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19369305 No.19369305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just realized nihilism is quite literally the truth, but in a good way. Hear me out. We are infinite experience and awareness, and there really is no overarching goal to achieve other than the ones we create for ourself. Nihilism simply means there is no INTRINSIC meaning to life, it doesn't mean there can't be meaning. We literally create our own meaning since man is a microcosm of God. The answer is to stop delegating spirituality to other humans or a higher power, stop passing the responsibility of creating meaning onto another party. All religions have wisdom in them, and you can be Buddhist, Christian, whatever you want, but ultimately when you turn to God for meaning and hope, you are turning to yourself. Recognize this, be still and aware and you will know God to be yourself.

>> No.19369310

Anon, your grand realisation is just what everyone already thinks….

>> No.19369311

Good job anon, you're reddit

>> No.19369313

very based

>> No.19369315


>> No.19369316

I guess I'm late to the party then.

>> No.19369325

>Hear me out.
jesus, don't ever say this

>> No.19369329
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>> No.19369333
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>be created in his image
>surprised we're similar to him
Keking at your life op.

>> No.19369338

This whole thread is all me :))

>> No.19369344

pseuds seething

>> No.19369351

all me

>> No.19369364

Holy friggin based, Batman!

>> No.19369374

>phoneposter redditor is a wojakfag
of course

>> No.19369379

This is op replying to himself, isn't it

>> No.19369449
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God is love and we are loved.

Love of self is not the answer.
I'll pray to the Holy Mother for you.

>> No.19369451

Every post ITT is me including OP. Part of my realization, I realized post-posting, ofcourse, has to do with my insatiable desire to consume cocks. I thought that if I could rationalize my obsessive desire to drain cum from huge penises all day as a self-imposed meaning of life derived from some type of God of Cocks, I could cope better with being a sex fiend.

>> No.19370280

Imagine the holy mother starring in a porno. Now that's love!

>> No.19370531

Ignore the cynical, demoralised, sad larpers in this thread. Read Evola, anon.

>> No.19370559

You've described existentialism.

>> No.19370569

Something define this term for fuck's sake, it means absolutely nothing.

>> No.19370575

Sorry for ESLposting

>> No.19370593

You're just spreading Freemason propaganda bullshit. Good and evil are absolute. Spenta Mainyu has intrinsic goodness whereas Angra Mainyu has intrinsic evil.

Gathas, Yasna 30:

"There are two primeval spirits, twins who are revealed
[to us] through dream.
In mind, in speech, and even in deed they are better and bad:
The good choose between them correctly, not the evil."

>> No.19370601

t. Reddit
Kys, faggot. Christians are better than you.
Please stick to Christianity instead of this nihilistic filth. Thanks.

>> No.19370602

You just used it anon.
>inside you there are two wolves

>> No.19370619

No, one is more like a sheepdog, the other is more like a wolf.
You stupid faggot. Stick to Christianity instead of nihilistic filth.
Honestly, at this rate, you're going to unite everyone of all different religions into kicking your ass. A noble life has intrinsic value. Disagree? Then we will teach you the Truth through pain.

>> No.19370633

I am not OP anon. I am also a perennialist with Eastern leanings. I just thought this would make for a funny shitpost lol.

>> No.19370644

Oh okay, sorry.
I don't like OP's post. It feels like Rick and Morty bullshit.

>> No.19370657

Why? I got the idea that OP's experienced the crisis of nihilism in a rather positive and constructive way. Totally unlike the anti-natalist losers, sadposters, edgeposters etc we normally get.

>> No.19370672

So I did. But I think that thought I used the same root word I was speaking of an entirely different concept. When I say that a word 'means' something, I mean to say that it signifies something i.e. denotes a concept and a description of the concept.
The best idea I have of what 'meaning' means in the OP post is that there is some 'ought', such as 'I ought to pursue happiness'. I think looking at it this way is highly uncharitable to existentialism however, since it is devilishly hard to demonstrate that one 'ought' to do something.

>> No.19370674

Ani-natalism is the truth

>> No.19370696

I think you could make perfect sense of OP's post by using the same definition you used - that life is not merely a set of phenomena occurring in chronological succession but also refers to something else beyond itself. Just like a word is not just its sounds, but means something, so would life ideally not just be a collection of experiences, but will also mean something.
You are a defeated man.

>> No.19370698

We're a defeated species

>> No.19370716

Alright, I'm willing to provisionally accept this definition. I'm just not sure what a life could signify - what can a life be like?

>> No.19370746

you're alive just like any other person on the planet. decide what life means to you, it doesn't have to correspond with everyone else's meaning considering each perspective is a unique part of the greater whole

>> No.19370770

Crisis of nihilism should be resolved with a moral realism based on a mystical metaphysics.

>> No.19370800

OP here again, sorry I was out for a while. A cute black guy approached me at a public restroom and whipped out the biggest BBC I've ever seen. I swear that thing was more a tentacle than a penis, I simply couldn't go home without pleasing that beauty.

>> No.19370805

Speak for yourself lol.
Anything, it can be anything. In the middle ages it was a gift from God that you are meant to devote to God - be you a farmer, conqueror, merchant or artisan. In Antiquity it was similar, but with more flexibility - for example, in the case of Roman Emperors, you could be god. Typically, the meaning of a life comprised both its sacred and profane aspects.
I can tell you that even if you don't have a precise definition, you will definitely get a feel for meaning if you have experienced it at least once. Without meaning, life feels pointless and you don't want to do anything, you seek ease, comfort, perhaps death. With meaning, nothing else matters other than the source of meaning.

>> No.19370822

I formed my own moral and metaphysical views with time, but my reaction to nihilism was initially considerably worse than OP's. I think OP's already in the intermediary phase and as you can see, he's not throwing the baby out with the bathwater - he's still open to spirituality, he's just approaching it freely. It's a good mindset. Early on, unless you already have mystical experiences, a lot of that stuff can feel like vague cope and yet another surrogate for the popular-theistic conception of God. Better let him figure things out himself at his own pace.

>> No.19371047
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Congratulations, you haven't found nihilism.
Your nihilistic revelation is to nihilism what pop-sci videos are to a deep understanding of physics.

>> No.19371155

I'm only nihilistic because I am disabled. If I was able bodied I would be a lot more optimistic. Such is life.

>> No.19371182


>> No.19371206

Damn, hope you're doing well buddy

>> No.19371212


Once you go too far, there's no longer a way to have hope or "make your own meaning" retarded shit. Once you know the truth at the bottom of the barrel it's over.

>> No.19371517


>> No.19371580


>> No.19371692

you're supposed to be loving anon...

>> No.19371696

Cope harder.

>> No.19371827
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>optimistic nihilism

>> No.19372056
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I believe life will intrisically act to spite me with feminine wrath and hostile animals and elements. So I spite them all by manly subduing. Spite is the most motivating willpower. Spite and despite for pats on the back.

>> No.19372064


I know it's a hard pill to swallow

>> No.19372066
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>> No.19372070

It is the most Reddit philosophy

Pessimism is based, though

>> No.19372363

Nihilism is fine, just you have to accept the true tenets. OP says "... and its good... " so he has found value in supposed valuelessness.

>> No.19372585

This is existentialism bro, not nihilism. We find our own meaning in life

>> No.19372814

Nihilists are cringe and saying that there is no meaning is nothing but an admittance that you have given up searching for it. The logical endpoint of nihilism is suicide.

>> No.19372824

Also you're talking about existentialism.

>> No.19372832

Many people recognize the truth and suicide