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File: 2.14 MB, 3619x2714, psychiatrist-carl-gustav-jung-515387410-5ae8ca67a9d4f90037a2524a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19400199 No.19400199 [Reply] [Original]

"[...] In 1916 I felt an urge to give shape to something. I was compelled from within, as it were, to formulate and express what might have been said by Philemon. This was how the "Septem Sermones ad Mortuos" with its peculiar language came into being.

It began with a restlessness, but I did not know what it meant or what "they" wanted of me. There was an ominous atmosphere all around me. I had the strange feeling that the air was filled with ghostly entities. Then it was as if my house began to be haunted. My eldest daughter saw a white figure passing through the room. My second daughter, independently of her elder sister, related that twice in the night her blanket had been snatched away; and that same night my nine-year-old son had an anxiety dream. In the morning he asked his mother for crayons, and he, who ordinarily never drew, now made a picture of his dream. He called it "The Picture of the Fisherman". Through the middle of the picture ran a river, and a fisherman with a rod was standing on the shore. He had caught a fish. On the fisherman's head was a chimney from which flames were leaping and smoke rising. From the other side of the river the devil came flying through the air. He was cursing because his fish had been stolen. But above the fisherman hovered an angel who said, "You cannot do anything to him; he only catches the bad fish!" My son drew this picture on a Saturday.

Around five o' clock in the afternoon on Sunday the front door bell began ringing frantically. It was a bright summer day; the two maids were in the kitchen, from which the open square outside the front door could be seen. Everyone immediately looked to see who was there, but there was no one in sight. I was sitting near the doorbell, and not only heard it but saw it moving. We all simply stared at one another. The atmosphere was thick, believe me! Then I knew that something had to happen. The whole house was filled as if there were a crowd present, crammed full of spirits. They were packed deep right up to the door, and the air was so thick it was scarcely possible to breathe. As for myself, I was all a-quiver with the question: "For God's sake, what in the world is this?" Then they cried out in chorus, "We have come back from Jerusalem where we found not what we sought." That is the beginning of the Septem Sermones.

Then it began to flow out of me, and in the course of three evenings the thing was written. As soon as I took up the pen, the whole ghostly assemblage evaporated. The room quieted and the atmosphere cleared. The haunting was over». [...]"

- Carl Jung - "Memories, Dreams, Reflections"

At this point I think that Jung's "collective unconscious" is just the opening towards demonic entities, nothing to do with actual spirituality which comes from the heavens and not our psyche. It seems that everytime when modern science tries to reconcile with religion, it ends up with some satanic parody.

>> No.19400213

>the two maids were in the kitchen
god I wish this was me

>> No.19400230

Something that asks more questions than scripture has specific answers for must be demonic?
>Ye shall know them by their fruits. · Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

>> No.19400301

>Ye shall know them by their fruits
This is how I know that Jung was a lunatic.

>> No.19400322

What about that dream or vision he had where a giant turd, as if from heaven, crashed into and destroyed a church steeple?

That always struck me as something of a red flag wrt Jung.

>> No.19400323

>my religion has answer: thing good!
>something else has answer: thing bad!

>> No.19400408

I never said that only a particular religion is true. I simply oppose any sort of modernist "new-age" approach to religion.

>> No.19401128

Those were the ghosts of ancient arthurian christians talking to him. Remember the Fisherking / Fisher of man is an ancient christian legend and protector of the grail.
Also angels in the bible are horrorfiying and very unpleasant.

Sounds like he just saw a glimpse of the future with migrants smearing poop in churches

>> No.19401162

Prove that it was a demonic vision, or that demons a la Christianity exist and are what Christian dogma/dubious experiences says they are

>> No.19401279

Wow! Jung sure was a quack! Anyways, this is just more proof that Freud was correct at the end of the day.

>> No.19401931

The biography / autobiography is full of unbelievable claims like this, at one point he claimed that the mental opposition of the great minds or Jung and Freud was so powerful, that it manifested itself physically, objects around them were starting to make cracking sounds
Makes me think if the book was a shitpost, or if his entire career was a shitpost.

He also claimed that when he was 3 he dreamed of a giant penis sitting on a throne

>> No.19402478

Dude was a self induxed schizophrenic/psychotic, audio hallucinations are par for the course. Not to mention that powerful psyches (by which I mean extremely charismatic individuals) tend to have the ability to dramatically influence those around them in ways they themselves cannot fully understand.

>> No.19402490

Considering his family size, if he’s a demon then Gnosticism is correct.

>> No.19402499

Jung also talks about how a little girl had slightly weird. (not even "ominous") dreams which he interpreted as proof the girl looked into the future and saw she was about to die.

Between that kind of shit and his weird tulpa philemon thing, there's a lot of weird sketchy shit about Jung. At his best Jung is infinitely better than incestuous coomer Freud shit, but his new-agey gobbledygook isn't super great all the time either.

>> No.19402524


>At this point I think that Jung's "collective unconscious" is just the opening towards demonic entities, nothing to do with actual spirituality which comes from the heavens and not our psyche.

1. You ignore to what refers the term: "collective unconscious".

2. If you believe that the soul lacks spirituality you are disconnected from yourself; the pattern of the Cross itself is found in the integralness of the soul, as it extends throughout all of divine substance; the problem is not one of one's own spirituality, the virtuous conversion & excellence of which entails syncord with Christ, but, rather, it is one of disintegralness: not being holyspiritually/aetherically sealed through this syncord.

Carl Gustav Jung did not know God, and therefore his soulspace was not sealed aetherotight.

>> No.19402552

that little girl was having apocalyptic dreams iirc. i wouldn't call that 'slightly weird'.

>> No.19402604

Your God of convenience makes any real and present expression invalid

>> No.19402667

>Jung was demonic because his work can be described using the modern category of the "genius"
Come back when you have actually read a fucking book or when you are 18+.

>> No.19402677

kek just say the Jesus prayer 40,000 times
looks like somebody did not read the (late) Greeks

>> No.19402817

>At this point I think that Jung's "collective unconscious" is just the opening towards demonic entities, nothing to do with actual spirituality which comes from the heavens and not our psyche.
Are you completely retarded?

>> No.19402842

>My eldest daughter saw a white figure passing through the room. My second daughter, independently of her elder sister, related that twice in the night her blanket had been snatched away; and that same night my nine-year-old son had an anxiety dream
So he molested three children during the same night?
Kudos to his sexual prowess.
And there wasn't even viagra back then.

>> No.19402848

Jung believed in all kinds of paranormal phenomena, including telepathy.
Freud believed only in telepathy.
They were both crazy, but Jung was clearly the crazier one.

>> No.19402851

if they exist that doesn't make them good

>> No.19402871
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>At this point I think that Jung's "collective unconscious" is just the opening towards demonic entities
Yes, anon, demons do not exist and are in fact just our negative thoughts. Surprising uh?

>nothing to do with actual spirituality which comes from the heavens and not our psyche.

>It seems that everytime when modern science tries to reconcile with religion, it ends up with some satanic parody.

>> No.19402878
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>X is demonic

>> No.19403028
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What a liar this Carl Jung must have been...

>> No.19403051

>Be OP
>Get confronted with a genuine experience in the supernatural
>Immediately reject it.

This is your mind on atheism.

>> No.19403068

That girl was having apocalyptic dreams just as >>19402552 mentioned. You can read up more about it in the first chapter of Man and His Symbols, his most approachable work. Which I suggest you do, since it's obvious you haven't read any Jung nor Freud yet nonetheless have strong opinions about them

>> No.19403074

That's Jung too.

>> No.19403076

Post more of Jungs /x/ greentexts

>> No.19403078

A priori rejection of idealism is the true power of materialism.

>> No.19403110

>Get confronted with a random experience in the supernatural
>Thinks that is good so must be embraced
This is your mind in an athetist society, where thinking that a supernatural event is impossible so when it happens you are shocked and embrace it whatever it may be, even if is demonic.

>> No.19403126

based thread
Jung was also refuted by Frithjof Schuon:
"According to Jung, the figurative emergence of certain contents of the "collective unconscious" is accompanied empirically, as its psychic complement, by a noumenal sensation of eternity and infinitude; this is the way to insidiously ruin all transcendence and all intellection. According to this theory, it is the collective unconscious, or subconscious, which is the origin of "individuated" consciousness, human intelligence having two components, namely the reflections of the subconscious on the one hand and the experience of the external world on the other; but since experience is not in itself intelligence, the latter will necessarily have the subconscious for its substance, so that one ends up trying to define the subconscious on the basis of its own ramification. This is the classical contradiction of all subjectivist and relativist philosophy."

>> No.19403508

>i-it's atheism!

>> No.19403542

He was blessed by the light of Sophia. Nothing more, nothing less. I wish I was in touch with the spirit world like Jung was.

>> No.19403567

What is the difference between the phenomenon of demonic experience and mystical experience? I always assumed it was the out come of the experience that indicated the difference. If this is the case, what evil has befallen mankind that directly resulted from the publishing of the sermons?

>> No.19403933

1 John 4:1-6 gives the criteria.

>> No.19404099


>> No.19404160

>thou thinketh same as me: Thy be bas'd
>thou not thinketh same sa me: Thy be damn'd
G*D's words, in Truth I tell you

>> No.19404184 [DELETED] 


Demonic experiences inevitably involve some demonic entity luring an individual into hubris, regardless of whether this entity is concealed, or discerned by one; mystical experiences involve the sumerience of spirituality —and are thus clarivoyant—, regardless of whether they include any kind, or type, of entities; in case of doubt due to whatever reason, one should test the name of Jesus Christ, since nothing can directly deceive in the spirit.

Mystical experiences should not be conflated with illuministic experiences.

>> No.19404191


Demonic/illuministic experiences inevitably involve some demonic entity luring an individual into hubris, regardless of whether this entity is concealed, or discerned by one; mystical experiences involve the sumerience of spirituality —and are thus clarivoyant—, regardless of whether they include any kind, or type, of entities; in case of doubt due to whatever reason, one should test the name of Jesus Christ, since nothing can directly deceive in the spirit.

Mystical experiences should not be conflated with illuministic experiences.

>> No.19404237

> This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God.
But what does it mean, exactly? Muhammad acknowledges Jesus, therefore according to this verse the spirit that came to him must be from God. Then why do Christians call him demonic instead of embracing Islam?

>> No.19404304

Muhammad does not acknowledge that Isa is either G*D or the Son of G*D, He's "just" the second most important prophet

>> No.19404314

It is hard to know which is which sometimes.

>> No.19404333

"Has come in the flesh" refers to the incarnation of a preexisting spirit in physical form. The verbiage of this verse is crossreferenced in John 1:14 for further information. Muhammed explicitly rejected the Incarnation of Jesus as a doctrine and the doctrine is not held in Islam.

>> No.19404420

Neither does the verse require him to be acknowledged as God or the son of God.
This isn't against the Islamic doctrine either. Muslims believe Muhammad, too, long existed in the spiritual form before coming into the material realm. Muhammad only rejected Jesus being God or the son of God, neither of which is mentioned in those verses.

>> No.19404469

>Muhammad acknowledges Jesus, therefore according to this verse the spirit that came to him must be from God
Conveniently forgetting the fact that “Jibreel” denies the divinity of Christ, denies that Jesus was crucified, denies that Jesus died for our sins or even died at all and declares all previous scriptures corrupt. Every central doctrine of Christianity. Islam was inspired by a demon.

2 Corinthians 11:14
>And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Galatians 1:8
>But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

>> No.19404523

Yet these doctrines aren't required by the verses in 1 John 4:1-6. The criteria listed there indeed confirms Gabriel is a spirit from God.

>> No.19404566

Jung had that dream in which he was supposed to be the founder of a new religion. Dude was 100% delusional.

Simplest discernment: impenitence leads to hell, penitence to salvation.

>> No.19404583

>convieniently forgetting that early """christianity""" didn't believe in divinity of jesus, yet somehow this does not mean it was inspired by a demon

>> No.19404603

False. The divinity of the Lord is explicitly implied in the NT and earliest texts like the Didache.

St. Thomas in the gospel says:
"My Lord and My God"

>> No.19404614

Internet Muslims are the most dishonest people when discussing polemics. And they pretend to worshiped the Truth?

>> No.19404633

I am not being dishonest, anon. Go read 1 John 4:1-6 which the anon above cited. By all means, it affirms Islam.

>> No.19404644

Only if you have cognitive dissnonance

>> No.19404650


>> No.19404654

Dissonance *

How come the Quran is divinely inspired when there are underlying texts in Greek on it? And from other cultures as well.

>> No.19404658

>when there are underlying texts in Greek on it?
What do you mean?

>> No.19404932

Only a midwit who has never read the Gospels in their life could say this

>> No.19404975

The Books: read them.

>Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

>“How many loaves do you have?” he asked.

>Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?”

>> No.19405004

>Introspection is the devil.
Irish catholic detected. Go back to your whiskey.

>> No.19405197
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Actually Jung was right and Freud was wrong.

>> No.19405296

There's good and bad daemons just like there's good and bad people. Because they are the spirits of the dead.
Did these spooky, scary demons do anything to him? No, they just frightened him. Look at the experiences people have with this phenomenon, nothing every happens to them except fear. Plus, he asked them to come. He could have asked them to leave.

>> No.19406856
File: 109 KB, 1225x619, Jung vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the Jung story, "Carl Jung and the Enormous Turd"
>When he was about 12, [Jung] wandered by the Cathedral of Basle and looked up into the sky to observe the majestic cathedral along with a vision of God sitting on a throne above it. When a forbidden thought came to his mind, he experienced a choking sensation which troubled him for days until he finally concluded that the thought must be some sort of test from God.

When he allowed his thoughts to return to the golden throne, high above the world, he observed an enormous turd that fell from heaven and shattered the roof and broke the walls of the magnificent cathedral...


Different account in pic related.

>> No.19406872

I tend to believe supernatural experiences are or at least can be real, but in the case or Jung I just get the sense that all of it is bullshit.

>> No.19406878

Having a skeptical but open interest in telepathy was very common at the time. Freud's views were well within the norm. Jung's weren't and never have been because he is a kook.

>> No.19406901

The absolute state of M*slim apologetics

>> No.19406915

ah yes famous OSS Agent Carl Jung, who wrote a letter to Allen Dulles and met with him several times and made a psychological profile of Hitler for Dulles

>> No.19406945
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>it's another "16 year old CathCucks try to refute Carl Jung (pbuh)" thread

>> No.19406948

not to mention he didn't know to write for shit, he just vomited stolen & undigested ideas all over the place

>> No.19406983

bro people those were heretical sects and they were rightly slaughtered

>> No.19407088

Christians are far worse

>> No.19407092

fuck off, kantbot.

>> No.19407427

You people wouldnt recognise something higher if it bit you in your big toe.

>> No.19407817

Where did you get that?

It's your book anyway

>> No.19407819

>the original christians, including Mark, were heretical

>> No.19407860
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The collective unconcious is a scientific way of saying (thy) Kingdom (come).

Jung was obviously wise through reading widely, one does not read widely without attracting distractions, that's why protective measures should be taken when eating complex texts directed towards those with ears to hear.

Anybody dismissing him as crazy are too lazy to prove him wrong.

God is not materialistic. Clearly he leans away from extravagant decor and regalia.

>> No.19408769

Say that you as a Muslim actively and actually believe and teach that Jesus is a spirit incarnated in the flesh. I want to hear your spirit profess those words.

>> No.19409340

I do. I'm sure I could pull up some hadith about it if I were to spent some time looking for it.

>> No.19409572

And the Muslims who don't, are you of the same spirit as them, or are they of a different sprit?

>> No.19409609

I'm not sure what exactly you are asking. I am a Shia if that is what you meant.

>> No.19409651

I'm asking if you're of the same spirit as Muslims who don't believe or teach that Jesus was a spirit who came in the flesh. Are they not Muslims? I'm asking you if Islam is a spirit seperate from the belief in the bodily incarnation of the spirit of Christ or if you must believe that to be a Muslim.

>> No.19409703

I again do not understand the point of your questions. To be a Muslim you must believe the words of the Prophet of Islam. There might be some Muslims uneducated in matters of belief, or that they dismiss some reliable narrations out of some weird sectarianism, or those who follow the recent phenomenon known as "Quranism" which falsely rejects all narrations. But again, to be a Muslim you must follow reliable narrations. If you don't, you are a transgressor. I will look up the hadiths pertaining to Jesus once I go to my pc and then post them here.

>> No.19409749

If Islam doesn't require its believers to believe the doctrine that Jesus is a spirit bodily incarnated, if belief in that is optional or open to interpretation or a matter of opinion among Muslims, and Muslims who do not hold that doctrine are accepted as fellow Muslims, then I'm sorry, but Islam as a religion does not meet the criteria of 1 John 4:1-6 any more than, say, Gnosticism.

>> No.19409787

>You people wouldnt recognise something higher

and you would? how do you know your religion isn't actually ruled by the devil?

>> No.19409835

Belief is certainly not optional in Islam. The Islamic doctrine holds that each person will be questioned of his beliefs in the Hereafter, and having the right beliefs is a crucial component to salvation.

>> No.19409889

>jungfags are frogposting reddit niggers

>> No.19409901

>but in the case or Jung I just get the sense that all of it is bullshit.
Definitely. Either Jung is a naive midwit who receives any hokey occult-luciferian gimmick at face value or a lying snake oil salesman, there's no merit to be found in anything he says.

>> No.19409917

Based on my reading of the criteria you point out, it can only be applied to individual spirits and not categories or groups of spirits (when interrogating I mean ie if you were talking to a demon and it said it didn’t believe Jesus was real or really spirit first then human or what ever else and the said “and I am Spanish” you could not then say that all those who identify as spanish are also demons)

>> No.19409992

>how do you know your religion isn't actually ruled by the devil?
because the concept is invalid.

>> No.19409994

>people who hate jung... are le dumb
Stop being such a pseud, it's egregious.

>> No.19410007

Kind of like how how you can't take a verse in isolation and have to interpret it in light of all of the New Testament. Anyway, Islam is a spirit. Either it professes the Incarnation of Christ or it doesn't. It doesn't.

>> No.19410016

That’s a pretty cool thing to be able to do. How do you know that your king isn’t just a money hungry ass hat who isn’t just apathetic toward human life but views it as an active combatant against him achieving his goals? Because the concept is invalid. Jeff beszos is a benevolent leader of men and a shining example of human virtue.

>> No.19410025

I’m going to need an explanation of how a doctrine can be a spirit.

>> No.19410085

>God is not materialistic. Clearly he leans away from extravagant decor and regalia.
Sounds like to me that you hate the Beautiful and Sublime in favor of New Age gnostic kitsch.

>> No.19410103

All jews are demonic

>> No.19410110

Both Freud Jung and all "psychoanalysts" have done nothing but pervert traditional psychology of the great traditions of the world. In their distinctly modern myopia, they have thrown the human conscious upon its head. Instead of focusing on the supra-conscious, they focus on the sub-conscious. They can see nothing in man but the most inferior of psychic influences and so, in doing so, have turned the psychology clinic into nothing more than a satanic initiatory rite, wherein the initiate comes to understand the worst aspects of himself, just as his guru did in years past. Psychoanalysis fails both in the realm of modern empirical science from a complete lack of statistical evidence, and also within the realm of traditional science by reducing genuine, supra-individual metaphysical symbolism into nothing more vague psychological allegories. Even Jung admitted that his book on alchemy was little in comparison to that of Evola. Just like Spiritualism, Psychoanalysis inhabits nothing more than the cadaver of traditional religion in its most profane manifestation.
Buying into such charlatanism means you will never in a million years attain any relevant level of metaphysical realization which, ironically, so many psychoanalysts wish to attain. You will be forever obsessed with your past, always stuck in the perpetual state of childhood so many modern men fail to transcend. You will be cast down into the recesses of your mind like Dante's Hell and unlike Dante, you will never find your way out.

>> No.19410274

How do you know that le funny men in hats aren't out to diddle your sons and steal your jewgolds?

>> No.19410355

I found one verse of Qur'an that refers to Jesus as a spirit, and also a narration from Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq. I take these to be sufficient proof that Islam acknowledges Jesus as a spirit, and therefore fulfills the criterion mentioned in the Bible in 1 John 4:1-6, confirming Islam as sent from God.

>O People of the Book! Do not transgress in your religion, and do not say of Allah but the Truth. Verily, the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, is only an apostle of Allah and His Word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a Spirit from Him. (4:171)

>It is reported that Abu ‘Abd Allah (‘a) said, “Jesus the son of Mary is the Spirit of Allah and His Word. He was thirty-three years old in the world. Then Allah raised him to heaven. He will descend to the earth and it is he who will kill the Antichrist. (Tafsir Al-Qummi, 2, 271)

>> No.19410377

He is also referred to as not merely a spirit, but a *Spirit of Allah*, which is far greater.

>> No.19410508

>Jung is a naive midwit who receives any hokey occult-luciferian gimmick at face value
that's the opposite of what he does

>> No.19410526

Because the concept is invalid. All taxation is fair and required for the common good. Come take my scheckles alphabet man.

>> No.19410545

>At this point I think that Jung's "collective unconscious" is just the opening towards demonic entities
He most likely understood more about "demonic entities" than you and your entire local church put together.

>> No.19410633

> Instead of focusing on the supra-conscious
Jung spends half of his time talking about the collective unconscious aka supra-conscious, retard.

>Psychoanalysis fails both in the realm of modern empirical science from a complete lack of statistical evidence
Again you are a retard.
"effect sizes for psychodynamic therapy are as large as those reported for other therapies that have been actively promoted as "empirically supported" and "evidence based.""

>> No.19411041

>hate beautiful and sublime
The beautiful and sublime are inferior to God, they should be seperate, a combination of nature with elevated positive inner energy should be at the house of worship, not man made luxury, because luxury steals attention from inner reflection and worship. We are after all trying to elevate our souls to an immaterial being so it should be all inner work connecting with each other in worship and praise.


True Christianity is a potent enemy to demonic anomalies

>> No.19411053

they usually involve people lying, no such things exist

>> No.19411064

>He most likely understood more about "demonic entities" than you and your entire local church put together.
This doesn't refute what he said. You people are so mindlessly obsessed with "muh knowledge" without taking into account the eroding effects it has on you. Maybe Jung "knows more" than my local priest but my local priest is less likely to be an adulterer who breaks every ethical code of conduct in his profession.

>> No.19411129

Jordan Peterson is a philosophical ancestor of Jung and Jordan Peterson is forming a new cult globalist religion to entrance men into Satan, so Jung is tenfold diabolical as the originator

>> No.19411265

You are just like a child who screams "b-but mommy, bad things are bad!!"

>> No.19411292

darkness isn't bad, this is what I'm saying. You skipped all his knowledge on the "shadow self"? If you don't incorporate that "demonic" part of yourself in a healthy way, it will show up in the unhealthy way. You can't deny that part of yourself, if you do it, too bad, you won't be a happy person with a fulfiling existence.

>> No.19411306

>tl;dr wank
>the opening towards demonic entities
I hope you are in a secure home with a steady income, able to indulge in your schizophrenic fantasies, but still, get off /lit/, back to /x/, or take your meds

>> No.19411415

You realize shadows are nothing more but projections on a surface that exist in your likeness, right? That's exactly what the Jungian Shadow is too, a diluted monster in your shape. The shadow isn't apart of you, it's your very negation, and any humanity you find it is a direct result of your own projection. To sacralize evil in such a manner is heavily mislead and outright dangerous at worst.

>> No.19411458

The dichotomy between material and spiritual makes you no difference than a dogmatically staunch materialist in my eyes. They exist in tandem, His creation being a gift to us.

>> No.19411484 [DELETED] 

>Jung spends half of his time talking about the collective unconscious aka supra-conscious, retard.
Evola says he fails to properly distinguish between the two and makes the false assumption that they coincide with one another though.

>> No.19411490

>collective unconscious aka supra-conscious
You arent one to call another retarded.

>> No.19411499

>If you don't incorporate that "demonic" part of yourself in a healthy way, it will show up in the unhealthy way
Satanic drivel. It isnt of the soul, its of the world and having an impact on the soul. So it should be killed not fucking integrated.

>> No.19411540

>Satanic drivel.
yeah? next time turn the other cheek and smile, and lie to yourself that everything is okay living your life like that. Jesus couldn't save himself and you'll end up like him.

>> No.19412178

Has Jung's thought ever degenerated into trannyism?
I take it as a rule of thumb that if any doctrine allows for/motivates/degenerates into sexually deviant behavior, drug abuse or left-wings politics is evil/demonic.

>> No.19412718

You're saying that because material items such as gold and tools to make art are made by God then that means that they should be added into a church. But it is clear that not all things that live together should be mixed, therefore worshipping God should not be mixed with man made art that steals attention away from the interior.

What he has created is no mans land with free will, it is clear that we should choose our actions carefully and with a heightened awareness disregarding the unimportant- namely, the temporary.

>> No.19412729

You're kind of reinforcing his point with this post lol

>> No.19412734
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>At this point I think that Jung's "collective unconscious" is just the opening towards demonic entities, nothing to do with actual spirituality which comes from the heavens and not our psyche. It seems that everytime when modern science tries to reconcile with religion, it ends up with some satanic parody.
You would be absolutely correct, anon.

>> No.19412745

I think Jung would see a MtF tranny as a man who failed to develop a masculine ego and became consumed by his anima so intensely that he came to identify with it.

>> No.19412752
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>"[...] In 1916 I felt an urge to give shape to something. I was compelled from within, as it were, to formulate and express what might have been said by Philemon. This was how the "Septem Sermones ad Mortuos" with its peculiar language came into being.
>It began with a restlessness, but I did not know what it meant or what "they" wanted of me. There was an ominous atmosphere all around me. I had the strange feeling that the air was filled with ghostly entities. Then it was as if my house began to be haunted. My eldest daughter saw a white figure passing through the room. My second daughter, independently of her elder sister, related that twice in the night her blanket had been snatched away; and that same night my nine-year-old son had an anxiety dream. In the morning he asked his mother for crayons, and he, who ordinarily never drew, now made a picture of his dream. He called it "The Picture of the Fisherman". Through the middle of the picture ran a river, and a fisherman with a rod was standing on the shore. He had caught a fish. On the fisherman's head was a chimney from which flames were leaping and smoke rising. From the other side of the river the devil came flying through the air. He was cursing because his fish had been stolen. But above the fisherman hovered an angel who said, "You cannot do anything to him; he only catches the bad fish!" My son drew this picture on a Saturday.
>Around five o' clock in the afternoon on Sunday the front door bell began ringing frantically. It was a bright summer day; the two maids were in the kitchen, from which the open square outside the front door could be seen. Everyone immediately looked to see who was there, but there was no one in sight. I was sitting near the doorbell, and not only heard it but saw it moving. We all simply stared at one another. The atmosphere was thick, believe me! Then I knew that something had to happen. The whole house was filled as if there were a crowd present, crammed full of spirits. They were packed deep right up to the door, and the air was so thick it was scarcely possible to breathe. As for myself, I was all a-quiver with the question: "For God's sake, what in the world is this?" Then they cried out in chorus, "We have come back from Jerusalem where we found not what we sought." That is the beginning of the Septem Sermones.
>Then it began to flow out of me, and in the course of three evenings the thing was written. As soon as I took up the pen, the whole ghostly assemblage evaporated. The room quieted and the atmosphere cleared. The haunting was over». [...]"

>> No.19413015

Jung theory certainly could be used by the system to legitimize tranny ideology because it says that every man has a feminine aspect and vice-versa but so far they have been sleeping on him. In reality they already have far more radical authors-ideologues and don’t need him.

>> No.19413028

Is.. is this it? The thread so stupid I will finally... leave... /lit/!?

>> No.19413359

He delved into some deep shit but came out alright

>> No.19413369

>the beginning of the Septem Sermones.
Its apart of the animal spirit of Christianity, something that was lost and repressed.

>> No.19413374

I read Man and His Symbols the other month. It was fine, but it felt like a really broad overview of all of Jung and Freud's ideas that are just as easily picked up from meme shit like Jordan Peterson lectures. Also Jung really warned against overstressing particular dream interpretations even though that's like all modern Jungians do.

>> No.19413414

you know what it is, Yung is an exceptionally ambiguous figure, especially in the realms of the scientific, physiological community. I am reading it all over this thread, people dismiss him as psychedelic, new agey, with baseless claims. But if you drink of him deeply, you will begin to understand how what he was trying to articulate was so beyond the realms of science or psychology. In his earliest days this had terrified him, and he was very fearful of looking ridiculous (that poop dream made me lul!) but despite that he did touch upon something very important, and deeply christian.

>> No.19413476

I believe Guenon touches on this

>> No.19413477

>You will be forever obsessed with your past, always stuck in the perpetual state of childhood so many modern men fail to transcend. You will be cast down into the recesses of your mind like Dante's Hell and unlike Dante, you will never find your way out.
This is a good point, the modern psychological world is a deeply adverse thing, where in the psychologists analysis all of the trauma of the patient lives through but does not dare to offer a way to transcend it. They have become modern confessors, but they do not offer forgiveness. This is because there is risk in transcendence and it is often a rocky path, so heavy ethical restraints are put on them to reduce risk, but they are left as ineffectual bystanders to their patients.

Yung himself demonstrates what it means to transform beyond this state, and he himself would have frowned upon the extended childhood and masculine death. It is just modern pyschology that has changed for the worse

>> No.19413513

>all taxation is fair
Retard alert

>> No.19413560

>I had the strange feeling that the air was filled with ghostly entities.

>> No.19413634

Spirituality is not all about bare-bottomed angels and beautiful blonde entities, anon. You don't need to invoke the demon to find black entities or negative stuff, that's already inside of you.

Stop buying into the Christian idea that anything spiritual is evil. They're afraid of looking into their own shadow because Christianism is fucked up. They are afraid of confronting their own God, because that god is horrible and murderous. Just read the Old Testament.

>> No.19414177


Based and scatpilled.


>> No.19414197


Yung Lean?

>> No.19414202 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 608x1074, 20211116_014558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.19414239

Its his chinese alter ego, Yung Ji. He comes up in the golden lotus book.

>> No.19414369

You might be correct, the devil said that he wanted to be like the most high. So he will try to imitate and mimic everything God can do in a sick and twisted way.

>From the other side of the river the devil came flying through the air. He was cursing because his fish had been stolen. But above the fisherman hovered an angel who said, "You cannot do any

Jung's experience has some references to Christianity, it's interesting his son drew that. As soon as he said fisherman I thought of the time Jesus made Peter and Andrew his disciples. It's possible the son has already heard this from his father or sunday school etc.

>17From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
>18While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.
>19And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
>20Immediately they left their nets and followed him.

The Fish being "stolen" representing people that have come to Christ, the devil curses because one of his goals is to drag as many people to hell with him, and show God that people prefer his ways to the ways of the Most high. Not sure about the angels comments and what they mean, if you are with God you can't be harmed by the devil as he is already defeated by Jesus' sacrifice.

Not sure what only the "bad fish" means.

>> No.19414847

>Has Jung's thought ever degenerated into trannyism?
The anima and animus is easily a pipeline into that sort of thinking, that men and women aren't just men and women but are also men with feminine aspects and women with masculine aspects.
Jung also encourages crossdressing.

>> No.19414855


>> No.19414862

>men and women aren't just men and women but are also men with feminine aspects and women with masculine aspects.
It is an entirely true statement, not even arguable.

>> No.19414876 [DELETED] 


>> No.19414918

You're insane.

>> No.19414942 [DELETED] 

>It is an entirely true statement, not even arguable.
There's an observable phenomenon of men expressing traits commonly associated with women and vice versa, but to sincerely argue that man has a "feminine character" based on nothing more but our superficial biases is wholly ridiculous. The very idea of a "masculine male" and "feminine female" is in of itself an oxymoron, and anything we perceive as "feminine" in a male is nothing more but an immature expression of masculinity. Goes without saying this applies to "masculine" women too.

>> No.19414963

>It is an entirely true statement, not even arguable.
There's an observable phenomenon of men expressing traits commonly associated with women and vice versa, but to sincerely argue that man has a "feminine character" based on nothing more but our superficial biases is wholly ridiculous. The very idea of a "masculine male" and "feminine female" is in of itself a truism, and thus anything we perceive as "feminine" in a male is nothing more but an immature expression of masculinity. Goes without saying this applies to "masculine" women too

>> No.19416404

'tarded take. Christ is Lord and God. Repent.

>> No.19416414


>> No.19416512


>> No.19416799

Yes, that's one very important aspect of active imagination. He describes this in detail in one of the later alchemical journals, sometimes referred to as The Pink Book:
>In order to fully understand the stage of conjunctio, one must turn to the alchemical use of the vestimentum animae. Paracelsus refers to it as "clothing the Stone with the bridal gown". The same practice, although most often unconscious in its modern counterpart, is found in transvestitism. (p.137)

>> No.19416838


>> No.19416891

Jung confirmed tranny enabler (and therefore demonic)

>> No.19417480


Except that's alchemical allegory about internal balance of masculine (active) and feminine (passive) qualities, or the equal usage of emotion/creativity and logic/factualism. It has absolutely nothing to do with external aesthetic fetishization. The Stone Paracelsus refers to is the Philosopher's Stone, and the term is also seen in use denoting the pineal gland. These are Christian esotericists: to take a secular eye to their teaching is going to give you a radically incorrect skew.

>> No.19417696
File: 45 KB, 679x452, 98029234-D663-45A4-AC59-9950B30CAF21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t it ironic that the spiritual successor to Jung debuted in politics after a live confrontation with a transgender freak?

>> No.19417713

Experiences with spirits doesnt mean he was possessed or demonic. If anything, this implies his work was rustling some demonic jimmies, so they harassed his family

>> No.19417823

They were filming him hoping that he would say something they could use to get him cancelled. They were collecting evidence to denounce him to the system (they claim to be against) so the system (which actually supports them) would unperson their political enemy. They couldn’t get him fired because he was tenured and it ended up having the opposite effect. It catapulted him to fame. Had they just left him alone, JP would’ve remained an obscure and slightly eccentric Canadian professor.