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File: 114 KB, 1407x1080, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19366242 No.19366242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books/articles/studies on the possible damage caused to individuals by internet/social media addiction? You know, how it's bad for mental health/attention spans etc.

>> No.19366272
File: 1.96 MB, 404x720, 1634537391616.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free book
>it's a bunch of ya crap and junk food literature

>free wifi
>get to read any digitized book or essay on the face of the earth


>> No.19366289

Why do you have this vid?

>> No.19366296


>> No.19366301

Reddit reads more and writes more than 4chan ever will.

>> No.19366311

Because I want to fuck that brown catboy in the ass

>> No.19366331

This clip combines despair and hope in a way that I'm incapable of comprehensively addressing in the written medium

>> No.19366344

Where is the hope?

>> No.19366357

free books = some books
free wi-fi = all books

>> No.19366367

It makes me hopeful to see that kids are still being goofy and enjoying life despite the mask mandates.
I wore black lipstick and dressed like a freak sometimes in school. I got over it.

>> No.19366373

It's a room full of troons. There's no nope here.

>> No.19366379

>It's a room full of troons
>There's no nope here
Freudian slip, eh?

>> No.19366382
File: 138 KB, 900x1200, 6y3661srhd961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most powerful empire to ever exist on on earth produces mestizos femboys en masse
Is this Nietzsche's ubermensche?

>> No.19366387

They're just going with the flow. If wearing purple shirts was in, they'd all wear purple shirts. Don't you remember what it was like?

>> No.19366393

Ni because I wasn't a conformist faggot.
Also the fact that decadence is 'in' is pretty harmful to the social organism.

>> No.19366396

Shut the fuck up and post what OP asked

>> No.19366398

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.19366401

A typo isn't a Freudian slip you pseud

>> No.19366402

we are.

>> No.19366407

I remember hating everything about everyone I was forced to interact with, which is just as performative, and hating myself most of all. Still do. The pendulum isn't swinging back in my lifetime, I've accepted that.

>> No.19366412

Oh right, you guys were the rebels!
lol, so cute, I miss those days.

>> No.19366439
File: 29 KB, 419x644, amuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman.

It was written in 1985 about TV, but it can just as easily apply to the internet.

Postman's argument is not that television (or the internet in this case) is filled with "junk," but rather that it shifts priorities and makes people less knowledgable about the world.

An example he gives is that people never would have recognized the first fifteen or so U.S. presidents if they were out walking on the streets because they were known mostly through their writings.

He also cites the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. He says that these debates each lasted like seven hours at a time and that people nowadays wouldn't be able to sit through them because of television. The two debaters were using highly grammatical sentences which required a good attention span.

>> No.19366467

Digital Minimalism by C. Newport considers some research
most of the books on this topic are in the self help and health categories

>> No.19366473

From Wikipedia: "The names of presidents or even famous preachers, lawyers, and scientists call up visual images, typically television images, but few, if any, of their words come to mind. ***The few that do almost exclusively consist of carefully chosen soundbites.***"

Basically Twitter in a nutshell lmao

>> No.19366489

>He also cites the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858
That's pretty interesting, you've sparked my interest in this book again. I tried to read it a while ago but could only get thrugh the introductory chapter until getting bored and switching to vidya.

>> No.19366517

It actually becomes easier to read after the theory of the first several chapters.

He gives a lot of examples that you may be familiar with such as Ronald Reagan's stardom, William F. Buckley Jr.'s show Firing Line, etc.

>> No.19367375

Yes I am SIGMA

>> No.19367473

lmao, somehow this is always the answer when someone posts without elaboration a strange panning clip of people doing nothing noteworthy

>> No.19367489

This; people retained just as little information back then as they do now.
If people were more informed and involved back then it's because they had nothing better to do AND had less pointless, draining bullshit cluttering their lives.

>> No.19367704

What the fuck is going on in this image. Holy shit is this what theyre hiding in the pedo cult sex dungeon? Or does this spoiled brat just get everything he asks for and buys whatever people argue about?

>> No.19368205

it is

>> No.19368289


>> No.19369210

I really don't know what the solution to this shit is, if you start beating these kids for 'being gay' that wont work, meanwhile theyre spreading their ideas about how to be to other kids

How do we as a society remain free to make our own mistakes while stopping the spread of this feminized weakness? I dont want my son to turn out like this...

>> No.19369233

impressive though that he/they(?) got such a developed style still in school. everyone else is h&m with reebok classics

>> No.19369238

Immigrate a third world country where masculine culture still survives, while third worlders are immigrating into countroes where feminine culture is dominating. Think about it. The third worlders will be feminized on first world grounds, while the first worlders will be masculinized on third world grounds. And since weak nations fall and strong nations dominate, the first and third worlds will switch hierarchies if this happens.

>> No.19369246

that is such a stupid thing to say

>> No.19369251

You can either be stupid or you can have troons for kids. The choice is yours. Which way, White man?

>> No.19369254

the kids will be okay

>> No.19369258

There's a fine line between optimism and idle cowardice. Your kids will not be OK, not in the first world.

>> No.19369262
File: 56 KB, 1403x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no solution, the end is near

>> No.19369270

he's happy the way he looks he's happy with his gender. see no damage, see no evil at all

>> No.19369277

>he's happy
> see no damage, see no evil

>> No.19369279

If you ever have a daughter she'll end up being a druggie who'll let random strangers run a train on her to get drug money

>> No.19369288

i'm sorry, you're opinion means very little to me

>> No.19369336
File: 72 KB, 825x1250, 61z+tMWZ5mL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.19369392

The Shallows. Appropriately the book itself is very shallow

>> No.19370030
File: 160 KB, 672x434, 1623240978246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's how the decline of the West looks like, then we need to accelerate it.

>> No.19370036


>> No.19370039

The best book on this subject may still be Amusing Ourselves To Death.

>> No.19370063

No I have always done the opposite of what the other kids did. Was always contrarian from the start.

>> No.19370076

I hate the government so much it's unreal.

>> No.19370087

How do i get through such books btw? Should i just power through until i can jump on the ride of their train of thought?

>> No.19370116

>be given internet
>ignore the wealth of books available through it
>use twitter
Take responsibility for your laziness, OP.

>> No.19370229
File: 1023 KB, 261x165, tumblr_mfzla4hcdp1qm8ar2o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Recreational drugs/reading/the internets runied my life."

>> No.19370266

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19370268

And that's why you were the last one to lose his virginity

>> No.19370270

Your first mistake is assuming it's a personal thing, that I'm addicted myself, or "lazy" in your words, and not just interested in the topic.

>> No.19370281

There is no solution. It's just kids doing kid things. The Critical Theory nonsense is what you should worry about, rather than the usual faggotry that comes with childhood.

>> No.19370282

Shut the fuck up and make your own thread.

>> No.19370291

He says in a thread asking for articles of older gen whining about technology ruining the attention spans of newer gens. Fine, I'll oblige. Here's a list of people of old bitching about the same thing over and over and over again

>> No.19370293

Listen, faggot, you opened a thread with a loaded question and a trite boomer comic: you were asking to be insulted.

>> No.19370312
File: 30 KB, 500x239, areyouconnectedtoyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The default monological distillate of disintegral individuals.

>> No.19371201

Good for you Peer pressure is brutal as a teen.

>> No.19371263
File: 45 KB, 414x315, backstreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn we've been faggots since the dawn of civilization it seems. Good to know I wasn't crazy in thinking people are overreacting especially with all the faggot stuff that happened back in the 90s.

>> No.19371273
File: 3.61 MB, 2480x5024, the ancient art of shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been glorious faggots since the dawn of time. The only thing that's really changed is the mediums in which we can express our faggotry