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File: 1.93 MB, 3978x2017, 20211114_223952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19400306 No.19400306 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is indian people so obsessed with shit? This is the introduction to one of their most holy scriptures and he is literally writing about the shit of cows.

Shit and giggles aside, what am I in for with this book? It's my first step into vedic literature.

>> No.19400329

good morning sirs

>> No.19400341

They made houses out of cow shit in ancient and modern india, so I guess it was well-established in society that cow shit had utility. And cows themselves were considered holy since they were very useful and considered part of the family like normal people do with dogs. So if cows are holy, and their shit is useful, then eventually somewhere down the line their shit became holy. What a terrible country

>> No.19400353

Only sick, modern people think shit is dirty. It's literally just undigested food. Humans and animals ATE feces for thousands of years before it was considered disgusting by (((medical science))).

By criticizing ancient people, you're only exposing how deep your programming runs. (((They))) literally programmed you to feel disgust when you see certain stimuli. And the worst part is that you think it's just your instinctual response.

>> No.19400371

Holy shit (literally). You have convinced me, I will start eating my own shit now. Thank you.

>> No.19400381

6/10 bait

>> No.19400387
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Because it’s backwards paganism. A nation living in filth is looked to as a source of wisdom for Westerners now. This is the state that we have found ourselves. Indian ideas are permeating our society such as yoga, karma, reincarnation, nondualism, not to mention things like New Age ideas and Theosophy. Cow-worshiping, poop-obsessed pagans are worshiped by /lit/, and every hippie on the planet. This is the fruit of idolatry and polytheism

>> No.19400393

cow shit is fertilizer. it would make sense that farmers would fetishize it as a life-giver or something

>> No.19400401
File: 54 KB, 680x516, sx0c3hen8xv61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it’s backwards paganism. A nation living in filth is looked to as a source of wisdom for Westerners now. This is the state that we have found ourselves. Indian ideas are permeating our society such as yoga, karma, reincarnation, nondualism, not to mention things like New Age ideas and Theosophy. Cow-worshiping, poop-obsessed pagans are worshiped by /lit/, and every hippie on the planet. This is the fruit of idolatry and polytheism

>> No.19400412

it's funny how you retards are so smug without knowing literally anything about biology apart from what you learned in high school. but I won't try to convince you smarmy cunts lmao, you're too busy sniffing your own farts to listen

weird, isn't it? that a substance used for thousands of years TO GROW FOOD would actually have other healing properties for living organisms?

>> No.19400433

>it is trad to eat something we have an instinctive aversion to
I'm upgrading you to 7.5/10 bait

>> No.19400435

>muh biology of shit
It's simply a waste product after your stomach has taken all the good stuff. Obviously there is going to be some semi-good stuff left that can nourish the earth.

Do you, yourself, partake in shit eating? Is this a thing?

>> No.19400463

Certain Traditionalist Indians would indeed eat other people's fecal matter (very small portions, like a pea-sized ball of it) hoping to transfer some of the gut bacteria for health benefits.

>> No.19400469

>not realizing your conditioned responses are not actually instinctive
sad that you can't tell the difference

>"it's a waste product"
>"obviously there's some semi-good stuff too"
which one is it, retard?

and nowadays, (((doctors))) charge you thousands of dollars for it and call it a "fecal transplant"

>> No.19400473

It literally smells bad. Nobody likes how it smells, it makes you gag ffs

>> No.19400476

>considered part of the family like normal people do with dogs
pupperino furbabbies

>> No.19400481

>doctors call it a fecal transplant
This is how I learned about it. It's still not safe to be consuming or bathing in shit. 80% of India's water-borne illnesses come from the Ganges for this reason.

>> No.19400486

Bros, how do I take the shitpill?

>> No.19400487

The real question is why does most of philosophy ignore it even though its something we all do daily? How can you call yourself a philsopher seeking truth if you ignore the biggest truth of all: that everybody poops.

>> No.19400501

philosophers without an ontology of food and shit are clowns. not even a hint of irony or sarcasm

>> No.19400507

in your society. you literally have no idea how ancient people lived. you would call them stupid and unsophisticated, but they outlived you by 40 years and never suffered a day from cancer or autoimmune disease.

it actually comes from the rampant chemical pollution that is completely unregulated in India, but nobody wants to talk about that

start by asking yourself why dogs do it

>> No.19400509

>Considering our present advanced state of culture, and how the Torch of Science has now been brandished and borne about, with more or less effect, for five thousand years and upwards; how, in these times especially, not only the Torch still burns, and perhaps more fiercely than ever, but innumerable Rushlights, and Sulphur-matches, kindled thereat, are also glancing in every direction, so that not the smallest cranny or dog-hole in Nature or Art can remain unilluminated,—it might strike the reflective mind with some surprise that hitherto little or nothing of a fundamental character, whether in the way of Philosophy or History, has been written on the subject of Poop.

>> No.19400511
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>Bhagvad-Gita As It Is
There's your mistake. Fucking Hare Krishnas man...

>> No.19400515

Cows are considered important because every aspect of them, from their ability to provide milk to their dung used as manure, is useful.

The Bible also talks about mixing cloth and OBVIOUS references to the time it was conceived.

Don't be dense and actually try to think about what it means in today's world.

>> No.19400525

Except your shit isn't filtered by four stomachs to reduce nitrogen in order to be used as fertilizer, pompous retard.

>> No.19400541
File: 76 KB, 688x437, bible reincarnation .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reincarnation was a part of the Catholic church early on.

>> No.19400581

Human shit works just fine as fertilizer. The shit central where I live give it out for people growing non eatable plants.

This, why is there no experiments done on people eating poop? What are the elites hiding?

>> No.19400586

In the future of 2030 Indian scientists will discover a way to process cow shit into fuel. India will abandon coal and nuclear and switch to dung energy, causing the decaying municipal waste treatment plant at the mouth of Ganges to be bought out by a wealthy tycoon from Mumbai, turning it into the tyrannical Maharaja Industries Incorporated.
Fast forward to 2050 and India has become cyberpunk.
Toilets are banned by law and anyone caught with a toilet in their possession and using it to get rid of human waste will be arrested and prosecuted (there’s surveillance cameras installed in everyone’s bathrooms to make sure they don’t shit there. And also for horny Indians to perv on women. Show bob and vegan!).
Those of the shifts and vaishiya caste are forced to shit in the designated shitting streets, which have a waste collecting system installed that funnels the human feces to the processing facilities owned by the uber rich mega corporations of the Kshatriya caste. They get paid a pittance for their shit.
In addition to fuel human feces are also used to make a Jankem-style drug, which is super addictive.
Pajeet, a super hacker trained by hours of coding and working as tech support teams up with fellow hackers to take on the Maharaja corporation and discover a plan to go to war with China.

>> No.19400596

the jew fears the indoor shit farmer

>> No.19400661

Anything that smells bad is meant to be disgusting, that's why God gave us the sense.

>> No.19400673

found the dog

>> No.19400693
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>> No.19400702

This book was written centuries ago. You live in 2021. Shit was used for a variety of things back then. You don't need to use shit for as many things now.

>> No.19400708


>> No.19400721

>They made houses out of cow shit in ancient and modern india
They did that in Europe and Africa too but you don't see them doing what Indians do, what gives?

>> No.19400732
File: 19 KB, 275x183, Cow urine .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Cow Urine?

>> No.19400741

what about pusy?

>> No.19400744

Doesnt smell bad if clean

>> No.19400801

finish my curry order, raj
original teaching: cows provide milk, please stop arbitrarily killing them as sacrifices every other day to inflate your peen, or we will all starve

read a fuckign book

>> No.19400898
File: 59 KB, 350x304, 1*WXAf9Sh2cJhy9V16P1PDvw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for proving that you didn't read half my post, retard. Your conditioned responses are not the same as your instinctual responses. pic related, it's your life but sadly you're too stupid to understand it.

that's not cow urine, that's just sterilized and processed crap aka useless.

you're the biggest retard ITT, sadly getting an English degree has made you even more of a dumb nigger than you already were

>> No.19400903

i can smell you through the screen, prandeep
you're from the lowest caste, aren't you?

>> No.19400915


>> No.19400945
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>> No.19400959

in all fairness a four armed blue person with necklace of heads and a belt of arms is way cooler

>> No.19400969


>> No.19400979
File: 324 KB, 1080x853, Pathogens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cow dung can make you ill.

>> No.19400985

Believe it or not, they've even got skin that looks like poo

>> No.19400989

No, you don't understand! She's scary to scare demons, which makes my desert deity that demands the blood of babies to sustain itself scared! That means that she's actually evil!

I think people underestimate just how cool Indians think cows are. Cows are so awesome that cow shit must be awesome. It's like those .webms of Russian orthoheyschachiomonk brother Gregorius dunking a mummified foot in the water: by definition, the foot is holy, and as such you can't get sick from touching it, or sucking on it, or whatever weird bullshit.

>> No.19400995

Contemporary hinduism is to hinduism as contemporary christianity is to christianity. A degenerated, twisted shadow of its original self.

>> No.19401014

idiotic. first of all, e. coli and other bacteria is not responsible for any illness. if you don't have e. coli in your stomach, you can't digest food and you die, retard. bacteria is just the scapegoat for chemical garbage created by humans.

Cow dung from cows that eat their natural diet (grass) is perfectly safe. Cow dung would only ever be dangerous if the cow ate manmade garbage like grain feed or they ate grass treated with manmade fertilizers/pesticides. what would make you sick is the manmade processed chemical garbage in the dung, not bacteria.

>> No.19401028

Which translation should I read senpai?

>> No.19401037

>idiotic. first of all, e. coli and other bacteria is not responsible for any illness. if you don't have e. coli in your stomach, you can't digest food and you die, retard. bacteria is just the scapegoat for chemical garbage created by humans.
unironically based and true, you only get as sick as you believe you can get sick. germ theory as a cover-up for the industrial rape of the planet, i unironically believe it. goddamn

>> No.19401038

You must be a troll, people die from e.coli

>> No.19401039

oxford, the only good one

>> No.19401048

Microbemaxxing is a real thing now, people eating rotten meat and stuff to get various gut microbes

>> No.19401056

Maybe but that's disgusting. I'd rather just eat clean food.

>> No.19401065

correct. without germ theory, the medical industry collapses in a single day and trillions of dollars of profit are lost. this whole fake pandemic relies on people's belief that germs are evil and dangerous.

You literally know nothing about e coli apart from what you read on mainstream news.

You have no idea what clean food even means, my guy :)

>> No.19401074
File: 219 KB, 1080x1101, Ecoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that it kills people. But keep eating cow poop.

>> No.19401086

And of course, they didn't test the water at all for the chemical contaminants that actually killed the people. Much easier to scapegoat the bacteria that literally lives in every mammal's stomach and is the reason we can digest food.

But believe whatever you want to believe.

>> No.19401095

hideously based.

>eat shit to trigger the big pharma archons
/lit/ is so based goddamn

>> No.19401104

I can literally confirm COVID is psychosomatic because I live in a city (quite outside the globohomo matrix, at least for now) where every fuck faggot and their mom is getting the wu flu while I don't give a fuck and do whatever and haven't even gotten the sniffles. it's all a joke. you only get as sick as you believe you can get sick.

>> No.19401125

They Identified the source of the illness which is E.coli they used the same fertilizers before. The complicating factor was the E.Coli. You don't believe in the germ theory of disease, so the black plague was just psychological?

>> No.19401133
File: 238 KB, 1600x900, gigachad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so the black plague was just psychological?
After covid? Yes.

>> No.19401139

The black plague was not before covid.

Funny India of all places had the Bubonic plague long after it disappeared in Europe.

>> No.19401147

You are reading Hare-Krishna bullshit. That's the worst translation ever.

>> No.19401149

germs are not the cause of illness, impurity is. the shintoists were right. science exists just to crepuscularize these intuitions to nothingness. you've been played for a fool/fuel. the immune system is quantum. hope this helps.

>> No.19401156

Eknath Easwaran is the one I've read.

Avoid everything from Prabhupada

>> No.19401166

lol. are you retarded? did they analyze the chemicals in the water or not? If chemicals were responsible, they'd be able to blame someone for the deaths. if e. coli's to blame, it's nobody's fault but the bacteria's. you're a fool.

And I didn't say it's just psychological, that's the other anon. The black plague was caused by mercury vapors in the coal that people were burning. It was a CHEMICAL POISONING incident. Nobody on farms got the black plague. why? because they were burning wood. Makes sense now, dummy?

>> No.19401208

What's your source no one on farms died of the black plague? Peasants were dying and lords were short on people to work on the farms. What your saying doesn't make sense.

>> No.19401236

>Peasants were dying and lords were short on people to work on the farms
source: your favorite (((movies))) about the plague

it's well-documented that the plague affected the cities and not the farmland. do your own research, not gonna spoonfeed. if you don't believe me I don't care.

>> No.19401242

Yea exactly you don't have source

>> No.19401257

lol no, I have a source, but I'm not gonna fall for that pathetic trap. Fags like you play the "y-your source is not credible" game so I don't bother with fags like you. Again, if you don't believe me, I don't give two shits. I tried to help you but if you don't believe me that's no sweat off my back.

>> No.19401268
File: 67 KB, 960x720, image (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it must of been the negative thoughts that caused this not flesh eating bacteria.

>> No.19401289

>I have source but it's a shit source so I can't show it.
Ok there.

>> No.19401302

There are different strains of E. coli, dumbass

>> No.19401310
File: 105 KB, 828x815, EkB_UlsVoAA5dgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it must've been bacteria that exist in the billions on every square inch of our bodies, and not the toxic waste that has destroyed the environment.

thanks for admitting you're too stupid to do your own investigation. but please, continue to bury your head in the sand.

if I provided a source from your favorite le epic science journal, you would've accepted it without a second thought. That means you're utterly pathetic. pic related, it's you

why do you call other people dumbasses when you literally know NOTHING about the subject lol.

>> No.19401348

Can't wait till the next plague comes and wipes out all the people who think eating shit is sensible.

The real answer is eating your own cum

>> No.19401355
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>> No.19401381

Eating your own cum literally won’t do anything because it doesn’t have bacteria. Unless you are infected with some disease but in that case eating your own pozzed loads is gross and it still won’t help you develop immunity.

>> No.19401402

Incorrect, the sexual power I harness back into my being grants me super human levels of power and immunity, eating your own cum cures Covid for instance.

>> No.19401424

coof is fake bro
i give more credence to the /pol/x/ schizos who are saying germ theory is fraudulent and viruses are fake than i do to big pharma and their mask wearing cattle-eyed cult followers.
2 years, no protection, out in the city every day during a "deadly pandemic" and i haven't caught shit. i dont even wash my hands or use soap. so what am i to conclude? fake and gay

>> No.19401429

You don't wash your hands ever?

>> No.19401445

>2 years, no protection, out in the city every day during a "deadly pandemic" and i haven't caught shit.
Every once in a while I remember that this is the actual reality and experience a moment of profound loling mixed with sheer surreal confusion

>> No.19401475

What font is that, it's annoying

>> No.19401554

i eat food that falls on my floor. if i masturbate before going grocery shopping i dont wash my hands and i touch every item on the shelf. i dont wash my hand after using the toilet. i dont use dish soap. i wash my clothes by hand in the bathtub. i dont wash produce before eating it. i eat raw egg on rice. i drink milk after the expiration date. i use public transit in a major city. my "mask" to get past security checks is transparent and breathe-through and i have never, NEVER, washed it. i havent been to the doctors since i was a teenager getting a check-up to clear me for high school sports. i have never received a vaccination after the age of 12 and have no plans to ever again. i do not use hand sanitizer. the only cleaning agent i own is white vinegar. i own clothes that i have never washed despite wearing dozens or hundreds of times. i undercook all my meat. i sleep around and don't socially distance. i have never worn a condom.

still haven't died of 'rona
there are still people living in utter constant nonstop terror of coof, 2 years later. theyre animals.

>> No.19401572

What is your belief system religion wise?

>> No.19401583

socially christian, aesthetically zoroastrian, literarily zen buddhist

>> No.19401607

Do you clean your house? Zen buddhist monks clean everyday.

>> No.19401613

>Eating shit is good
>Smelling farts is bad
Did you even see the irony in your own post before you posted it?

>> No.19401627

my apartment is spotlessly clean. i sleep and sit on the floor and have hardwood. i sweep multiple times a week. i only clean with water, and occasionally white vinegar. i dont use heat or air conditioning so that i can keep my windows open for fresh air.

>> No.19401629
File: 87 KB, 976x850, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolutionarily speaking, how the fuck does a cow dung culture even survive? Shouldn't a culture that engages in showering with shit be extremely susceptible to disease and get wiped out?

>> No.19401647

indians are also prodigious rapists so there is never a short supply of new indians to replace the dying ones.

>> No.19401654

>Shouldn't a culture that engages in showering with shit be extremely susceptible to disease and get wiped out?
perhaps (((they))) have been lying to you about a lot of things, ever think about that?

>> No.19401664

Undoubtedly based. Almost makes up for your orthographic habits.

>> No.19401674

>without germ theory, the medical industry collapses in a single day and trillions of dollars of profit are lost. this whole fake pandemic relies on people's belief that germs are evil and dangerous.
What? There is a story in the Yoga Vasthistha where a demon took the form of a germ to infect and kill people by disease. Read your own poo literature, Pajeet.

>> No.19401701

8/10 bait lmao.

>> No.19401717

He worships Nurgle.

>> No.19401729

>just have more kids bro
That's not how evolution works.

>> No.19401761

lmao literally it is dude. he who fucks the most, wins

>> No.19401765
File: 51 KB, 489x480, efb0e3704fe184d760be240bc3c60fee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you, my guys?

>> No.19401771

Gotta eat shit to own the libs. BASED! ACTIVATED! BLUMP WON!

>> No.19401789
File: 650 KB, 373x498, thealexera-soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you, dawg?

>> No.19401853

I am the anon who posted the Vasthistha Yoga, not the bait anon. I got into reading Hindu lit after reading Guenon. There are many mythological stories from many cultures, where people died from pestilence. Of course, these stories were told long before modern science said "Germs are bad, m'kay?" The pooposter is trolling and full of shit, literally.

>> No.19401948

Why can i smell this picture through my phone?

>> No.19402028

I like to think that every time cow shit is brought up a seething pajeet will come and explain to the retarded westerners that their culture is shit.
Too bad it's another larper

>> No.19402248
File: 23 KB, 1282x204, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cow dung is useful because it doesn't get fully digested.

Also, I think this was a practice beyond India. I recall some Ancient Greeks doing it when sick or dying.

>> No.19402253
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>> No.19402258
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>> No.19402294

Yeah medieval monks would also put a poultice containinf chicken shit on wounds because some of the Greeks did it. Suffice it to say most of the people they treated died of infections.

>> No.19402529

This is alone the best thing I've ever read on this thread.

>> No.19402534

You don’t get the benefits from smelling alone

>> No.19402690

>Suffice it to say most of the people they treated died of infections.
You don't know that.

>> No.19402698

Cows eat plants, humans and dogs for example do not. So cowdung is less unclean.

>> No.19403102

>fluoride stare
is this some meme or is brushing my teeth with toothpaste supposedly causing some kind of dysgenic effect?
these posts are a trip man

>> No.19403142

They don't want you to respect your poop so you give it to them through the (((sewage system)))
If only you knew how good it could be...

>> No.19403154
