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File: 208 KB, 960x1200, Dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19357000 No.19357000 [Reply] [Original]

Does bookfags like it?

>> No.19357011

I enjoyed it very much. Will certainly go watch part 2 eventually. I didn't read (and I won't read) the book though.

>> No.19357013

I thought it was ok. Will watch part 2 in hopes that it'll be better. I didn't read (but will eventually) the book though.

>> No.19357026

It was really awful. Wooden acting, shit costuming, no score to speak of, bland visuals. I think there was one shot of the Sardaukar descending into a room that was impressive, that was about it. It was so drawn out and slow yet he still decided to fill the movie with repetitive action sequences from Aquaman while leaving out important character development from important characters like Yueh or Piter. He also put random Japanese crap like bonsais, geisha lipstick instead of spice stains on the mentats, and paper parasols to make it "exotic" and I found it a really stupid choice that reeked of 80's oriental fetishism.

>> No.19357034

Just saw it. It has basically all the problems of book-to-movie adaptions, especially in regards to pacing (I remember there being a LOT of content before the Harkonnen invasion, in the movie it's just Caladan+Arriving on Arrakis+Hunter Seeker+Sand Crawler, and then we're at the invasion.
Dune is also a difficult book to adapt to movie audiences because the entire point of the book is to basically do a leap-of-faith into the universe and hope you figure everything out, while most average moviefags want every fucking detail spelled out. I can see now that some Marvel sperg is going to be mad that the movie doesn't bother to explain why everyone uses hand-to-hand combat.

Overall, as an adaption I'd give it an 8/10 or higher. They handled Paul's visions in ways I liked and that I think worked well. I do think they rewrote the ecologist to be a woman, I think it was a man in the book but I don't really care. It's a very minor role in the movie.
As a movie idk, the DNA of the movie is sci-fi action with a mysterious bent to it. That's not really my thing so I really just cared about the aesthetics, which were excellent. Extremely well done.

>> No.19357046

Really disagree about the aesthetics. They were among the worst part of the movie for me. The only thing the aesthetics have going for them is they are consistent. Aside from that they were completely uninspiring (which I think is very important for scifi epics) and the CGI was worse than your average Marvel movie.

>> No.19357054

>He also put random Japanese crap like bonsais, geisha lipstick instead of spice stains on the mentats, and paper parasols to make it "exotic" and I found it a really stupid choice that reeked of 80's oriental fetishism.
What the fuck are you even talking about you retard? What paper parasols? How is it geisha lipstick if it's on a man? And Bonsais are hardly "japanese" at this point, they're just a mildly eastern-themed decoration for rich people. Are we not allowed to grow plants anymore?
Ching-fucking-chong, ting-fucking-tong, and ling-fucking-long, how's that for fetishism?

>> No.19357059
File: 125 KB, 857x1200, Dune-7-857x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, this costume is literally aesthetic perfection.

>> No.19357073

yikes. please be bait

>> No.19357078

I mean, there's two takes on the aesthetic of dune
>Hyper brutalist anti-human designs that emphasize decadence and scale at the cost of being dreary
>Homeworld-esqe early hard-sci-fi with background "magic" and color, but this would be a completely new aesthetic
Villeneuve went with the same aesthetic he's used in every movie he's ever made, which was the former of the two choices. I happen to like that in fantastical movies, even if the Homeworld aesthetic always has a special place in my heart.
But if you don't like that aesthetic you won't like the movie.
>the CGI was worse than your average Marvel movie.
I wasn't that close to the screen but I didn't have any problems with the CGI. The explosions were over the top, yes, but seemed fine. What's your problem exactly? Did you think their way rendering the laser beams was odd?

>> No.19357088

I think the aesthetic of the movie is very communicative of the idea that Villeneuve has of the future. Same thing happened with BR2049. Obviously as a viewer you want colorful shots but he denies that to make the world bleaker, more sterile. Sterile is actually a criticism that is fairly common to his photography (here in 4chin), but in both movies were this happened that sterility was part of the point he was making.
>CGI was worse than your average Marvel movie
not true

>> No.19357090
File: 203 KB, 823x1689, dunejapfetishism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even watch the movie? They just shoehorned in Japanese crap because French people think it's exotic/futuristic. It was very cringey.

>> No.19357096

Didn't like it that much, to be honest. Leto's character was sidelined, but well-acted. Everyone except Paul and Jessica had good actors and performances, despite these two being the most fleshed out and important in the original book.

The plot was poorly paced, and moved far too quickly. I would have enjoyed this much more if it took a slower approach, like the book itself. For example, I think they really missed out on the opportunity to show the scenes of the Atreides beginning their rule on Arrakis, like the servant woman with the water and Leto trying to ally with the Fremen.

The worst part, honestly, was Chalamet's acting, which had zero subtlety and nuance to it. He really wears his emotions on his sleeve, but at the same time lacks any sense of composure and royal air.

However, what did make this movie work for me were the visuals, which I thought were superb, and the sense of scale and size worked very well for me. Unfortunately, the movie did not sell me on the idea that this is a desert planet, one that is hot as fuck. And that whole trees thing was pretty random. Otherwise, the aesthetic and visuals were very good, with a few random things here and there that I felt were out of place.

4/10, really hoping the next one is a lot better.

And I am still bothered by stillsuits not covering the entire face.

>> No.19357112

I didn't notice because I was too busy paying attention to how they were handling the plot to get a rage boner about a fucking parasol.
Jesus, I really don't fucking care that there was stuff you think is "oriental fetishism" for some godforsaken reason. What's next, are you going to complain about the fact that some fremen were black instead of being a perfectly homogenous mix of arab and north indian?

>> No.19357113
File: 218 KB, 1909x801, dunecgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Playstation 3 tier stuff man. He also used sand/dust particle effects in almost every scene outdoors to try and make the CGI less jarring but that in itself was very offputting. The sets on the Lynch film blew these away imo. If not for a few very poorly done (due to 1980's technology) special effects in the original Dune movie made 40 years prior I don't think anyone would be praising Dune 2021 for its "aesthetics".

>> No.19357119

Not him but I'm cringing at how upset you are getting over a rather uninspired Hollywood movie.

>> No.19357123

If you can point to a single thing in that image that's actually bad CGI I will concede that you are correct and the CGI on this scene was bad.

>> No.19357127

It’s a Hollywood movie about the jungian thing.

>> No.19357132

Not sure why you're seizing out, and possibly misconstruing this as disapproval with cultural appropriation, or some other irrelevant nonsense. The overuse of Japanese aesthesis is extremely common with futuristic works, particularly cyberpunk, and just aesthetically lazy at this point.
Part of watching a fucking movie is appreciating the visual artistic choices, and in this case it is extremely uninspired and bland.
Get a fucking grip.

>> No.19357135

It was funny how half the Fremen just had their masks off around their neck. Strongly agree about the acting, it was for the most part very bland and lacking any kind of engagement with the narrative. I think the actors are fine, honestly, it's just that Villenueve seems overly preoccupied with his sterile vision of sets and doesn't seem to know how to get his actors to emote. I believe Enemy and Prisoners are exceptions for him because Jake Gyllenhaal is just that good an actor and carried those films. The same issues are all over Blade Runner 2049, which bombed. I think Dune is just going ok because it is pretty much the first movie since the pandemic has "eased" and people are happy no matter what they are getting.

>> No.19357137

I don't give a shit about the movie, I'm mad that the best criticism this fag can come up with is "Ugh, they're stealing Japanese culture!". There's shit that's bad about the movie. The pacing is too fast. Paul is too unemotional except when the scene explicitly calls for it. They cut out plenty of good content showing the Atreides' start on Arrakis but decided to keep in the hunter-seeker. The fact that 8,000 years in the future a clan of intergalactic nobles has some bonsai trees is not significant.

>> No.19357155

This. I mean he had $165 million. He had oodles of source material from the books, or even just from Lynch's Dune. Instead he just throws in some bonsai, parasols and make up - including traditional Japanese wooden circular windows and doors that the other anon missed - and called it a day. The gloves the fremen were wearing looked like off the rack airsoft gloves. I was reminded of Harrison Ford in jeans and a t-shirt in his version of Blade Runner. The director simply is lazy with his sets and costumes. For me, that was a big let down, especially since they dumbed down and simplified the storyline as well.

>> No.19357164

calm down spastic


>> No.19357179

agreed, I really hated the budget-tier effect they gave to the shields too. even the Lynch version did that better somehow

>> No.19357208

The Liet Kynes casting was absolutely miserable and Zendaya looks fucking gross. That's all.

>> No.19357217

My issue with the Aesthetics is that it is this bourgeoise obsession with being tasteful at all cost. It is probably one of the most tastefully shot movies I have ever seen, and I mean that as an absolute negative. There is this looking over the shoulder behind you at all times quality to the way the movie shot, a paranoid preoccupation that someone somewhere might find you kitsch. It reminds me a lot of the interior design of the spas/salons my GF likes to go to. The film wasn't just an adaptation of Dune, it was specifically an adaption of an edition purchased for $80 from one of those prestige limited presses like Folio or Easton that take middling scifi/fantasy books and bind them like they are the Holy Bible.
However this neuroticism never manages to reach the peaks of someone like Kubrick where it ticks over into perfectionism that permeates every aspect of the film while simultaneously denying itself the vitality that comes with taking any risks.

Denis Villeneuve is like if Zack Snyder lost touch with his inner 8 yr old.

>> No.19357236

How is this related to literature?

>> No.19357238

Totally agree

>> No.19357300

It's total shit. Jamis spinning around screaming in rage? Very poorly done.

>> No.19357307
File: 725 KB, 1085x853, 0g9fau9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>line on lip is exclusively Japanese
Are you okay?
Also it's sapho stains not spice.

>> No.19357310

I haven’t seen it yet, I’m going to go this week
Shit like this worries me because it’s hideous and not at all very “Dune”
Plus I think Chalamet (though he does look quite similar to how Paul is described) is a bad actor and will make it difficult to engage with the film.

>> No.19357315

Well said. I felt the film looked soulless as well but you articulated this much better than I could.

>> No.19357331
File: 12 KB, 670x501, 6ECDF896-8AB8-4C66-A4BE-5768389A94B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le it wasn't like the book
don't care

>> No.19357334

>Jamis spinning around screaming in rage
he was pissed that paul kept having killing blows and wouldnt take them. it was probably the rudest thing that jamis has ever seen or experienced in his entire life

>> No.19357357

>Dune is also a difficult book to adapt to movie audiences because the entire point of the book is to basically do a leap-of-faith into the universe and hope you figure everything out, while most average moviefags want every fucking detail spelled out. I can see now that some Marvel sperg is going to be mad that the movie doesn't bother to explain why everyone uses hand-to-hand combat.
the movie didn't spell shit out. if some retard wants everything spilled out that's his problem and not the movie's fault.

>> No.19357361


>> No.19357363

i think that was his point, dont know why you're being so hostile to him

>> No.19357377

lynch's were a bit more imaginative even if it looked fucking ridiculous with the era's effects
DUNCs feel very videogamey how they're blue but turn red when breached

>> No.19357397

I thought it was great, I'm not a bookfag though I've just read the 6 original books

>> No.19357408

Yea couldn't unsee the team red vs team blue shit. Just like in tenet. Lynchs would have been a great start to then improve on with modern cgi if Villenueve was out of ideas.

>> No.19357420
File: 320 KB, 900x1200, p16i2o8ry8731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e also put random Japanese crap like bonsais, geisha lipstick instead of spice stains on the mentats, and paper parasols to make it "exotic
I don't think it was random but on purpose --it's similar in the book as well, cultures mashed together in the distant future where you get a combination of İslam and Marxism in the name "Maometh"

>oriental fetishism.
LOL that's what Dune is. It's an orientalist shitty genre novel for Americans.

>> No.19357422

LMAO bookfags seething its. You wouldn't know kino if someone spoonfeeded you it.

>> No.19357427


>> No.19357430

Excellent post, really sums it up.

>> No.19357594


>> No.19357600

>didn't spell shit out
"I hold at your head the Colt Revolver, explosive propelled projectile, instant death.

>> No.19357835


>> No.19357627

Dune is not literature

>> No.19357645

are the works of Dumas literature?

>> No.19357665
File: 282 KB, 922x715, 1569363768013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went into the film blind and had a really good time. I found it interesting enough that I went down the YouTube rabbit hole to learn more about the universe. I purchased the first three books today at a local book store so that I have something to read on my flight.

Here are my actual thoughts though:

There are certain times where it feels like Denis is making up for the shortcomings of BR2049, as the second half of the movie definitely picks up in a way that can best be described as "action time". BR had this problem where scenes would change and the story would progress but it did not feel tangible to the watcher, as in you were never really moved by what was happening for most of the movie. That said, I liked BR2049 and had no issue with the apathetic and slow story since that is the embodiment of K.

The Butlerian Jihad really should have been explained in the beginning black screen of the movie. I feel as though it is such an important event that literally changed the course of humanity.

Ironically, I feel as though the movie moved too quickly between events. I understand that there is a ton of material to cram into 2h45m but getting to Arrakis was very quick, as was the siege of Arrakeen.

Lastly, I really disliked the CGI as it had that same level of amateurish-ness that Black Panther had. Set design was beautiful but the CGI in motion-intense scenes was pretty bad. A slower pan of >>19357113 with a bit more work put into the city's design would fix this for me. But it isn't that big of a deal 2bh.

>> No.19357669

Cringe samefag

>> No.19357682

>The Butlerian Jihad really should have been explained in the beginning black screen of the movie. I feel as though it is such an important event that literally changed the course of humanity.

This is kind of a result of the book. Herbert makes slight references to all sorts of massive events without actually explaining them in great detail. The Butlerian Jihad itself doesn't really need an explanation at this point in the story, though. It happened so long ago that reducing it to "this is why we don't have computers" is enough.

>> No.19357691

The audience shouldn't need to have the lack of robots/AGI spelled out. The only computers are human rather than machine, everything else is extraneous

>> No.19357737

I understand where you're coming from in saying that it is unnecessary but I also think that it makes sense in the context of this film being many people's first venture into the Dune universe and even the name would stick in people's heads as to make them curious about the world of Dune.

It also would've been a better way of explaining what exactly Mentats are in the context of the film. We are basically shown humans that roll their eyes back and crunch very big numbers quickly. Denis said that Mentats will be expanded upon in Part 2 but again, it would have been an effortless way to explain more.

>> No.19357764

Really hates how mentats were handled in dune 2021 as well. Lynchs was a lot more fleshed out in that regard. The BG order as well.

>> No.19358855

>Homeworld aesthetic
Wan't Jodorowsky's Dune supposed to be like that, what with all that Chriss Foss inspiration

>> No.19358869

Absolute fucking garbage. Makes me lol when i read the trannies of /tv/ claim /lit/ loves it.

>> No.19358931

The Yueh thing really was a shame. In the Book there is an entertaining back and forth about the traitor, but the movie turns it into „this random character that no one cares about betrays everyone and dies“. Very poorly executed.

>> No.19358933

Couldnt get past the first half of the book. Herbert is good at world building but he can't write decent dialog. The movie was pretty good.

>> No.19358957

>[Bullshit]... my gf
Stopped reading

>> No.19359000

Looking back it was cringe. Still the soul is still there

>> No.19359016

Lynch dune is horrible even dismissing the special effects of that era. You just proved you have shit taste in movies. Just return to your books nerd.

>> No.19359029

Really? I think I loved it. Are you depressed your entire life?

>> No.19359039

I enjoyed it as just another chosen one fantasy movie. Kinda bland, but a good date.

>> No.19359051

Everything that could have been interesting, Gurney playing the baliset, Yueh being nice to Paul, Yueh and his wife plot, Thufir getting captured, the fucking dinner scene, was apparently cut.

>> No.19359215

Yea this. I mean almost everyone died because of Yueh and they just half assed it. Stupid.

>> No.19359270

Shit was better than the books.

>> No.19359311

desu the movie was worth seeing solely for the sardaukar introduction scene


Otherwise compared to the book it was shit, and had many areas it could improve upon. The aesthetics were on point though

if this is modern kino to you, that says a lot about the quality of movie as an artform doesn't it? Books will 9/10 times be better. I implore you to read one instead of sitting in front of your screen like a braindead zombie

>> No.19359645

The first 20-30 minutes before they get to Arrakis are amazing, but once they land it starts to feel like a compilation of scenes from the book. Still done well, but there isn't as much impact. The Atreides basically get their shit pushed in right after settling on Arrakis, and Yueh has maybe 45 seconds of screentime before he's revealed to be the traitor.
There was also way too much music. From the time the raid starts to the end of the film you literally cannot go more than 30 seconds without hearing Hans Zimmer's bland synths or a woman moaning. It felt like they were trying to make up for the lack of impact by maxing the fuck out of the music but it just got annoying.

>> No.19359747
File: 84 KB, 442x442, 3 - 218396485_260602532498055_4029953107098225033_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read the book, but yeah I liked it a lot. I especially loved the way they portrayed these sand people, forgot their name. Has some ancient arabic mythical tones which I really dig. I'm honestly kinda mad because I've been thinking about writing some sort of futuristic sci-fi novel that's centered around cool looking sand niggs. Now somebody else already made it. Oh dear.
The anti-imp undertone is also pretty nice to see. Honestly the only problem I have is Zendaya. No idea why the hell everyone seems to adore her, I just can't take her seriously, at least not in this sort of setting. Even if it's just for muh diversity reasons you could've still employed a colored woman that actually looks cool and grown-up.

>> No.19360017


>> No.19360417

>I'm honestly kinda mad because I've been thinking about writing some sort of futuristic sci-fi novel that's centered around cool looking sand niggs. Now somebody else already made it. Oh dear.
That must suck. You were so close to being the first.

>> No.19360467

I read the book a long time ago, but I think it was pretty damn close. I liked it, good movie, good adaptation

>> No.19360470

>Honestly the only problem I have is Zendaya
same. she literally plays that same character from spiderman movie again, bitch has no range

>> No.19360669

>if this is modern kino to you, that says a lot about the quality of movie as an artform doesn't it? Books will 9/10 times be better. I implore you to read one instead of sitting in front of your screen like a braindead zombie
lit people tend to have shit taste in film actually. and the other way around isn't really true, e.g. roger ebert was an avid reader of stuff like mccarthy

>> No.19361163

As a movie, yes it's very good by modern blockbuster standards. As a bookfag, I though some things were disappointing. The best part of the book is all the politics that goes on in Arrakeen which is quickly rushed through in the movie. The second best part of the book is Paul and Jessica desperately trying to survive while making their way across the desert, which is also not given much time in the movie

>> No.19361179

>Herbert is good at world building but he can't write decent dialog

Ah-h-h-h-h, so that's what you think then
>So that's why anon thinks what he thinks. Not of great importance I suppose, but it's good to know all the same

>> No.19361185

>bland visuals
obvious bait

>> No.19361207

Its a bore fest

>> No.19361237

>The only computers are human rather than machine
What? How do their spaceships work then?

>> No.19361274

Dudes who are sexy foetuses take so much cocaine they can see through time/space and teleport ships with their repressed sex. Basically HKHHV cocaine addict neets use the power of waifuism to fold space and move without moving.

Like shitting in the train while it’s at a station in 1977

>> No.19361288

This. WTF. I liked the movie, but I thought it was sci-fi, not magic bullshit.

>> No.19361414

Mostly good adaptation. People complaining its rushed through the plot but apart from a few more political centered scenes about the governing of arrakis its mostly faithful.
You can either do two things with dune, 1 have it be a political thriller with magic. Or focus on the messaiha themese.
Only issue i have is that it doesnt end with Paul tripping balls on spice and forseeing the events to come.

>> No.19361521


>> No.19361563

I enjoyed it more than the book.

>> No.19361654
File: 2.00 MB, 358x202, 1635034258899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it. Its a miniature. This other dude is a dongus.

>> No.19362073

brown "person" from /tv/

>> No.19362107

The religion is Zensunni. They probably have a few other japanese holdovers.

>> No.19362231

I don't understand your sentence about Kubrick. Why do you like his aesthetic but not Villeneuve''s?

>> No.19362316

not seen it, but after huffing some spice, my guess that this this the guy that made the last 1/2 of blade runner 2 all orange, and later was looking for some easy films to follow up with, so he ran with dune because he thought i'll: just applies this same production schtick to a whole movie.hire some marvel tier schlub actors, do the mandatory melanin uptick, sub contract most the minutes to cgi-farm. and that'll about do it. i mean, if i at least deliver the film, thats one up on the CV that lynch and jodorowsky couldnt do on budget. it doesnt have to be good or visionary, so long as i deliver, i'll have work forever.

>> No.19362340
File: 273 KB, 398x384, 1593013576913876023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking retard. kys. earth would be beautiful if not for fucking normie shitmen like you. please go to reddit, you can get karma for posting tryhard shit like this there.

>> No.19362375

woah, bro, he read stuff like mccarthy?! woah, that's pretty high brow. Wow. Erudition to the CORE.

>> No.19362779


I have not read the book, but the movie is excellent.

>> No.19362915

>he can't write decent dialog
same problem with this anon. but I got used to it eventually

>> No.19362919

you missed the fucking blood ritual

>> No.19363218

I loved the back and forth where Yueh almost reveals his treachery to Jessica but manages to save himself by getting sad about his wife and deflecting her suspicion. Really upset that they didn't show that in the film, that's really all you would have needed to show to flesh out Yueh in the film but they still cut it.

>> No.19363457

anyone got a novel infographic

>> No.19363528


>> No.19363571

Lynch kino did it better, not watching

>> No.19363584
File: 249 KB, 561x476, changs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that reeked of 80's oriental fetishism.
First words about this film that actually makes me want to see it.

>> No.19363602

this guy gets it

>> No.19363610
File: 35 KB, 1200x494, dunc portal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heighliners are portals now