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19406289 No.19406289 [Reply] [Original]

TransHyper-Traditionalism ,or "Walpurgisnacht-φρόνησῐς" is the only logical step forward.

The premise in surmise is trascendence-towards-the-nadir where we take all the traditionalist's principles and iconography and put them through the blender of a fully unleashed embrace of all contemporary depravity, trusting that the deliberate exertion of our Will is sufficient to maintain a connection with the Transcendent. while thus evading any diametric opposition to the demos of our age (in a quasi-Taoist maneuver of simultaneously identifying and refraining from identifying ) this will also make for the maximally robust and reliable framework of incessant synthesis i.e. establishes a genuine, practical participation with the Ideal which is no longer an abstract but becomes something we can finally sink our teeth into.

By cultivating such an intense understanding of the vertical aspects of Being you are able to properly coordinate your activity along any assumed horizontal plane of immanence. As a result you always have a transcendental vantage which establishes a resilient correspondent dimension of meaning that grounds the contingent and "reveals" it along the lines of Heideggerian ἀλήθεια. The Absolute thus permeates the non-absolute through our acts of savage, improvised theurgy and we escape the "vulgar" dialectic that functions accorording to the telluric "demos" which conditions most psyches as well as the vapid nihilistic "wasteland" whose growth Nietzsche warned of.

And so the fundamental nature and texture of your relation with modern life becomes charged with a significance that redeems the personal unconditionally in the suprapersonal rhythms and norms of Absolute Being. This also opens up basically infinite outlets for the potential activity you can now undertake since you will always be "above" it, so to speak.

A truly liberated trans-Self now develops who is capable of acting out in all directions since all contingent topography (finite space and time) have been bathed in the sanctifying fires of a Dionysian crucifixion which continually transfers and transcends and so transfixes this prefix of "trans" to all things.

This is the ethos which grounds me as I go on to explore the extremes of the whole "trans" thing in regards to sex since I see it as the cutting edge of the forces that are driving the world, and an opportinity to investigate the plasticity of the grosser self as well as the concreteness of my theory. At night I wear a be-glittered silver wig and squeeze myself into the sluttiest dress my emaciated figure can slip into. I immerse myself in the technological grime and orgasmic joys of utter hypermodern degeneration and witness all of these gutted souls pulverized by the Kali Yuga. While during the day I pop HRT, peruse through Men Among the Ruins and The Reign of Quantity, and watch hours of HMV.


>> No.19406304

Please for the love of God touch grass

>> No.19406313

I'm not reading this schizo rambling.

>> No.19406328

Aesthetes like you deserve labor camps (perhaps you can formulate a quasi-philosophical praxis from that too?)

>> No.19406340

I read some of it. He's basically saying we should cultivate based tradpilled material while still jerking off to traps and animu. In other words, what 4chan is already doing. Carry on, anons!

>> No.19406353

insufferable pseud/10

>> No.19406958

your wisdom is earnest but goes unheeded.

>> No.19406984

This isn't schizo rambling, that has some merit. This is some tranny twitter blogger trying to advertise his podcast because they all think /lit/ is some kind of alt-phil schizo mecca.

Just say "shut up tranny" and you're good.

>> No.19407003

>At night I wear a be-glittered silver wig and squeeze myself into the sluttiest dress my emaciated figure can slip into. I immerse myself in the technological grime and orgasmic joys of utter hypermodern degeneration and witness all of these gutted souls pulverized by the Kali Yuga.

Would be hot were it not for the fact that any tranny that possesses the ability to articulate such a sentence is a "hon" that isn't worth banging.

t. knower of the trans scene

>> No.19407120

To run around angry is not as good as laughing, and laughing isn’t as good as going along with change.