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19382883 No.19382883 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I was looking to begin reading Carl Jung and while there are many flowcharts from /lit/ breaking down which books to read in which order for many topics and philosophers, I haven't been able to find one regarding Jung. Was wondering if any anons on here had any recommendations as to which books of his are essential and in which order they should be read for proper understanding?

>> No.19382891

Dream and Dream interpretations
Man and his Symbols
Modern man in search of soul

All great starts

>> No.19382988
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I would skip Man and his Symbols; only the first part was written by Jung. Read Portable Jung instead, it's a collection of his works The introduction covers his early life, falling out with freud, and so on.

>> No.19383017


>> No.19383135

Memories, dreams, and reflections.

It's a fantastic biography that will also introduce you to most of Jungs ideas and history, while being pleasant to read and easy to understand.

>> No.19383187

Man and his symbols

>> No.19383192

At that point get selected works.

>> No.19383769

Which is the selected works?

>> No.19383799

Thank you everyone for the recommendations. It seems while the orders are slightly different it's the same few books to start and follow up. I've just stopped by the bookstore to pick up Man and his symbols as well as Memories, dreams, reflections

>> No.19384127

I went with Modern Man in Search of a Soul, then Memories, Dreams Reflections, and am currently going through Archetypes and the collective Unconscious, with my plan to read the Red Book after that. Whether or not this path is ideal, it has kept me interested enough, so it works for me. Memories, Dreams Reflections is honestly one of the most interesting things I've ever read.

>> No.19385260

Jordan Peterson explains Jungian concepts extremely well in clear terms that make it easy to understand how they manifest in everyday life and in art. His psychological model of order and chaos is his attempt at articulating of the most fundamental archetype/meme beneath all other archetypes. By doing so he is able to describe Jung's archetypes at the higher resolution, for example the tyrannical king archetype is the masculine aspect expressed in an excessive amount of order, the wise king is balanced, and the sleeping king allows too much chaos by paying insufficient attention. He also incorporates the Big 5 personality model to describe the differences between masculinity and femininity which effectively puts Jungian archetypes in measurable terms.

>> No.19386032

I just started Memories Dreams Reflections this evening, I can tell I'm going to enjoy the ride. The self-analysis and topics resonate very much with me, which I'm sure differs in language in comparison with other of his theoretical books