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19366104 No.19366104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that can help me quit porn and masturbation once and for all? I don't think I masturbate as much as an average man does, but I'd really love to just completely stop.

>> No.19366118

have you tried just stopping and not searching for something you can blame your failures on?

>> No.19366119

Just do NNN man. Day 8 and I’m still going strong, I remind myself of the huge nut I’m gonna bust in December 1st and that keeps me going. Also I’ve noticed I do have more energy and motivation during the day than when I was masteubating regularly.

>> No.19366129

How can people get addicted to watching other people fuck? Just have sex with a woman and get off 4chan until you can stop touching your dick

>> No.19366156

Imagine this: you are literally jacking off a guy while simultaneously being jacked off by a guy and are enjoying it on a regular basis. Masturbation is gay.

>> No.19366164

Just abduct somebody and fuck. Who really cares? Your needs come first.

>> No.19366168

>Also I’ve noticed I do have more energy and motivation during the day than when I was masteubating regularly
I also noticed this during the first days of nofap, but I also gradually return to normal later.

>> No.19366174
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>> No.19366185

I don't know how to do this

>> No.19366198

Grab somebody off the street (preferably smaller than you), pummel them in an alley and then go to town. Not too difficult.

>> No.19366216

Maybe in the 1970s you'll get caught today
Maybe I should have specified I dont know how to do it without getting caught

>> No.19366227

Go on antidepressants.
You won't be able to cum even if your life depended on it.

>> No.19366253

came twice yesterday, once in public fully nude, once to femboy/futa hentai. came twice today, one crossdressing, another one to femboy/loli hentai. only reason i don't coom more is because cooming started catching up with my dicks health. feels good to be a coomer.
i jerked off three times a day on (((antidepressants))). at most it makes ejaculation feel a little different, generally people feel it to be slightly muted. no one should ever take that poison and it doesn't even work for your purpose.

>> No.19366259


>> No.19366260

Visit a brothel or get a suckjob from a slut at some playground. Nobody really cares, parents included. Snatch somebody in another city if you have to. Be on the lookout for syphilis though, infection may be up ~160% in your area.

>> No.19366263

Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn, read that.

>> No.19366291

I also had your exact same feitshes and me dropping porn made them go away completely

>> No.19366353

Tried, failed 12 hours in including my sleep.
Everyone says the easy peasy method works, it's free online. A work colleague read the original for smoking and he stopped.
Sometimes sex isn't always that enjoyable. Sometimes 5 years of the same woman who initiated sex 5 times during those years is starting to bother you. Sometimes you see a repeat in how sexually boring alot of women can be. Sometimes you what a thick Brazilian shemale with a heavy nutsack, ready to pump half a pint of baby batter down your throat as her heavy smooth and slightly musty nutsack bounces off your face and clogs your nostrils. Fuck I'm solid as rock now.
Based cross dresser enjoyed.
God speed to you OP, for I think I may be beyond saving, as in, I don't want to be saved. I just wish I didn't HAVE to fap when I wake up to go to work, making me late for the bus 98% since the age of 16. I can't remember the last time I had a calm, non-sweat inducing walk to anything.

>> No.19366383

>cooming started catching up with my dicks health.
How so?

>> No.19366403

Delete all the porn from your computer
Close all your accounts and get rid of the e-mails associated to them
Everytime you start hoarding porn or registering on websites, again, delete your shit as fast as possible. You can always start over of course, but the point is to make it a hassle.
Even something as simple as setting a parental lock on your router works, you can always turn it off, but just knowing that there's this thing stopping you is a little help.
Coom to your own thoughts, write it out, doodle it out, say it out loud as you do it, but away from a black mirror.

>> No.19366404

no book will give you willpower. that comes from you. you can read all the self-help guru ramblings, you can read religious texts, you can read any fiction or non-fiction. at the end of the day, it's all just words. it's up to you to walk the walk. start one day at a time. if you have the urge, replace it with something else. i suggest lifting, running, or working on a craft/skill (piano is a good one as you can keep it readily available and satisfies tactile response). hope this helps, don't abandon hope.

>> No.19366415
File: 67 KB, 640x929, 75thAnnyversaryBigBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God will help you. Read this book.

>> No.19366421

learning meditation, meditation regrows the grey matter than porn kills and strengthens the part of the brain associated with willpower.
In addition you can use it to deal with cravings when they come up. For a free training try unified mindfulness, the designer shinzen young has a talk on his site called compulsion specifically for compulsive behaviors.
You asked for a book though so I guess the mind illuminated.

>> No.19366450

>meditation regrows the grey matter
However, the neuroscientists also found that the meditators had more gray matter in another brain region, this time linked to decision-making and working memory: the frontal cortex. In fact, while most people see their cortexes shrink as they age, 50-year-old meditators in the study had the same amount of gray matter as those half their age.
That's remarkable.
Lazar and her team wanted to make sure this wasn't because the long-term meditators had more gray matter to begin with, so they conducted a second study. In it, they put people with no experience with meditation into an eight-week mindfulness program.
The results? Even just eight weeks of meditation changed people's brains for the better. There was thickening in several regions of the brain, including the left hippocampus (involved in learning, memory, and emotional regulation); the TPJ (involved in empathy and the ability to take multiple perspectives); and a part of the brainstem called the pons (where regulatory neurotransmitters are generated).
Plus, the brains of the new meditators saw shrinkage of the amygdala, a region of the brain associated with fear, anxiety, and aggression. This reduction in size of the amygdala correlated to reduced stress levels in those participants.
How long do you have to meditate to see such results? Well, in the study, participants were told to meditate for 40 minutes a day, but the average ended up being 27 minutes a day. Several other studies suggest that you can see significant positive changes in just 15 to 20 minutes a day.

I find these materialist data points for why meditation is good very off putting.

>> No.19366457

>I find these materialist data points for why meditation is good very off putting.
what I mean is instead of meditating to get higher scores on a doctors chart I am more motivated by the ability to explore consciousness, and I think anyone who approaches meditation with the former attitude will not be successful long term.

>> No.19366465

I used to masturbate 10+ times a day. I would often go on chatrooms or discord and do roleplays and dirty talk for hours. Sometimes I wouldn't even sleep. I hoarded porn on my phone and on my computer. I started looking at porn in public, I didn't fap, I just liked seeing it. My tastes gradually became more and more deranged and I began feeling disgusting and guilty, but with an overwhelming urge to keep going. Sometimes it felt like my dick burned with desire and I couldn't focus on anything else. Wake up to masturbate and then masturbate before sleeping, and that was my life.

I did this for 10+ years and my life suffered for it.

I found out that I used porn as the most extreme form of escapism: everytime I was confronted with a stressful situation or I had to do something I didn't want to, I just went to that instead. It was like sucking on my finger. It also created a horrible cycle in which I would feel like a disgusting pervert good for nothing who didn't deserve to live all day, which would cause me to go back into porn to numb the feeling for a while, which would then make me feel awful. I also found out that my fear of death and paranoid thoughts made my addiction stronger, since everytime I felt hopeless or scared I just wanted to fuck my hand.

Bottom line is, there is a reason behind your addiction. You need to find out what is it that keeps you hooked and attack that problem. Porn addiction is just a symptom of something greater.

>> No.19366502

don't listen to anyone here. you need to employ a strategy based on accelerationism. instead of trying to quit, go all in, become a fucked up coomer. break your mind, annihilate your pleasure receptors with chronic overload. I'm very serious. at the beginning of the year i was a total porn addict. i pushed deeper and deeper for months until i did things so incredibly fucked up and horny that i now have almost no sexual desire anymore, save for busting 2 or 3 nuts
a week. go so far into the extremes that you realize that pain is pleasure, evil is good, and being immoral is the most moral choice. once you reached that point and you get acclimated to it, you see that it's not only easy to be without porn, it's fundamentally no different than being one with porn. trust me, I've experienced sexual heights (or depths, from your point of view) that only small handfuls of people have ever experienced, or will ever. by this point, there's nothing i can conceive of that isn't completely vanilla to me. it's all just boring and forgettable, thus it's not addictive in any way

>> No.19366512

How about just going to therapy?

>> No.19366515

cool lemme just get over my fear of death real quick

>> No.19366549

I didn't say that, I said you need to find another outlet for that. Read the last messiah.

>> No.19366607
File: 2.45 MB, 412x272, Hank Hell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tranny demon, will always have the XY chromosomes -he- was born with
Burn in hell sick cuckold faggot

>> No.19367335

I know the reason for my addictions it doesn't help anything. My life sucks and fapping is the only pleasurable thing, aside from eating tasty foods and snacks and reading/watching/playing something with a satisfying story. Eating foods costs money and I'm not much of a glutton anyway thankfully, and good stories really only come once in a while, but fapping is good anytime, is relatively quick, and never gets old or boring.
If I had a great life with no stresses I wouldn't turn to porn to escape. But I don't.

>> No.19367369

