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19393064 No.19393064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any 30+ year old losers here?

What books have helped you deal with your situation in life at this age?

I'm struggling bros.

>> No.19393070

32, married, house husband. I spend all day reading, working out, and writing my novel pretty much. Huge house too. I mostly read scifi and fantasy.

>> No.19393073

Check the catalog next time, loser. We don’t need more than one of these damn things at a time.

>> No.19393076

Struggling is edgy fags in their 20s, anxiously observing normies coasting through life on easy mode. At 30 you're supposed to give up and enjoy life as it is (shit). No point beating a dead horse now.

>t. 31 year old NEET, happier than ever

>> No.19393084

This thread is specifically for losers over the age of thirty.

>> No.19393117 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 750x765, ei hymyilytä.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet, 5 months left.PRHGJ

>> No.19393125
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Not yet, 5 months left.

>> No.19393144

How do you pay rent? Does the lack of money concern you?

>> No.19393163

Living with mom in a large apartment left behind by dad. Not paying for anything, once I burn through eventual inheritance I'll probably be in my late fifties and ready to off myself.

>> No.19393170

38 here

The older you get, the easier it gets to accept yourself. Writing is more therapeutic than reading. Start with a concise autobiography or write how you feel about your situation etc. Fiction won't help you, only to relate to protagonist briefly or for cathartic reasons. And self-help is nonsense.

You need perspective. Life is short as hell, might as well stick it out

>> No.19393172

definitely dont read a napoleon biography

>> No.19393175

34 and I'm checking out soon.
Whatever society offers me is not only something I don't want but something directly opposite to what I want. I don't want to fuck 1000 people, I want one person to love and trust. I don't want to have someone else raise my kids so they fit into this shitty machine, I want to do it myself and make them into their own individuals. I don't want to buy more shit, I want a frugal, uncluttered life. I don't want to live a frantic, "full" life of constant business, I want peace and quiet and idleness. I don't want to have fun, I want contemplation. I don't want all the stupid conveniences of modern life, I want to live in nature. Everything about this life sounds like the worst possible deal I could ask for. I loved art so much and I would always come back to the same places and statues, I could see art as something edifying, the statues became like people, they became landmarks, things that lasted in my life, and they were symbols to things that taught me something by standing there after centuries. Instead art today is the opposite, it's a consumable thing that you devour and discard and you want more of, something always new, with no regard to meaning but only stimuli. So love and family aren't possible, a lifestyle isn't possible, art isn't possible.
I'm still a NEET and I could never hold down a job because I hate every single task I am required to do for this filthy industry of useless and damaging things driving the world into the ground. Everyone has values completely opposite to mine, if I could consider them as having any. Everyone despises me and you have no idea to what level people despise you when you're a NEET past 30. I'm like a leper. I think if I had a criminal record I'd have more respect.
I am so goddamn fucking tired of it all.

>> No.19393192

>you have no idea to what level people despise you when you're a NEET past 30. I'm like a leper. I think if I had a criminal record I'd have more respect.
Kek, so true

>> No.19393205

What advice would you guys give a 21 year old?

>> No.19393212

People with failed lives that think they'll somehow get the answers to life's problems from books are like people that can't get laid, and start lifting. You can't outlift autism, and you can't read your way into wisdom.
Literature is a fertilizer for the black soil of the soul, that the crops of wisdom may sprout from it heartier, healthier, and more plentiful. But, no fertilizer can make up for a poor farmer that never tills his soil.
You're not a loser because you didn't read the right books, or because you were never told some secret trick. You're a loser because you were too scared to live. Too scared to try. To fall. To break, and build. To hurt, laugh, and love. Because you were too scared to try.
You waited till the weeds took root, and planted their roots deep in the ground, and until your tools withered away into nothing. And now you sit there, and wonder what went wrong, and ask for secrets, and tricks, and advice, when you have no one to blame but yourself.
If you want to make the best of life, don't think so much. And never think more than you do.

>> No.19393218

I'll tell you 6 months from now

>> No.19393223

Commit fully to whatever you want to do. Do not act like you can fall back because you won't. Whatever you drop right now you won't be able to go back to, so even if you realize that what you want to do isn't what you imagined to be, you should stick with it.

>> No.19393233

Try to appreciate life in a short-term and long-term way. Mindlessly wasting time for brief, immediate experiences of pleasure is fine when you're 21, but eventually you're thirty with no skills, no money, no value in the eyes of most women (which does matter), and begin to panic if you're anything like me. Invest in your future by gaining some kind of skill, or finding a secure job, and make sure to identify unhealthy mental habits you have such as self-sabotage, low self-esteem, resentment, laziness, etc. Chances are, nothing is coming your way to solve your problems like that anime girl from that one anime about a NEET.

>> No.19393234

>Everyone despises me
Rightfully so.

>> No.19393244

Go to church buddy. A proper one.

>> No.19393270

I'm turning to religion as a last resort, but I'm basically faking it in the hope I'll make it.
Why? I do not wish for any of the things society has to offer me, I never fell short of anything. Whenever I did something according to this stupid plan I did brilliantly. I could probably earn six figured if I wanted to participate, I don't want to participate.

>> No.19393308

Since you made this thread I’ve fucked my wife and taken a shower. Two things you probably have never done

>> No.19393327

No, I've totally fucked your wife and it was in the shower. A lot of other people in this thread probably have too.

>> No.19393330

There will be a lot of people in churches who are utterly disgusted with modernity. At least in roman catholic and orthodox ones.

>> No.19393334

Blown the fuck out

>> No.19393335
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>> No.19393336

Jesus, dude. I pity you for the amount of obviously wrong overthinking you made to make your life that miserable.

>> No.19393348


This x100.

I spent my entire 20s focused on getting wasted and slacking off. Now I'm pushing 40, flat broke, renting a shithole no savings, no sex in 8 years and lonely as hell. No skills or hope. I cope with reading existential shit like houllebcq which for some reason I find strangely comforting.

>> No.19393354

>you should've turned your brain off and enjoyed the ride through bugman hedonism lol
I pity you for projecting your stupid cope onto me.
I haven't found this to be the case. I don't really know what to make of religion. I don't expect I'll find a community in churches. But I'm doing a few other things that I hope will pay off. I still have the option of moving to somewhere else but I confess that my energy for doing this kind of shit is running out.

>> No.19393369



>> No.19393372

>Why? I do not wish for any of the things society has to offer me
What do you offer society? Sounds like nothing

>> No.19393387

I hope you are doing okay brother.

>> No.19393388

Contemplating suicide every day malignantly useless fucks

>> No.19393392

Why does it "sound like nothing" you filthy snake? I surely had skills to offer because I would make 1000+ a week for basically no work when I tried doing advertising and design shit. Had a foot in the door of a major company. Then I made art but as I said it's not something people want anymore, and servants like you are trained to dismiss every such case with "well if this shit industry didn't want it then it must've been bad".

>> No.19393409

>Miserable 34 y. o. man with the mindset of a 14 years old nihilist thinks he outsmarted the "system" and doesn't understand that the only person he fooled was himself.

>> No.19393426

>less than one year to wizard status

>> No.19393427

I have never said I outsmarted anything, I just don't like what is being offered to me. I don't like it. I have lived in it and I hated it. Can you conceive that someone might simply not like what modern society has to offer in exchange for what is nothing short of wholesale relinquishment of one's life to modernity? You can't have one foot in it, you need to be neck deep in it. This is just a fact.
I'm not offing myself because I think I'm a loser, I'm offing myself because I'm tired beyond belief of this stupid limbo where I can't exist how I want but I don't want to exist how I'm supposed to.

>> No.19393430

You're premises are wrong so I didn't read. Humans are more complex than you think. 1 small acttion or habit can be the start of huge positive change. You can most definitely ourlift autism indirectly as in
be autistic (because you never socialise cause you're insecure about looks) -> lift a couple of months -> look better and feel much better about yourself -> this causes you to gather enough courage to say yes to a social event you otherwise never would go to -> have fun and make connections realise socialising isn't that hard.
Exactly the same thing can happen by reading a book.

You're a pessmisitc fag that thinks 1 dimensionally. Touch grass

>> No.19393437
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>I don't really know what to make of religion
You are in one or in a pseudo-one

> I don't expect I'll find a community in churches
You won't find community anywhere if you are not ready to sacrifice something

>> No.19393440

you're wasting your time talking to these kids, they'll never understand what a principled rejection of society really entails

this is a society where people get bankrolled hundreds of millions of dollars to adapt mobile games to film. not the hill you want to die on, dipshit

>> No.19393448

Only Hegel can save you

>> No.19393457

Then what type of society has to offer you something? There is no way you cannot find ANYTHING to fulfill or rationalize your existence even under the societal type you might not like. No one's holding a gun in front of your head in order to prevent you from doing what you want.

>> No.19393460

You're so young and naive it hurts.

>> No.19393484

>I've fucked MY wife
>things you PROBABLY have never done.
Bro, how fucking slutty is your wife if you can't even be sure some random anon on 4chan hasn't fucked her?

>> No.19393570

I can't really point to any single book but reading nonfiction (biology, anthropology, philosophy etc.) in general has at least given me a better understanding of my place in the world and some idea on why I turned out the way I am.

>> No.19393590

39 year old neet here, no books, just time. Life is pretty good

>> No.19393621

>house husband

how do i get a gig as sweet as this

>> No.19393634

Critique of the Gotha Programme and a good party.

>> No.19393680

38. I fuck whores and roasties on the reg and have HPV. Favorite book is Being and Time.

>> No.19393728

>this is a society where people get bankrolled hundreds of millions of dollars to adapt mobile games to film
Capitalism is the best system

>> No.19394177

as an adult child of a narcissistic NEET, it's a good thing you didn't have kids.

enjoy your life but realize that your lifestyle is awful for your kids. you don't have to be a NEET to teach nonconformity to your kids~

>> No.19394200

dude no. you're wrong because you think the only alternatives to modern life are NEEThood and the church. think for yourself and live a life that isn't inspired by unhealthy /b/tards.

do what you want to do. have the balls to say what you want to do.

>> No.19394202

>Life is short as hell, might as well stick it out

>> No.19394212
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37, just wait until Existential Crisis II: Electric Boogaloo.

If there's a part III, I'd rather blow my head off or burn my dick of with a propane torch.

>> No.19394213

>Then I made art but as I said it's not something people want anymore

this is where you're wrong. no one wants your art because it doesn't speak to them. either you're not finding your audience or it doesn't exist. maybe you need to make art for another 10 years before seeing any success instead of saying "it's not my art that sucks, it's the world that's wrong."

t. a musician with a dayjob in software without delusions that my music will ever be more than an art hobby.

>> No.19394217

Master something. Be an authority on SOMETHING that you can impress the average person with..

>> No.19394220

>t. Cucked shudra serf who loves being ruled by a rotten greedy merchant class

>> No.19394221
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>> No.19394222
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Start with Hegel, end with Hegel. There are no losers in life.

>> No.19394233

>There are no losers in life.
Except for Hegelians.

>> No.19394251

I read various Vedanta texts, as I've done since I was a teen. Life becomes a playground when you view it from the perspective not of a body and mind, but of an eternal, unchanging witness from which all experiences arise and fade back into.

Never stop your philosophical/spiritual practices, fellas. The doom of man is to forget, but with regularity you will never.

>> No.19394256
File: 8 KB, 200x252, Maugham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.19394267

I stopped caring and somehow I'm happier. So my advice, is just stop caring. You can only control your immediate self in the current present moment. Everything else is totally random and a waste of energy to worry about.

My advice is easiest to adhere to if you are middle class with a stable job. Suck it loser.

>> No.19394269

>early 30s
>no friends or social experiences since school
>no female attention ever
>started an ok career job in past few years but the career limitations of being an ugly autist are becoming more prominent
>ugly beta male
>no motivation in life
>done nothing I've ever been proud of, never put real effort in to anything

I've only lost interest in reading books. I would have to get dumber before I started believing in shit.

>> No.19394272

How to check if I am a loser? I'm in upper 3% in my country but it's third-world. I also still haven't achieved my life goals and haven't produced anything significant.

>> No.19394273

doing the same. i've noticed as i get older that deep meditation is more and more elusive. i'm 35 now and meditating was so much easier at 22.

shouldn't it be getting easier?

>> No.19394274

>Let him who cannot be alone beware of community... Let him who is not in community beware of being alone... Each by itself has profound perils and pitfalls. One who wants fellowship without solitude plunges into the void of words and feelings, and the one who seeks solitude without fellowship perishes in the abyss of vanity, self-infatuation and despair.

>> No.19394286

Yup, that's seriously it. That's pretty much what life is.
Jesus, who the fuck wrote this?

>> No.19394288

>the career limitations of being an ugly autist are becoming more prominent
If someone had sat me down at some point before ~14 and explained how career/life progression really worked instead of giving me that “the nerds will be the cool kids’ bosses!” cope shit, I would have lived my life much differently.

>> No.19394309

Not necessarily. You may have never mastered it. The younger you are the easier you learn. The older you are the more set you become in your ways. And your ways are hardly of your own making. You've soaked in this world experience for so long. You've meditated for comparatively little time. It makes sense you're better at attaching to live than detaching.

>> No.19394312

yeah, the sex havers in my class never ended up pumping my gas, they just went on riding that compatibility with the World all the way home. we got fed the most insidious copes, though in my defense I never really bought it. I saw at 18 that the Beautiful People had what it took and that I never would

Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I always love it when an anon gets me peeping a writer I never heard of before

>> No.19394317

I read a lot of books but it didnt help. Im still a 30 year old loser.

>> No.19394319

>maybe you need to make art for another 10 years
I've spent 10 years on it. Yes the audience does not exist, yes it doesn't speak to them. I don't care anymore.
I don't want to NEET, I'm going to see if I can do something in agriculture.

>> No.19394330

Post art pls

>> No.19394337

Never did and never will on this site.

>> No.19394360


That said, I don't meditate really at all. My philosophy practice is conscious and more or less constant. I study the truth and remember it throughout the day, so my analysis of situations is through that lens of philosophical understanding. There is no sequestering of my practice into a specific time slot. It's my whole life.

I would recommend that approach.

>> No.19394368

No, you're just depressed. Life is beautiful and you could be happy and satisfied almost every waking moment. For me I realized that through AA, but I'm sure there are other ways.

>> No.19394381
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>> No.19394387


>> No.19394393

ah, the krishnamurti approach? he has a point... why meditate to learn to be present when you can just be present?

for me, i do find that meditating is a workout for my focus, it helps me do one thing at a time rather than switching between a few things and not being present enough to finish anything. i do find myself more and more present the more i read and the more i practice. i'm more resilient to negative people around me and respond with pity more than anything to aggression from others.

>> No.19394394


>> No.19394395

lame platitude, why doesn't the reverse apply? you're just hopped up on endorphins and life is a masked hell.

>> No.19394397

I'm pretty sure I'm a loser, but I have stable employment, a small circle of friends, am close with my siblings and surviving parent, read a lot, write a lot.
The loser side is that I'm an alcoholic (day 3 sober right now), am a celibate closeted homo, and have squandered more intellectual and social opportunities than most people get in a life time. There is no end in sight if I don't stay sober, and even then, the improvements are limited.

>> No.19394405

I'm only a 20+ loser, so I'll see you boys in 10 years
>house husband
How do I secure this deal?

>> No.19394446

in the closet and an alcoholic... are those related, anon? would you be an alcoholic if you could be yourself otherwise?

>> No.19394467

No doubt, the exercises are worth doing. There is actually meditation in my day. I keep an asana practice going, and there's meditation in that; particularly in holding postures like "horse pose" for long periods. It forces the one to apply philosophical perspective or leave the difficult situation.

>> No.19394475

I've been in therapy for years, it only made me get worse. CBT didn't help because the jist of it was just "you have to like what's offered to you" and I couldn't like it. The meds made me feel like a robot, completely hollowed out. I couldn't touch a pencil, I stopped having dreams and I still wanted to kill myself. Then they said I was treatment resistant or some shit and wanted to double down on the meds. No other diagnosis, just depression. It's like they can't even conceive that you might be unhappy because you don't like what modern society has to offer.

>> No.19394492

CBT cucks think negative self-talk is always and intrinsically irrational, like how dysmorphics are just being "irrational" about the writing on the wall lmao. What a joke. literally paying some shmuck 40/hr to gaslight you

>> No.19394494

I don't know, but I had alcoholic tendencies before I was certain I was gay. Since my early 20s, the effects of the two things certainly overlap and one exacerbates the other. I think even if I was sober, I'd be in the closet because even when I was in junior high when I started recognizing the feelings, I didn't like it; it was a vain and superficial and obnoxious lifestyle and I was repulsed by everything except oral. And as I got older, I actually started being disgusted by the whole thing and that's why I'm celibate.

>> No.19394501

So you're an ego dystonic homosexual? How hellish is that?

>> No.19394504

just be an old school homo not the current flaming faggot

>> No.19394508

You marry a woman who mostly wants to dominate, embarass, and humiliate her husband. It's not a good plan. I don't think it's even a good idea if she is a royal and doesn't have to work either. Some men like to be dommed, but it's a horrible existence.

>> No.19394509

take omega 3 fish oil supplements

>> No.19394522

Masked hell? Who's masking this from him? Life is life and such metaphors are just a product of your depressed mind, which must give you hope because the is no depression that is unfixable (permanent depression exists, but not in your case, because you have an obvious existential crisis, and not the fucked up neurochemistry). Do your own research on depression, and create your place of "inner emigration" like in Junger's "Forest Passage", instead of what society expects from you.
Your unacceptance of modern society isn't something new, and rightwingers are dealing with this for the last 100 years, at least. Remember, that even after the fall of Roman Empire monks were able to preserve the light of culture, and made it to flourish again 1000 years later. Do you think that you are having it worse than them?

>> No.19394524

“There is no man,” [the painter Elstir] began, “however wise, who has not at some period of his youth said things, or lived in a way the consciousness of which is so unpleasant to him in later life that he would gladly, if he could, expunge it from his memory. And yet he ought not entirely to regret it, because he cannot be certain that he has indeed become a wise man—so far as it is possible for any of us to be wise—unless he has passed through all the fatuous or unwholesome incarnations by which that ultimate stage must be preceded. . . . We are not provided with wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can take for us, an effort which no one can spare us, for our wisdom is the point of view from which we come at last to regard the world.”
Marcel Proust
Within a Budding Grove

>> No.19394527

I had to look up the term, but it appears to be accurate in a broad sense. Certain parts of my life suck (perpetual loneliness, lack of interest in so many things that seem to bring people pleasure, inability to speak candidly to people much of the time, or articulately), but I think I've been able to counter balance it by other interests and having routines that survive whether I'm sober or drinking.
And to follow up to your earlier question
>would you be an alcoholic if you could be yourself otherwise
I think it would be easier to quit because often around the fourth or fifth day, some of the following thoughts always slip through my defenses and make me return to the bottle
>you're never going to love or be loved by anyone intimately
>even if you achieve all your goals (living peacefully in a rural area), you will still be alone
>you're probably gonna have a heart-attack or stroke by 40 and you'll have nothing to show for it
the only benefit of these thoughts is that they've given me a little more urgency in finishing my novel so that I have some pathetic little message to leave behind.

>> No.19394530

stop making me compete in the pain olympics with the dead, my pain is my pain and no one else can speak for it, just like I can't speak for anyone else's. some natures are wounded forever and all they can hope for is a peaceful life or a beautiful death. end of story

>> No.19394536

I have a flawless diet and no deficiencies. I just literally do not like the idea of nihilistic hedonism, it does not fulfill me. I hate the color grey and asphalt and concrete give me a feeling like the Zerg goop on the ground. I hate driving, I hate advertising and working in an office, I hate unsolicited music or background music, and a million other things that are just normal today I see them as a torture. It's all so deeply wrong, not even a lobotomy will make me happy about this shit. I really hope I will manage to work somewhere in a vineyard or as an artisan or join a literal monastery but if all this fails I'm checking out.

>> No.19394543

Also this guy >>19394530 isn't me.

>> No.19394545

is it just the fear of loneliness/desolation that drives you to the bottle, or is it the sexuality itself? that this arousal has no outlet, or that you are aroused in the first place? I am fascinated by people who are basically at war with their own natures.

>> No.19394556

>I have a flawless diet and no deficiencies
Have you had blood work done?

>> No.19394557

Yes regularly.

>> No.19394586

Interesting. I've listened a lot to Andrew Huberman lately and he talks quite a lot about how a lot of things can change our body and mind, and specifically with depression.


Maybe it's worth a listen for you, idk.

>> No.19394605

No, the true source of my alcoholism is probably more banal. I got drunk once at the age of 13, and then again at the age of 14. Apparently, getting intoxicated during adolescence has the potential to wire your developing brain towards alcoholsm regardless of other circumstances. But once I realized the truth, it quickly became a crutch and then an addiction and now a form of steady self-destruction.
I don't actually have a fear of loneliness, per se. I am a solitary person already and have been for most of my adulthood. I have a few friends, I'm social with my immediate family. But I am not outgoing and for the last four years, other than when I am at work, most of my time is spent alone at home or online.
>what drives you to the bottle?
-the repulsive sexuality contributes
-the longing for something I can never have (a wife and children) contributes
-the longing for someone whom I'm sexually attracted, and whom I don't actually want to find contributes
-living alone and therefore being out of view of others contributes
There is even like a physical craving that comes and goes that literally can't even be filled with anything; it's like I'm starving for a food that hasn't been invented yet. Alcohol blocks that out temporarily, as does dumb entertainment (youtube or something). But I hate dumb entertainment and I hate youtube, but it works....so you see the way the cycle goes?
>are you that aroused in the first place?
Not really any more. I told myself long ago that I think it would be best if I took it to the grave, so I've been conditioning myself to see anything sexual as prohibitive, generally speaking. I still jerk off now and then, but it's always to something that's subtly hinting at something else rather than explicit depictions of penetrative sex.

>> No.19394609

I don't have depression.

>> No.19394622

Pretty fascinating. All I can say is that you have a very strong soul.

>> No.19394626

Thanks for listening, pal. I really appreciate it.

>> No.19394630

Just read any history at all. If you are alive and able to post on 4chan, you are in a unique position in all of human history.
Use the internet, learn about things until you gain an actual perspective
The only one to call yourself a loser is you. And you make yourself what you call yourself. Did you ever see a picture of Sartre? If not, find one. If that guy could make a personality cult out of being ugly and antisocial, so can you. Or not. Just see your suffering and your loneliness as a narrative, as a novel, and you will start to notice all the ironies and jokes in it. It's all in how you look at it and what you make of it.
You're not busy getting napalmed or tortured, so just chill

>> No.19394632

Alright, I found myself awfully similar to you views vise and I assume I have depression.

>> No.19394640

I have also struggled with a base nature and addiction so it's good to meet someone who knows what it's like. We'll struggle to the grave and hopefully find peace on the other side.