>> No.19410028

People who can't stop themselves from being so ostentatious with their performative dislike of badthink do us a favor by outing themselves as tourists. Of their own volition, no less.

>> No.19410048

It isn't what /pol/ is about - it's the typical /pol/ poster.

They aren't 4channers.
I actually hold views that align with the stereotypical /pol/ views but I can't fucking stand /pol/ users because they're not 4channers

>> No.19410089

>They aren't 4channers.
Why? Since most of them are americans they obviously don't contribute a whole lot to the discussion but they are perfect for keeping the people who have no business being here away. Anything that scares or annoys your run of the mill redditor/normalfag to the point that they stop coming there is a beneficial element in my eyes, the absolute worst thing that could happen to this site would be that it becomes subsumed into the reddit/twitter sphere. Which is ultimately why people who are so vocal about "/pol/tards ruining the board", those people want this to become edgy twitter and /pol/tards are the greatest obstacle in the way. Nobody is owed a hugbox, people who want the site to become their hugbox the least of all.

>> No.19410093

basically any thread on an area I'm interested in is painful since a lot of the posters have cursory or disinterested or wikipedia tier posts

>> No.19410104

I see the light. You're right. Maybe /pol/ isn't so bad.

>> No.19410117
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>sick of this board
>posts pic of twitter

>> No.19410126

Here we go with the /pol/ bogeyman again

>> No.19410133

This argument is valid to a degree. When 90% of a board is LOL BOOBA or MOM I SAID IT, I SAID NIGGER!! it gets very tiring. Not to mention that this obviously doesn't keep trannies and leftypol away, if anything it excites them because they love this culture war shit.

>> No.19410139

>Since most of them are americans
/int/ is legitimately 10 times as cancerous as /pol/ kys

>> No.19410150

Just let him huff his own farts, anon.

>> No.19410165

Many of the posters may seem uneducated because the board probably skews toward younger adults. I've learned a fair amount about literature in the years I've been coming here, and being on /lit/ has provided the sorts of conversations I would like to have with people in person, but which are not that accessible because most people IRL aren't into literature.

>> No.19410186

>first paragraph
literally who?

>> No.19410206

Go back to israel

>> No.19410210

I'm an antisemite you fucking retard


>> No.19410216

>Not to mention that this obviously doesn't keep trannies and leftypol away, if anything it excites them because they love this culture war shit.

If they weren't here the leftypol crowd (who are really just people from reddit/twitter/other normie sites appropriating the irreverent and edgy online discourse and aesthetic created here for their own cookie cutter ends and wanting to remake this site in their image) would become absolutely stifling, the idea that the /pol/tards are the one creating the problem by opposing the leftypol crowd is patently ridiculous.

>> No.19410217

Get back to the Bible, you bastardized Jew.

>> No.19410219
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>> No.19410247

Nietzsche is my shadow.
Oh shutup

>> No.19410268

Go back, kike. I don't even want self-hating jews in my country.

>> No.19410337

>just how uneducated and foolish this board is?
Yes. I still feel have physical trauma from the last time I tried to explain the Republic wasn't a political text in a Plato thread.

>> No.19410375

It’s not /pol/ beliefs that are annoying, it’s the low IQ of the average retard from
/pol/ that is the problem. Hearing about Jews and niggers every single day in banal shitposts gets old

>> No.19410388
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/pol/ users are the Redditors though. And funnily enough, the core of the dirtbag left types on Twitter seem to be old 4channers from 2004-2008 or so.

>> No.19410389

>Hearing about Jews and niggers every single day in banal shitposts gets old

I'd rather wade through thousands of those than see self-righteous fucks get too confident about policing the tone and content around here. Everyone on this site should be well aware of the importance of proper gatekeeping.

>> No.19410398

Hello there, fellow 4channer, how do you do?

>> No.19410404

I mean, when /lit/ started it was an overwhelmingly 00's decade milquetoast leftist demographic, so every post was peppered with "umm wow that's actually hella problematic? :S" limp-wrist shit you would only see on tumblr or twitter now. I still posted her because I recognized their right to be FAGGOTS.

I don't see what the problem is with antisemitism and racism as long as the posts are good. Proselytizing of any kind is annoying, people can push their views with the quality and relevance of their posts if they prefer. But I would be just as annoyed by a racist, a Christian, a Muslim, or an Austrian school economist invading every other thread to push his beliefs and dominate discourse. Racism and antisemitism are not special in that regard.

For example recently I have seen people telling obviously leftist/twitter tranny posters to leave simply for being leftists/trannies. I think that's stupid. Let them stay, let everybody stay as long as they're not weak faggots who want to censor others.

>> No.19410407

I became physically sick after taking the vaccine.
Why didn't anyone warn me about it?

>> No.19410408
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/pol/ is 4chan, in the same way that /b/ was 4chan before /pol/. Those who complain about people from /pol/ coming to /lit/ are most likely just interlopers with no real history here.

>> No.19410417

I've seen infinitely more reddit users here on /lit/ than anywhere else. A lot of them freely admit to using the site

>> No.19410440

>I mean, when /lit/ started it was an overwhelmingly 00's decade milquetoast leftist demographic

What's with these types and constant gaslighting, making fun of Bush during his presidency didn't make you a lefty because literally everyone was doing it. It was irreverent and for the most part apolitical beyond a mild libertarian streak, which was more of a reaction stemming from that irreverence, a sign of the times rather than a real political position people then professed to.

>> No.19410443

I think a lot of people forget that the majority of OC memes on 4chan come from /pol/ /tv/ and even /v/. They're retarded boards, sure, but this site would be awfully sterile without the autism

>> No.19410447

>Let them stay
Telling them to go is not forcing them to go. If they're not fine with being told to kill themselves for who they are, then perhaps they should kill themselves.

>> No.19410452

>recently I have seen people telling obviously leftist/twitter tranny posters to leave simply for being leftists/trannies. I think that's stupid. Let them stay

Pls go and stay go.

>> No.19410459

What do you expect retard. The entire principle behind vaccination is that a little poison introduced to the body will make it stronger. It's medieval retardation, but that's what vaccines have always been, without any ambiguity: poison.

>> No.19410477

I didn't say that /pol/ created the leftypol spammers, just that it doesn't really keep them out. Yes the leftypol tranners didn't "win" but when your entire board is, as I said, LOL NIGGERS or Twitter screencaps about some tranny faggot who said something outrageous, or other bait, they might as well have because the board is fucking unusable.
>Be the change you want to see, hurrrr
The problem is that this atmosphere for years means that if you make a thread or a post with any effort that isn't just bait or le epic based screencap shit it gets completely ignored or you get meme replies like IT'S DA JOOS ANON DA JOOS DID IT. But you'll probabluy refuse to acknowledge this because you see everything as trannies vs. incels or whatever black and white culture war scenario you have in mind. There used to be people who didn't want to see any of this shit and all these people are being driven away or have stopped putting any effort.

>> No.19410494

Not sure what you mean here. 2010 /lit/ was proto-twitter, it wasn't vaguely liberal, you would get banned for making a mild joke about women or leftists and all the tripfags would laugh and cheerlead it.

I'm not saying be nice to them, I'm saying people have been spamming "TRANNIES AREN'T WELCOME HERE THIS IS A PROUD CHUD BOARD" culture war shit instead of just calling them faggots and telling them to kill themselves.

That's how you get lady magapede shit though. 4chan is naturally racially hygienic, it purges normalfags and retards and reforms autists into superposters. It doesn't need the censorship culture that has destroyed so many forums and IRC channels over the years, the culture of "lmao based [faggot mod] banning [anyone who doesn't completely fit in]!! based!!"

What do you think happened to SomethingAwful? They went from "lmao lowtax banned him for using internet explorer :10bux:" to trannies and fat old ladies modding the forums and saying "I think you need a time-out, bucko" in their ban messages. It's poison.

>> No.19410498

>I don't see what the problem is with antisemitism and racism as long as the posts are good
They're not; that's the fucking point.

>> No.19410510

I have seen excellent antisemitic posts that have made me think deeply about Jews in ways perfectly on topic for /lit/. Conversely this post >>19410477 seems butthurt and uses cringy tourist lingo nobody here organically uses, like "DA JOOS," and all for nothing since it makes no point.

Its point is supposed to be that racist posts are low quality but it presupposes this, it doesn't prove it. People have a right to discuss the perfidy of Jews, Anglos, Chinese, Phanariots, and whatever else they please.

>> No.19410528

I disagree. It warms my heart every time I see someone name the jew. Especially away from /pol/.

>> No.19410533

Maybe it does but that's not the purpose of /lit/

>> No.19410544

That's fine and dandy. Sifting through a mountain of shit, you discover a ruby. Doesn't mean there isn't a mountain of shit. Using your example, do you really think even 10% of anti semitic posts on /lit/ are intellectually stimulating like in your anecdote? I understand the argument you're making, but I fucking hate /pol/ after what they did to /sci/. Stupid mouth breathing retards who are vehemently anti vaxx with gigabytes of le soijack memes on their hard drives, but don't even know the basics of viral replication or half the shit they parrot (like the "negative effects of mRNA"). Every challenge to their schizo babble is answered with le_soijack_meme.png, or they defend it with an unsourced graph from 2020 or a screencap of some half-baked reply on /pol/, in typical /pol/ fashion.

/lit/ is more resistant to this bull shit, I think. However, you can still achieve adequate gatekeeping without these braindead fucks muddying up any good conversations that take place. I think they are a net negative to every board on this site.

>> No.19410546

But it's why Ii come here and not shitreads, or some fucking kikebook group. Open antisemitism is 4chan's value to to me.

>> No.19410552
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>That's fine and dandy. Sifting through a mountain of shit, you discover a ruby. Doesn't mean there isn't a mountain of shit. Using your example, do you really think even 10% of anti semitic posts on /lit/ are intellectually stimulating like in your anecdote? I understand the argument you're making, but I fucking hate /pol/ after what they did to /sci/. Stupid mouth breathing retards who are vehemently anti vaxx with gigabytes of le soijack memes on their hard drives, but don't even know the basics of viral replication or half the shit they parrot (like the "negative effects of mRNA"). Every challenge to their schizo babble is answered with le_soijack_meme.png, or they defend it with an unsourced graph from 2020 or a screencap of some half-baked reply on /pol/, in typical /pol/ fashion.
>/lit/ is more resistant to this bull shit, I think. However, you can still achieve adequate gatekeeping without these braindead fucks muddying up any good conversations that take place. I think they are a net negative to every board on this site.

>> No.19410554

Why should Jews receive exemption from criticism in a manner not granted to other racial or ethnic groups? Why shouldn't people on a literature forum be allowed to critique Jewish ideologies?

>> No.19410557

Oh boy

>> No.19410559

Viruses don't exist.

>> No.19410561

You really are a tourist, huh. I could tell from your prose.

On this board at least, if you make an actual, non-shitposty post, most people will be willing to meet you halfway. Maybe you'll need to post it a couple times to get real traction, shit happens.

If you make a post that can be effectively boiled down to

>why people no agree with me / why badthink is a thing

you of course will get dunked on. As you should.

Though all this is assuming that you *are* actually interested in discussion, which you obviously aren't. You're just annoyed that there are no moderators or karma system to remove badthink and create a hugbox for you, you would never, ever complain about this sort of shit if you thought the narrative balance was tilted in your favor. You'd see that as the way things should rightfully be, the way things are when things are working normally, and the current situation, in your eyes, is just a deviation from that "proper" state by people who you think should not be able to participate.

>That's how you get lady magapede shit though.

No, that's how you keep the retards out. You give them a finger, they absolutely will take your entire arm with it, the only way to resist their invasion is to actively resist them.

Nobody should be naive enough to unironically believe in the "not letting them stay is actually what's making the situation worse!" sort of logic, it's the sort of thing they say to pull the wool over your eyes while your entire site gets infiltrated, subverted, and integrated into the hivemind. By the time you realize what happened it's already too late, you should have known that these people are absolutely relentless in their pursuit of narrative control. Do I like that these measures have to be taken in order to not become subsumed into the mainstream? No, but it has to be this way if this site is to live on in any real sense.

>> No.19410562

We shouldn't really be criticizing any ethnicity on here because it is a literature board. I do sometimes but it's off topic

>> No.19410565
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>he's vaxed

>> No.19410567

I've been here since 2012, so I've been a tourist for 10 years. You're not even addressing my argument, just calling me out on tone or vocabulary like, ironically, trannies and leftists do all the time. You're a fucking cancer

>> No.19410571

i'm thankful that /lit/ got me into reading. it's a hobby i'll carry with for the rest of my life and i honestly don't think i would've gotten into reading without it. with that being said this entire board is filled with brain dead retards. there's a few good posters here and there but this board is literal brainrot. if there's one objectively good thing that comes out of here it'll probably be all the reading charts that anons have created over the years.

>> No.19410572

Don't be judgmental. This is a board of human beings and a butterfly You can't expect perfection.

>> No.19410574

I love how you can tell from just the vocabulary, the tone, the arrogance, and the way they use linebreaks that somebody is a tourist.

>> No.19410576
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>he got the jab

>> No.19410579

You're right, only white people write literature, so other races are irrelevant.

>> No.19410581

I don't think /pol/ invaded /sci/, have you actually seen /pol/ lately? It's the most uncanny valley shit on the entire internet, worse than third world youtube comments on a big booby ASMR video. I can't even follow conversations in threads over there unless there's some big event like the Rittenhouse trial going on, because that draws normal, recognizable 4chan posters to the board.

During normal times, /pol/ seems like its average poster is a confused 50 year old boomer or some kind of government bot designed to simulate confused 50 year old boomers, talking to /int/ ESL runoff, talking to full blown schizos. /pol/ is not launching any invasions of other boards because it has dissolved into mush.

What you're experiencing is the general /pol/-ification of the male-oriented internet over the last 5 years. The rise of /pol/ was more a symptom of that than a cause, although /pol/ was a focusing point for it because of its influence. I've been on /lit/ since the beginning and I was always right wing. All I've noticed since 2012 is a steady uptick in right wing posting until it has become the default, like every other board here.

This naturally causes trannies and normies to flee to other sites, which are then hyper-curated and sanitized to the point of feeling like everyone is gelded and on tranquilizers. This drives the minority of people who hate that environment to 4chan since it's the only place left.

All of these processes are related to the rise (and fall) of /pol/, but they aren't caused by it in any simple sense. Also, antisemitism and racism are old and normal discourses, what was abnormal was their suppression via propaganda over the last 30-40 years.

>> No.19410583

>since 2012
Fucking newfag. I'd already lost all hope of escaping by the time you came to shit up the joint.

>> No.19410584

>I love being schizophrenic and calling people out on tone instead of reading a fucking post
you're exactly like a tranny, literally the same mongoloid breed of dysfunctional zoomer retard

>> No.19410588

>I don't think /pol/ invaded /sci/,
To clarify what I mean by this, I do know what you are referring to, how /sci/ has become 50-80% DNA and race chat. Same thing happened to /his/, which is the haplogroup discussion zone. It's cringe, but it's more reflective of 4chan-adjacent zoomers expressing their growing tribalism and racism in the vulgar ways accessible to them than "/pol/ colonized /his/."

/lit/ just reads Evola's Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race instead of vulgarly sharing DNA tests.

>> No.19410589

that's at least 4 years earlier than you though, retard

>> No.19410594

>general /pol/-ification of the male-oriented internet over the last 5 years.
With the exception of 4chan, the right wing has been purged on every site. What are you saying? If anything the male internet is being anti-/pol/ified.

>> No.19410597

>What you're experiencing is the general /pol/-ification of the male-oriented internet over the last 5 years. The rise of /pol/ was more a symptom of that than a cause, although /pol/ was a focusing point for it because of its influence.

I've been saying this for a while, too, not sure why people have a hard time getting it. What people call /pol/ is not in any sense a conscious entity, it's the chaotic undercurrent of the collective unconscious laid bare, the way it expands, shifts, and churns is more reflective of the zeitgeist than any conscious action.

>> No.19410599

Bitch please, you can't fool me. There is nothing more cattlelike than "hating X or Y".

>> No.19410608

>What people call /pol/ is not in any sense a conscious entity, it's the chaotic undercurrent of the collective unconscious laid bare
I guess it would be more accurate to say that it is something like the collective shadow of the West.

>> No.19410611

Have you ever considered going outside?

>> No.19410613

Only superficially, since those spaces are increasingly seen as "for fags." I'm not talking about elite control or elite propaganda, I'm just talking about a lot of male zoomers casually drifting toward at least paleoconservatism if not ethnonationalism. In fact, elite control and propaganda opposing this is part of what makes it fun, since young men don't like being in feminized spheres with no conflict and nothing to rebel against.

>> No.19410620

I've made this point a sad amount of times as well. It's so clearly a barometer, not a primary cause

>> No.19410624

You're the problem, faggot

>> No.19410630
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>> No.19410632

lmao sure my guy, all the racist autistics on /pol/ with their sneed and feeds and lgbt seething are the shadow of the west.

>> No.19410634

Holy fuck he has the martian variant! Lockdown now!

>> No.19410635

They're the distilled essence of what you can't say elsewhere, quite literally. Well that and shills and bait

>> No.19410638

Whose problem? Not mine. kys jew

>> No.19410643
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>tfw I saw posts like this in 2010 too except they were "lmao yeah sure bud racism and antisemitism are 'rising' and the 'overton window' is 'shifting', nativist political parties will ever become relevant again within european parliaments, a crypto-buchananite president will ever do exactly what sam francis predicted in From Household to Nation, lmao you lost my dude you're on the wrong side of history yikes my lad"

See you in another ten

>> No.19410644

Maybe we really should just double down on the redditification of the site, and wait until the /pol/ pressure builds to a level where it will blow the gasket off.

Accelerate towards the nihil, into nonexistence and oblivion, that's exactly what most want.

>> No.19410650


>sincerely uses the word "banal" while complaining

t. pretentious kike

>> No.19410662

What OC does /pol/ make? They just copy pepe and wojak ad nauseam, both of which didn't originate in /pol/.

>> No.19410665

The populist wave is kinda over isn't it

>> No.19410670

I think moot should have kept /pol/ deleted. It attracted way too much attention from people who mean the site harm. Imagine if 8pol had taken all the redditors and the lefties who went to combat them.

You could still have people making various edgy comments on other boards without a giant flashing sign waving at normies that we're le nazis

>> No.19410677

This thread is so typical. The people complaining about the quality of the board are never the ones contributing anything, I bet of the 30 posters itt, most have not even read a book this year and are the ones regularly derailing threads with /pol/shit and twitter screenshots. Sad.

>> No.19410684

I mean, sure Trump happened. But LGBT stuff has proceeded apace, Black right ms have become a major focus of Western politics, and the EU is stronger than ever, with nativist parties in decline. Not to mention the long trends of demographic shifts have proceeded without a hitch, in both America and Europe. One side is winning and it’s not the right.