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/lit/ - Literature

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19399124 No.19399124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>21 year old Literature major at a tier 2 uni
>No job, no friends, shit career prospects
>Every day all I do is go to class, work out, cook and read
Is it over for me bros? I'm basically living the life of a stemcel but without the promise of a good job in the future.

>> No.19399137

why no friends? get drunk with people, thats literally it

>> No.19399164

this is the ideal life.

>> No.19399175 [DELETED] 

join one of those campus communist groups. there's always one guy who fucks all the women and you won't be him, but at least you'll have people to chill with. you'll have to pretend marxism isn't stupid, but if you're in the english department you'll be able to pull it off.

>> No.19399298

How, do you just go to random bars and get drunk alone hoping others join you?

>> No.19399319

At 21, you should have some friends. I would advise you to open yourself up to some sort of social life.

>> No.19399360

did you already graduate?

>> No.19399375

If you're in the UK you only have yourself to blame, the possibilities are almost limitless. I have a Literature degree from the Open University and now earn £55k at Deloitte two years in and am doing a Master's in Comp Lit at UCL outside of work. The majority of grad schemes now judge blind and legally cannot discriminate based on what uni you went to, just get a good 2.1 or a first

>> No.19399417

Not yet

>> No.19399617

why didnt you make friends the first year, idiot

>> No.19399638


>> No.19399675

Focus on finding happiness with yourself before you force your insecurities on to others. Why is it so hard for people to be happy alone and not needing to be surrounding by others?

>> No.19399692

So, you're living a life that is the envy of almost everyone on this board, not to mention a couple of billion people in the world, at least, and you're complaining because you don't have prescience, or you aren't socially thriving. Why don't you try to get on Tinder et al, or even use Bumble to make friends? Why not find an internship? Or opportunities for the future? This "over for me" dread every 21 year old gets is just the worst cliche ever. Nothing is over, your life is objectively great but your subjective experience of it is simply eclipsed by this abstract desire for "more". Have you ever just walked outside, breathed in the cold air and felt grateful to be alive? I feel disgusted with myself for being somewhat like you when I was your age. And there's only one thing I'd have done differently: enjoy myself. That's all. You aren't required to do anything. Regret is nothing but the emotion you attached to some event in your life, looked at retrospectively. It's only your narrative that you create which is messing up with you now and will continue to in the future. Change it, and you'll be much happier.

>> No.19399836

>all I do is normal things everybody does
time to grow up, you're 21. Life isnt a party

>> No.19399862

Very good post. From what I've seen the most sociable people often have inner turmoil and no sense of peace with themselves.

>> No.19400041
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Finish your degree then become an officer in the military. My degree was STEM but most designators don't require it.
I get paid to lift, do like an hour of work a day, read or write at my desk, occasionally do cool high speed shit, and tell fat people to stop being fat.
You won't be rich but you'll be comfortable enough to never have to worry about money unless you're retarded.

>> No.19400114

What is your job?

>> No.19400148
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Lol yes it is over, sorry to say, i have a degree in english lit and i'm UNIRONICALLY a bricklayer now

>> No.19400156

Start doing judo, bjj, boxing or some sort of martial art that has live sparring. That’s one of the few ways you have to bond with other men after high school.

>> No.19400177

I do Information Warfare in the Navy. There are a few fields within that, but they're all small enough that I don't tend to get any more specific on here.
Either way, an officer's main job is always officer shit, meaning admin work and making sure your horde of teenagers actually do their job without dying or breaking things.

>> No.19400218

Militanon, how good is a career there? Thinking of moving somewhere or even joining the Foreign Legion after i finish. Good shot? The hyped up "special units" are all that? Hard to join? A primeir on it all would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.19400260

>Militanon, how good is a career there?
Depends on what you're looking for out of life. The main downside is that you don't have agency in your big life decisions - I'm being moved from my fun expeditionary job to an Admiral's staff next year and there's nothing I can do about it.
But I will always have my rent covered, have free healthcare, get lots of benefits, and be comfy enough that money isn't a concern of mine, plus I can't be fired.
I plan on giving it another five years or so, getting out before I'm thirty, and going to grad school without having to be in crushing poverty to do so like my friends who are there now.
>Thinking of moving somewhere or even joining the Foreign Legion after i finish. Good shot?
You will be sodomized by third worlders. I'm not joking. Don't fucking do that.
The LÉ is a meme, the romanticized version Junger ran away to join as a teenager is gone, it exists solely to put Africans and Russian convicts in places that France doesn't want their own people dying of malaria.
>The hyped up "special units" are all that? Hard to join?
Some are, some aren't. All are hard to join. You'll have to be more specific as there are dozens of wildly different kinds of "special units."

>> No.19400282

I'm 18 and I go the #1 university in my state. I have no friends and I constantly get lead on by all the girls I talk to. It sucks but I want to be a philosophy professor so I have to keep going. You should keep going to anon, WAGMI. I have even had people laugh at me for using the word "complicit" in class :/

>> No.19400311
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this is me except I study philosophy and only go to class like twice a day. Not much social interaction there. Corona killed the first-year socialization for me. I've thought about using bumble and tinder, not (just) for dates but just to meet people and stuff as I'm somewhat new to the town, but it just feels so fake, like this isn't me, the real me doesn't like apps, the real me has no idea how to market himself to other people. I want to join this "outside world" but it feels like a simulation that I can't really be part of. I hope it makes sense what I'm saying.

>> No.19400317

twice a week*

>> No.19400331

I was thinking of something that isn't a desk job. Heard that is just body-breaking grunt work though.
Well, now i know to steer clear of the LÉ.
Preferring not to disclose a country, regular europe military would be a good idea? What does each branch do/pros and cons and whatnot?

>> No.19400396

I haven't been in for long enough to do any more than brush past Euro militaries a handful of times. Your best option for that is to hope somebody on /k/'s /meg/ thread can help or even your country's general on /int/.

>> No.19400403

>He does'nt know

>> No.19400428

I stuck to myself for 5 years of college. I graduated and realized I hadn't learned anything about different types of people, how to handle them, how to socialize in different situations, etc. my advice is to force yourself to join ANY club. Don't think of it as "forcing something" or "not being the real me". You are simply taking advantage of a unique social opportunity in your life that will never come again.

>> No.19400499

>and making sure your horde of teenagers actually do their job without dying or breaking things.
he doesn't know the senior NCIS are doing that, and he is considered more retarded than the teenagers, kek

>> No.19400517

That's a better job than what your degree qualifies you for, you got lucky.

>> No.19400538

What division did you go into lad?

>> No.19400562

Am 25 with no job prospects and pretty low IQ desu. Want to try some schooling but I have no idea what to do. Would prefer a desk job but I seem to be inclined to pick a manual labor/trade. Right now I work a miserable retail position.

>> No.19400567
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by stop being a little bitch and speak up

>> No.19400664

Public sector, major programmes as it's known now following internal restructure

>> No.19400712

21 and I'm just going to pick up a trade if I can't get anything worthwhile after finishing my lit degree. Might as well yolo the chance to do something in a subject I enjoy for a living. If not then I'll pick up a trade, buy or inherit some land, and build my own house there. At least that is the plan.

>> No.19400768


Half that stuff is

>act like a pussy

How do you get over your sense of pride?

>> No.19400854

>blogpost ahead
>tl;dr: military personnel is apathetic, doesn't give a fuck, forget any romanticized ideas of the military you might have, train your handgrip if you still do wanna get in
Italianon here, I tried joining the army once, it was an embarassing failure. Basically I tried way too hard to be "tough" and people rightfully disliked me. Didn't even get past medical selection because my handgrip was too weak lmao. Now THAT was a nice asspull right there, no mention of that anywhere and wouldn't you know it it was the only thing I neglected in my preparatory months of workout. Also the people trying to get in the army don't give a flying fuck about the fabled "military life", they're only getting in 'cause they have nowhere else to go; the instructors are as bored and sarcastic as a bunch of elementary teachers, and equally energetic, but maybe it's just the selection crew that's like that though I wouldn't bet on it. If you expect cool shit like those american drill instructors screaming in your face or training with your fellow spurdos in the finnish woods you can forget it, personally I felt an atmosphere of apathy and dullness in my very shortlived joke of an "experience". If you also live in a country that has no real need for soldiers I suspect you might experience the same sad atmosphere

>> No.19401523

Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?

>> No.19401525

NCIS throws them in jail if they rape somebody.
If you're just an idiot and meant SNCOs, then yes, you're correct. It's both of our jobs.

>> No.19401703

Kys faggot. Your mind is the only girlfriend youll ever need