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19405836 No.19405836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I find the little I know about accelerationism to be very aesthetically appealing. I'm an angry, miserable person and accelerationism basically seems like philosophical suicide, which is based.
I want to dive into actual theory and see if any of it holds any weight. I have not read/understood much of Nick Land, Deleuze, or Mark Fisher. I have an alright handle on Marx and Bataille.

Any reading lists/recs? Blogs welcome.

>> No.19405843

aren't these girls ashamed of exposing themselves in public dressed like that?

>> No.19405846


>> No.19405849
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ooo lala art hoe art hoee aahhh

>> No.19405850


>> No.19405854
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>> No.19405857


Kek. I knew I shouldn't have posted a hot girl.
You guys are why we can't have nice things.

>> No.19405871
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>> No.19405876

Why not just start by reading the debates over accelerationism in the 1890s and trying to figure out what the philosophical parameters and pivot points are? Marx's combination of praxis and "scientific" prediction saddled the socialist movement with a really difficult paradox, because they had to decide whether to fight the bourgeois state (because the time has already come to seize the reins) or to counterintuitively "help" the bourgeois state until it reaches the point where the reins can be seized.

And of course both these positions presuppose that "the bourgeois state reaching a certain level of sophistication and concentration" is a sine qua non of socialism, and this is open to criticism both by Marxists (it is not a sine qua non of Marxist socialism because Marx was wrong / Marx didn't account for something but he is otherwise right) and by non-Marxists (Marxism is a "when your enemies kill you, you win" retard and we should just seize the state now) and all combinations thereof.

"Accelerationism" as it's used by twitter tranny retards mostly applies to technology, in discourses that fuse technology, rationalization/disenchantment, "capital," etc., to mean a single interrelated dialectical process. Only the most vulgar of this already vulgar crowd apply it to stupid midwit shit like transhumanism, mostly for aesthetic purposes, like pretending you are an avantgarde philosopher because you say a lot of Deleuze buzzwords and jerk off to anime. You should avoid those people since they are all wannabe online influencers with no self-control who have never read anything, and they are only trying to use you to build their follower count.

That's why actually reading something, anything, that requires self-discipline before trying to figure out your theoretico-aesthetic preferences is a good idea, because you will quickly start seeing social media trannies and discord LARPers as midwits and become embarrassed to be associated with them.

>> No.19405883
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hmmm! ugh...

>> No.19405888

Name of the Rose?

>> No.19405920

not Op but great effortpost. where should i start reading these debates

>> No.19406107

this image scares the fuck out of me

>> No.19406152

Seconding this, any recs anon (>>19405876)?

>> No.19406157
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Have you ever looked at the clothes ratchet celebs wear openly?

>> No.19406191

>if we make shit worse then normies will get upset and we'll be able to take power off the backs of their outrage
There you go. Nazis want Rubber Lips to get more violent, Liberals want normies to get poorer, Nick Land wants bitcoin to skyrocket so that people will make an AI deity to rule them. Marx held to a very dumb version of Whig History.

There's zero point in trying to do anything big brain with this because it presupposes 1) Whig History and 2) that anything actually happens because normies get upset. Spoiler: Normies don't matter, have never mattered, and will never matter. That's the tradeoff you make by being a normie: comfort for irrelevancy.

>> No.19406194

God would I love to have Dojas juicy farty dump truck of an ass compress my face into a human brick from all tomorrows

>> No.19406198


>> No.19406200
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Let's be honest - nobody is going to read Deleuze, Guattari, Baudrillard or slog through Nick Land's fanged noumena or any other of his deranged ramblings. Better to just read a summary and pray all the important stuff is in there.

>> No.19406211

marx is cringe but you should read kant at some point.
read nick land's bataille book, then read his bitcoin book
the bitcoin book is basically a dmt trip

Leftists writing about accelerationism aren't really worth reading imo, they always have some kind of residual humanism that holds them back from becoming based

>> No.19406229

OP here. Spare me the irrelevant platitudes on how vapid "esoteric" twitter fringe circles are. We all know this. Do you have any actual reading material to recommend?

>> No.19406240

This OP is every anime Twitter account that responds to Nick Land

>> No.19406244

I've read Kant, as well as most continentals, save for Hegel and D&G. I remember trying out Land's Thirst for Annihilation and thinking it was stupid schizobabble. I dislike Land in general. Is he the only primary acc thinker?

>> No.19406245
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see pic rel

>> No.19406253

well he is by far the most important. if thirst for annihilation sounded like schizobabble maybe you should go back and read D+G.
idk, all of this is an acquired taste, it might just not be for you

>> No.19406292

>Leftists writing about accelerationism aren't really worth reading imo
It's seriously just a massive cope and a simple new take on historical materialism, just more pessimistic.
>capitalism is gonna exhaust itself and just fall over all on its own guys, just wait...!
The message is do nothing. Don't do anything, don't engage in activism, just hunker down and wait! How absolutely cucked and retarded.

>> No.19406341

>It's seriously just a massive cope and a simple new take on historical materialism, just more pessimistic.
Yeah I somewhat agree. I want capitalism to accelerate precisely because it will crush leftoids when they are no longer useful

>> No.19406344

>nobody is going to read
Yes that much is obvious from /lit/

>> No.19406359


>> No.19406412

I just think it's a self-annihilating, limited way to look at things. The thesis is basically that capitalism will exhaust itself. Okay, but what then? That's a purely economic perspective but there is the political? What will emerge in its place? Who will actually topple the existing order once the 'economic collapse' occurs? Certainly not these hermit accelerationists jerking each other off in these bigbrained books and podcasts.

>> No.19406443

>Okay, but what then?
It doesn't matter because capitalism will not exhaust itself lol
Leftism is the ideological equivalent of gray goo, whereas capitalism is autopoetic intelligence manufacturing
l/acc was pure cope from day one. what will emerge in its place is always some kind of poorly defined egalitarian longhouse society where people have their desires fulfilled simply because they exist

>> No.19406797

this was obviously written buy a cishet white man, if you are queer or a person of color you cannot afford not to care about politics, because it is a matter of survival.

>> No.19406810 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19406841

woah, is that....a GIRL?!?!

>> No.19406843

Because you require Gibs?

>> No.19406861

>if you are queer or a person of color you cannot afford to care about politics, because it is a matter of survival.

Fixed. Queers and coloreds are just people who have been so thoroughly psy-op'ed by international finance that they think the best way to "politically" rebel is to become more of a queer and whine more about how they're colored.

Nobody gives a shit what you stick in your ass or about your shucking and jiving, usurers are raping the country.

>> No.19406879

Usurers raping the country care about what you stick in your ass, because they think faggots and blacks are good stooges and middle managers to carry out their will. These people are tools.

>> No.19406886

baudrillard is a good read

>> No.19406893

I mean these people idea of ''revolution'' amounts to buying rainbow colored knick knacks, demanding to be fed psychiatric medication, and see themselves ''represented'' on tv be relieved from any wrongthink by their corporate mastes. but the problem is they think you should be forced to do the same which turns them from mere objects of pity to outright enemies.

>> No.19406936
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in Marx it goes all the way to the Fragment on Machines in the Grundrisse, it's not just some random artefact of the two revolutions theory

>> No.19406976
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>> No.19406988

Kys, those should cancel each other out

>> No.19406999

>he can't dual wield emotions

>> No.19407188

I went back and read some of his earlier stuff beyond the usual simulacra and gulf war shit. System of Objects is wildly underrated, it's one of those books that pops into your head reading other books you'd think are completely unrelated. Huge perspective shift, big recommend.

>> No.19407219

who? i need to nut

>> No.19407323
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no, they have a healthy relationship with sexuality that an incel like u wouldn't understand

>> No.19407331

4channer gf should just be tranny 4channer

>> No.19407340
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Stop shilling your book here Mike Ma.