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/lit/ - Literature

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19361534 No.19361534 [Reply] [Original]

Im enjoying lord of the rings the two towers right now and there is nothing you can do about it.

I have enjoyed

the hobbit
the song of ice and fire
the wheel of time
stormlight archives
the dresden files
harry potter

and many more fantasy series which i do not remember the name of at all, even some fucking dungeon and dragons series

>> No.19361538

try "his dark materials" by pullman :)

>> No.19361548
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tolkien is acceptable, the rest are kys mode. but i'm at peace with the fact that i'll never fix you.

>> No.19361550

>the hobbit
good, lovely
>the song of ice and fire
bad, banal
>the wheel of time
bad, boring
>stormlight archives
>the dresden files
bad, horrible
>harry potter
good, wonder
bad, bad
bad, bad
vidya bad

>> No.19361552

Ok, no one asked, no one cares.

>> No.19361607

>two towers
More like Too Boring

>> No.19361617

kek beauitful bait

>> No.19361624

The op has already enjoyed these books wtf are you doing reviewing them

>> No.19361998


>> No.19362015
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, bsdnjio239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a break from non-fiction to read some Cosmere stuff, and currently on Well Of Ascension.
Pic related is the situation, it is dire. Someone do something already.

>> No.19362053

>even some fucking dungeon and dragons series
These are the shit lmao. I would be more embarrassed about reading harry potter tqhwu

>> No.19362064


As to OP, I’ve read some of those, and I’ve enjoyed a few, but doesn’t it get old reading the same stuff over and over?

>> No.19362216

I've been attempting to get back into sci-fi/fantasy for awhile now. I just picked up the first couple Discworld books from Pratchett, but I'm not sure if I will like them.

>> No.19362234

Fuck off blogging retard.

>> No.19362311

I am the protagonist. Your image board is my porta-potty. I am a rich white male born in the USA and you have no other purpose than to worship me. Seethe harder NPC.

>> No.19362355

Did you ever try Patchett's books? Or is that not your thing
Maybe not if you want something more serious
It's fun though.

>> No.19362388
File: 68 KB, 667x1000, lawrence-prince-of-thorns-10_667x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of this book?

>> No.19363697

Try the neuromancer trilogy

>> No.19363787

OP here I forgot I have also enjoyed
the sword and the stone
dragonriders of pern

>> No.19363793

Have you read the Ririya chronicles/revelations?
I quite like them
Theres something extremely comfy about fantasy series, especially ones that aren't super grimdark

>> No.19363816
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OP here, the way I find new fantasy books is by going to the library in the fiction section and just looking for a cool cover and name. Maybe my local library doesn't have those books.

>> No.19363827

Some of these do not belong in the list with the others.

>> No.19363830


>> No.19363928
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>> No.19364367

you know it's a good book

>> No.19364591


>> No.19364615

You got a problem with that unejoyer?

>> No.19364621
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The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.

>> No.19365016

Why did every single book start with that nonsense of a gust of wind starting from the mountains and then moving and blowing over whatever location the first scene was going to be in? It was like a god damn anime intro.

>> No.19365023

>That is not a Pepe.

Also, based fantasy reader. What has been your favourite?

>> No.19365055
File: 162 KB, 384x383, 1630970666290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of hard to answer.
I guess my favorite characters were from Hyperion, my favorite setting Lord of the Rings, my favorite battles from Stormlight Archives, my favorite humor from Discworld, and my favorite magic from Earthsea. My favorite harem definitely Wheel of time.

>> No.19365233

>I guess my favorite characters were from Hyperion
incredibly based

>> No.19365238

Filtered. Frodo and Sam walking all the way to Mordor with slave Gollum is unironically kino

>> No.19365241

Unironically this. Only bad thing about them are the random le atheist essays Pullman drops but there's not many of them.

>> No.19365265
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Yes they completely nrglect this in the movies, but in the book it is pretty clear Frodo is learning to use the power of the ring to enslave gollum to his will.
He forces Gollum to swear to him, the master, rather on the ring. They changed it in the movies probably because it was too much of a spoiler for those who havent read the series.