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19397624 No.19397624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that eating meat is neither /lit/ nor /rel/.

>> No.19397626


>> No.19397633

Meat is a treat you should eat on special occasions only.

>> No.19397645


>> No.19397646

but pic related ate meat and fish

>> No.19397647

Reminder that I forget your reminders if not pertinent.

>> No.19397649
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So why the fuck where they eating fish nigga? or are you one of those pseuds who doesn't consider fish (or poultry) meat? (which is a huge cope btw).

>> No.19397651

sisters, it was symbolic...

>> No.19397657


>> No.19397658

it's absolutely pertinent to this board

>> No.19397665

Board of memes - meme boardday

>> No.19397681

Kys tranny YWNBAW

>> No.19397704

It was a joke anon, relax and let your hate disappear

>> No.19397715

It seems to me that anyone who has the ability to think comes to the realization that reducing suffering, even if it can appear uselss on a larger scale, is indeed one of the best things one can do.

>> No.19398198

Sure but why would I care about the suffering of animals?

>> No.19398204

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

>> No.19398248

Silence plant haters

>> No.19398278
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>not /rel/

>> No.19398295

The way I see it is that if I can get away with depriving myself of meat, I'll do it. If I lived in the desert like Jesus I'd eat goats too, but I was blessed with a climate and economy that allows me to give up meat without starving. I like nature and animals so I give it up. If I'll be a little weaker than someone who's high on protein all the time, it's fine. I don't think any of this goes against a Christian view of creation. I know that St. Francis was probably not vegetarian because he ate offerings, but as I said, I'm in a position where I can get away with it.

>> No.19398306

Slave morality. A cope for being a slave.

>> No.19398315

Jesus very explicitly said it's ok to eat whatever
Who am I gonna trust, you or Jesus?

>> No.19398329

He specifically said that in regard to Jewish customs. If you think he'd be fine with factory farming you're crazy. He was never a sadist.

>> No.19398391

veganism is an incoherent response to factory farming

>> No.19398417

I never said anything about veganism. Yes it is an incoherent response and it's largely being used either to get people to buy branded shit, psychopaths to virtue signal and so on, as is Christianity itself these days, but the sentiment is fundamentally a good one. Vegans at least in theory advocate for doing whatever is possible. Everyone on this board especially seems to be hyper-aware of psyops yet when it comes to vegans they are extremely biased because if you look at the media, it's always and only the crazy nutcase vegans who are selected as poster boys for the movement. There's a veritable media campaign against vegans and generally any people who are geared toward ethical vegetarianism. On the other hand, people who "save" dogs from European research centers are portrayed as heroes while the reality of this is simply that the research center is moved to China or India where the animals are treated 10 times as cruelly. If we kept animal experimentation in the West for Western purposes you could at least trust that they'd follow the regulations. It's like people completely turn their brains off when it comes to animal ethics and the reason for this is that they don't thave any ethics, not even toward human beings, but it's way easier to posture about human facing ethics. If you can't have empathy for an animal you can't have empathy for people. It's not a switch off thing.

>> No.19398455

Why shouldn't you? Because your marlboro masculinity feels threatened by it?

>> No.19398464
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I like eating meat, so I will eat it. I do things that I like and avoid things that I don't like. Anything else is cope and slave morality, as >>19398306 pointed out.

>> No.19398469

What's ironic is that these are the same people who post the "early Christian" infographic while ignoring that half the people in it were fasting all year long and were explicitly vegetarian on ethical grounds. This argument ironically made me realize how foul Protestantism is, it's utilitarian religion.

>> No.19398483

It's just boy souls larping as men, like this clown >>19398464

>> No.19398490

Whatever you say, ESL monkey. Enjoy voluntary slavery.

>> No.19398499

Obeying your programming without a second thought does not make you self-possessed.

>> No.19398509

You're shifting the goalpost now. I never said anything about supporting contemporary farming practices anyway

>> No.19398510

I have thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that I like eating meat. Disobeying your instincts and desires doesn't make you virtuous.

>> No.19398547

>You're shifting the goalpost now.
I understand why you'd say this but I think the issue of modern animal ethics has very much to do with the overpopulation and mass consumption and hedonism that plague the world today. Modern vegetarianism transcends the simple idea that "killing" is wrong because animal exploitation is on such a level that it's not just killing but sadistic torture inflicted on a gigantic scale. Billions of animals are tortured to satisfy largely unnecessary need, there's nobody that is going to starve if we renounce factory farming. Meat is thrown away because giving subsidies to the meat industry matters more than ethics. People here lament so much about nihilism but the animal ethics issue is directly tied to it and yet they fully approve of it because - again - the complaints are largely selfish, because this is how nihilistic hedonists think.
Generally speaking human beings are disgusting chimps and there's nothing you can do about it, but when they LARP as having selective ethics it really grinds my gears. One of the main characteristics of Jesus is that he absolutely BTFOd hypocrites, and rightly so because hypocrisy is possibly the worst vice a human can have.

>> No.19398548

You're a fool

>> No.19398571
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 75AF5B82-B04D-4C9A-B32E-F88B3BEA86BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plutarch - On Meat Eating

>Porphyry - On abstinence from animal food

>> No.19398585

>One of the main characteristics of Jesus is that he absolutely BTFOd hypocrites
Like that one time he was nailed to a stick?

>> No.19398624
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Reminder that Jesus had a teeny tiny penis

>> No.19398637

I will pray for your soul, anon

>> No.19398639

literally how is eating plants much better than meat (ignoring factory farming, more hunting/husbandry). If you put animals above plants you've already created a hierarchy of life. From there it's easy to just put humans on top.

>> No.19398643

And I'll pray for the size of your god's pixie dick

>> No.19398656

You don't pray, anon. Otherwise your soul would follow the truth and would not dare to talk blasphemy about Jesus God in the Flesh.
I pray for you to find God and eventually ask forgiveness in His infinite mercy.

>> No.19398657

The hierarchy should be based on how nutritious the food is. This automatically puts wild animal foods at the top, then industrially farmed animal foods, then most humans, because they're even more sick than the animals, then all plants.

>> No.19398662

>And I'll pray
to who

>> No.19398664

Your religion is stupid and you should kill yourself.

>> No.19398665

Your god has a smaller dick than I do. What he says can't be true

Maybe that's why he turned the other cheek, because of his lack of testosteron

>> No.19398678

I will pray for your soul, anon.
And I will pray again for you, anon. For every blasphemy you utter, I will pray and ask God to have mercy on your soul, to help you see your mistake and sin.
Because I know out there, there's someone praying for us and helping us fight sin and Satan. There's someone out there asking God to forgive us for our crimes and I know love and mercy will conquer the void of hate.

>> No.19398680
File: 400 KB, 1259x1024, 1259px-Priapus_depicted_with_the_attributes_of_Mercury_in_a_fresco_found_at_Pompeii,_between_89_BC_and_79_AD,_Naples_National_Archaeological_Museum_(15554427720).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercury obviously. Feller's hung like a horse

>> No.19398688

Why don't you pray for Viagra instead, your god obviously needs all the help he can get

>> No.19398691

I will pray for you. Always remember that.

>> No.19398702

>muh bearded man in the sky
>jewish carpenter
>talking snake
>ghost in the shell
>magic morality
There's a board for your kind.

>> No.19398713

My kind is with my brothers, my brothers are those that suffer and preach the word of God.

>> No.19398744

Yes, and there's a board for your kind.

>> No.19398746

I will stay here and I will pray

>> No.19398768

How's that working out for you?

>> No.19398771

That's nice, but I'm never worshipping a god whose balls are twice as lobg as his cock. You should call him JC Tiny D

>> No.19398783

It's working
>That's nice
I know. Praying heals the soul and is the way we talk with God. You are deaf and mute anon, but I will be your voice and I will pray for God to grant you the ability to listen to His Word.

>> No.19398790

Is 'it's working' an empirically verifiable claim?