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19400253 No.19400253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you were captured by a band of savages and raped/tortured repeatedly without an end in sight, and you had an opportunity to commit suicide to escape the torment, would you go to hell for killing yourself?

>> No.19400256


>> No.19400261

Yes of course

>> No.19400294

I guess I can't be a Christian then.

>> No.19400313

No. Those who trust in Christ shall be saved.

>> No.19400368

That's another way to go to hell, yes

>> No.19400383
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Yeah. But that's not the worst part of Christianity. The concept of Hell itself is irreconcilable with a loving god. There is no good defence to that other than the cope "we can't understand God's logic". When confronted with the problem of Hell, religious people have a habit of saying that humans somehow deserve to go to hell due to sin. There is such a enormous number of problems with this. God could cleanse humans of sin, and yet he doesn't. Freewill? Why is having freewill better preferable to not burning in hell for eternity? To glorify God? Why does God want to be glorified? A perfect being should require nor want anything. And a counterargument to this would be similar to the cope mentioned above "we cannot understand a perfect being", although that is probably not even a very good argument.
Another way I've seen religious people trying to reconcile this is saying that Hell doesn't exist at all, which ignores passages of the canon, although I cannot really speak about denying it as I've not researched it. Jesus makes references to hell and in The Book of Revelation, it is directly that sinners will be cast into a lake of fire, which implies brutal active torment.
Supposing Hell is real, God is the worst monster that has existed and will exist. I can't be told that it doesn't matter what I think and that if I ignore God's commands (which are incredibly convoluted), I will go to Hell. This has no relation to the proposition. Irregardless of whether I'll go on to suffer for eternity after my death, God is unfathomably evil for doing so.
Believing in Christianity requires ignoring some parts of the scripture and not engaging with it heavily, as Christianity is not coherent if you try to put everything together. It is possible to answer a few critical questions about the religion, such as why hell exists, but if you try to answer a hundred of these types of questions, you'll see that the answers start contradicting themselves and it isn't possible to make them properly fit. Of course, there always is "we can't understand God's logic".

>> No.19400402


You go to Hell for NOT killing yourself.

>> No.19400470

Look into Samson.
Hell isn’t a literal firepit that God throws you into. It is the result of rejecting God and everything godly. This is hell, and we see a foretaste of it in this life when we commit sins. The fire of God’s love will be a torment to those who have not prepared themselves to receive it, and refuse out of the hardness of their hearts to repent of their sins and their rejection of the Creator. The doors to hell are locked from within.

>> No.19400490

>Hell isn’t a literal firepit that God throws you into
>The fire of God’s love will be a torment to those who have not prepared themselves to receive it
Is there fire or not. I don't give a shit about God's love or lack thereof. Will my body feel like it's burning due to literal heat?

>> No.19400502

It’s a spiritual fire

>> No.19400508

I'd cum. A lot.

>> No.19400519

>It’s a spiritual fire
Don't care if it doesn't physically hurt. Fuck God and his evil overlord shit

>> No.19400531

It will be a torment far worse than anything physical. God doesn’t create hell, hell is a spiritual state. God is the source of all goodness, love, glory, beaury, etc. and if you reject God, and therefore everything pertaining to God, you will land yourself into a hellish existence through your own free will choices

>> No.19400534

>I don't understand metaphors
Literal autism.

>> No.19400555


The point is that half way intelligent christcucks have to back away from saying hell is a literal pit of fire because it is ridiculous and makes them seem stupid. They call it a metaphor or that it is a spiritual fire. But the dumb literal pit of fire is the scary one no one gives a shit about metaphors or spiritual fire. You're burning in the spiritual fire of my disdain now, do you care?

>> No.19400561

the entire foundation is based on the ramblings of some jewish cultists 2000 years ago... gee I hope they told the truth

>> No.19400578

imo burning in hell is preferable to an intolerant heaven...

>> No.19400589

The symbolic represents and points to a very real spiritual reality. It is something beyond language and current understanding, which is adapted primarily to this world. By using the language of fire and physical torment we can easily understand the grevious nature of hell. It is like when it is said that God is in some sense “light”. This obviously doesn’t mean physical light, but it undoubtedly points to something spiritual. Read the Church Fathers, this is how they viewed things. Braindead prots ruined everything.

>> No.19400604

Again answer the question, does it cause physical pain? Does my material flesh burn? I don't care about your metaphors like you don't care about the pain of the intellectual mutilation you're doing to yourself by being a Bible thumper.

>> No.19400618

lol sure

>> No.19400677

The actual Christian answer is that only God would know either way. Salvation can be realized, but whether it will is a question unanswerable by men. That is actually the Christian position. I would say it’s surprising to see so many “Christians” who don’t know this, but then again…

>> No.19400751

how much time do you spend fantasizing about niggers sodomizing you?

>> No.19401529

Yeah, because nothing is worse than physical pain. The utter state of materialists

>> No.19401551

Yes. Hell is a place of suffering. Your death will be in vain.

>> No.19401640

I'd enjoy being raped.