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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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19384168 No.19384168 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /sci/ get LaTeX support but we, the literature board, lack even basic word processor functionality like bold, italics, etc? It would improve user experience dramatically and it would be extremely easy to implement. A board dedicated to reading and writing shouldn't lack basic formatting.
Also, increase the character limit per post to 5000.

>> No.19384203

OP you are a ray of sunshine on this shitty board. This is a fantastic suggestion.

>> No.19384213

Never thought about this before but /lit/ really is long overdue for this. Hopefully the mods/Hiro will deliver.

>> No.19384217
File: 119 KB, 467x394, s18n603tw3p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give my support!

>> No.19384246

hell yeah

>> No.19384290

this would make /lit/ by far the best board, pls Yukio Mishimoot, this way I can write racial slurs in bold letters

>> No.19384724

4chan used to support bbcode.
The only tag we have left is "spoiler".

How about markdown? That's generally functional.

>> No.19384797

>increase the character limit per post to 5000
No. We don't need more fucking walls of text

>> No.19385269

Great writers wrote without any of that word processor bullshit. A word is a word.
Raising the character limit would be good, though.

>> No.19386097

And great writers have written with it. Why limit yourself unnecessary?

>> No.19386103

It would be a nice test of creativity Anon

>> No.19386114

I propose we add upvote and downvote buttons.

>> No.19386119

I, on behalf of both /lit/ and /his/, propose the creation of the /god/ board, because half of /his/ is Catholics and protestants sniping at each other, and it keeps leaking into /lit/, too, through innocent "what version of the Bible should I read" threads.

>> No.19386147

Just give us LaTeX support and forcefont cmr-12

>> No.19387079
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>> No.19387110

5k character limit sounds horrendous

>> No.19387118

Imagine how many times you could write the word nigger in 5000 characters.


>> No.19387132

what was the title of the last Great Book you read that had fucking bold text and italics in it??

/lit/ only needs one change: permabanning all variations of the butterfly name and people who engage with her to derail threads

>> No.19387144

833 without spaces

>> No.19387204

Lit sucks rn because no one has been able to keep up read because of COVID. I don't think these changes will help but I appreciate the sentiment man.

>> No.19387219
File: 300 KB, 1503x2400, sorokin_ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what was the title of the last Great Book you read that had fucking bold text and italics in it??
this was pretty great

>> No.19387221

I actually fully support this. I think a God board would be immensley cool and could also allow for some good theological growth for the young ones.
Mods, please seriously consider this as the main solution for our humble humanities section.

>> No.19387237

Also, the headline on this would be amazing: "4chan found God"

>> No.19387244

blessed thread

>> No.19387353

5000 times

>> No.19387369

I am in opposition to this proposal

>> No.19387688
File: 322 KB, 750x731, SHES UPSET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good idea but Hiro and mods don't fucking care about this site, so we probably get nothing.

>> No.19387983
File: 275 KB, 706x614, zyzz-evolianism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP. They should have done this a long time ago

>> No.19388348

In principle I think it's a good idea.
In practice however I tend to think that relying on italics and bold to highlight certain words is just poor form.
I mean just imagine your typical tryhard philosophy post but now the poster keeps italicizing the word "metaphysics" for no reason. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.19388986

For once, OP was based

>> No.19388993

>relying on italics and bold to highlight certain words is just poor form
That's only one use of bold and italics.

>> No.19389021

you should have to complete six different captchas in order to post, you should only be allowed to post once an hour, half the character limit, delete warosu.

>> No.19389026

>delete warosu
There are at least 3 archives for /lit/

>> No.19389082

name them

>> No.19389104

no, I want them to die

>> No.19389109

fully support this.

>> No.19389690

>tfw no shitposting in /gnosis/ with your fellow yaldabaros

>> No.19389703

I don't care about any of that shit but give us a 500 post per thread limit like /a/ has. also expel dumb frogposters.

>> No.19389709

make it /rel/ to include non-deity religions

>> No.19389718

all the archives should be deleted because /write/anons may have posted clips of their work in the threads that could come back to haunt them in the future, given how politcally correct and anal retentive the publishing industry is.

t. retard

>> No.19389807

That's why they post it as an image rather than text, dummy. So it doesn't get picked up by searches.

>> No.19391080


>> No.19391134

none of that shit enhances literature in any way and in settings like 4chan it is only ever abused to make extremely obnoxious posts and will kill 4chan. that shit is for technical documents, not literature.