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File: 288 KB, 1243x1600, David-Foster-Wallace-American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19378846 No.19378846 [Reply] [Original]

>Wallace hooked up with everyone from friends’ girlfriends to countless young fans. He once asked his friend Jonathan Franzen if his only purpose on Earth is “to put my penis in as many vaginas as possible.”
Droppeddddddd.... I don't see how I can relate to anything this guy wrote, so much for that

>> No.19378881

Post tits

>> No.19378885

It still wasn't enough to save him

>> No.19378886

You a virgin?

>> No.19378890

Damn if thats true than I will drop him too. Although he does win some points back for killing himself, thats based.

>> No.19378891

The guy was a fucking despicable headcase, that's the entire point of everything he ever wrote.

>> No.19378915

He killed hisself precisely because he knew he would have been crucified for his sluttery just a few years later.

>> No.19378921

He killed himself because he realized that it is the conclusion to philosophy

Anything else is cope

>> No.19378929

and thats a good thing.

>> No.19378939

Why's that?

>> No.19378942

>thinking that was a brag and not an expression of existential terror/dread
you clearly haven't read wallace, my fine summer friend

>> No.19378952


>> No.19378965

hey fellow zoomers, i have an idea: let's go do a tiktok dance on david foster's grave. that'll show the world what we really think of truth and beauty. suss hella dummy thicc esketit ayooo

>> No.19378977


>> No.19378978

fucking based DFW. maybe i'll actually read all of infinite jest one day... probably not though.

>> No.19378979

why not

>> No.19378985

checked, thanks for the (You)

>> No.19378995

No problem

>> No.19378998

Based rooter

>> No.19379004

David had everything a man could want and couldn't bring himself to live. It's horrific to think about.

A wife, educated family, success

>> No.19379011

That was when he was very young. He changed a lot after infinite jest

>> No.19379016

And evidently loads of pussy. Must not have like his wife so much.

>> No.19379023

I wouldn't trust anything Franzen or his mileu say. He has also said "David wanted to be remembered like Kurt cobain". Evidently, there's a lot of jealousy lol

>> No.19379037

Was he infertile? All that pussy and he never knocked any of it up.

>> No.19379047

He was an anti-natalist, like any intelligent person

>> No.19379051


>> No.19379061

He was vasectomised?

>> No.19379062

Read him, anon. He was absolutely a pessimist.

>> No.19379073

Really? I thought IJ was primarily about hope in a mad world. And his This is water speech is very hopeful. He was also an admirer of CS Lewis

>> No.19379079

This is how I know it won't get better. It isn't an impulse or reaction, it's an understanding that you come to. And once you arrive there you can't go back. You can't unrealize the idea. It's a seed planted in concrete. It isn't coming out, and your only future is to watch it grow.
Thankfully my parent's are in their 70s. That's the only difficult aspect.

>> No.19379098

David Poptart Walnuts

>> No.19379149

>countless young fans
So was this guy the JewWario of lit?

>> No.19379161

>hooked up with... friends’ girlfriends

I don't see how this could make anybody happy unless they were a sociopath. Just guilt and emotional baggage.

>> No.19379173

Wasn't he a bit borderline as well?

>> No.19379175

There is definitely some overlap between depression and narcissism so it doesn't surprise me when someone "with depression" acts like a self-centered asshole. I've done similar things in the past. I'd never fuck a friend's girlfriend, but I'm sure most depressed people can relate to a cycle of self-pity and careless self-indulgence.

I'd go so far as to say depression is caused by someone not getting what they want, and if you put that much importance on what you want that not getting it will deeply effect you then you have a warped ego of sorts.

>> No.19379176

see: >>19378942

>> No.19379197

>I'd go so far as to say depression is caused by someone not getting what they want,
Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain that results from the improper reuptake of serotonin, or some other neurological process.
>I'm sure most depressed people can relate to a cycle of self-pity and careless self-indulgence.
This says so much more about you than it does about anyone else.

>> No.19379199

can you live with it op?

>> No.19379206

It's the conclusion to pecimisim yeah? I don't really lean one way or the other too heavily but too say that rope is the checkmate of all abstract thought seems like you're just forgetting there's another side to the coin. Optimism is a complete valid reaction to consciousness.

>> No.19379223

Can you be a little more direct about the understanding you're referring to?

>> No.19379237

I wish I could believe this, I just feel like death BTFO a possible meaning for life

>> No.19379244

What is the seed?

>> No.19379245

Pynchon also slept with a friend’s girlfriend while in college. You have to remember most artists are scum on a personal level. Especially musicians, novelists and philosophers. In general, the entire world of “successful people” is filled to the brim with psychopaths, it is true whats been said about it. Poets and painters seem to be some of the few who live more in accordance with their art.

>> No.19379248

>wearing a bandana to hide you are balding
is that why he killed himself?

>> No.19379256

This is the most pseud shit ive ever read in my life, never post on this board again you absolute imbecile. Especially not to a sincere and intelligent post like the one you did

>> No.19379258

it's both and one just reinforces the other

>> No.19379259

>depression is literally a biological disease

kek you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.19379266


>> No.19379273

Why are successful and “socially adapted” people such fucking psychos? It demoralizes me so much. Nietzsche is not enough for this feeling

>> No.19379308

I not sure I understand what you're referring to, anon? What is the terrible truth?

>> No.19379323

I'm sorry materialism triggers you. Co-opting the experience of others to nakedly push your own outlook isn't a great look.

>> No.19379325

>Ahab hooked up with every whale from friends’ belugas to countless young sperms. He once asked his friend Starbuck if his only purpose on Earth is “to put my harpoon in as many Cetaceas as possible.”
Droppeddddddd.... I don't see how I can relate to anything this Melville guy wrote, so much for that

>> No.19379345

Reminds me of when I learned Emil Cioran had a gf for most of his life. I dunno, really casts a faggoty pall over his work when I heard that. It's still great, but there had to have been a heavy larping element.

>> No.19379350

Have you read IJ?

What is the understanding? Why be so cryptic?

>> No.19379359

DFW should've laid off the drugs. It's really no surprise he offed himself after spending most of his adult life on a mix of pharmaceuticals and weed. I can't remember the specifics of his drug use, as it's been a while, but that kind of shit is bound to have lasting effects.

>> No.19379360

You don't understand, anon

Having a girlfriend doesn't solve existential terror. I have a great relationship but still believe it to have no meaning whatsoever. It's just a comfortable cope.

>> No.19379364

suicide is badass

>> No.19379365

It wasn't the drug use, it kept him here longer if anything.

>> No.19379382

Yeahyeah, but it's different. Been there done that. You can't fully face the void unless you're alone. Girls are too much of a distraction. There is a qualitative difference in the experience.

It doesn't invalidate Cioran's work, but it certainly contextualizes it in an unexpected way.

>> No.19379387

I'm sorry for dressing it up like childish bullshit.
Wallace was clinically depressed his entire life, and was not functional without medication. No matter what he tried it never went away. The understanding is that it simply won't. It is an inherent fact about you. That understanding is the seed as well.
I'm mapping his experience onto my own of course, but I can't help but identify. He was clearly more than whatever ideas he managed to express in writing. Those were tailored for us, not him.
Again, sorry for dressing up something simple and cucked as something profound. I'm probably doing it even more right now. It sucks being an inherent disappointment.

>> No.19379398

"Countless young fans." This shit annoys me. First of all, how many young female fans did DFW really have? Countless? C'mon now. I understand hyperbole but don't make him sound like Wilt Chamblerlain.

Second, they aren't calling him a paedo, so presumably these are adult women he's sleeping with. So what's your problem? I hate this infantilization of young people. If you're in college you should be treated like you can have sex with someone under your own guidance.

>> No.19379405

Wtf are you talking about? I'm not trying to push anything you mong, you're the one bringing in ideology and assigning nefarious intentions and whatnot.

If depression is caused by genes and nothing else then how come CBT, aka changing your thoughts and behaviors, sometimes "cures" it? How come drinking booze or taking drugs can temporarily make your depression go away? Does the booze fix your chemical imbalance? How come studies show that pumping a depressed person full of serotonin does not fix their depression, and how come meta analyses show that SSRIs are only about as effective as placebo?

>> No.19379413

It's alright, anon. This is a hard to internalize truth. I deal with clinical depression as well and I'm just running from it and trying to stay afloat for as long as I can. It will catch me one day.

>> No.19379421

You know what, you're right. I spoke out of turn. See >>19379387 for my apology.

>> No.19379446

way to miss the point

>> No.19379589
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Hedonists legitimately trigger me

>> No.19379594

Hedonism is the closest thing we have to meaning, it is what makes life bearable

>> No.19379599

>expression of existential terror/dread
that is a brag for /lit/ types, you know that

>> No.19379601

Must be why life is so meaningless

>> No.19379650

Fucking your friend’s girlfriend is so hot.

>> No.19379659

This. Spotted it a mile away. I probably wouldn't bang an 18 year old but the fact that it has such a negative connotation says everything you need to know about the contradiction feminism is. Either these gals can make their own decisions when they get to college or they can't. You can't have one or the other. Either they choose to get dick or their parents have to set up a marriage. No in betweensies, gurl

>> No.19379660

want it bad bro. she's such a qt

>> No.19379664

Fantasized about this countless times. Wouldn't do it but God, there's something so taboo about it

>> No.19379666

College fucking rules: one level difference max

undergrad/grad student: okay
grad student/professor: okay
undergrad/professor: not okay

>> No.19379669

>all these anons acting high and mighty
Kek as if none of you would be tempted by the tidal waves of free, effortless pussy that comes your way. I'm a relatively normal horny dude but if hot, young gals from all wakes of life threw themselves at me without me having to put any effort... goddamn, I'm only a man

>> No.19379675
File: 286 KB, 1113x888, David_Foster_Wallace 2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he was balding, this photo is from 2006 and he was wearing the bandana for long before this. I always kind of took it as a weird little autist affectation. He said he wore it because he sweat like crazy, which tracks with some of the characters he wrote who were absolutely neurotic and terrified about how much they sweat.

>> No.19379678

college fucking rules:

have sex with your wife only

>> No.19379679

>power dynamics aren't real, no I'm not being nefarious what do you mean the implications?
The idea is. Wasn't really worth it.

>> No.19379687

Just shamelessly mainline the stuff that makes you still makes you happy. DFW did that with TV and was able to manage his depression until he went off his meds. Once he went off they never worked the same when he went on, and couldn't find enjoyment in anything any more.

>> No.19379695

>muh power dynamics
That's my point, retard. Feminism tries to portray these college girls as free and independent but the second they start sleeping with an older guy (which most of them are attracted to) everybody goes crazy. It's almost as if there's an instinctive aversion to young broads getting fucked by anything that moves

>> No.19379705

>college fucking rules
this part is based but the rest of the post is shit
NOT fucking hot young girls is the sin here

>> No.19379713

feminism is straight-up anti-human gnostic cope. it's old women who lived failed lives directing everyone along their path like "oh yeah, this is totally the good one." should be deplatformed

>> No.19379740

>Feminism tries to portray these college girls as free and independent but the second they start sleeping with an older guy
>feminism is straight-up anti-human gnostic cope.
This is the way a sane rational individual approaches a 100 year old social movement with a massive library of work and dialogue behind it.

>> No.19379750

We're animals, and adapting to animal society means acting like a psycho
Socially maladapted people are those who reject animal nature
No wonder monks and other pacifists can only live in isolation

>> No.19379756
File: 76 KB, 599x599, 20211103_015213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My power levels are getting so high that I'm starting to become openly sexist. I find the idea of gender equality, or equality in general, absurd and naive

>> No.19379760

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but under almost any circumstance feminism is garbage. Just look at how many miserable, single, childless women there are out there.

>> No.19379768

>massive library of work and dialogue behind it.
wait until you see the crystal healing page count

>> No.19379773

Funny enough, if you're not bitter about it people will often shrug, laugh and just be like "wellp. That's just anon being a sexist" Even my gf accepts it

t. Open sexist

>> No.19379780
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>> No.19379821

>Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but under almost any circumstance masculinity is garbage. Just look at how many miserable, single, childless men there are out there.
>Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but under almost any circumstance christianity is garbage. Just look at how many miserable, single, childless christians there are out there.
>Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but under almost any circumstance science is garbage. Just look at how many miserable, single, childless scientists there are out there.
>Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but under almost any circumstance reading is garbage. Just look at how many miserable, single, childless literate humans there are out there.
Thanks for putting together a well reasoned, good faith response bro. Keep it up.

>> No.19379927

Are you a rapist, anon?

>> No.19380006

He wrote 'The Depressed Person' - you might be able to relate to that. It's very short when compared to Infinite Jest.

'The Depressed Person' is a short fictional story about, well, a depressed person. In University we chose to present on it by comparing it with a different text and we received an ovation while standing.

>> No.19380032

I do take part in deterministic rapism yes.

>> No.19380063

He wrote that to make fun of Elizabeth Wurtzel because she wouldn't fuck him

>> No.19380138

half dozen of one, six of the other.

>> No.19380143

suicide hits the bass

>> No.19380193
File: 241 KB, 500x775, 1634961589341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many pussies you wanna fuck? Wait the fuck up. None of them can give you the universe. The lucky are those who die young as the apothegm goes.

>> No.19380198

yeah sure

>> No.19380209

I want to make a tiktok dance for Dostos birthday, but Russia is too far for me.

>> No.19380909

what is wrong with your?

>> No.19380915

In case it wasn't obvious, people who say "have sex" aren't having it or aren't satisfied with what they're having.

>> No.19380931

It didn't make him happy. It doesn't make anyone happy. But they do it because of peer pressure from sexless people who would call them a loser or fag.

>> No.19380961

Depression seems to be inherently narcissistic in nature.

>> No.19380966

I know that feel. Literal demons.

>> No.19381450

>You can't fully face the void unless you're alone
quite the opposite, actually. you are complaining about life and haven't even fulfilled one of the most basic human needs. until all your basic needs are met, it isn't even possible to look at the void, and know for sure it is truly the Void you're looking at, instead of just the emptiness of an unmet need.

>> No.19381467

>you can't grapple with your ontological poverty until... you've fulfilled maslow's hierarchy of needs?
Are you fucking retarded or what kid?

>> No.19381473

This. There are no authors and thinkers for us, bro. Even Nietzsche: it's easy to preach strength and overcoming when you're a Nietzsche, when you have the ability and foresight to know you're the prophet of your generation. Even Laruelle.

In our smallness, we are greater than them.

>> No.19381484

Kek talking about a good faith response. Every single (and I'm not kidding) muh feminism harpy that I know is either single, raising a single kid or on meds. Maybe a few of them aren't but most of the time when they aren't some of the above they embrace their feminine side or have a good man leading them, funny enough.

Masculinity is the only thing making guys able to get relationships and is nowhere near a movement the likes of Feminism XD
Christian men get married more than almost any other male demographic.
Scientists might have trouble getting laid because of their autism.

I know you're being sarcastic but you get my point. Feminism is objectively wrong and there's countless proof for that. it forces women to go against their nature and they're clearly unhappy for it. Go back

>> No.19381487

did you have an argument? I stand by what I said. You can't separate your circumstances from your philosophical outlook until your circumstances are no longer a psychological drag on you. Also, I'm not a kid, I'm 34 years old.

>> No.19381488

I'm not saying it makes you happy. I'm saying it's still a temptation;maybe the biggest temptation if you're a hot blooded dude

>> No.19381491

So what? You're 34 with a boy soul. Read it and seethe. You can't know the Void until you're a loveless, sexless failure. Everything else is training wheels.

>> No.19381496

>successful and “socially adapted” people
He was 100% pure neuroticism and killed himself anon, and his success wasn't anything near the level of Tom Clancy or J. K. Rowling who are functional human beans. His alleged greater success comes from being estimated higher by equally neurotic nerds who think that neuroticism is "noble", "intellectual" and "lofty".

Most people are healthy non-sociopaths and reasonably succesful at what they do. Don't get demoralized.

>> No.19381511
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>> No.19381525

I think what you are trying to say is that it feels worse to be loveless than to be loved. Yeah, obviously. What the discussion is about is whether you are able to have a clear outlook on life and it's perceived "emptiness" or lack of purpose, if you still haven't met some of the basic human needs. How are you able to separate your outlook from the circumstances. My argument is you cannot. I have been on both sides of this. I was a loveless virgin up to the age of 24. And looking back now I can understand that a lot of my frustration was due to my circumstances, and not with existence. Which isn't to say I overcame anything. Now, having a wife and family, home, career, etc, the emptiness is still there, but it is more in focus, and I am able to think more clearly about it.

>> No.19381534

You talk like people have a choice in the voids they're dealt. I've loved and lost and have never loved since. If I had never loved, I'd have to make do with complete and utter lovelessness, regardless of how much it'd have colored my outlook on things. A void is a void is a void. A desert is a desert. I don't need to do anything for the Full Desert Experience, because it's always there, lurking.

>> No.19381566

clearly you are frustrated with your circumstances, and I don't fault you for that. what I am saying (and you seem to agree with) is that it clouds your outlook. if someone with extreme physical deformity were to go on a tirade about the emptiness of life and the lack of purpose, etc, we would have good reason to think their outlook was extremely biased by the unfortunate circumstances of their life, no matter how well argued their point is. Even though it is not possible (as you rightly point out, we often cannot help what we are dealt) we cannot say for certain that this deformed person would be quite content with life had they not had their deformity. I would tend to disregard their testimony, in the same way I might a billionaire telling me how great life is.

>> No.19381587
File: 93 KB, 269x338, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single (and I'm not kidding) muh feminism harpy that I know is either single, raising a single kid or on meds. Maybe a few of them aren't but most of the time when they aren't some of the above they embrace their feminine side or have a good man leading them, funny enough.
>Feminism is objectively wrong and there's countless proof for that. it forces women to go against their nature and they're clearly unhappy for it.

>> No.19381592

Suicide is cowardice and you are too much of a coward to ever suicide. (Which is good)

>> No.19381615


>> No.19381744

Sorry bro, when you learn true empathy(from full hatred) you'll generally become a transcendal person and people will like you. Basically fakecels are the most advanced people to exist.

>> No.19381865

I'm developing a pet theory that the reason women were denied equal access to education and opportunity historically had to do with faggots. Faggots are the secret rulers across all ages of history. All those gatekeeping mysoginst intellectuals with their all male pedo schools? All faggots. Faggotry is a disease that propogates through traumatic experiences. Faggots are forced to undergo early adulthood transition because of being ritually sodomized. Anal sex is the baptism of the faggot. They also then have contact with someone much older and more established in the world than themselves whereas hetero relationships usually naturally stay within closer age gaps at the beginning. The forced end of childhood contributes to gays being smarter on average than straights. It also explains the woman hate in this board overrun by faggots. I really do think that rampant misogyny is descended from gatekeeping fags. Low value men whine about tfw no gf, but high value misogynists who actually had power and wielded it against women reek of faggotry.

>> No.19381890

Don’t know why people don’t get your post. I can easily infer what the understanding is and your not very cryptic, it’s a well written concise truth.

>> No.19381902

Suicide is natural

>> No.19381913

It's not a void because you still believe its manifestation would bring you peace. If not peace, then at least something. The true void obliterates all desires. Those who have had the misfortune to encounter the self annihilating true void know that comparisons of experience or lack of experience are not even on the same playing field as the void. Radical depersonalization does not care about the person you were or the state you are in. Depression is its own flavor of suffering because it is conscious and ego driven. The void is the limbo between consciousness and unconsciousness. The disruption of the void is an egoless experience.

>> No.19381927

>Hedonism is the closest thing we have to meaning
lmao and communism is the closest thing we have to utopia amirite

>> No.19381932

That kind of makes him an asshole

>> No.19382110

David Foster Wallace??
More like Done Fucking Women am i right

>> No.19382574

except despair can phase you into that egoless void, "I've" experienced it myself

both would be right to say so from their respective position. there is no such thing as a biased reality, only realities.

>> No.19382627

cope virgin

>> No.19382990

when my parents die i can kill myself

>> No.19383243

Don't kill yourself, anon. Why sit around and wait for your parents to die instead of building a decent life for yourself? Do you not feel capable?

>> No.19383249


Enjoy raising kids that aren't yours

>> No.19383389


>> No.19383904

i’m working on it and i don’t have specific plans and i write and write well but there really doesn’t seem to be any meaning to it and i considered it deeply last summer and thought “well, i’m not gonna do that to my parents” so while i attempt to assemble something meaningful before their death, which should be at least 15 years from now, i don’t really take any pleasure in my life and i’m half-waiting while pursuing meaning as i can

>> No.19383930

based waiting for his parents to die before he kills himself poster. I saved you a seat

>> No.19384112

>He once asked his friend Jonathan Franzen if his only purpose on Earth is “to put my penis in as many vaginas as possible.”

Iktf DFW, iktf

>> No.19384131

This is why you don't idolize people. they have flaws. grow up.

>> No.19384136

DFW was a lifelong poseur, that he would milk his fame to fuck hipster chicks doesn't surprise me in the least.

>> No.19384206


>> No.19384993

Lol I want to believe this was what sent him over the edge.

>> No.19385000

David Lobster Walrus

>> No.19385013

This board should just forget all of these talentless american pomos - they’re completely vacuous and build their worldviews on pop culture and self-help books

>> No.19385032

this is why they're important

every body of literature is built upon the beliefs and the narratives and the spiritual literature of its era

imagine a people for whom faith itself was being replaced by tony robbins and oprah and cnn

really interesting stuff homie

>> No.19385038

Lol thanks for proving my point by literally responding with my own argument. Go back to r*ddit and ask for some b*zzfeed infographics to help ya out.

No this isn't spam, fucking captchas ruining everything

>> No.19385050

lmao this is actually true

>> No.19385067

wasnt that the first thing he ever wrote?

>> No.19385069

well he is now

>> No.19385077

why? as an american i felt like his writing put some shit into perspective for me

>> No.19385083

And also, the more sexist you are the wetter their vaginas get. I don't want this to be true but it be what it be

>> No.19385257

I agree

>> No.19385382


There are people who will throw away lifelong friendships just to sleep with a friend's ex girlfriend.

>> No.19386861

even the most liberal people are very accepting of jovial sexism and racism, as long as you're poking fun at everyone and not just targeting a single group all the time. what spergs here don't understand is that nobody wants to hear your ideological manifesto about why X group of people is inferior.

>> No.19386887
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Typical am*rican degenerate pseud.
Any true intellectual would be enjoying the company of twinks and attractive young men

>> No.19387426
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>> No.19387453

You don't understand existential suffering. The more sex I have, the more I see the biological drive that's using me as puppet. Taking a step back and looking at the body is sickening. Why turn your attention toward youth? I beautiful young woman is destined to rot the same as you.

I also fear how easy it would be to get a girl pregnant and create another consciousness destined to suffer and live in dread.

>> No.19387460

no it goes to show you can be kind of ugly and still sleep with lots of girls

>> No.19388045


>> No.19388159

>create another consciousness destined to suffer and live in dread
>he thinks consciousness can be created
don't worry about it bro, all matter is already conscious. go ahead and pump a baby into a nice girl. it feels good.

>> No.19388198

I'll never understand this: nowadays any trait of an author some people perceive as a flaw becomes a reason for canceling his work. This is stupid: if you like a book you read it, that's as difficult as it should be. The author is sexist, hates niggers, foes drugs, kills people? Who cares! Just read the goddamn book. Or not, who cares?

Fucking zoomer faggots.