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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 352 KB, 1133x1457, shelf thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19367075 No.19367075 [Reply] [Original]

shelf thread

>> No.19367086

>B&N """leather bound"""

>> No.19367116
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Chicken, flour, garlic, onion, oil, onions sauce, honey, pepper, black sesame.

>> No.19367188
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>> No.19367219
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>> No.19367348
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>> No.19367515
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>keeping books on a shelf

>> No.19367548

You are female aren't you?

>> No.19367570
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>> No.19367579

The owner of this shelf has an obese wife

>> No.19367775

>Reading novelizations of TV and movies
oh boy

>> No.19367963

Once I finish a book, I give it away, or burn it in my fireplace.

>> No.19367984


>> No.19368010

wouldnt you get bored after enough books by the same author i mean jesus

>> No.19368017

Tabitha King is a fairly healthy weight.

>> No.19368020

what tv shows are on that shelf?

>> No.19368044

imagine actually buying all those Barns and Noble books just for their hideous faux-vintage aesthetic. Even bought the Charles Dickens book twice to fill out one shelf. This is as bad as a shelf full of funco pops.

>> No.19368048

Woah, it's a girl

>> No.19368065

Fairly slim waist judging by that belt, not bad.

>> No.19368086

Yeah but EV writes on her books

>> No.19368106

True, I'm on the fence about that

>> No.19368126

I believe we attend the same university

>> No.19368136

Imagine wanting to read Casanova, wtf?

>> No.19368218

Recommend some shelves worth investing in. I like dark wooden and black metal shelves, latter seems prohibitively expensive though, but come highly recommended iirc.

>> No.19368255

That one guy is going to be here soon. I can feel him….

>> No.19368290
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Reorganizing, this is the only stuff remotely put together.


>> No.19368296
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>> No.19368302
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>> No.19368308
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>> No.19368316
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>> No.19368319
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>> No.19368512
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>> No.19368515
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>> No.19368518


>> No.19368523
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3/4 fuck messed up

>> No.19368525
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>> No.19368825

You're going to make her delete the post now
Though you should definitely go up to the girl you think it is
>whoa did you make that post on /lit/? no way!

>> No.19368852

>all that Folio Society
Okay, Richie Rich.

>> No.19369666

Post your books faggot

>> No.19369769

>that disgraceful edition of ulysses
absolutely haram

>> No.19369965
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>> No.19370107

Nice PKD. I'd also rec Galactic Pot-Healer and Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch if you haven't read them already

>> No.19370119
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>> No.19370174

How do you organize your shelves bros? I just did alphabetically by author last name (split by fiction, math, phil, history, other non-fiction) but then I got the Iliad/Oddysey/Aenid boxset which obviously doesn't fit into this system.

>> No.19370182
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Red Vintage is sexy.

>> No.19370204

What did you guys do, "invest" in a bunch of shitty fake leather... FUCK your shelf is supposed to be books you've collected over time. Not something to be filled like a cheap whore.

>> No.19370313

It's bait. It's not his bookshelf

Is it your first day here?

>> No.19370339

You forget that the majority of this board's denizens constitute 19-25 y/o newfags who have been lurking on this site for less than two years

>> No.19370353
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I've posted before but I'll post again


>> No.19370356
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>> No.19370367
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>> No.19370418

whats wrong with them?

>> No.19370488

very nice indeed but your organization is really bad. at least have some system this sucks

>> No.19370508

The intent was (and still sort of is) to go alphabetical by author last name and then chronological within each author. But yeah as the collection grew it just became hard to find places for everything, certain authors wound up split between different shelves, etc. I hope one day to find space for another shelf and get back to feeling properly organised

>> No.19370665

i bet you are hot

>> No.19371816
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Thanks, anon, Eldritch is on the list, I am not familiar with Galactic Pot-Healer, will check it out. I also have pic related, cut it out on 2/6 on the left by accident.

>> No.19372163


>> No.19372198

Interesting shelf and based Casanova enjoyer.

>> No.19372260
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>> No.19372269
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>> No.19372276
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>> No.19372282
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>> No.19372287

>doxx thread
Lol nah im good.

>> No.19372290
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>> No.19372298
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>> No.19372303


>> No.19372307
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>> No.19372315
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>> No.19372323
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>> No.19372335

What does EV mean?

>> No.19372341
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>> No.19372350
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>> No.19372366
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>> No.19372373
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>> No.19372377
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>> No.19372385
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>> No.19372388
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rirrie breaker

>> No.19372390
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Books with no spine text

>> No.19372404
File: 2.84 MB, 2523x4021, 56D44645-2B64-4069-9E50-D5A1BB595AAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17/16 bonus

My fiancé’s shelf

>> No.19372409

Can I be your fiancé?

>> No.19372425

Do you have giant tits and rich parents?

>> No.19372435

I dont.

>> No.19372440

Then die

>> No.19372445

No, you.

>> No.19372482

What's the press/edition on the Montaigne and Dickens, bottom middle shelf?
I need some of those in my life.

>> No.19372486

B&N lol poorfag buy folio society if you want to impress me

>> No.19372497


>> No.19372506

Never seen casanova prominently displayed like that before.


>> No.19372514

Lawnmower man.

Respectable shelf.

>> No.19372555

nice try a woman isn't reading any of that post her penis

>> No.19372564

Looks like Everymans if you zoom in

>> No.19372566

How do you have all those Rand books and not Stirner? No junger, but Evola. No Gentile either.

>> No.19372577

I literally have nearly every Junger that’s in English, Stirner is in #4. Gentile is on the shelf as well, and I plan to buy his main writings, but it’s $40+ for a fucking paperback and used copies aren’t any cheaper.

>> No.19372588

Do you have Plutarch? I hope the Chap book is ironic, but seeing your books, I'm assuming you're one of them

>> No.19372604
File: 487 KB, 1280x958, F0FDC746-4DCF-4504-9F49-76D73FCD47AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been holding out on finding a modern library copy of Plutarch’s lives because bigger books are horrible for paperbacks (spine rips in half). Hahaha no, fuck Chapo. That book was $4+free shipping on eBay and I wanted something to represent the dirtbag left in my political section. I’m a fascist but I am even more so a lover of reading ideas. That being said, the Chapo book took me less than an afternoon to read.

Also here is my Junger and Stirner. Big book is a thesis on Junger and Hoffman’s relation to psychedelics used amongst the modern right-wing.

>> No.19372621

Was based until this shelf
How is The Neoconservative Persuasion? I'm always wary of essay compilations
based again
It's the chick's initials

>> No.19372624

how did you not notice all of the racist shit on his shelves? this chud has the bell jar and jared taylor as well as fucking mein kampf

>> No.19372633

>Was based until this shelf
You do realize I have every political belief system represented throughout my political section? Some libertarian stuff is in my economics section, but every political ideology is represented fairly well. I’m not going to criticize Marxism or Socialism without reading them first (Marxism is a completely inhuman and materialist ideology in my opinion).

I’m amazed that every time I post my library, people assume I’m a Marxist

>> No.19372635

You're right, thanks anon

>> No.19372638

>I'm a fascist
This isn't surprising considering the eclecticism of fascism. I assumed you're a chapo because you have the same type of eclecticism; which makes them come off as schizophrenic. Many of them were like you, 4chan fascists/SA dweebs (I met one who personally was friends with Weev a decade or so ago) a few years ago, then changed to some stupid tankie or some other nonsensical, far left philosophy.
Ecclesiastes has some wisdom for you,
>" I said in my heart, “I have acquired great wisdom, surpassing all who were over Jerusalem before me, and my heart has had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.” And I applied my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is but a striving after wind.For in much wisdom is much vexation,and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."
Keep these words in mind as you go on

>> No.19372649

Oh whoops forgot to answer your other question. The Neoconservative Persuasion was alright. His arguments are mostly from a sentimental bend, but all neocons are fraudulent in their endeavors and as a form of conservatism, it is inevitably soulless and seeks to assist the Jew and Israeli imperialism.

>> No.19372658

I’ve got one for you too

>”Me Ne Frego”

>> No.19372660

You're missing Bastiat for this shelf

>> No.19372664

Based fascist.
Yes faggot, that's why I said based again, have a sense of humor. I like your collection, especially the first four shelves. You have quite a few I'd like to pick up.

Also, you ignored my question, how is The Neoconservative Persuasion? I'm generally wary of essay compilations.
>your books are racist
that's some midwit energy

>> No.19372669

>don’t have varied reading habits, learning is bad, don’t read too much
Amazing that christcucks like you frequent a literature board, and a thread where people post an abundance of books no less.

>> No.19372671

Thanks anon

>> No.19372680

I’ve put him aside for now but I will look into adding him to my read/buy list. I feel that Hazlitt blew his broken window theory apart but I’d love to learn the initial theory.

I didn’t mean to come off antagonistic, sorry

>> No.19372681

>”Me Ne Frego”
You guys care a lot though; too much for your own good. I'm just glad I'm aware of it now, and know to stay away from slow moving train wrecks who spend too much time on twitter and discord. Maybe one day there will be a book about you on someone's shelf. Or maybe not? Kiwifarms is probably more appropriate

>> No.19372687

Pretty sure hebrews didn’t want people to read because they don’t want people to read anything other than the word of the lord. Doesn’t seem like a good way to go about seeking knowledge or wisdom. Care to explain why reading more than one belief system is inherently bad? Please do not use Bible quotes

>> No.19372688

Why are books so fucking expensive these days? I can't find a single box set of anything to save the fucking life of me.
>tfw you'll never read Dune on paperback

>> No.19372698

Realizing you that you have finite time here should force you to filter a lot of things out, and a lot of the garbage books you read aren't useful. They're just a vaniful exercise pseudo-intellcetualism, which you give off here, but this is /lit/ after all. I wouldn't expect anything else from the people here.

>> No.19372702

just spent $500 on 25 books, a good amount were used, too

>> No.19372703

I don’t have any social media and unlike you I’ve taken physical action towards my beliefs and was jailed for nearly killing the governor. You are a man of idleness, a sin upon your demiurgic god. Keep toiling away and soaking up abuse from the lower types of humans, I’m sure you’ll be rewarded eternally and definitely not be used a tool of your Jewish guilt-cult.

Molti nemici, molto onore you literal guilt sponge.

>> No.19372708

Then why are you here?

>> No.19372712

the govenor?

>> No.19372717

I’m not the big shelf guy

>> No.19372718

>and was jailed for nearly killing the governor
Weren't more than half of your group glowies?

>> No.19372722

They aren’t? Go on eBay, abebooks, and the used section of Amazon. Most books are 5 bucks with free shipping if you look for old hardcovers

>> No.19372723

You are proving Ecclesiastes' point here. If you're so confident with all the wisdom you supposedly have from reading books... you shouldn't have to ask me for the answers.

>> No.19372733

>I don’t have any social media and unlike you I’ve taken physical action towards my beliefs
You don't even know what my beliefs are, and you come off as autistic. You don't have think just because someone is talking to you have to be aggressive and macho. You're not proving anything being as such.

>> No.19372744

Or even Salvation Army. I snagged hardcovers for $2.99 each and paperbacks for $1.99. They were all basically mint.

>> No.19372745

I’m not asking for answers, I’m asking you to explain why reading a lot of books is bad? I don’t disagree that it doesn’t guarantee wisdom, but you can’t seriously tell me reading many many books of great minds is a useless task. Also like the other guy said, I’m not the original 16 shelf poster. I’m just blown away that Christians can’t speak in anything other than Bible passages

>> No.19372746

I wanted to see the cringe on peoples' shelfs to, and got more than I could chew. I can't imagine buying books when you can download shit off the net.

>> No.19372750
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Why don’t you eat my poopy

>> No.19372758

>Christian and a fucking soi tech user
Amazing that you can’t see how much the tech industry is encroaching on spiritual life. You know why you shouldn’t use an ereader? It’s undignified.

>> No.19372771

You're just doing Ecclesiastes said. If you're so wise, and confident from all the books you've read, why do you insist on my knowledge? You've read so many books, and can't even figure out how to respond, or what to do, in such a simple scenario here. It could be you're not as smart as you think you are, and no amount of books will modify your innately low intelligence.There's nothing special about you for those books to be anything useful because you lack the ability to utilize them.
>I’m just blown away that Christians can’t speak in anything other than Bible passages
If you actually knew the history of Ecclesiastes - you wouldn't say something so stupid.

>> No.19372782

Burden of proof is on you. Just tell me why reading so many books is a bad thing. I’ve read the Bible, everybody was raised Christian in America

>> No.19372785

You're still so swallow, and kneedeep, personality wise I don't think so books helped you much. I don't think you have a coherent belief system. You're ideology window shopping like those dumb ass kids who spend too much time on the bluebird app.

>> No.19372786

Christ, not the poster you're responding to, but you're just talking in circles and completely ignoring his question, probably because you don't have an actual answer. He's not asking for your divine omnipotent opinion to guide him in his life journey toward salvation. Learn how to have a conversation.

>> No.19372820

Wtf is bluebird? I like reading things humans have to say because I love learning. I know where my beliefs stand very well, because I have delved into a myriad of traditions and beliefs from my reading, thereby giving me perspective of how I’d like my economic system of government to be held. If I told you I was a Christian who had read the entirety of the Summa Theologica you wouldn’t have a conniption.

By the way I still have another 100 books to buy and then read on my list and it’s going to be a lot of fun. I’ll keep you in my prayers, jewboy

Also answer this man’s question. You’re freaking out.

>> No.19372827

What he said, eat poopy

>> No.19372835

Those books didn't help your reading comprehension either because you're asking questions unrelated to the premise. A lot of things going on here are going over your head too, and I don't think you have the ability to really understand what's being said or what's being implied here. The heuristics of Ecclesiastes are simple to get, and the more I respond to you, the less you understand. So, there's really no point to continue the conversation. You're just not capable of having it with me.
>encroaching on spiritual life
The irony of a fucking retard, like yourself, lamenting spirituality while posting on 4chan of all places. You are a walking train wreck. Fuck, this thread really is bringing out all the mentally ill' people, huh?

>> No.19372839

So you won’t answer the question?

>> No.19372848

The question is not being ignored. You don't understand the implicit point being made, it goes over your head, but fragments are in each of the statements made. I don't want to explain it to you, I don't have to really because I understand it, and I just find it how the obvious is being stated, but you keep missing it.

>> No.19372852

You are responding to what I can assume is about 2 to 5 different posters, but treating them all as the same person. It’s like reverse samefagging.

>> No.19372858

Could Ecclesiastes answer the question?

>> No.19372873

I'm talking to Moe, Joe and Curly so the collective intelligence of them all are still not enough solve this puzzle I'm laying out for them. Sancho Panza wouldn't even have this much trouble with what I'm saying.

>> No.19372884

Cool. Answer the question

>> No.19372887

My ass itches.

>> No.19372893
File: 11 KB, 225x225, B24788BF-3DDA-4126-88F5-11C7C2F48C10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually, looks like reading a lot of books IS a good thing! Thanks Ecclesiastes!

>> No.19372923

For someone who reads Nietzsche, and hates god, you're being quite moral. And you still are missing the point. I think it come from your autistic obsession with viewing every text you read through a political lens.

>> No.19372937

There’s always someone in every /lit/ thread saying that reading too much is a bad thing, and that the board sucks, but always sees themselves as “above” the general populace of this place despite posting as much as everyone else. They’re always Christcucks too, unsurprisingly enough. It makes you wonder why someone would need to prove to anonymous people why seeking new ideas is an unrewarding task? They cannot quantify what “using your time wisely” would be, even though reading books is inarguably a great use of time, as it rewards you with knowledge and perspective. As opposed to most people’s lives of visual media consumption that does not reward, but rather seeks to manipulate you into needing material things. So it would seem to me that in the modern age of rampant soullessness and widespread nihilism, seeking knowledge and broadening your literary horizons is not only a good use of your time, but also a service to yourself and those in your life who you can enrich by passing on good ideas and challenging thought patterns we can find ourselves trapped in.

Read books, kids! And don’t ever stop.

>> No.19372943

I haven’t posted my shelf in this thread

>> No.19372950

You're doing everything you accuse other people of doing, and yet, you don't see the irony of it. I'm not sure why you wrote this amazingly mediocre diatribe. Are you on medication by any chance? Up your Thorazine dose.

>> No.19372966

The boomer midwit is having a difficult time comprehending that he isn't engaging the same person on an anonymous web forum. I am sure you find this revelation shocking.

>> No.19372978

I’m the long shelf poster, not the guy you are replying to in that post.

I have read Nietzsche as much as I have read the Bible, the summa, the apocrypha, Dead Sea scrolls, aquinas, and the nag hammadi library. I do believe in god, but not the Christian one. And if a book isn’t political, I don’t see it as such. You’re assuming soooo much based on having certain books on my shelves? I also have a cookbook; am I a chef? I also have Gray’s Anatomy so I guess I’m a doctor as well. Your adversion to me reading this much clearly comes from my political stance as a Fascist, which has riled you up for some reason. I think that says more about your lack of understanding the duality of people, as you see their political stance as being the totality of their being, instead of simply an aspect of their being. This goes to show that you are not only single minded in your perception of people, but unable to see the diversity of the human mind and our experience in life, which is never simple nor is it ever without divergence from outside expectations. I’m only assuming here, but I think you might be a gay baby.

>> No.19372985

I don't think that's the problem. I think the problem is you're so swallow, epigonic that there's no need to differentiate you from the other people in the thread. That's why I stand out, and you have to inform people you're there otherwise nobody would notice you.

>> No.19372994

My books are scattered across my room

>> No.19372997

For a fascist; you really are emotional. I really don't need to know all this information about you. Stick to the point, okay?

>> No.19372998

I’m trying to imagine what you must be like in person. I don’t want to ad hom but you seem to be frantic and unhinged. I’d wager you weren’t Christian 10 years ago as well.

>> No.19373004

What emotion was in his post??? Also since when does fascism not allow emotion? It was started by poets, mind you.

>> No.19373013

Did you mean to reply to a different post cuz that has nothing to do with what he said. Also learn how to properly use a semicolon.

>> No.19373020

I wouldn't want you to imagine things. You're already doing a terrible job so far, and you're never going to improve at this rate or pace. You need to keep your distance from me because you are a person I'd want no parts of at all.

>> No.19373022

I didn’t give you any information about myself in that post. I honestly don’t know how to respond to that because I divulged more deeply on the point than you have this whole thread. I’d also recommend you go reread Ecclesiastes as that book is about opening your mind to wisdom and not letting yourself become trapped in ignorance.

>> No.19373029

Sir this is a digital website, not a Wendy’s. Nobody is near you.

>> No.19373032

How come you're not poetic yourself?

>> No.19373036

How would you know if I wasn’t? I’m not, but I’m also not a fascist. I’m also not a writer so I don’t need to be poetic? Wtf

>> No.19373037

>I’m a fascist
that explains why you're retarded and decided to break up your shelf into 16 different pictures instead of keeping them together like every other time you post the same shit

>> No.19373042

>Nobody is near you.
This means much more to me than you realize, but getting my sardonic wit is not really up your speed. So, I doubt you'd be on point with me here.

>> No.19373047

You’ll sit through my shelves and hate it, that I can be sure of. Every thread will be dominated by me and my used bookstore copies. I’m the big dog in this house, rawr XD

>> No.19373053

>I’m also not a writer
I don't think there was any doubt
>I don’t need to be poetic
You did not have to bring up being "poetic" either, but you did. You've had this tendency so far to deviate. Yet, you ironically accuse me of being evasive.

>> No.19373054

>and materialist ideology in my opinion
Yeah no shit faggot

>> No.19373064
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>getting my sardonic wit is not really up your speed

This is my first time ever basedjakking someone off, but you earned it

>> No.19373072

I don't think you've quite gotten Ecclesiastes. This obsession you have with social validation via knowledge doesn't align with the text too well.

>> No.19373080

Tendency to deviate? This has been my third post in this thread. I didn’t have to bring it up? I was saying fascists were poets initially. D’Annunzio and Marinetti specifically.

>> No.19373085

>it filters to based
Fucking a, goes to show I don’t do it

>> No.19373089

The fact that you save shit like that on your computer to respond to people with kinda means you fit the stereotype of that meme.

>> No.19373099

This christfag dude is disoriented

>> No.19373105

>I’m not going to criticize Marxism or Socialism without reading them
Imagine being this submissive, and worried, about not knowing all the ABCS of Marxism. Like, kid, don't you realize there's dozens of Marxists with dozens of interpretations who constantly fight and split over what he said? You don't need to step in bear trap to know it'll hurt your leg.

>> No.19373106


The average person is incapable of understanding that reading or consuming media related to X does not automatically lead to belief in X, because a huge number of them lack the critical thinking skills to discern bullshit from logos.

This is a harsh redpill, but it's true.

>> No.19373114

You're so autistic, and smooth brained, you can only imagine caricatures of the people you're talking to. Anything more complex than that makes you dysfunctional. I doubt you speak to people outside of 4chan, huh?

>> No.19373119

Christianity is a sin

>> No.19373130

I’m submissive for doing my homework? I’m genuinely curious about politics and history. Nothing more.

>> No.19373133
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>> No.19373149

The people I've been talking to here are basically you with a different civil religion. You're not going to contribute much to the thread because the people here are just as one-dimensional as you, butterfly. Their political gimmicks, clear display of stunted adolescence is 1:1 you. Since its so rare these days to find good posters anymore; you can just add to the pile.

>> No.19373155

It’s me, fascist guy. I le tricked you. Butterfly? Hehehehe it’s a fake trip. Oh man you have been le trolled! Le trololololo!

Numa Numa nay Numa Numa hey hey

>> No.19373165

>bomarzo and adán buenosayres
>but they're translations
almost based

>> No.19373167
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>> No.19373173
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>but getting my sardonic wit is not really up your speed

>> No.19373175

You've made the most intelligent post of the thread so thus far - congratulations! No, really, I mean it. Its like pulling teeth to make that point across, but even your post here is way above too many peoples' heads here. A lot of these folks display high levels of autism with the amount of literalism they keep insinuating from the posts being made here.

>> No.19373189

Its probably a not a good thing for you to be so similar to butterfly a person can't tell. You might want to do something about that.

>> No.19373200

Hey it’s me, the real butterfly. Just ignore him, Christianity is cool

>> No.19373958
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>> No.19373972

Fuck off butterfly

>> No.19374050

You shouldn’t read this much. Look into god, you’re wasting your time with all of this useless senseless reading. Why spend hours on something that isn’t productive?

>> No.19374060

Shut the fuck up rock ape

>> No.19374085

Read Ecclesiastes and understand that you are going to hell

>> No.19374118

>eating soi and chicken
Chicken is the worst protein source, worst to deal with, worst for you. Eat beef instead.

>> No.19374136

Is there anything about semen retention in it?

>> No.19374457

sorry bro you need emotion to write good poetry

>> No.19374654

>Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
very based

>> No.19374657

I have some, but just for convenience since they were at the local book shop.

>> No.19374726

How about no you christ foreskin sucking goblin

>> No.19374843

Ugh, don't do that. Take note of what's on her shelf. Bring up one of those books when you see this girl. Give your opinion of it. Ask if she has read it. Don't assume she has. If she likes you, a conversation starts here.

>> No.19374861

>Lab retrievers for dummies
In case someone missed it

>> No.19374895

Based on what principle do you sort your books? It doesn't seem to be by age, author, size, language, subject matter or anything else I can think of. Are you intentionally not sorting it?

>> No.19375104


>> No.19375368

Your fiance has good taste, iv already seen your shelf a dozen times
Make an imgur link with the individual shelves and just post the pic with the full shelf

>> No.19375430

Absolutely based shelves. Tell me more about the Saturn and esoteric books.

>> No.19376800


>> No.19376969

Which of your books would you consider essential? Particularly which of the "No-no books"? I already have

>"Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Memory" - Germar Rudolf
>"The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry" - Arthur Butz
>"Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil: Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him" - Gerard Menuhin
>"The Six Million: Fact or Fiction" - Peter Winter
>"The Arctic Home in the Vedas" - Bal Gangadhar Tilak
>"The Culture of Critique" - Kevin Macdonald
>"Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism" - Kevin Macdonald
>"A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples" - Kevin Macdonald
>"The Decline of the West" - Oswald Spengler
>"Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics" - Francis Parker Yockey
>"The Passing of the Great Race: or The Racial Basis of European History" - Madison Grant
>"Hitler's Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs" - Richard Tedor
>"The Myth of the Twentieth Century" - Alfred Rosenberg
>"The Third Rome: Holy Russia, Tsarism and Orthodoxy" - Matthew Raphael Johnson
>"Manifesto for Breaking the Financial Slavery to Interest" - Gottfried Feder
>"The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation" - Gottfried Feder
>"The Programme of the Nsdap: the National Socialist German Worker's Party and Its General Conceptions" - Gottfried Feder
>"Germany Speaks: By 21 Leading Members of Party and State" - Walter Gross, Reinhardt Fritz, Joachim Von Ribbentrop
>"Into the Darkness" - Lothrop Stoddard
>"Rommel: the Trail of the Fox" - David Irving
>"Hitler's War" - David Irving
>"Churchill's War: The Struggle for Power" - David Irving
>"Churchill's War: Triumph in Adversity" - David Irving
>"Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich" - David Irving
>"A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind" - Stephen Mitford Goodson
>"Hitler for a Thousand Years" - Leon Degrelle
>"Hitler Democrat" - Leon Degrelle
>"The Eastern Front" - Leon Degrelle
>"Mein Kampf" - Adolf Hitler
>"Hitler's Second Book: German Foreign Policy" - Adolf Hitler
>"Bechamp or Pasteur?" - Ethel D. Hume
>"On Being a Pagan" - Alain De Benoist
>"Hitler's Commando: the Daring Missions of Otto Skorzeny and the Nazi Special Forces" - Otto Skorzeny
>"The Blood and its Third Element" - Antoine Bechamp
>"Tigers In The Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius" - Otto Carius
>"What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" - Dawn Lester / David Parker
>"Runes and the Origins of Writing" - Alain de Benoist
>"The Biocentric Worldview" - Ludwig Klages
>"Gruesome Harvest" - Ralph Franklin Keeling
>"A New Nobility of Blood and Soil" - Richard Walther Darré

I want more, but I know i could do without most of these.

>> No.19377000

Get a magic eraser and clean off that light switch

>> No.19377004

I only buy books that are considered essential or of great interest to me personally. Before buying a book, I research everything about it, read people’s critiques, and make sure it’s something that has stood the test of time. Highly obscure books that seem interesting but are largely forgotten to time let me know that idea wasn’t strong enough to hold out. This isn’t a DEFINITE rule, but it’s a vague guideline I go by. That being said, your list is too long for me to pick through, but just make sure to buy books that carry importance and influence, and you should be golden with your choices. Also make sure to branch out into books that pique your interest heavily, not books that just seem slightly interesting.

There is no filler or fluff on my 16 shelves

>> No.19378448


>> No.19378476

You have a pretty impressive collection for sure but don't try and tell us that the Brian Wilson autobio or the book that compares Chris Chan and Warhol are essential.

>> No.19378602

Essential to me and my life, yes. I have a massive love for The Beach Boys, as well as an interest in how the cultural revolution of the 60’s completely ruined a beautiful angelic mind (BW).

The Warhol/Chris-Chan book is essential for understanding how consumerism effects art, by comparing a fraudulent hoarder with a tranny hoarder and how their art is of the same value.

>> No.19378714

Remarkable collection that you have, only criticism is that 55 club is garbage, especially their google translated Serrano.
And the National Vanguard edition of Lightning and the Sun has three quarters of it expurgated by Pierce.
Still, you must be a cool guy, even functional enough for a wife!

>> No.19379042

>55 club is garbage, especially their google translated Serrano
This I learned after buying/reading
>the National Vanguard edition of Lightning and the Sun has three quarters of it expurgated by Pierce.
WHAT? I am only just now learning this. This is unforgivable. Anywhere to get a full translation in physical form?

>> No.19379092

Thanks for all that, but I guess what I was really asking is "what are your favorites". I think with "Dissecting the Holocaust", "Mein Kampf", "Hitler's War", and "A History of Central Banking" one would have more than enough to form a good worldview with.

>> No.19379924
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>> No.19379963

I dig the Vedanta collection and Leon Degrelle. I'm a yoga teacher and a secret fascist. I wonder how long before reading Vedic texts gets one labeled a "nahtsee".

>> No.19380111

Worst shelf I’ve ever seen. If this is real, kill yourself

>> No.19380370
File: 24 KB, 331x499, EA6858A3-00D4-458B-BB82-02799F5F7BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t care too much for Guenon or Evola but this text is essential for both of your shelves and bridging the gap between Vedic texts and fascism.

>> No.19380471

Still need to finish that one. I'm iffy about this woman that married an indian, moved to india and seemed to have thoroughly adopted their culture. Not a path I would recommend for any European.

"The Arctic Home in the Vedas" is another good one for the stated purpose of joining the Vedas to us.

>> No.19380484

Exactly, any idiot who assumed they can conclude your ideology based on your book shelf is actually exposing themselves, not you.
But there are obvious exceptions such as this >>19379924 lmao

>> No.19380539

>The Arctic Home
Is this a reference to Hyperborea? Any other good books on that region/its mythos? I saved a great screencap about it but it comes across as schizo tier

>> No.19380571

Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak was an Indian Nationalist the same time as Ghandi and wrote The Arctic Home in the Vedas while in prison for violent actions against the British. He established through geological research and study of verses in the Vedas that the Vedas could not have originated in India, but rather closer to the North Pole. He wrote an earlier book establishing the antiquity of the Vedas to show that they are old enough to have come from a time when the Earth was very different from how we now know it. I don't believe he promotes anything like northern Europeans being responsible for the foundation of Indian culture, but it's hard not to lean that way.