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19367306 No.19367306 [Reply] [Original]

85 pages in and this is based af. houellebecq is quickly becoming one of my favourite writers. where should i go from here? have only read submission before this

>> No.19367323

Atomised is his best

>> No.19367325

I'll tell you that I liked Platform more than other people and I also liked The Possibility of an Island more than other people. but you should just start from the beginning anyway

>> No.19367333

From here you should go read some Charles Dickens so it will cure you of this disease.

>> No.19367336

i'll read that after

desu i had the possibility of an island as a teenager but only read some of it before dropping it. only read some of atomised before dropping it too, same with submission. then, i don't know what happened, something just clicked.

>> No.19367349

You grew up... and became an incel.

>> No.19367377

....pretty much. when i picked up submission again this summer, it clicked. maybe it helps that i read schopenhauer this year too... grew up to become a bitter, pessimistic incel...

>> No.19367433
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>> No.19367441
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>> No.19368163

read whatever, it'll take an evening and it's vicious

>> No.19368249

i'm too tired to read more today, but i'll be done it by wednesday, i think. friday at the latest. i only read 50 pages a day, most days

>> No.19369658


>> No.19369668

Trips of truth

>> No.19369692


>> No.19369738

I always wonder how is it possible that Houellebecq is so well received by the modern establishment. His views on society are literally those of a 4chan user. Maybe the ostentatious approvement of him by the elite is the elite's way to immunize itself from his criticism.

>> No.19369740

or should I say 'of immunizing itself'? I'm sorry, I'm an ESL midwit.

>> No.19369765

Put down Possibility of an Island halfway through. Gonna try again in a bit.

>> No.19369974

I just finished Atomised. It really is a great read. I would quite like to kill myself now though.

>> No.19369979


The casual racist stuff gets a free pass from the left too. Surprised there haven't been some concerted cancelling attempts from BLM goons by now

>> No.19369985
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Also just finished Atomised last night. After part one where Michel, Bruno, and Annabelle go to the commune I literally could not sleep that night

>> No.19370147

Isn't there a passage in one of his novels in which narrator literally states that he hates negroes because they have bigger dicks?

>> No.19370152

I think it's because people who scream the most don't read books. They have no idea who this guy is.

>> No.19370219

Reading actual good literature like Thomas Bernhard or Samuel Beckett

>> No.19370236

yeah it's in atomised
when bruno's working as a teacher and hates the negro boyfriend of his little student dick throb.

>> No.19370272

it's because his writing is excellent and he's really intelligent. it's highly doubtful he even actually holds those views, and if he does he fictionalizes it and puts them in the mouth of unsavoury, deeply-flawed, pathetic characters who nobody would ever take seriously

>> No.19370274


>It was round about then that I started to hate blacks... I only had one in my A-stream class, a big, stocky guy who called himself Ben. He always wore a baseball cap and a pair of Nikes; I was convinced he had a huge dick. All the girls threw themselves at this big baboon and here I was trying to teach them about Mallarme - what the fuck was the point? This is the way the world ends, I thought bitterly, people worshipping in front of big dicks, like hamadryas baboons. This black guy was going out with the girl I would have chosen myself: blonde, very pretty, with a childlike face and small firm tits. They were always holding hands in class.

>> No.19370278

>Samuel Beckett
yeah i should get around to reading that...

>> No.19370299

It's not true, he does hold them. He repeatedly states in the interviews that he's profoundly anti-liberal.

>> No.19370311

He shills quietism and acceptance as a solution to the patently obvious degeneration of the western world rather than radical action. Anything that keeps people docile, that keeps them eating their bugs, getting their vasectomies/tubes tied, and masturbating to their porn gets a pass, even if it flirts with edgy views somewhat.

>> No.19370332
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>> No.19370343

thinking more the molloy trilogy

>> No.19370346

It's true, his protagonists are docile. However, the right-wing identitarian guy in the Submission was portrayed in a quite sympathetic light.

>> No.19370695

Holyshit this reads like the average incel. Kek

>> No.19370950


The character is a 42 year old academic

>> No.19371121

OK now I have pick up a copy.

>> No.19371159

we are all victims of q.