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/lit/ - Literature

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19387685 No.19387685 [Reply] [Original]

When you compare the literally quality of Buddhist texts to those of Hinduism, works like the Mahabharata, Ramayana and Upanishads absolutely blow away the clunky repetitive style of Buddhist cannon.

They cope for the Vedas and the Varna system with easily refuted dialects which are comically self assured.

The inferior nature of Buddhist texts can only be explained when you realize that much of the writing is the product of chandala pens.

>> No.19387730

But what if I dont want to pray to blue elephants? Indians have been practicing Hinduism for thousands of years, and the results of it are clear in their repulsive culture and aesthetic. How are purple elephants and rituals any better then the Jewish Gods? The reason that people are drawn to Buddhism, is because it doesnt require you to bow down and stick your unwashed ass in the air while you chant "I bow to the elephant", while simultaneously taking your idols in front of your complex idol altar, pouring milk on it. I will never understand why chuds are so obsessed with it. I hope /lit/ will finally move on from this religious flavor of the month onto something better soon.

>> No.19387746

If you don’t know Sanskrit, Tibetan, and classical Chinese you can’t even begin to actually judge the literary quality of the Hindu and Buddhist canons.

>> No.19387757

>The reason that people are drawn to Buddhism, is because it doesnt require you to bow down and stick your unwashed ass in the air while you chant "I bow to the elephant"

I'd disagree Buddhists reject the caste system as well as the authority of the Vedas. That's what makes Buddhism attractive

>> No.19387781


>> No.19387782
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the early sangha was overwhelmingly populated by brahmin and kshatriya, you are a pajeet who understands buddhism through the lens of the charlatan ambedkar, and you are ignorant as are most pajeets.

>> No.19387795

Mahabharata is literally just curry capeshit evangelion. The whole thing just alternates between
>get in the fucking chariot arjun!!
>nooooooooo i don't wanna :((
>*autistic, long-winded explanation of hindu powerlevels and astra abilities*
Yeah, nice "epic" you got there bitch, I might as well just watch Naruto or some gay ass shit of the sort.

>> No.19387803
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>> No.19387809

Newar Buddhists - one of the only remaining ancient Buddhist communities on the subcontinent - have a caste system, suggesting that other indic Buddhist communities did as well. The only reason modern Buddhism has no caste is because they converted non caste peoples, and that's all that's left.

>> No.19387810

Regardless of the latter material, the Pali Canon is indubitably dry, clunky and highly repetitive.

>> No.19387816

Sri Lanka also has a widespread caste system among their Buddhist population

>> No.19387824
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the vast majority of poos should stick to their little bhakti cult, in accord with their capacity. by the way, indra still receives honor in buddhism, while in modern day "hinduism" the focus has shifted to non-vedic deities and the veneration of post-vedic texts that insult and demean him with ridiculous stories. Sad!

>> No.19387828

At least Buddhists don't accept the rank Puranas as scripture. Hindus base most of their practical religion around them, ignoring the vedas day to day.

>> No.19387831

Yes, there is a difference between saying caste is irrelevant for joining the sanga vesus abolishing the caste system in society.

>> No.19387835

Still better than

What must we do to understand the Dhamma?
>Act rightly
What must we do to understand acting rightly?
>Practice Dhamma
How can we practice Dhamma?
>By doing what's right

>> No.19387837
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Pic very much related

>> No.19387848
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The tragic fate of Indra: from horse-riding, supreme god in the Vedas to pot-bellied, comic relief in the Puranas.
>but but Hindooism is follows the Vedas
No, sweaty. They largely ignore the Vedas and what they call the "Vedic literatures" [read with heavy Indian accent] is actually post-Vedic aka Hindoo.

>> No.19387858
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Schopenhauer was very much appreciative of the moral teachings of Christianity, comparing them favorably with those of Indian religions, and has only criticized the retarded metaphysics - and he's not the first one to, people have been doing that for centuries before he was born. On the other hand Nietzsche had massive admiration for Jesus and called him "the only true christian". It's obvious you know these philosophers only from memes and at best from skimming through wikipedia.

>> No.19387866

>jesus is the only true christian
That makes no fucking sense. That's like saying "Allah is the only true Muslim".

>> No.19387885

Allah was never a human dipshit

>> No.19387896

A god in flesh is still a god, asscrack

>> No.19387903
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>NOOOOO Hinduism is just bh*kti, I am retarded and have never heard of non-dualism, yoga and tantra!!!

>> No.19387906

It means that Jesus led such a saintly life that no follower of his ever equaled him. This was Nietzsche's level of appreciation for him. Can't get more obvious than that.

>> No.19387915

>It means that Jesus led such a saintly life that no follower of his ever equaled him.
Yeah a God perfectly followed the very rules he created. Not sure where I'm supposed to be impressed, I mean, if Jesus DIDN'T follow his own rules to a T, when he's a God, then why should anybody, let alone mortals?

>> No.19387931

>At least Buddhists don't accept the rank Puranas as scripture.
Hinduism doesn’t either you dumbass. Most schools of Hinduism consider the Puranas to be Smriti, i.e. fallible and non-revealed scriptures that are the product of inspiration, instead of Sruti i.e. revealed scriptures. The Gaudiya Vaishnavas are one of the few schools that consider Puranas as Sruti and they are criticized by the other schools of Hinduism for this. And instead of being “rank” the Puranas far excel the Pali Canon and other Buddhist fables like the jatakas in literary quality
>Hindus base most of their practical religion around them, ignoring the vedas day to day.
And most practical Buddhists dont read Buddhist scripture and instead offer incense and pray to Buddha in a transactional way where they are praying for wealth etc.

>> No.19387933

Jesus was no god.

>> No.19387937

>No, sweaty. They largely ignore the Vedas and what they call the "Vedic literatures" [read with heavy Indian accent] is actually post-Vedic aka Hindoo.
Wrong, most Hindu theology is rooted in the primary Upanishads which are the crown-jewel of the Vedic corpus

>> No.19387945

Ah you're back. I bet this entire thread is just you having arguments with yourself you schizoid fag

>> No.19387949

Nice sentiment, but know that by the very Bible's own words, you are a heretic for saying this.

>> No.19387955
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>> No.19387972

To be frank with you, I don't give a fuck what the Bible says.

>> No.19387978

-then you're no Christian, simple as that.

>> No.19387994

I never claimed to be. Where did you even get that impression?

>> No.19388010

I automatically assumed you are, since this board has been festering with christbugs for at least a year now.

>> No.19388018
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> and the results of it are clear in their repulsive culture and aesthetic

Indians literally churned out math, dramaturgy, philosophy, medicine, grammar for 2 millenia. You're taking the last few centuries when India has been a shithole and falsely extrapolating it to the last 3000 years.

Greece has been a shithole that got conquered and raped by every variety of Muslim as well these past few centuries, doesn't mean the Ancient Greeks weren't innovators. So false equivalence.

>> No.19388025

>Hinduism, works like the Mahabharata, Ramayana and Upanishads
Buddhism deals with liberation from suffering. Telling fascinating stories about Indian superheroes is not necessary for this, rather it interferes.

>> No.19388027
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All built by Indians

>> No.19388029

Buddhism is Hinduism with all the fluff cut out.

>> No.19388043

Nope. I'm just busting some myths about Schop and Nietzsche.

>> No.19388057

Alright fair enough. Sorry for assuming shit about you.

>> No.19388072

Kek yeah they really fucked up what that buddha fag tried to tell.

>> No.19388084

looks terrible like someone powerwashed a ritual sacrifice temple for hell

>> No.19388087

Don't play dumb. The Vedas are the four Vedas (with the Sama taken largely from the Rig). Everything else is shitter "literatures" [heavy Indian accent].

>> No.19388107

No, because Nietzsche knows that Jesus wasn’t God himself

>> No.19388118

No worry. This board has become such a shitshow. Couldn't blame you.

>> No.19388135

>Don't play dumb. The Vedas are the four Vedas (with the Sama taken largely from the Rig)
You are the one who is acting dumb, the Upanishads are a part of the Vedas and they make heavy use of Vedic concepts, terminology etc and make constant reference to the Vedas. The Upanishads are no less a portion of the Vedas than the mantras, sanhitas, aranyakas etc are as well, they all collectively form the Vedic corpus.

>> No.19388147

A collective termine used by Europeans to characterize the heterogeneous religious practices that existed and exist on the Indian sub-continent. It can mean anything.

>> No.19388176
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People ITT not realizing that Buddhism is just one branch of Hinduism, along with Jainism, Vedanta, Samkhya and the rest, and instead thinking it's some Hinduism vs. Buddhism religion battle just shows how illiterate and ignorant most posters here are.

>> No.19388197

>Buddhism deals with liberation from suffering.
So do the Upanishads:

The Upanishads ... are among the noblest and most inspired books in the world; in them, the whole of the Indian wisdom is already contained; later teachers could but expand and comment on them, but in no way departed from this original treasure of wisdom." ... "The Upanishads teach the wisdom of Atma, the Supreme Self of all beings; the same divine Life which Philo of Alexandria later called the Logos, the Divine Mind, the collective spiritual consciousness of our universe. They tell us that, while each of us may seem to be a wanderer and exile, lonely, desolate in our world of shadow and of sorrow, we are in reality neither alone nor desolate, but undivided, unseparated rays of the Universal Self, the Logos. What is needed to secure our immortality—an immortality which is still conditional, until this victory is won—is the realization of our oneness with the Supreme Self. The Upanishads show how, step by step, we may mount the golden stairs; they tell us what we must leave behind; what we must gain, as we tread the small, old path; what we must achieve; with the promise that we shall in the fullness of time be initiated into the fullness of that eternal, universal Supreme Self of all beings. "The whole aim of their teachings is this: to point the path by which the personal self may win immortality and divinity, by becoming united with the Higher Self, which always possessed immortality and divinity.
- Charles Johnston

>Telling fascinating stories about Indian superheroes is not necessary for this, rather it interferes
The Ramayana has less overt metaphysical content, but the Mahabharata and Puranas contain a bunch of different sections consisting of Upanishad-like discourses on enlightenment and metaphysics. The Bhagavad-Gita is just the most well-known example, the Mahabharata also contains the Vyadha-Gita, Anu-Gita and Uttara-Gita, the latter of which is a text of pure metaphysics and gnosis on par with the Upanishads. The beauty of combining metaphysical discourses and teachings with great literature is that you can appreciate the wonderful aesthetics of the text alongside the metaphysical content, and it presents a more palatable option of gaining spiritual understanding for people who whatever reason are not ready to study or who are otherwise not fit to study pure metaphysics or spiritual practice alone. Reading about superheroes alone without any spirituality would obviously be a distraction from the spiritual path, but it seems a very weak and unsubstantiated claim to say that any combination of stories with spiritual instruction, such as found in the Puranas etc, results in harm.

>> No.19388200

>curry capeshit evangelion

>> No.19388240
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>> No.19388241

I agree the hindufinity war arc of the vedas is really based but it's an entirely different matter to read Buddhist treatises on metaphysics and soteriology

>> No.19388268
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Hinduism was invented by the British colonial administration to make diverse Indians and Muslims easier to govern. India has native bhakti (paganism), sramanic traditions (yoga, tantra, buddhism, jainism, and brahmanic imitations of these), and brahmanism. Bhakti and folk traditions were obviously everywhere, brahmanism was a late priestly version of the Indo-Aryan Kuru-Pancala kingdom's religion in the west that then degenerated into a highly ritualistic exoteric priestly cult, and the sramanas began in the eastern Ganges area as a distinct cultural revolution
>The śramaṇa culture of Greater Magadha developed separately from the orthodox Brahmin-oriented śrauta culture to its west, that was characteristic of the upper Ganges basin (the Ganga-Yamuna doab).

The Upanishads were heavily influenced by the sramana movements, but brahmanism still died and dwindled into the first several centuries of the 1st millennium AD. Sramanism became highly syncretic and things like Buddhism and Tantrism became religions with fuzzy borders just like Taoism/Buddhism in India.

This created a common cultural complex in India between 300-700 AD where ascetics, folk traditions, theurgy, and all sorts of drifting bhakti (ritual/devotional paganism) overlapped. In this context they developed all sorts of epistemological and metaphysical idealist philosophies. Mahayana buddhism created institutional monasticism, as opposed to lone ascetics/hermits in India in this period.

A resurgent Indian priestly caste still identifying with brahmanism absorbed this culture over centuries, and as Buddhism began to decline, put forward a new "orthodox" reading of the Upanishads that is basically syncretic Indian sramana culture plus brahmanical ritualism and culture (like caste). Some of the first figures in this were Gaudapada, a Buddhist-Vedic syncretist, and Shankara, supposedly a student of one of Gaudapada's students, and also a "crypto-buddhist" (according to most Indian tradition).

Brahmanism became the overarching framework of "Hindu" self-understanding after this but it was basically late sramana/idealist syncretism with a brahman priestly caste reasserting itself by claiming never to have declined at all, even though there was a 500-1000 year gap in their authority and relevance while other religious cultures flourished.

This new brahmanical complex still declined under centuries of Muslim rule and became highly syncretistic again, blending with sufism on the one hand, and collapsing into bhakti again after the Mughals took over. When the Brits took India from them, they were confused as to what "Indian religion" is and "found" it by looking at "original" texts, like they were used to in Europe with the Bible and Greek philosophy.

>> No.19388291

the pajeets on this board are so insanely fucking delusional it's amazing

>> No.19388345

your illiteracy has no bearing on the real world

>> No.19388378

you shit in streets; therefore your argument is wrong.

>> No.19388382

He's half right but since Buddhism lives rent-free in all post-Mauryan Indian philosophy, today's Hindu schools, which must always affirm they are not the stinky nastika heresy of Buddhism in order to be considered properly Hindu, demonstrate Hinduism is really an Indian subset of the pan-Asian religion that is "Buddhism."

>> No.19388388

>dumb ESL can't into semi colons
Pfft...Colon dweller

>> No.19388425

>Muh grammar
And your people still haven't been properly potty trained, so I guess I have a bit of an advantage there.

>> No.19388481

They're not pajeets, don't judge us by these people. These are like how the most aggressive and annoying Catholics are atheists who convert to Catholicism for clout.

>> No.19388591

Reminder that Buddhism is an NPC religion
Rootless, soulless, dogmaless, one-size-fits-all religion perfect for the NWO

>> No.19388597

Oh yes, godless, classless, I could go on

>> No.19388626
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Pic related represents a Buddha land/field. That is the Buddhist ideal, where everyone becomes a clone of each other (I’m not even kidding, see the Pure Land sutras)… before reading the highest Buddhist ideal, which is become nothing.

>> No.19388645

Completely wrong as always. I have to wonder if /lit/'s anti-Buddhists have read anything Buddhist, as in written by Buddhists and not Californians

>> No.19388655

Even if it were somehow true that the highest ideal is to become "clones," how are clones "nothing"? You sound upset and poorly read.

>> No.19388718

I said they become clones before they become nothing, you have poor reading comprehension

>> No.19388747

If you count Zelazny's Lord of Light as part of Buddhist canon they win.

>> No.19388750

Don't you have to meditate on nothingness?

>> No.19388756

your grammar is atrocious

>> No.19388763

Nowhere do Buddhists themselves advocate for nihilism, that is basically a hostile critique, usually from theists who consider denial of the supremacy of their gods to be nihilism, because for them it is inconceivable that things should be present without having a kernel of permanence guranteed by some absolute first cause. Buddhists claim that this absolute is, on the contrary, an impossibility, yet all is still present even without this, and present precisely because of not depending on a singular absolute cause.

>> No.19388771
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Emptiness is form, sweetie

>> No.19388781

>war is peace
>freedom is slavery
>ignorance is strength

>> No.19388791

Dualism is for children. You probably didn't understand 1984 either.

>> No.19388860

this pretty much expalin why the idea that buddhism is nihilist is absurd

>> No.19389033

> - Charles Johnston

Oh okay then. If Charles Johnston says it, you know it's legit.

>> No.19389070

I have more quotes if you would like some more:

>"It is impossible to read the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India."
- Sir William Jones ( 1746 – 1794)

>"I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains - so simple, so true, if once understood."
- Max Muller (1823 – 1900)

>"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavat Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial…"
- Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

>(The Bhagavad Gita is) "The most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue ....perhaps the deepest and loftiest thing the world has to show."
- Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767 – 1835)

>"I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-gita. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)

>"In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life -- it will be the solace of my death. "
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)

>> No.19389078

>Mahabharata is literally just curry capeshit evangelion
/lit/ always finds a way to make me laugh

>> No.19389176

What on earth are those supposed to demonstrate?

>> No.19389268

nothing, this is how advaitafags in general and guenonfag in particular cope, they can't never win an argument against buddhist so they resort to pathetic shit like this
this whole thread just show the huge Inferiority complex this guy have

>> No.19389286

>Newar Buddhists - one of the only remaining ancient Buddhist communities on the subcontinent

it's vajrayana, so it's not orthodox buddhism, their caste system is not based on tradtional buddhism but in the traditional newar caste system

>> No.19389295

A list of proto-theosophists endorsing the Upanishads to their fellow literati who were unfamiliar with the recently arriving wave of translated Indian texts and would need to have the case made for them to be read

>> No.19389323

That's a tendentious reading of the evidence. Sri Lankans are Theravada.