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/lit/ - Literature

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19380450 No.19380450 [Reply] [Original]

Poor Folk edition

>> No.19380463

isn't it wild that this is a guy who unironically believed that the Antichrist would use Jewish banks to destroy civilization?

arguably the best novelist of all time. and essentially a BitChute schizo

maybe that stuff isn't really schizo
or maybe literature is schizo

>> No.19380491
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>unironically believed that the Antichrist would use Jewish banks to destroy civilization?
They already did this though

>> No.19380506

Stupid take

>> No.19380509

Everybody in the late 19th century believed evil forces were using Jewish banks to destroy civilization. Marx and Bakunin both accused Jewish bankers and Rothschilds in particular. Everyone, left or right, liberal or conservative, knew that most of the high level international bankers were Jews or shabboses for them.

>> No.19380518

Thank you, butterfly, for reaffirming my beliefs

>> No.19380521
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then they just...won. it's crazy. all the super dangerous ideas that get you b& and v& were just normal political discourse when all our favorite novelists were writing
deradicalize me in 100 words or less. I will actually listen and not just reee at you

>> No.19380566

The eternal anglo funded it's navy with jewish bankers. it's not the jewish bankers that are the problem because they make more of their bank money when there is civilization

>> No.19380572

that one German movement kind of vastly improved things when they kicked em out and started their own gov't currency tho

>> No.19380591

It’s money, not blood or religion.

There’s radical Jews who don’t like the banksters or Israeli apartheid. It isn’t a racial divide, a religious divide, it is a class divide, a class war. The nationstate and it’s lifesblood of capital are the enemy. No matter who’s profiting the most or who’s in charge, it’s all corrupting.
Stay radicalized. We need a genuine systems change

>> No.19380627

Shoo, shoo, moth
Derail a different thread

>> No.19380628

A lot of BK flew over my head, but he had a really nice counterargument to the belief in the moral relativistic bullshit that people end up believing in after they disagree with any idea of God and ultimate morals. I loved The Devil chapter way more than Grand Inquisitor

>> No.19380636

I asked her to

>> No.19380638

Tell them >>19380518 >>19380521 you double standard asshole

>> No.19380762

>A lot of BK flew over my head
Why is that?

>> No.19380782

I didn't write notes first of all, and I feel like I wouldn't be able to explain what the book is really about if someone asked me, other than trying my best to sum up the main story itself. Theres so many different things going on simultaneously throughout the book. Like, what I got out of the book is not as much as you'd think a guy would get out of a +750 page book. I still enjoyed it a lot

>> No.19380802

Reading for enjoyment is 100% different than study, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, much of it probably went over your head if you weren't actively taking notes and 'studying' it, though, I'm sure most people arent doing that either. Just read a couple literary reviews/analysis and some more subtle points might click

>> No.19380847
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"To be a human being among human beings, and remain one forever, no matter what misfortunes befall, not to become depressed, and not to falter--this is what life is, herein lies its task."

>> No.19381569

Not really, they were bleeding money to corruption and privatised enterprises and had no choice but to raid other contries for resorces
Only mistake Raskolnikov made was not reading enough theory

>> No.19381641

Finished C&P and really liked it (penguin classics edition). Also have Demons and TBK (both penguins). Should I jump into demons>tbk or should I pick up notes before those two? I thought about getting notes in P&V translation to see what it's like and about.

>> No.19382246

I guess you westernbros don't know it, but Dosto's characters have speaking surnames.

For example Raskolnikov's lastname is based around the word "Raskol", which means "schism", meaning he comes from a family of old-believers.

Smerdyakov's lastname comes from a word "Smerd" which was a name for a group of peasants in medieval Russia, though it gained a little different meaning in latter ages. It basically means a "pleb".

Stavrogin: greek word for "cross", his lastname could mean "he who carries the cross, crusader", "monk", though it's not obvious. It signifies the nobility of his family.

Verkhovensky: "he who rules above all"(above all leftwing radicals)

>> No.19382266

make a Dosto Apu, fags

>> No.19382268

Raskolnikov and the police detective Porfiry Petrovich's interrogation scene is one of my all time favorites dialogues. You know right as it starts Pofiry knows Rasko did it, and the back and forth reveals how naive Rasko is despite his belief his vain pride in his book smarts. Petrovich channels Socrates in a series of tense dialogues and eviscerates both Rasko's intellectual argument and denial of guilt using reverse psychology and skepticism toward's his "extraordinary man" theory of morality.

>> No.19382275

Is there a better alternative to the P&V translations if I want hardcover copies of Dostoevsky works? McDuff is probably my favorite translation of BK (though I liked the samples I read of Avsey as well), but I'd like a nice, simple hardcover copy of Dosto's stuff similar to the Everyman editions, but those use the P&V translations.

>> No.19383555

For his bday?

>> No.19383764

Notes is pretty short so I'd recommend it before those longer works
Haven't read demons yet, and BK is my favorite book

>> No.19383770

>I loved The Devil chapter way more than Grand Inquisitor
highly based. it was nice seeing Ivan's ideology fall around him as he realized the part it played in his father's death

>> No.19385626

talentless hack

>> No.19385797

Then get the Everyman editions. P&V are fine and are very similar to McDuff. Penguin has used them before (Anna Karenina).

>> No.19386305

imagine being a nigger brainlet

>> No.19386578

Greatest novelist... ever?

>> No.19387044

Greatest novelist never.

>> No.19387072

I ordered house of the dead today. Hope it comes soon...