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/lit/ - Literature

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19362285 No.19362285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the most conservative, anti-reddit genre of literature?

>> No.19362288


>> No.19362290


>> No.19362299

High Elfin lore

>> No.19362302

r/Libertarian -494 k

r/math - 1.7m

>> No.19362308

r/DnD - 2.5m

>> No.19362326


>> No.19362327
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>> No.19362339

probably monarchical books

>> No.19362343

4chan posts.

>> No.19362347
File: 113 KB, 400x500, pindar-citation-zitat-quote-at-buboquote-com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epinician odes.

>> No.19362362

The Mirror of Princes genre?

>> No.19362390

Well there is the obvious answer of political extremism which they wont even allow on their site. But tbph that stuff feels a bit reddit itself. Lolita isn't very reddit, especially if you interpret it edgily but Nabokov himself is reddit adjacent unfortunately. Honestly literature itself is in danger of being within the general sphere of reddit's influence if we're going to get right down to it.

>> No.19362394

Classic Greek tragedy and epic poetry would be my pick. Something that is eternal and appeals to the higher emotions in man is the opposite of the novelty seeking faux-rationalist redditscum.

>> No.19362401

Unironically redditors don’t discuss mystery fiction assuming that it is genre for dads

>> No.19362407

Unironically /pol/ material, since it's banned there. Something expressing disgust for fat people, you name it.

>> No.19362412

It is and that’s based

>> No.19362498

what about nautical fiction? probably anti-reddit

wiki says
>For this reason, nautical fiction is often marketed for men. Nautical fiction usually includes distinctive themes, such as a focus on masculinity and heroism, investigations of social hierarchies, and the psychological struggles of the individual in the hostile environment of the sea.

>> No.19362527

Aubrey Maturins second or third book is set entirely on land and is about dating.

>> No.19362564

genetics, biology, history, religion, etc.

>> No.19362574

Green anarchism and anarcho-primitivism

>> No.19362578

There's an entire subreddit for rand shit you dumbfuck.
Reddit isn't liberal. It's retarded.

>> No.19362587

>genetics, biology, history,
bait. /sci/ and /his/ are reddit boards 100%

>> No.19362588

I remember once I was browsing reddit and people were discussing the effects of poverty on crime and stuff like that. Well one guy way down the thread voiced the obvious observation that the kids of criminals were, in addition to being raised in a bad environment, likely to inherit some of their parents' criminal tendencies. They had downvoted him and about 5 people had told him that this was "eugenics". They didn't even try to explain why they thought what he said was wrong or reductive, they just all told him he was promoting "eugenics". It was honestly one of the most npc tier things I've seen, like they'd all been given a script to blurt out the word eugenics when confronted with the concept of heredity.

>> No.19362597

alright, then i imagine fascist and national socialist theory is probably the only topic with related literature that there isn't a subreddit for

>> No.19362603

Libertarianism is peak Reddit
Kharijite Islamic theology

>> No.19362612

Redditors fvcking love science lol. History is way too broad too.

>> No.19362616

So far no one's gone after Pindar and Bacchylides. I guess the crown is theirs.

>> No.19362623

The Talmud

>> No.19362626

Why? So you can confirm your own bias

>> No.19362637

one of my least favorite perversions of language over the past few years is the complete twisting of the word liberal