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19393456 No.19393456 [Reply] [Original]

"Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps bro"
What a hack

>> No.19393462

You're an embarassment.

>> No.19393509

Hm I don't remember that being the point of the essay

>> No.19393522

Try reading the book before baiting

>> No.19393581
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> >Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps bro
> Stop saying this!!! This is literally violence!!! Where's my mommy????!!! where's my mommy????!!!! Wahhhhh!!!!

>> No.19394291

What I really enjoyed about Self Reliance was the way he contradicted a few of the points he made in the previous essay, History--really set the tone for the entire First Series.
No irony intended, btw. Felt it a good thing. The essays literally address one another

>> No.19394305

That's how you know he's a good essayist. Each essay an author writes should build upon what he's written before, even if it's moving in the opposite direction. It's like a symphony, with his philosophy split up into various movements, but all united.

>> No.19394401

>God will not have his work made by cowards
real shit

>> No.19394478

That means fuck your poor people.

>> No.19395818

This means cynicism

>> No.19396742

Did Emerson smoke the dank herb? Did he smoked weed marijuana?

>> No.19397389

What are bootstraps?

>> No.19397481

What is it about self-responsibility that throws lefties in a fit of cope and seething? You're not even poor you're a middle class white kid in college.

>> No.19397492

Little loop on the top of the heel of a boot: means literally to be your own servant, self-reliant

>> No.19397506

>What is it about self-responsibility that throws lefties in a fit of cope and seething?
uh,hereditariansim?I wish good luck to the vast majority of blacks in sub-saharan africa

>> No.19397894

Materialists believe discipline is produced by structures, and since leftists don't posses them you get the usual insolence as a response.

>> No.19398800

"responsibility" is generally used as a means of foisting the negative effects of macroeconomic policies onto individuals. factory job get shipped overseas? must be you weren't responsible enough

>> No.19398837

>factory job get shipped overseas?
>Maybe it would have been retarded to keep them here.