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File: 97 KB, 720x883, based jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19361752 No.19361752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I would love a proper European pagan spiritual movement, as I find these religions absolutely fascinating and imo has the best mythologies in the world, and as well contains somewhere deep in the past the most vital esoteric knowledge evolutionarily adapted to the European man. I would absolutely love this. At the same time though I think it’s impossible for us there’s simply to large of a gap between there perspective and ours. Christianity may not be perfect but it has been tailored by European man for far more than 1000 years now to fit our own psychology and spirit like a glove. Even if it’s a fixer upper, rusted and broken down, some genuine form of Christian spirituality is very much available to us in a way no other religion is, and in the end that is what we need as we need genuine spirituality to know the one truth of everything.
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5WTfppDzqJ8

>> No.19361773

go back

>> No.19361790

Platonic deism is the way forward.
Christianity is dead anyway, nobody can believe rhe mythical stuff contained in the Bible anymore that greek mythology.

>> No.19361799

No, you just want race idolatry with a pseudo-spiritual veneer to give your retarded politics some legitimacy. The way you view Christ is like He is a tool for you to use

>> No.19361808

Deism is gay.

>> No.19361816

You seem to be imposing your own subconscious thoughts about yourself on me.

>> No.19361830

Like or not it's the only way forward. Nobody's going to seriously believe in the magic rabbi born out of a virgin that turned water in wine and multiplied breads. It's over, just like nobody can seriously believe Zeus commands thunder anymore (reason why neopaganism is a dead end).

>> No.19361837

* Reposted for added concision
Zoroastrianism spreading would have been preferable over Abrahamism.

>> No.19361839

Theirs literally no passion in deism or anything to inspire you. No real spiritual mysticism involved at all. Its just gay intellectuals jerking themselves off.

>> No.19361851

The reason why no one believes in Zeus is very simply that his temple's were destroyed. Trying to derive a religion from logic is retarded much less understanding the universe through it. The existence is mystical not logical.

>> No.19361864

You should know what's you're aiming for: is it truth or some kind of grandiose feeling?
Anyway those feelings in christianity owed much more to the roman cult than the dry and somewhat cramped cult of Jesus and his disciples. That's why tradlarpers shill so much for tridentine mass.
I wish the roman religion was platonized along these lines instead of christianized.

>> No.19361871
File: 547 KB, 950x1173, ingamooresecret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gathas, Yasna 30:

"There are two primeval spirits, twins who are revealed
[to us] through dream.
In mind, in speech, and even in deed they are better and bad:
The good choose between them correctly, not the evil."

Note the "revealed in dreams". This indicates that creativity and phenomenal experience are connected to the Twin Mainyus. Mainyu has the dual meaning of both spirit and state of mind. We can further extrapolate how engaging in certain creative activities such as writing can manifest instances of fictional worlds that are more aligned with either Spenta ('sacred') or Angra ('destructive') Mainyu. If Zoroastrianism were to spread, we would have discussions on what are the metaphysical and phenomenological properties of Spenta and Angra Mainyu and how they manifest in this world as dualistic struggle.

This picture is an expression of Spenta Mainyu.

When we go into deep reverie, preferably in solitude within natural scenery, and open our hearts, we can feel the light of Spenta Mainyu pour into our souls from the joyous singing of the birds, the warm magnificent sun, the play of the otters in the soothing river, and so forth. Likewise, we can manifest spenta or angra in our own artwork or dreams.

We are told dreams can be a gateway to either Spenta or Angra Mainyu. From my own dreams, some of which are blissful and others nightmarish, I have come to deduce that individuals that appear within its seamless space are manifestations of its oneiric fabric. However, while there may be a unifying character underlying the dream, the dream's instantiations of its salient mood are defined by an irreconcilable antagonism since some fabrics are blissful and others nightmarish. The instantiation of a serene dream is one expression of the substance of Ahura Mazda that has a determinate line separating it from ∀hriman's nightmares. A dream of absolute bliss, a dream where all beings are happy, this dream is real and one. The unreal can become real, they can blur, but good and evil can never blur because the dream itself can be wholly benign in a manner that is untainted by any defilement, by any darkness. God's substance, thus, becomes a timeless, unchanging, blissful dream, and his antithesis is a timeless, unchanging nightmare.

There are self-contained fictional or oneiric worlds, but trying to place this in a unified metaphysical theory is excruciatingly difficult.

Men should be masculine, strong, and courage in that they seek to defend the divine light.
Women should be feminine an gentle in that they seek to care and nourish the divine light.

>> No.19361875

Well Jesus temples are all over the world and it doesn't do much to revive the faith.
Mysticism doesn't need revelation, actually all the problem with christianity is that there is a revelation, consituted of word than is analyzed and meant to understood by big brain knowers. People crave for mysticism precisely, not textual analysis of dubious text written 1000 of years ago.

>> No.19361878

You're a retard that has no idea what he's talking about. Have you even conceived of what truth actually is? Can your logic explain your qualia? No. What you believe is dead and gay.

>> No.19361888

Look at the angry sophist spamming rhetorical questions instead of reasoning.

>> No.19361889

>proper European pagan spiritual
You mean the catholic church

>> No.19361892

>Well Jesus temples are all over the world and it doesn't do much to revive the faith.
There are literally billions of followers. Its dead in the west because mysticism has almost completely been driven out here, whereas in other parts of the world its thriving.

>People crave for mysticism precisely
Again you are a gay retard thats never thought more then surface level in his life.

>> No.19361903

You have answered nothing. I'm just saying the truth. Explain qualia to me with your logic.

>> No.19361909

>There are literally billions of followers. Its dead in the west because mysticism has almost completely been driven out here, whereas in other parts of the world its thriving.
There are billions of nominal followers, functionnally it's mostly ethico-therapeutical deism and it's logically becoming so because the texts are not believable anymore.
>Again you are a gay retard thats never thought more then surface level in his life.
Great arguments again.

>> No.19361922

>There are billions of nominal followers
You've never been to a 3rd world nation lmao

Its the truth. You base everything in logic when logic is just a tool that can't fully explain existence.

>> No.19361928

I'm from Europe, afaik there's a small Village 50km from here where people have been worshipping the greek god Pan for centuries.

You cannot join them, if you ask them they will tell you they are Christians.

>> No.19361933

Well, that's kind of creepy.

>> No.19361951

Yes kind of a midsommar vibe, I've been there, there are Pan statues everywhere, I thought It was for fun or something, a friend of mine who worked there as a chef told me that he secretly saw people doing the rituals

>> No.19361957

I don't get what it has to do there, explain me if you're so clever.
"It's magic" you could as well join a new age cult.
Like or not there's a textual basis to christianity meant to be analyzed and understood by men. You're not getting away the fact that this revelation was not a revelation. You're not getting away the fact that if the books don't say the truth, the faith has no basis.
As to 3rd worlders they are obviously less educated.

>> No.19361973

I have a hard time believing it goes back to ancient times. What part of Europe?

>> No.19361980

Southern Italy, specifically daunia which was part of the ancient greece

>> No.19361994

I am using Eastern traditions. If that's too non-European for you, try Neoplatonism. It has its theory and praxis.

>> No.19361995

Meet me in Mithraeum at Santa Maria Capua Vetere at 1 am tonight.

>> No.19362002

What's interesting herein is that right-wing Christians actually want to Judaize Christianity. From a certain perspective tolerant, liberal Christians are probably the most rigorously counter-Semitic group in world history because they've purged all that is Jewish from their idea of their religion

>> No.19362003

No way, I don't want to be killed

>> No.19362013
File: 74 KB, 750x593, 1634403330879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only Christ can explain existence!

>> No.19362014

It's interesting to me that this current has emerged claiming that passion and sentiment are higher order than reason when it seems so recent that these same people were accusing their enemies of this to impugn them.

>> No.19362019

>I don't use logic for my explanation of existence
Imagine just telling on yourself like this

>> No.19362020
File: 43 KB, 408x591, 337DDB68-F9BF-4790-99F1-6E824BE46D32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Only Christ can explain existence!

>> No.19362022

Isn't it hilarious.

>> No.19362045


>> No.19362056

Liberal Christians are dualists who hold to jewish views for non-europeans and extremely self-destructive altruistic "counter-semitic" Christianity for europeans.
They do not expect any non-white to behave self-destructively in the same way. Extremely idolatrous of non-white skin.

>> No.19362076

Give me an example of the le deep knowledge contained in the religion of Odinism

>> No.19362083

It’s super based and Marvel movies are made almost annually honoring the gods. Not only that, it’s a pure product of EVROPA.

>> No.19362084

>i'm such a sinner! look how much of a sinner I am!
Why are Christians so gay?

>> No.19362086

t. thinks he’s not a sinner

>> No.19362090

Why are jews and their slaves so obsessed with self-abasement?

>> No.19362101

Yeah, the self-destructive aspect is the absolute negation of the eternal fixation on The Tribe in Judaism. A kind of purified or perfected Christianity saved from the nasty Old Testament. Problem is Jesus better come back to save them quick or they won't exist eventually

>> No.19362114

Nah, the point isn't about reason or passion or whatever, it's a demonstration of causal efficacy. Fedoras demonstrate that Christian doctrines stemming from first principles are absurd and can only make sense when viewed from the perspective a moment-to-moment historicity.

To make up for this, LARPers detach themselves from the explicit claims of Christian doctrine and instead attach them to the institutional machinery of Christianity. They end up worshiping Christianity rather than Jesus and Yahweh and whoever the Holy Spirit is supposed to be because Christianity can be demonstrated as being a real, physical thing, unlike Jesus or Transubstantiation and such things. Christianity is OBVIOUSLY real, it can build churches and import Somalians by the boatload into Maine. Given that it obviously materially exists, you'd be a fool, even crazy, to not use it to your own advantage. You don't even need to think that Jesus exists to do this, which is why Atheists are mentally ill for not pretending to be Christians to scam old ladies.

>> No.19362136


>> No.19362155

I believe in the virgin birth. I believe in all the miracles performed by Jesus. I believe in every thing that happened in the Bible that isn't "logically possible" through a modern perspective. I believe in the death and resurrection of Christ.
Maybe I'm schizo. Maybe I'm not entirely head fucked by materialist ideology being jammed down my throat since birth.

>> No.19362169

>Jesus better come back to save them quick or they won't exist eventually
I am here. Sorry for taking so long.

>> No.19362177

I was actually born from the blood and bacteria foaming out of a rabbi's mouth after he did metzitzah b'peh.

>> No.19362191

>Nobody's going to seriously believe in the magic rabbi born out of a virgin that turned water in wine and multiplied breads
I do, and so do millions and millions of others. It’s not hard if you actually believe in God and have had spiritual experiences.

>> No.19362206

Yes, I am here for you.

>> No.19362373
File: 50 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Only Christ can explain existence!

>> No.19362380

Yes, it's true. Only I can explain existence.

>> No.19362404
File: 210 KB, 1200x800, Asatru Folk Assembly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Asatru Folk Assembly will welcome you brother.

>> No.19362414

You will be an atheist in a month. Christianity is a distortion of the truth of the Creator but it is vastly superior to your semi-materialism.

>> No.19362444

Ironic because abrahamism is originally monistic and it promises the elected that they'll inherit this world of ours after being resurrected from the dead, in very material and straightforward way, see Ezekiel 37.
Dualism and soul being eternal and this body perishable is a platonic framework.