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1940915 No.1940915 [Reply] [Original]

So faggot

how come you don't have a cute girlfriend?

potentially financially secure when you want to apply yourself
and not ugly


I don't see why you think you need to bathe in your self pity and play the "i'm asexual/i have social anxiety" bullshit that nobody likes. I mean, I get why you make up excuses as to why you don't have a girlfriend. But what I'm saying is, I don't get why you think you'll remain mentally healthy if you stay like this forever. You can't.

And it fucking irks me to know that you can get a cute girl like this but you choose not to 'cause....Just 'cause.

Get yourself banned from 4chan for a month and you'll be amazed at the kind of girl you can get.

So fucking do it. Go out there and better your life with a cute girlfriend.

>> No.1940922


>> No.1940925

But I already am someone's cute girlfriend.

>> No.1940926
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Because I have a boyfriend.

>> No.1940929

Hm... I am really cute. AND I have a big dick.

Maybe I CAN try to cut out the shyness and get a cute girl.


>> No.1940933
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>not ugly

>> No.1940938


Through my multiple existential crises, I will end up hating anyone I ever love.

>> No.1940957

>potentially financially secure
prudentially eventually potentially financially?

>> No.1940965
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> OP

>> No.1940969
File: 36 KB, 600x476, iminabearsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because I already have a girlfriend, picture related.

>> No.1940973

she won't date me

>> No.1940978

Manic Depression, schizophrenia and epilepsy. Thanks for reminding me OP.

>> No.1940981

I has gf irl. srsly.

>> No.1940985

Why not?

>> No.1940990

because even the imaginary women in his head find him repulsive

>> No.1940993

I actually have a girlfriend, OP.

My dating pattern is cyclical: every 10 or 11 months I round up as many ovulating hicks as I can find in a single trailer park and have sex with all of them over the course of 36 hours or so, pollinating each specimen 2 to 3 times. At least one of them will become pregnant, but it's alright if there's more than one, because they seem indifferent to polygamy. I marry the pregnant woman/women and move to a remote ranch in northwestern Nebraska. 6 months into the gestation period, I kill each of my wives, eat the fetuses, and begin having sex with the corpses only once the genitalia show signs of rotting until limbs begin to fall off due to friction.

>> No.1940995

Girls want sociable guys.
I don't want to be sociable.
I want to program and read books.

That's the end of it.

>> No.1941006



>> No.1941035

i haven't asked yet

>> No.1941039

i mean i haven't asked why she won't date me

>> No.1941040
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Hands off of MAI waifu.

>> No.1941047

I don't understand the whole anime waifu thing can you explain it please?

>> No.1941056

Then do it. You could become more aware of your flaws and be able to fix them.

>> No.1941063



>> No.1941082

>implying being mentally healthy is on my list of priorities

>> No.1941086

Girls don't want social guys. You'd be surprised how much attention they give when you don't say much. Most girls want someone to THINK for them, and that my friend, is you.

>> No.1941087
File: 7 KB, 243x191, jake and brett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to it's just we haven't been talking as long as we used to

>> No.1941089

not really, I'm entry-level in most ways
>potentially financially secure when you want to apply yourself
I'm more likely to shoot myself than becoming financially secure
>and not ugly
got pretty nasty skin problems