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19378773 No.19378773 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, the morality is somewhat simple, the books can fall into a bit of a pattern, and they're often not willing to push the outside of the envelope.

And yet, they're still such a jolly old romp. Sometimes one doesn't want the doom and gloom; if you hate life go read Schopenhauer. Reading Redwall is so comfy, brings me back to being nine years old, when I could tuck into one of those books all day and be lost in the world. The food, the poems, the ultimate triumph of good over evil. I'd say the series profoundly influenced my writing style as an adult, and I'd love to hear of anyone else's experiences with the series. Favorite books or characters?

>> No.19379680

Martin the Warrior is one of the best YA/childrens books.

>> No.19379841

Cunny the Scourge

>> No.19380007

I found Lord Brocktree and Triss in the dump. As I understand it, you can read these books in pretty much any order, but Triss is best read after some others, and Lord Brocktree is a fine place to start.

>> No.19380011


anyone else get boner

>> No.19380510

How can you not love this man?


>> No.19382102

Reading his descriptions of food always makes me hungry.

>> No.19382768

the whistling noise is irritating

>> No.19383006

The inconsistencies of scale in the first book put me off reading any more.

>> No.19383019

>Lord Brocktree is a fine place to start
Good advice, chronological order is the best way to read the series IMO:

>> No.19383101

Thread Theme

>> No.19383341


What a gent