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/lit/ - Literature

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19372498 No.19372498 [Reply] [Original]

>a genre with limitless creative potential where authors can transcend the boundaries of reality itself
>...it's literally just one guy's book being copied over and over and over again
Names for this phenomenon?

>> No.19372505

>Names for this phenomenon?

>> No.19372513

>Names for this phenomenon?
shit taste in books, m8

>> No.19372536

>Names for this phenomenon?
Genre fiction

>> No.19372543

If a book advertises itself as having
-a dragon
-an elf
-a mystical artifact
Then you can be well assured that the book is absolute horseshit. Dragons are fucking cringe.

>> No.19372550
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Name five (5) fantasy novels that actually do something unique with the genre instead of being Tolkien garbage. I've come across one (1) in my entire life, and it was written decades before the man was born.

>> No.19372557

Finding the peak. Yes, any deviation from Homer is downhill, this has been understood for a long time.

>> No.19372598
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>modern literary fiction is plagued by soulless urbanite NPCs literally recreating the "I fucking love the hustle and bustle of the city" greentext

>modern genre fiction is the Far Cry 3 guy in an ork costume repeating "Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?" for the past century and counting

>> No.19372761

old literature was probably like this too, we just don't remember most of the bad fotm literature.

>> No.19372784

There's plenty of books that break this to some extent but I agree, it's not enough. Even only evaluating it in light of myth and folklore, it falls flat hard.

>> No.19372788

applies to nearly all mediums

>> No.19372794
File: 30 KB, 497x368, A4342E17-CEEB-447F-A3D1-1935EDCE9BFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Names for this phenomenon?
genre fiction

>> No.19372801

Any examples?

>> No.19372807

i don't think fantasy is a very good term for the genre fiction it is associated with. when i think of fantasy i think of kafka, marquez, borges ... fantasy is too broad a term for a genre which is so narrow today, being confined to tolkienesque races, creatures and lands.

>> No.19372815

What books?

>> No.19372863

Routinization of charisma

But only if you actually look into the etymology of χάρις and why Weber chose it

>> No.19372881
File: 26 KB, 247x402, Gormenovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs don't even know

>> No.19373062

Red pill me on this?

>> No.19373151

Mythic poetry, Dionysian imitatio

>> No.19373169


>> No.19373186

>>a genre with limitless creative potential where authors can transcend the boundaries of reality itself
>>...it's literally just one guy's book being copied over and over and over again
>Names for this phenomenon?
It’s called a genre

>> No.19373214

it's because tolkien in his high epic fantasy almost perfectly embodied the appolonian themes of the european (and other races) souls

In the other case with the sword and sorcery genre authors such as robert e howard almost perfectly embodied the chaotic, instinctual dionysian themes of mankind

>> No.19374461


>> No.19374517

There’s nothing to redpill about it faggot. You either read it and become part of the sekrit club or get filtered forever

>> No.19375000


>> No.19375112


>> No.19375116

Come on guys, somebody write something creative and amusing

>> No.19375118

was gonna do this too. Peace is peak highbrow fantasy

>> No.19375122

*Peake. goddamned phoneposting

>> No.19375143

don't you have to read that dickens book first to be able to "get" this?

>> No.19375157

Basrd phone phoster

>> No.19375175

There's plenty of fantasy that has nothing to do with LOTR, e.g. His Dark Materials.

>> No.19375471


>> No.19375543

What Dickens' book?
Either way, you probably should read the Bible first to get LotR yet most people don't therefore you should be fine.

>> No.19376347

Come on guys is this the best you could do?
Show your potential

>> No.19376819


>> No.19376889

>still no aztec fantasy epic
>still no age of exploration fantasy epic
>still no MENA fantasy epic
>still no african fantasy epic
>nope, just more tired Medieval and Scifi stories treading the tracks made by LotR and Dune

>> No.19376931

>and Dune
>I discovered that Dune exists when I heard about the movie and now all sci-fi is Dune
>Dune is like LOTR but sci-fi because Dune is big, they made a movie of it just like LOTR so Dune = SF LOTR
>Literally started the sci-fi genre, it didn't exist before
>I have read no genre fiction nor anything else because I don't read but I know genre fiction is bad so I can parrot things I'm uninformed about because I'm LARPing as a cultured man of letters
Can you please name the last 5 fantasy or sci-fi books you have read? I don't read genre fiction but the last sci-fi book I have read was about sapient spiders, I don't see how that is remotely like Dune. Have you read The Culture or other sci-fi series? How are they exactly like Dune? Dunno about fantasy but I have read Elric and apart from having swords in it I don't see how it is a copy of LOTR. And I don't even like genre fiction so I'm ignorant about it.

>> No.19376941

Just read pre-dune sci fi

>> No.19376960

>I discovered that Dune exists when I heard about the movie and now all sci-fi is Dune

not reading the rest of your post

>> No.19377033
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>still no aztec fantasy epic
La Saga de Los Confines by Liliana Bodoc, civilizations living in the west are based on american civilizations.