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19363302 No.19363302 [Reply] [Original]

And that you may learn that it was from our teachers—we mean the account given through the prophets—that Plato borrowed his statement that God, having altered matter which was shapeless, made the world, hear the very words spoken through Moses, who, as above shown, was the first prophet, and of greater antiquity than the Greek writers;
and through whom the Spirit of prophecy, signifying how and from what materials God at first formed the world, spake thus: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was invisible and unfurnished, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved over the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and it was so.”

>Plato stole his ideas from Moses
>Plotinus stole from Christianity through Ammonius Saccas
>Proclus stole from St. Paul and St. Dionysius the Areopagite
Any other book with chad Christian takes?

>> No.19363314

hinduism is much older than Moses, they can as well claim that you stole your doctrine from them

>> No.19363325

Hinduism also became more personalistic after St. Thomas went there and preached the God of Abraham. The Gita is not older than Moses and other older writings are basic tier paganism which exists since the times of Cain. Moses couldn't have stolen it because he condemned the practice of worshipping demons.

>> No.19363753


>> No.19363757

>Hinduism also became more personalistic after St. Thomas went there and preached the God of Abraham
Lmfao. Was St. Thomas the founder of hindu non-dualism?

>> No.19363763

Plato never stated the Demiurge was the highest principle, unlike Christians.

>> No.19363780
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Undirectly, yes. They corrupted his teaching of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit being One and dwelling inside the believer. All heretics confuse ousia and hypostasis and that's just what Shankara does.

>> No.19363784

That's what he corrupted, he confused the Son, i.e. the Logos for creation itself.

>> No.19363789

There is no creation according to Plato. Creatio ex nihilo is a purely Christian concept.

>> No.19363792

Even australian aborigines have some sort of cosmogony.

>> No.19363799

Yeah, it's a revealed Christian truth which Plato perverted by making creation eternal. Many heretics did this, people like Origen for example.
This. It was a known teaching in more earlier times in human history. Most tribes just lost it by praying to strange gods, who we really know are demons.

>> No.19364007

>All heretics confuse ousia and hypostasis and that's just what Shankara does.
on which page of which work does he do so?

>> No.19364055

The one where he says the distinction between the cow and the 'One' is only illusory.

>> No.19364058

I find these references interesting. Numenius said Plato was an "atticizing Moses", Pythagoras learned with Phoenicians, Magi and Egyptians. There are many more cases.

>> No.19364182

Who was the better philosopher, Plato or Neo-plato?

>> No.19364192

>hey this Jew worshiper said that Jews did X, Y, and Z, and...
I don't care what Jews think.

>> No.19364968


>> No.19365243

I kneel

>> No.19365494

>St. Thomas went there and preached the God of Abraham

>> No.19366902

Which page of which work does he claim that?

>> No.19366976

It's strange that some people would want to credit everything to themselves, eh? This thread is pure midwittery.

>> No.19367041

>>Plato stole his ideas from Moses
This is demonstrably false.

Not only that, but it's also highly ironic, considering that Moses probably got his idea of monotheism from pharao Akhenaten

>> No.19367062

Moses is a fictional character invented in the mid 400sBC. By the time this had occurred Akhenaten was long gone from popular imagination. Remember, the earliest Torah authors didn't even know that the fucking Hittites had ever existed, let alone remembered this one single Pharaoh or his minor religious beliefs.

Judaism is a crude assemblage of Greek philosophy and Zoroastrianism wrapped up with Semitic mythology and ethno-naricissism. The grand irony is that if anything, the people who were invented Moses were doing so with Plato's ideas knocking around in their heads.

>> No.19367342

please kill yourself

>> No.19367372

>of greater antiquity than the Greek writers
Ok well by that logic we should only rely on the Epic of Gilgamesh for theology. Consider yourself refuted

>> No.19368587

how are we supposed to destroy demons

>> No.19368602
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>Plato's banquet is almost entirely concerned with love, not merely with men in love with women, or women with men, lusts subject to the laws of nature, but of men with males differing from them only in respect of age...

oh no no no Plato bros...

>> No.19368659

Jews stole dat sh1t

>> No.19368917

Paragraph 14, verse 88.

>> No.19369762

Plato had some very cringe ideas.

>> No.19369808
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My advice is to read a textbook on Patristic philosophy. The first two chapter of Etienne Gilson's History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages is a great starting point.
What you'll quickly discover is that the whole "author x was just stealing from author y, and y was part of our tradition" was a meme employed by philosophers from all sides: it was just one of those things you would have said to try to discredit your opponents. Modern historiography has found literally no evidence of any instance of plagiarism of this sort (e.g. Plato sfealing from Moses), so there's no reason to take those accusations seriously

>> No.19369814

Plato says that there is no such thing as pederastic love in Symposium (therefore reducing pededasts to lusting beasts), and in Laws literally the first thing he says is that pederasty should be outlawed for its disastrous effects on both the young and the old.
As usual christisn philosophers are willing to lie to get a shot at destroying their opponent

>> No.19369860
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>Modern historiography has
>so there's no reason

>> No.19369861

Most of the Torah was composed before Plato, brainlet.

>> No.19369873

What christian philosopher wrote that?

>> No.19369917

>Modern antichrist academics have decided that there is no evidence of [Christian claim] so therefore it isn't true

>> No.19369939

Apologetic claims =/ Christian claims
You could believe in everything that is written in the Bible, and still dispute thst Plato plagiarized Moses. It's literally a made up story, and you don't even have a dogmatic reason to believe it.

>> No.19370216

Come discuss Platonism and other philosophies and traditions in our occult/spiritual sever
discord gg YUQscaYnkm

>> No.19370220
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>Come discuss Platonism and other philosophies and traditions in our occult/spiritual sever
>occult/spiritual sever