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/lit/ - Literature

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19396490 No.19396490 [Reply] [Original]

How can such an enormous country with immense wealth be so devoid of literary talent?

>> No.19396499
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You couldn't be more.wrong OP. Literature is one of the few things that is great about America.

>> No.19396506

literature is as old as god and the us is as old as the steam engine. also not true. hemingway is cool

>> No.19396512

It's because America is more of a company than an actual country.

>> No.19396515

for one, it's not a country
it's an open air prison camp

>> No.19396540
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America is based

>> No.19396566

Tocqueville touched on this. The French aristocratic social scientist that wrote Democracy in America. His observations were that in America money decided the value of everything. So in America a book couldn’t be considered any good if it didn’t sell well or didn’t create enough social capital to gain recognition. He said by contrast in France and also is true of many other European countries. They value art for art’s sake. Literature for literature’s sake. In essence, the promise of royalties is probably what stops good authors from being great authors. Think of Nabokov’s Lolita. He was from Russia and devoted to crafting literature. Lolita at first was a pariah not popular and wouldn’t have passed the golden checklist of politically correct capitalist propaganda.

>> No.19396573

>His observations were that in America money decided the value of everything.
wrong. discarded

>> No.19396589

It's actually surprising how much literary talent America has produced when you consider its extreme anti-intellectual culture.

>> No.19396668


>> No.19396806

> t. jealous Euro

>> No.19396807

He's not wrong tripfaggot.

>> No.19396938

ameriKKKa is a puritan shithole where the status quo of value is whatever makes you the optimal beast of burden
take for example >>19396432. OP is probably an ameriKKKan since it seems in their little atrophied dog brain anything that isn't immediately work or sleep is boxed into the utilitarian time categories of "leisure" or "entertainment" that can be exchanged for better optimization. not even in arguably more capitalist and money-oriented societies does this mindset really exist. it's a uniquely amerikkkan phenomenon

>> No.19396962

The yankees destroyed the southern aristocracy on a fiery raping rampage and thus destroyed the last vestiges of true literary potential.

>> No.19396966


stopped reading there. try being reasonable next time.

>> No.19396969

nigger hands typed this peanut nigger brain conceived post

>> No.19396995

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.19397000

Hemingway, Steinbeck

I could go on, but I don't need to.

>> No.19397016

I hate america and americans but I do have to admit that there are many american authors that I enjoy
It hurts me but to deny it would be delusional

>> No.19397026

The better question no one asks is how just New England and Louisiana basically comprise like 70% of worthwhile American literature?

>> No.19397032
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>> No.19397243
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Help me finish the rest of this "best books by state set in" map?

>> No.19397262

I think American literature is great. Its just that your cunt is really diverse you didn't produce a national epic to the level of Italy's Iliad, or Spain's Don Quixote

>> No.19397308

>The yankees destroyed the southern aristocracy on a fiery raping rampage

>> No.19397312


>> No.19397386

American novels are good but not top tier.
American poetry is meh except for a couple of names like Wallace Stevens.

>> No.19397486

muttmerica isn t a real contry, is just the industrial playground for the jews

>> No.19397490

As a full fledged ancap I would say that I believe that the market rules tend to deteriorate the quality of art (and I am willing to sacrifice this for overall freedom), but I will also say that I am pretty fucking sure that an extremely valuable art (by quality, not monetary standards) is being created daily in the US but it is almost impossible to find in a flood of commercial shit.

>> No.19397564

Poetry is fucking gay and rhyming is embarassing

>> No.19397590

>Italy's Iliad
Anon I...

>> No.19397596

>Poetry is fucking gay
Half this fucking chart is poetry

>> No.19397601

I like post modernism but it is an acquired taste so I get why you would think this since aside for those author there aren't really many great ones. Steinbeck and James are great and so is Melville although it is embarrassing how much mutts ride his dick (no pun intended)

>> No.19397796

>that pic
Literal whos, all of them.

>> No.19397804

> posts two nobodies
>I could go on

>> No.19397813

Moby Dick is clearly America's Iliad

>> No.19397837


>> No.19397952

Kek. Replace it with the whole of China, or even of Europe. Same ol' *want* of song, and dance

>> No.19398195

You don't read

>> No.19398223

If you think poetry is gay, you are a pleb.

>> No.19398331


>Doesn’t know any of the most basic bitch authors

Lurk more, newfags

>> No.19398338


>> No.19398521

??? Literature is the one area of the arts in which Americans have always excelled, is everyone here retarded?

>> No.19398534

The USA has great literature. This is from a non-American who doesn’t particularly care for the country or it’s people

>> No.19398554

>Lurk more, newfags
oh shut the fuck up loser

>> No.19398578

Back to plebbit sweetheart

>> No.19398610

Name ONE good book from America.

>> No.19398617

>Back to plebbit sweetheart

>> No.19398619


>> No.19398623

>t. South American

>> No.19398641

I'm sorry but that is an ugly map I can't tell shit. Just put the name of the book in black letters on white background

>> No.19398645

Book of the New Sun.
Come at me nigger

>> No.19398788

I consider myself pretty well read and I haven't even read 20% of these. Damn.

>> No.19398791

Just like Rome.

>> No.19398825

Then you’re not well read. Just accept it already.

>> No.19398835

Contrarian b8 bread

>> No.19398896

You’re just going to argue in bad faith so it’s not even worth the time. Every country has some great literature

>> No.19398987

Pff, haha nice copes faggots


>> No.19399035


>> No.19399054
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>ready player one
do 56ers really?

>> No.19399078

Anon ...

>> No.19399146


>> No.19399438

look at the literary output of mainland classical greece alone, now compare it to the output of the western roman empire in its entire history.

>> No.19399561

I was about the make the same comparison. You usually have 'muscly' empires with money and military that dominant swathes of land, yet their contribution to art pales in comparison other smaller nations that orbit them. That isn't to say they don't serve a purpose. The presence of such powers is stabilizing in the region so that other's can prosper in other areas

>> No.19399592

Cultural philistinism, anything considered high art is kind of against the national spirit. There’s some good American literature for sure, but IMO there’s no great American art tradition with any political or social weight behind it.

>> No.19399593

>Child safety tips from a pedophile
From the Onion. I think all of the others are real, just mostly from shitty daytime television.

>> No.19399677

to kill a mockingbird for alabama

>> No.19400085

wounded knee didn't occur anywhere near new mexico

>> No.19400113

Yeah, it occurred in Skyrim

>> No.19400238
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Only two hundred years old country, most of the land untamed wilderness with only wild animals and illiterates, why they wrote few books? It's a mystery!