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/lit/ - Literature

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19357953 No.19357953 [Reply] [Original]

You guys notice this? I'm surprised there isn't more demonic elements in American literature considering how prevalent it is in pop culture? Thoughts on this? Any books which have the vibe of pic rel?

>> No.19357983

Bosch is a proto surrealist taking disturbing inventions from his own mind. The modern age has been mining such psychedelic imagery since dada at least.
We celebrate what makes us scared on Halloween and the endless slasher films. I don’t like any of it as it warps too many impressionable minds and conditions them to accepting actual atrocities the state rolls out. There’s no other demons but they who rule over us ‘body and soul’

>> No.19358034

Except the vaccines, right? Gotta let the government coerce me into getting a vaccine lest my agency and ability to work a job be legally and forcefully taken from me?

Reminder butters is an anarchist that is pro-vax mandates

>> No.19358040

Reminder that Butters is a delusional tranny.

>> No.19358044

And genuinely does not read. Look in the archives, she explains she skims books and repeatedly criticizes books based on what she could gleam from Wikipedia and goodreads reviews.

>> No.19358070

Why do you lump me in with a bunch of partisan liberals yet you know I’m an anarchist?
I’m anti mandate and against young and healthy people getting the vaccine. I’m anti pharma and the state enabling its monopoly and gain of function labs.
Why are you lashing out at me. I want you to overthrow them. Wimp

Says the turd with a futa and furry folder

>> No.19358078

All of the demonic shit in popular culture is godless heathens trying to make hell/demons seem good and heaven/God seem bad to justify their amorality. The people making and consuming such things are too dumb to actually read books.

>> No.19358087
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>> No.19358092

Post his husband love. Or penis wife. Whatever you know.

>> No.19358093

bros is there unironically a way to mute butterfly? he has never added a single decent point to a single discussion on this board?

>> No.19358096
File: 62 KB, 576x1024, mullato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur buggin bruh u be skipin on yo meds, goofy mf

>> No.19358109

4chanX + filters retard

>> No.19358114

>Click settings at bottom of the page
>Click Filters
>Click edit
>add !!bGBGaUpA8kS
>choose type: tripcode
never again interact with the vaxtard antifeer troon

>> No.19358155

F I L T E R E D.

>> No.19358163

You’re a dyke

>> No.19358173
File: 409 KB, 2048x1656, 98EF52F7-1A53-4A07-A064-9C452CFFD938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice of you to notice.

>> No.19358179

>dead bodies get carried out
What did he mean by this

>> No.19358186

Read a book, fag

>> No.19358421

ugly tranny

>> No.19358446

What is demonic about Bosch and or a face were people walk out of the mouth

>> No.19359117

After police declared the event the center of a "mass casualty" and had alerted the concert producers of this (which means Travis knew as well), Travis Scott kept performing for 37 minutes. I can't stop thinking about that. He just kept singing. I had a nightmare last night about a bumper cars accident where people faces and bodies were crushed. And he just kept singing. It's eating me up guys. That instagram post describing the concert was spinechilling. It reminds me of the 4chan post where the European guy describes watching his girlfriend get trampled to death in that club fire. And he just kept singing.

>> No.19359175

demonic? it's just nigs being nigs

>> No.19359206

Bosch's painting is literally of demons. For me this is just confirmation of my intial impression that Travis Scott's music is not very interesting. Never understood the appeal of that sort of autotune warble. Even Future at least had a good melodic sense

>> No.19359225

>a tragedy confirms my opinion that this artist's music is not interesting

>> No.19359246

The American music industry is Satanic. This had been known for years, artists have use backmasking to record subliminal Satanic messages in their music, music videos contain pentagram iconography, producers fuck children, etc.
I’m sure /x/ has some books and documentaries on the topic.

>> No.19359275

>I’m anti mandate and against young and healthy people getting the vaccine. I’m anti pharma and the state enabling its monopoly and gain of function labs.

You're based, butters.

>> No.19359391

They’re his impressions of demons. They’re literally just distressing images he invented from his own imagination.

Thank you.

>> No.19359403

Literally singing rn

>> No.19359414

There is no way to know if demons exist or are just imaginations

>> No.19359465
File: 49 KB, 400x339, 43D028F3-D538-4B65-831F-C8828753B334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no way to know if smurfs exist or are just imaginations
This is what you sound like

>> No.19359470

>general and universal idea of evil spirits = smurfs
i'm amazed that people still even reply to the tripfag

>> No.19359490


>> No.19359499

This is why people go to Zeus and Thor first, diptwit. We can list them all.

“Universal” sightings of UFOs? La chupacabra? How about we go the other way and list all that is actually provable? Actually here and now, and the history of there not being any single demon ever in history.

Demon is metaphor for the evil that men do to each other. Mythology.

>> No.19359516

>duuh i don't think that either smurfs or demons exist therefore believing in them is the same thing!!
oh my fucking lord...

>> No.19359537

That is correct but demons, being defined rather vaguely as something like "malevolent paranormal entities", are a much broader class of thing than smurfs so there is much more evidence of something like them existing. The ayy lmao literature is one of the better examples, missing 411 stuff too.

>> No.19360158
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>> No.19360191

demons and angels are beings composed of spirit and have no physical quantity. you can no more prove or disprove their existence on a material basis than you can measure how beautiful a painting is

>> No.19360345
File: 119 KB, 1400x788, Big_Mouth_S02E01_9m56s14304f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of cartoons and comics are flat out satanic. Big mouth and helluva boss are prime examples.

>> No.19360424

>thinking those two pics are similar in any significant way
You forgot your meds.
Don't worry, you're not alone: a lot of amerisharts have the same issue.

>being so new you don't know about filters
>being so weak you want to hide a namefag instead of insulting him and telling him to kys
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