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File: 31 KB, 633x758, soy035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19356601 No.19356601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I saw you reading alone at the library last night
Yeah haha, I go there a couple hours every night
>Damn dude, that's kinda sad

I hate normies... How am I supposed to respond to that?

>> No.19356605

That person is just a dick, ignore them. Don't bother yourself with people who are not kind at the very least.

>> No.19356613


I'd ask why it would be sad, if I'm a good day, and have a conversation.
Most days my answer would be "it's just a hobby I have" and avoid having conversation with this person in the future.

>> No.19356615

and you didnt respond? coward.

>> No.19356617

Damn dude, that's kinda sad

>> No.19356626

don't speak to slaves, retard

>> No.19356632

Late night restrooms at my university library were a gay hookup spot. Administration had to add them to security guard patrol routes.

>> No.19356639
File: 1.12 MB, 1492x1837, 9D962DB0-A0B4-47CB-86F9-57AFA33A8ABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just as rude and mean-spirited as the rude and mean-spirited person who needlessly hurt OP. This is not the correct approach. Be kind and loving and you will find love and kindness enough.

>> No.19356646

Damn dude, that's kinda sad

>> No.19356660
File: 207 KB, 742x900, 6454A47B-407A-42D6-BBF5-1E11293E3EF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should remind yourself that the only veritable purpose of normies are to stimulate the economy and perpetuate the species.

>> No.19356734


>> No.19356754

go on...

>> No.19356781

Thanks anon...

>> No.19356790

Is that not everyone's purpose?

>> No.19356792

it unironically is kinda sad, anon

>> No.19356810

Just ask him what he did last night and then say "and i thought i had a depressing life" to whatever he says. Ezpz broski.

>> No.19356815

>I went out with my girlfriend bro
What do now

>> No.19356817

This post is very 2011, are you a time traveler op

>> No.19356822

>Is it?

>> No.19356823

>I fucked one of the hot chicks in our philosophy class
We just can't stop losing library bros

On a serious note OP, probably the happiest time of my life was the mornings I would spend in the UTK library reading Finnegans Wake and Tindall's Guide to Finnegans Wake. I would read the chapter in Tindall to prime myself, read the chaper in FW, and reread the chapter in Tindall in an attempt to cement the reading. It was so great. Just sitting in library carrel and reading the morning away. Just be yourself man. It may be cliché but it's true, and that's why it's a cliché.

>> No.19356825


>> No.19356835

and i thought i had a depressing life

>> No.19356844


>> No.19356847
File: 70 KB, 505x720, alessandro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's depressing about going out for dinner with my girlfriend, anon?

>> No.19356852

Why are you this cruel? I think that was my favorite time of my life so far. Having the free time to spend hours reading in the library is a blessing. I don't have that freedom or passion now. I wish I could go back and spend more time there, especially to wander the stacks. It's such a liberating feeling to pull a book from a shelf and crack it open, and read a few pages.

>> No.19356857

who paid for it?

>> No.19356889

It's your dependency on receiving another person's attention for a couple hours or else you die of spontaneous combustion, is all.

>> No.19356956

>We split the bill... Why are you so interested in what my girlfriend and I do? Kinda creepy bro...

>> No.19356977
File: 17 KB, 360x360, mRi2F4gM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, bitch!

>> No.19356980

Not if you don't participate in such trite endeavor as the economy or sex

>> No.19356989

By confidently saying “I like to get a little reading in, dude.”
What you hate is that you’re always alone.

>> No.19356991

yeah but when she sucked your dick and you cum in her mouth, did she swallow? no? heh, that's what I thought

>> No.19356992

If you're ever put in a situation like this again, just say something like
>Are you feeling okay?

>> No.19356995

No, my purpose to create one of the greatest works of art in history, influence the billions that exists now, and the countless generations that come thereafter, instilling life lessons and inspiring others with my mastery of prose.
I will become immortal in the memories of others, and my achievements and works will further the human race as a whole for the better.

>> No.19357003

My purpose is to avoid pain and not die if I can be bothered to prevent it.

>> No.19357047

I don't go anywhere, so random people never see me around. Is this better?

>> No.19357100

Cope. You don't participate in any endeavour faggot; neither scientific, nor philosophic, nor artistic, nor anything else worthwhile in life; you are just some NEET incel faggot on the internet producing cope; don't kid yourself into thinking you are better than normies.

>> No.19357391

Nice projection nerdlinger

>> No.19357401

I fucking hate faggots so much

>> No.19357404

i love this meme haha

>> No.19357416

he is retarded but so are you for making a distinction of ooga booga he no read buk normie ooga booga

>> No.19357457


>> No.19357463

The basedbean oil and processed food

>> No.19357480

>damn dude, that's kinda sad
>it wasn't so bad. your mum kept me company
>haha funny but you were alone anon
>she was under the desk
I would then turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.19357819

>Damn dude, that's kinda sad
That's pretty rude. Just call people out when they're rude like that.
If they're half way decent and you're assertive about it without getting mad, then they'll realize they were speaking to you inappropriately and apologise. If they don't, then just end the conversation and leave.
Maintain control while you do this and don't show a hint of weakness but don't get mad or upset either. Anything that can be interpreted as an over reaction or as "you're wayyy too sensitive man, haha can't you take a joke???" will be since normies will do anything to save face and avoid admitting fault.

>> No.19357602

you'd still be facing the same way retard

>> No.19357860

So what exactly do you say?

>> No.19357752

Just disagree politely.

>> No.19357975

Ok I'll bite. What words would you use to call the guy out without seeming butthurt?

>> No.19357982

>Why would that be sad?
And there you go.

>> No.19357996

>Haha I was the same way with my last girlfriend

>> No.19358019

This exact thing happened to me the other week. Was at a friend's girlfriend's birthday party. My friend has always liked my brother much better than me but we're marginally friends so he still invites me to stuff. He always gets one or two passive comments in at me for no reason so the second I walked into the party we shook hands and he points to my face and is like "What, you forget to shave a little something?" because I had a small mustache growing so I was like "Oh I think it looks fine, do you not like it?" and then his mood instantly changed and he'just fake laughed and said he was jealous because he could never pull it off.

>> No.19358097

I said 360 degrees as a joke, of course I know that you would have had to turn 720 degrees.

>> No.19358102

>Not just spinning on the spot until the other person moonwalks away

>> No.19358576

Bro, do you lack basic social skills.
Just say "Why do you think that?"
And just hear what he had to say. Anon you are the retard here. I could think of a couple hundred responses.

>> No.19358583

You wouldnt know how to spell art you dumb didacticist

>> No.19358585

You really have to call people out on those little passive-aggressive digs or whatever you'd call them. I wish I had OP's habit - I'd actually be proud of it, it would help me get things done.

>> No.19358590

>Fuck you man you don't know me!

>> No.19358856

Respond like this:
"The media monkeys and the junky junkies will invite you to the plastic panthomime, I just threw their invites away and am happy"

Alternatively you could say "the author I am reading right now has crafted characters so vivid, I call them friends".

See you on the boards.

>> No.19359115


>> No.19359131

I have never seen a more deserving post for that "we are cruel" copypasta

>> No.19359146

The library is closed at night anon.

>> No.19359195

*throw punch*

>> No.19359202

just play it off as a joke or do some self defeating joke, usually people that do that form of humor or act rude lay off if you just go along with it or play it seriously and brush it off. If they continue to be rude just act a bit snarky but not too much. Its not banter because banter is subtle but give it the same approach as banter and dont let negative comments penetrate you.

>> No.19359307

>It's not sad. I like to read.
and then let it hang

>> No.19359533
File: 10 KB, 235x230, 353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversations I've had with normies in the past few days

>normie lets me into building when I'm locked out
>me: Hey, thanks! Key wasn't working for some reason
>normie: ......
>m: Have a good one
>n: ........

>in line buying two bags of rice
>n: Getting all stocked up on rice? Hahaha. Hahaha
>m: Yep, making chicken and rice
>n: Uhh... okay.....???

>almost bumping into eachother
>m: My bad
>n: .............

>almost bumping into eachother
>m: Oops, sorry
>n: ..................

>handing them something they dropped without noticing
>m: Excuse me, you dropped this
>n: Okay....
>m: Er, have a nice day
>n: .....................

>m: It's two blocks th--
>n: [walks away in wrong direction before receiving information]

>m: See wh--
>n: ALLLLRIGHT! [walks away]

>> No.19359552


That makes no sense

>> No.19359570

this, no sympathy for OP

>> No.19359577 [DELETED] 

university libraries stay open late dude actually i saw in an alumni newsletter that my school now has the libraries open 24/7 during exams.

>> No.19359605

Jealous much?

>> No.19359614

>norman goes home and watches a few hours of netflix then cooms to jewish pornography

>> No.19359621

If they're wrong why does it bother you?
Always remember people are only bothered by things with at least a hint of truth to them. Imagine if someone made a ridiculous claim about you out of nowhere. Would it really bother you knowing how completely untrue it was?

>> No.19359626

>>m: Yep, making chicken and rice
>>n: Uhh... okay.....???
lol wtf

>> No.19359648

My uni's library is open till midnight

>> No.19359649

>find phone on bus, text first active contact that some guy lost his phone and where i can wait for him at
>gets the info to him via his wageslave job somehow, i wait for him to come pick it up at the bus stop
>standing out there 40 minutes just to do a good deed
>gets there, says "oh, thanks. glad you found it instead of some of these other people"
>we both have to cross the street twice (me to go home and him to go to his return bus stop)
>he stands next to me waiting at the crosslight and ignores me
>really fucking awkward
>then he just walks away

i mean i wasn't expecting $100 or anything but he had the same appreciation as for someone who points out his shoelace is untied. could have at least carried a conversation while we waited.

>> No.19359663

>this thread
man I don't miss being a teen.
Reading at the library a few hours a night would be considered attractive to pretty much anyone in their mid-20s onwards. The idea that someone would say
>damn dude, that's kinda sad
would make me cringe for them. It reeks so much of immaturity, I would be flabbergasted. How does "haha read for loser" NOT come off as making you seem like a dumbass?

>> No.19359672

>i mean i wasn't expecting $100 or anything but he had the same appreciation as for someone who points out his shoelace is untied
apparently you were expecting something like $100 because from what you've said, he thanked you for returning it. What, did you want him to grovel and suck your dick or something

>> No.19359702

I find it strange too, I don't know, is something wrong with us? I don't have it in me to ignore a stranger, my natural instinct is to assume they're another full human being, we've crossed paths in a way where we're forced to acknowledge one another, and we should make at least a little light of the situation.

But the more years go by, the more other people seem to go in the other direction, becoming colder, responding to little "situations" like this with a flat "Ok" and fluoride stare.

Reminds me of this

>> No.19359724

you could have initiated the conversation anon. people need a leader in dancing and politics and conversations.

>> No.19359742
File: 696 KB, 240x184, TameUncomfortableHookersealion-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How am I supposed to respond to that?

>> No.19359777

usually people have a conversation or something to show their gratitude and politeness. "thanks so much for finding my phone. sorry you had to wait so long. i'm tom, i work at the gamestop downtown. thanks, have a good night."

>> No.19359792

This is the only normal advice in the entire thread.

>> No.19359798

Just ask why it's sad. Whatever he says is an expression of his values, not yours. You dont have to be sad just because he thinks you are.

>> No.19359888

I read out loud for two hours in a common study room every night in the library, from 19 to 21, including weekends. I have chased away countless of all-nighting students, especially of chinese and indian origin as I just kept reciting out loud whatever novel I was reading as soon as they opened the door of the room. I have never felt ashamed for my actions, not once. Reading out loud is a fantastic experience, and since parents (of others: I'm on a scholarship) are pumping gold into making this library comfortable and open 24/7, I will use it to its full extent to read out loud, which makes me supremely happy.

>> No.19359917

whenever you talk to normies always be confrontational. normies are cowards so they will always back down if you let them know with your body language and tone you are ready to fight.
another tip is to use clown cult ideology against them. tell that normies that social distancing is part of the new normal with scam flu. you won't tolerate a hate filled bigot like them that tries to lifestyle shame

>> No.19359927

your gf is ugly, bitchy, spends all your money and cheats on you

>> No.19359992

It's just because people in the US are all half retarded. If you lived anywhere in Asia and told someone you spent a few hours at the library they would think that's rad. Though everyone would probably be there already.

>> No.19360042

>I hate normies... How am I supposed to respond to that?
I'll teach ya:
>I saw you reading alone at the library last night
Yeah haha, I go there a couple hours every night
>Damn dude, that's kinda sad

There, fixed your life for you.

>> No.19360050

should have asked what they do every night instead

>> No.19360252

Don't worry about it, everybody's just projecting. He didn't mean you are sad, he meant he would be sad if he was doing that. But he's not you so it's all good