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19365481 No.19365481 [Reply] [Original]

Do /lit/ posters live sincere lives?

>> No.19365506

I have no fucking clue man.

>> No.19365507

there are 2 types of /lit/ posters
the ones that create
and the depressed midwit nihiliteens

the first part is sincere
the second part is the necessary normie element to any functioning group (can't have aristocracy without peasants) and live in a constant lie so deep they literally can't imagine and don't want to get out

>> No.19365511

I, at least, admit I am extremely lazy.

>> No.19365544

did Operation Gladio really get DFW?

>> No.19365547

Not at all, there is not a single person in this world that I am honest with.

>> No.19365557

If there's a way to escape nihilism please let me know..

I'm 21 and am unable to find an alternative

>> No.19365560

the only way out is through

>> No.19365576

I don't understand what you're getting at

>> No.19365587

This, most enlightened people have gone through nihilism. My only recommendation is to start with some metaphysical texts so you can see the value of things beyond your shitty 'individualistic' experience that has been exploited by liberalism and the quest for infinite progress.

>> No.19365604
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there is no other way
and there never was

>> No.19365621

Can you recommend a good place to start, anon?

>> No.19365650

There is none its all cope

>> No.19365678

I'm trying anon.
Religious writers that don't shy away from the evils of the world like Flannery O'Connor might be worth checking out. The fact that you're trying to escape it shows that you're off to a great start, anon.

>> No.19365696

nihilism and life-affirming are both equally unreasonable and neither are a matter of direct choice. it's physiological, pure and simple. your brain is doing the talking and feeling, the solution is to act despite. lift, eat well, sleep well and you'll reach a state where cioran's writings, for instance, are water off a ducks back. cioran was no true nihilist, he created. true nihilism is silent and disappears eventually, along with the nihilist himself.

seriously, join a gym. it is one of the simplest ways to change your mood.

>> No.19365698


This is the thought that I'm struggling to overcome


I wish I could just give myself to faith or to my art like these replies suggest

>> No.19365706

Cioran is cutting me deep at the moment

I hope my exercise routine changes the chemical hell in my head

>> No.19365713

I love aspirines.

>> No.19365727

This was unironically sincere.

>> No.19365729
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>Do /lit/ posters live sincere lives?
Me? Not as much as I could, but I know someone who does.

>> No.19365732
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no artist in living memory has lived as sincerely as this utter hero

>> No.19365734

And I honestly wish I started taking those sooner. Like before even thinking about drinking and doing other drugs. I wonder how different my life would be. I'm on my early 30s.

>> No.19365754

>I wish I could just give myself to faith or to my art like these replies suggest
if creating anything of value is for you "giving yourself to art" (implying you lose something in the process) you are probably just soulless, empty and here to consume&produce™. no hope for NPCs unfortunately. just don't think for a second the world is at fault. you have a role to play :)
maybe watch ghost in the shell for an idea of how a soul might form itself.

>> No.19365769

it will

>> No.19367492

embrace the absurdity of life anon

>> No.19367513

Sometimes my life seems like some stupid joke.
Get your senses (touch, taste and whatever) back and then work from there.

>> No.19367536

if myth of sisyphus doesn't work for you take up Kierkegaard's 'Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing'. Camus makes fun of it as stupid and illogical or something to that effect (been awhile since i read myth of sisyphus), but it's good and taking a leap of faith with all your heart is powerful.

>> No.19367542

Turn 23, you'll be cured.

>> No.19368040
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I Prayed the rosary with my older brother and his other best men in the church minutes before his wedding. I started to feel light and peaceful among these good men and began to cry throughout the rosary. It’s one of my favorite memories and proved to me that there is still reason to go on and strive for good.

>> No.19368077

No. Im the protagonist of Good old neon

>> No.19368091

I had a similar experience, anon. It's truly a cherished memory.


>> No.19368152

I hate this retarded /fit/ shit. I have a great diet, indulge in very little vice, my life and living are orderly, I go outside and do manual work all the time and my life is garbage. My sleep pattern for the past two weeks has been completely fucked by a loud low frequency hum that resonates everywhere and there absolutely nothing I can do about it except packing up and driving somewhere I can't hear it. Goes straight through earplugs, I'd have to sleep with my hands over my ears. This shit is just platitudes for upper class people who are squandering their opportunities.

>> No.19368201

your life sounds terrible and the fact that for some reason you can't just pack up and go somewhere with the overall saltiness of your post suggests you might be, in fact, trapped by your own weakness. fucking pack up and go
>indulge in very little vice, my life and living are orderly
pathetic you consider it positive

>> No.19368245

>just pack up and go, with no money, loooool
that's such a fucking stupendous idea, I would strangle you by your stupid pencil neck right now

>> No.19368303

>"Hal, who’s empty but not dumb, theorizes privately that what passes for hip cynical transcendence of sentiment is really some kind of fear of being really human, since to be really human (at least as he conceptualizes it) is probably to be unavoidably sentimental and naive and goo-prone and generally pathetic"
Hanging yourself also evinces a kind of fear of being human

>> No.19368721
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(Not necessarily this translation)

>> No.19368843
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He's just an egghead who has never suffered, anon. Just know that you're suffering because you are smart and have a big heart, unlike some retarded /fit/ peon.

>> No.19369136


>> No.19369226

Battledroids look so cool

>> No.19369431
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Spend less time on the internet. The likelihood is that you will grow out of it. We all go through it at some point.

>> No.19369441
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No, I live a rather spiteful since declaring war on the world.

>> No.19369483
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>all the effortcel copefest ITT

>> No.19369512

>frog poster thinks he's not a balding doomcel

>> No.19369682

Try to understand that the things people older than you regret not doing, things which don't make sense to you, are things which you will regret not doing too. Then you'll begin to understand that there are simple things in life which give it meaning, not grandiose philosophical concepts.

>> No.19369688

I will remember this.

Appreciate it, anon.

>> No.19369698
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After reading Anna Karenina and the Death of Ivan Ilych right after, I'm trying my hardest to live one OP.

>> No.19369823

isn't there a chink proverb that says too sincere a gentleman is like a man walking on a bridge without gaps on either side
you need the gaps to walk comfortably

>> No.19369852

Are any of his works apart from Infinite Jest and The Pale King worth reading?

>> No.19369863

listening to chinese people on sincerity is like listening to Satan on ethics

>> No.19369865

No, because OP had never actually engaged with Nihilism. They're just being snobby for no reason.

The answer always lies with the Greeks. Contrast Nihilism with Stoicism and Platoism.

Alternatively, Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard suggest accepting Nihilism as a permanent truth. In that case, read more theory by Nihilist and the worldview will become easier to live with.

>> No.19369887

I do not consider myself very good but thanks.

>> No.19369915

What is a sincere life

>> No.19369940

How does Kierkegaard suggest you accept nihilism as a truth? He was a Christian, right?

>> No.19369950
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>> No.19369953

Are you retarded?

>> No.19369958

Nihilism has been refuted already. You see, if nothing at all matters. If there is no reason for living, there is also no reason for suicide. Nihilism therefore is a meaningless philosophy. It adds nothing at all.

>> No.19369964

Whenever I'm down, I go watch his "Reply to Javier" video. Hero.

>> No.19370003

Well, what's the first step to recovering from months of nihilistic despair?

>> No.19370007
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I don't even live

>> No.19370015

Big tits are so overrated, I'm mildly disgusted by them. Am I low t?

>> No.19370025

i don't like big tits either but her tiny waist and large chest gives her a very attractive silhouette

>> No.19370029

Theravada Buddhism

See: ajahn nyanamoli, nanavira thera

>> No.19370040

Fiction, no. Essays, all of them.

>> No.19370046

Nah, big tits are for plebs, the real patrician's choice is classy, well-put-together and rail thin Asian milfs with tits no larger than the convex side of a spoon

>> No.19370108


>> No.19370224
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It's true in that a reasonable approach to faith isn't really possible for Kierkegaard i.e. infinite resignation. He gives the example of a man longing for a lover he has and will never be able to see. Nevertheless, he loves and neither does he believe he will never be with his lover. Unironically love, whether as a Christian virtue (the inviolable and undefined duty to another as described by Logstrup) or erotic love, it's through the restoration of your relationship with family, friends and others is key to overcome nihilism. There is a reason one of few books Kierkegaard wrote with his own authorship was Works of Love; a sincere deliberation upon how we ought to love another. Those who only read a few books if any by Kierkegaard and fall into believing he was an angsty solipsitic man would be living life as a veritable fool.

>> No.19370429

not all creating is sincere. in fact, I would wager that most creating that goes on now is insincere and for money/likes/recognition/etc.

also how do we create something sincere if we are dead inside? pls help

>> No.19371055

It was then, as i looked upon the bright laptop screen burning sharply into mine eyes, that i saw the original post. The title of which, a banal bait onto which other users mindlessly interact. The picture of an exquisite pretentiousness only befit the unequivocally greatest pretense there ever was, the great David Foster Wallace.

His long sweaty hair kept together by a ridiculous bandana, as if to cover his academic and athletic success with feigned alliance with a working class culture he only ever observer through yuppie binoculars. His smug grin and lightly tinted faggot glasses the greatest taunt devised by one of his disposition. His T-shirt worthy of a paragraph on its own.

>> No.19371233

>His T-shirt worthy of a paragraph on its own.
well, where's the paragraph?

>> No.19371338

I miss good ol' Dave

>> No.19371899
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There's a third: people like me who come here to make fun of overread retards. We are the most sincere of all. I have never read a book and I don't pretend to have done so.

>> No.19371961

>Just know that you're suffering because you are smart and have a big heart, unlike some retarded /fit/ peon.

This is the most retarded things I've seen in days. Almost everyone has some suffering in their life and fools suffer more than most. Suffering is that rebukes us and that leads to growth is useful. A fool in pain is not.

>> No.19372094

I write poetry sometimes, but only one or so of twenty of my poems are sincere. Its amazing how difficult it can be to allow the word to come from an honest place. It's almost impossible to write without thinking of potential readers, the opinions of publishers, comparing yourself to greater writers than yourself. It hurts to go back and read something you've written only to see trite uninspired garbage. But it's so beautiful come across something real that mostly came through you rather than from you. But outside of creating most of my days are completely insincere. I waste time on 4chan or watching anime when I know that mindless entertainment just has me running in circles. I've lost the plot, I don't know what I want anymore. And no one else can answer that for me. Every day is the same and I know I'm the only one who can change that. I hide in this room even though I hate this room. I'm a slave to myself, a narcissist in the worst possible way. If I don't find something greater to give myself to then I'm doomed to a life of lies.

>> No.19372188
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recognize that the idea that you need a foundation doesn't have any sort of foundation. you feel alienated because you are used to relying on one. you ultimately have agency over what you value. go gettem anon!

>> No.19372542

>could just give myself to faith
Oh I don’t mean to suggest religious texts as a be all end all answer, or even because I think they might convert you, but they could provide a good starting point if you’re looking for meaning. The best theologians don’t shy away from doubt or the fear that everything is ultimately meaningless.
I hesitate to recommend it because the novel is so bleak, but maybe Cormac McCarthy’s The Road might be something worth checking out. I’m re-reading it and find it also seems to deal with a search for meaning in the face of an utterly hopeless world.

>> No.19372559

Brook of the system is GOOD

>> No.19372602

You sound insecure and bitter. Regular exercise is not an evil conspiracy, while passivity indeed breeds sickness both mentally and physically.

>> No.19372608

David Poptart Walnuts

>> No.19372629

>Why yes, I do perpetuate my sad life. Being a victim is much easier than working hard, I am much too smart for that.

>> No.19372670

anyone who believes in sincerity in this retarded shitworld ends up committing suicide. i make sure to stay fully ironic at all times

>> No.19372676

>I'm 21
Unironically get a job, have sex, become a dad and leave this place (the 'Chan) forever. Basically: Turbo cope. One must imagine Sisyphus happy, blah, blah, blah.

>> No.19372691

Will I forget the horrific insight eventually?

>> No.19372911

no, i got a job, had sex, became a dad, and left this place for around 7-8 years. still horrified.

>> No.19373479

It will come to you at moments. Especially when you lie awake at night, unable to fall asleep.

>> No.19373579

by positioning it as cope, the nihilists sneer at any who would believe in something, you wont be able to intellectualize this to yourself. you have to accept two truths. one, it is beyond arrogant to assume you understand life enough to believe nothing matters and that if nothing does, then you have ultimate freedom to decided what matters to you (which is the only thing that actually matters), secondly, you are suffering because of >>19365587 but even if you dont accept that, it is objectively retarded to let "meh nihilism" stop you from doing anything. just do shit faggot. if you dont then you are lying to yourself and us

>> No.19373592

You are in the second category since you believe that you're somehow better than them while being even more retarded

>> No.19373606

die alone bitter cyncical fuck