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19354902 No.19354902 [Reply] [Original]

Post the shitty books you were made to read in english classes. Also rant about why the fuck they chose these awful books to read.

One of the two worst ones was the boy in the striped pajamas. The book is not historically accurate in the slightest and it has no point. Also if little german shit could just go under the fence why couldn’t all the Jews just escape? My teacher gave the excuse that the point of this book was to get me to read something I normally wouldn’t read. Well I usually don’t read anyways so all this did was make me hate reading even more.

>> No.19354917

Be honest op....Did...did you get tired of masturbating to furries? Is that why you posted here?

>> No.19354926

I liked all of the books they made us read
animal farm
brave new world
lord of the flies
of mice and men
Fahrenheit 451
catcher in the rye
the outsiders
greek mythology
enders game
thats off the top of me head

>> No.19354927

No I just wanted to know if any other anons had as much hate of english class reading choices as I do

>> No.19354964
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good thread

>> No.19354979
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>> No.19354989

Most of that list are great books.
I didn't really read the ones we got, but later came back to them when i got into reading, and they were awesome. Kinda weird to shove them for kiddos who don't enjoy reading yet.

>> No.19354991

>it has no point
the point is to build the holocaust narrative in the minds of schoolchildren buddy

>> No.19354996

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.19355064

Ok so my teacher used this book to teach us about the holocaust, but this book just isn’t accurate, thus I don’t think it’s a good holocaust book. I guess it has some point to make but I honestly thought it was just poorly written “sad porn”.

>> No.19355074

>he believes there's a secret school conspiracy

>> No.19355081

The book and movie sucked because it portrays it from the Nazi's perspective. The tragedy isn't about the Jews who were murdered, it's about the poor Nazi's kid who got swept up into it.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is basically Nazi apologia.

>> No.19355087

>He's too fucking stupid to comprehend that you don't need a school conspiracy if it's a society-wide conspiracy
I'm not even a holocaust conspiracy theorist, you're just a dimwit.

>> No.19355090

>society-wide conspiracy
Top jej

>> No.19355091

I bet you call others fascists unironically in your private life

>> No.19355094

It's not like you need secret memos to school teachers to push something ahistorical if they already believe it retard

>> No.19355097

There's an ironic way to call out fascism?

>> No.19355112

Yes, calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a "fascist" when the only people in the western world who are actually fascists these days are the people calling others fascists.

>> No.19355113

I liked reading Animal Farm and The Giver, I had no idea why we read Freak the Mighty, and was incredibly bored with To kill a mockingbird.

>> No.19355116

I don't call everyone I don't agree with a fascist.

>> No.19355121

You don't know how good you had it. The new curriculum is just books on trans people and black people. Not kidding they made us read "For Today I am a Boy" (tranny book) and "Born a Crime" by trevor noah, the latter was chosen over shakespeare. Pain.

>> No.19355132

>to kill a mockingbird
>their eyes were watching god
>anything Holocaust related
All dogshit

>> No.19355139

nah, it was alright

>> No.19355142

To Kill a Mockingbird is a good book.

>> No.19355146

>to kill a mockingbird
Harper Lee is the only decent female author of the last 100 years so long as we ignore the shit followup book she never wanted released.

>> No.19355154
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>Kinda weird to shove them for kiddos who don't enjoy reading yet.
You should enjoy reading in high school. The issue is not reading, it’s that the entire set up of the typical high school naturally creates an adversarial relationship between student and adult, between student and their work (it is a mimicry of the factory system). If we were all taught how Maria Montessori wanted children to be taught we would never have this issue, which is very common, of children hating to read.

>> No.19355159

I love how they taught us all about the holocaust but almost nothing about the wars in general.

>> No.19355169

They barely touched the Holocaust when I was in school. Pretty much all they said was "Hitler was a bad person, partly because he killed 6 million Jews".

They didn't even mention the camps. And I went to public school. I don't know what schools you guys are going to but they're probably in heavily Jewish neighborhoods.

>> No.19355174

There are very books that are appropriate for children in high school and have educational merit. It's hard enough getting some of the kids, especially those who speak English as a second language, to read at all. The reason the books suck is that
A) kids won't understand complex interesting stuff. We aim to challenge them at their level.
B) the aim is often to read any book at all. Many kids don't read outside the classroom and never have or will.
C) They're YA novels. The target audience is young adult. People who haven't reached that point of maturity, or people who have passed it, aren't the ones who are going to get the most out of it. A decent teacher will pick a text to suit their class' development
D) having 30ish copies of a book is expensive. Sometimes you gotta run with what you have. If that means teaching animal farm despite it being a book aimed at undergrad students and pseuds, you run it anyway because the curriculum says you have to read a book in that year.

None of these reasons are satisfying but they're the truth. Hope they've contextualised some stuff for you.

>> No.19355189

>probably in heavily Jewish neighborhoods
Do those even exist anymore?

>> No.19355195

>animal farm
>aimed at undergrad students
What complexity in that book do you think it take a high school diploma to comprehend?

>> No.19355254

In the UK we (as in my generation) were taught about the holocaust in depth multiple times, but almost nothing about the war apart from Germany = bad and a bit about the bombings (they also didn't tell us that WE bombed Germany, just the idea that Germany was bombing us.)
We were also taught nothing and I mean NOTHING about the British Empire, nothing about America and the civil war etc.

>> No.19355262

Not surprised that the britfags didn't teach you American history or anything in depth about WWII outside of "Those mean nazis bombed us, but we won!"
I am surprised they didn't teach you about the British Empire.

>> No.19355280
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I remember despising this book as a kid, but I can't remember why.

>> No.19355323

Secondary pedagogy isn’t about content but at worst state ideology and at best tools (bias, source analysis).

Canon in history is about big money dank debates.

Neither of you have read C Browning (1992) Ordinary Men have you? Yet you talk of Holocaust histiorigraphy. A minor US staff college student doing his PhD in military history found the diaries and unit history of an ordinary group of middle aged men who got drunk and went on a road trip into Lithuania and had the TIME OF THEIR LIVES.

>> No.19355332

I don't think anyone here even knows what the British Empire even was, and if they do they just heard that "Britain owned half the world" from a mate at the pub.
I can't even imagine what they're "teaching" in schools now.

>> No.19355362

Are high schoolers on this board? Holy shit

>> No.19355366

Are you in grade 8 OP? You are underage.

>> No.19355369
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>> No.19355504

Yeah I read this book in 7th grade back in like 2008

>> No.19355636

>anons are unfamiliar with the way linear time and memories work
>anons think every story they were told happened yesterday

>> No.19355651

brave new world. not because it's a bad book, but because AP English kids lack the experiential background for it to be meaningful in any capacity beyond
>1984 = no pleasure = dystopia
>bnw = too much pleasure = dystopia
for instance, i can remember a debate about "is soma bad?" it was obvious who'd been around addicts in their life.

>> No.19355660

good morning class! i hope you enjoyed holocaust month last month! this month we'll be learning about the holocaust. and next month. and every month after that.

>> No.19355680

>imagine still seething about having to read a book years later
I highly doubt this is the case. OP most likely just finished reading and discussing this book in his middle school class. Now you know who you argue with on /lit/ in those gay little philosophy threads. It is some 13 year old edgelord.

>> No.19355688

like how hitler only tried to expel jews because jews ushered in hyperinflation and the degeneracy of the weimar republic, where troons flooded the streets and all the women turned to prostitution?
it's always been blatant propaganda. hitler was a good man and the allies fought on the wrong side. now modern school books are even more propaganda. muh darkies dindu nuffin. muh troons. muh fags. muh ebul yt male is a charicature villain. every time.

at one point in time Joyce was banned from schools for being too subversive. now I wish the kids got to read something as decent as joyce.
>kids can't read joyce!
not anymore, now that leftoid feminist whores retarded the children. the books they forcefed me in school were so bad that until i was in my early 20s i thought i hated reading and that all books were trash. i will never forget what they took from me.

>> No.19355690
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The Holocaust is an actual event that really happened as depicted in the media. You didn't like the book because it made you uncomfortable about the fact of human evil and that even "civilized" people might act barbarically.

>> No.19355698

wooden doors

>> No.19355700

Actually, I personally don't like Striped Pajamas because it's anti-Semitic. The book is about how the "real" tragedy was the Nazi kid getting sucked into the genocide of the Jews.

>> No.19355709

based digits

>> No.19355714

Gods, you Nazis are delusional.

>> No.19355716

as Erich Bauer, who helped to build the Sobibor gas chambers, testified:

"The doors were indeed wooden; they were changed later, when the gas chamber was completely rebuilt. The airtight doors arrived only later; I collected them myself from Warsaw, but that was not until the new building went up."

>> No.19355743

that's the true propaganda value of the book idiot, the goyish student is supposed to identify with the german child and feel revulsion at his complicity with the crimes.

>> No.19355748

No, the book is clearly trying to make it seem like the German kid's death was "da real traguhdee!!!1!".

>> No.19355754

>propaganda value
Have you no empathy for your fellow man? Have you really let yourself sink that low and let yourself become that consumed with hate?

>> No.19355757

Like you’ve never complained about bullshit that happened in your past

>> No.19355784

that's because the book is written for non-jewish children you dumb fucking kike, it's meant to create an aversion to anti-semitism. That's the point. If you just make goy kids read about just jews, they won't be able to identify themselves in the story and it'll go over their heads. The previous generations of jews were a lot smarter than this latest crop that's for damn sure. Shame on you for your myopia, all the better for anti-semites anyway.

>> No.19355790

Would’ve been more fun to talk about disgusting trannies than a retarded woman killer.

>> No.19355797

Gods, you Nazis are stupid.

>> No.19355804
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i didnt read a god damn thing in school, i just went home and played videogames

>> No.19355821

I think you're just embarrassed that a nazi understands jewish propaganda better than a jew, as you should be.

>> No.19355823

actually now that i think about it I read a book for elementary school about a dog that loses its leg in a bear trap. i dont remember any of it though

>> No.19355830

Have you no shame sir?

>> No.19355831

I also remember hating it. The main character is a clueless little shit, and the prose is plain annoying to read. I remember asinine phrases like "his mouth made the shape of an O". I think it was the only assigned book I didn't finish.

>> No.19355834
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Books I liked
>An Inspector Calls
>Of Mice and Men
>Lord of the Flies (I really liked this one)
>Romeo and Juliet
>Goodnight, Mister Tom
I fucking hated Fahrenheit 451 back then, it made me feel stupid. I read it recently and I enjoyed it.
I didn't like Animal Farm, I can't remember why.
Hated Macbeth and still do, I am too stupid to ever enjoy any Shakespeare (other than R&J)
I never finished Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, I remember thinking it was too simple

>> No.19355837
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why it's allways the holocaust?
they forced me to read this even though my third world shithole had nothing to do with ww2

>> No.19355839

>wow just wow

>> No.19355857

>noooo anyone criticising the hilariously impractical narrative of germans shoving jews into freezers then waiting for their bodies to fall out and smash to pieces on the floor is a nazi noooooooo!!!!!!
even an 8 year old can come up with better lies than the holohoax narratives. come the fuck on.

what was hitler's tax policy?

>> No.19355866

kek, I remember one "teacher" in school who had nothing to do with history telling us how the nazi's would play tug of war with jewish babies until they tore in two

>> No.19355870

That's horrible. What's funny about that?

>> No.19355874

Because the holocaust was one of the most tragic events in human history the same as any other genocide. What makes the Holocaust 'different' is that it is a much more recent attempt at genocide with modern technology and at the hands of a 'civilized' nation. The world needs to know about it because the world needs to know that although we are in modern times we are by no means more civil.

And when you have an instance like that. Where the state is arbitrarily allowed to mass kill unarmed civilians it cheapens all human life. It shows that we as a species are OK with one section of humanity being callously eliminated. And when you save that some human lives have no value you also imply that no human lives have value. For it wasn't just Jews that died in the holocaust. It was Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and 'unfit' Germans as well. The Holocaust is taught to remind everyone that human lives have value. That people are more than just tools of the state to be used and discarded at a dictators whim.

I know you aren't really a bad person anon. You've just fallen in with a bad crowd and been fooled into believing their lies. I hope that for your sake and the world that you will someday see the error of your ways.

>> No.19355875

because it's an obvious fabrication

>> No.19355876

How absurd it is

>> No.19355879

What makes you so sure it's a "fabrication"? You don't think people could be that evil? Maybe you should read up on the shit people were up to in the medieval times.

The Nazis did a lot of horrible stuff. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

>> No.19355886
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anyone else do this in year 6?

>> No.19355887

boomers were some real dimbulbs to fall for this shit. even the allied soldiers didn't believe it and knew that it was all bullshit propaganda. fuck, the american citizens didnt even want to go to europe, something like 80% of people said they wanted nothing to do with WWII. then they managed to prompt the japs to attack pearl harbor and suddenly the jews in american government got what they wanted. we'll probably never know how they orchestrated that one, but we see the results.
ayyyy toneeee, if the germans was so efficient how come they built all these rail lines and holocoasters and death camps instead of just shooting them or cutting their throat or somethin'? wasn't they short on both fuel and iron, tony? it just doesnt' make no damn sense tah me. the germans knew they was short on fuel, see, now why they gonna go and waste all that fuel carting around all these jews instead of just doing the business and getting it over with?

why did jews declare war on germany before hitler even started expelling them? why were jewish newspapers throwing around that 6 million figure even back in the 1800s? if they killed 6 million jews how come there were more jews after the war than there were before it?

god i hated those holohoax books. and the movies were even more insufferable. fuck jews, they're whiny pieces of shit. i wish hitler really did exterminate them all, then i wouldn't need to read all these crappy books.

>> No.19355895

hey buddy, do us all a favor and stop writing like a ranting 15 year old, it's embarrassing to your own cause. thanks.

>> No.19355896

never heard of it. is it good?

>> No.19355898

Hello fellow Commonwealther, I am from Australia and I feel the exact same thing except it's worse here. See, white Australians are all colonialists, which means we have to learn superficial bullshit about the Aboriginal people of Australia. All I've ever seen that education do is make people despise the Aboriginals more, even made me despise them though I don't actually.
There is a similar thing in English class too. Responding to >>19354902 now, I'd like to list some books that we read.
- Because of You, by Pip Harry
- Picnic at Hanging Rock, by Joan Lindsay
- When Michael Met Mina (i forgot the author, fuck them)
These all have something in common. They are in the booklists solely because they are Australian books. The only prolific Australian book there is Picnic, the other two were shitshows that not a soul enjoyed, not even the people who liked to read. They just put up with the books to get their marks. The only actual classics we ever read that I can think of, are Shakespeare plays, and To Kill A Mockingbird. Not a single book from >>19354926
was so much as mentioned.

>> No.19355904

Maybe you should do yourself a favor and read some denialist literature, start with Dalton's Debating the Holocaust.

>> No.19355909

i doubt if anyones heard of it except people who read it in year 6
>is it good?
i liked it when i was 10

>> No.19355911
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this thread feels like primary school lunch break lmao desu~

>> No.19355912

in year 6 we read a book about a giant city moving on wheels or some shit, can't remember the name

>> No.19355913

why did the germans waste all that fuel and iron doing ridiculous bullshit instead of just killing the jews and getting on with their lives?

go ahead. explain. and that's not even the most ridiculous part of the "holocaust" but you can start there.

>> No.19355916

Google is your friend.

>> No.19355919

guy, I agree with you, I'm a holocaust denier. I'm just telling you that you come across like an angry elementary schooler. Calm down and reread what you're writing and compare it to how others are writing.

>> No.19355924

you can't.
because it's ridiculous and a clear lie. i didn't hate the jews before all those shitty holocaust books but i sure as hell loathe them now. i wish the holocaust had been real.

>> No.19355926

Here's a website that has all the answers to your questions about the Holocaust.

>> No.19355935

Youre retarded. In the book the german and jewish boy talk through the fence and the german eventually goes under the fence and sneaks in. That raises the question as to why all the Jews didn’t just go under the fence and run away. In real camps they had 2 layers of fences to stop this. If you’re going to teach the holocaust, teach it right

>> No.19355943

imagine a story so plausible you need a website to explain away people's questions about it.

why do they teach the holocaust every single year multiple times a year but never mentioned the weimar republic once? were they, perhaps, afraid people would agree that the jews were the problem?

>> No.19355946
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Three Jewish-related books in two years, out of about eight that were read.


>> No.19355948

Youre the real winner of the thread

>> No.19355951
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>> No.19355955

Fuck you, Maus is great.

>> No.19355958


>> No.19355959

God I remember that exact sentence from the book. I also remember Bruno saying something like “it was a bit touch and go”. I still hate that saying even today

>> No.19355961
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Forgot to add the picture.

>> No.19355962

just look at this shit. i've never seen any other war as cartoonishly propagandized as the german front of ww2. imagine being forced to read the equivalent of this shit about the hundred year war or the sino-japanese war. that's hilarious. it's such blatant propaganda.

>> No.19355967

It's certainly good, especially the drawings.

>> No.19355975
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Mate in reality the Jewish Council kept Jews in the ghetto trying to bargain and had their own Jewish police force. Jews left ghettos and camps daily as work details in the ghetto /work to death systems.

You’ll want to read R Hilberg on Jewish councils roles in running the detainment, work to death and death of European Jewish communities. He’s good. And I’m hostile to semi intentionalist accounts such as his.

>> No.19355978

I have no idea why it stuck with me but the only thing I remember from English class is Mr. M saying to never get married because you will become miserable the minute the ceremony is over.

>> No.19355992

Fellow Aussie here. What state were you in?
Grade 7-8 were the worst for Australian authors, but once I enrolled in English Literature instead of straight English for VCE/HSC, the texts got much better:
>Heart of Darkness
>Picture of Dorian Gray
>Pride and Prejudice
>Shakespeare of course
>various Romantic poets

Before Literature also covered from >>19354926
>brave new world
>lord of the flies
>catcher in the rye

>> No.19355996

>read some denialist literature
I would literally rather read Mein Kampf.

>> No.19356004 [DELETED] 


>> No.19356013

>learn superficial bullshit about the Aboriginal people of Australia
learning about the history and culture of your country and isn't superficial anon
>All I've ever seen that education do is make people despise the Aboriginals more,
not my experience at all lmfao. but maybe if you went to some low SES school where everyone comes from dumbfuck bogan families it could be the case
>even made me despise them though I don't actually.
oh you were just projecting the whole time

>> No.19356024


>> No.19356075

>being this much of a bourgeois faggot
He's right though. The way Aboriginal history is taught is terrible and superficial.

>> No.19356083

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.19356090

>The way Aboriginal history is taught is terrible and superficial.
at that level (ages 8-12) EVERY humanities related subject is superficial, and probably terrible thanks to the overall shithouse primary and secondary education in this country

>> No.19356294

My schooling similarly glossed over the Holocaust, with the exception of my 8th grade gifted class which dedicated an entire semester to studying it (tangential focus on WWII and Nazi Germany in general)

We learned about the camps, we read The Wave and Elie Wiesel's Night, we learned about Mengele and the Nazi medical experiments.
We were required to have a 2-3? inch binder for this course and by the end it was stuffed with material.

The other semester of that year was architecture for some reason

>> No.19356318

Pretty much all the really bad details I know about the Holocaust (like Mengele's experiments, the soap, etc.) I know from doing my own research on the subject.

>> No.19356338

>he believes the nazis made bars of soap out of jews
you cant even make this shit up. i'd have to hire a jew to make it up for me.

>> No.19356345

They did.

It wasn't industrialized and it almost definitely wasn't officially endorsed, but a few Nazi scientists did it, as proven by forensic tests.

>> No.19356351

Also, no one knows if they used Jews for it. All we know is that human fat was found in some bars of soap taken from Nazi concentration camps.

>> No.19356375

My entire 7th grade english class was about holocaust books. Public education [at least in NC] is a joke.

>> No.19356383

>"The doors were indeed wooden; they were changed later, when the gas chamber was completely rebuilt. The airtight doors arrived only later; I collected them myself from Warsaw, but that was not until the new building went up."
I'm tired so my IQ is hanging around 70; is he saying that they went wooden => airtight => wooden doors?

>> No.19356385

Hey bro, I have a real nice bridge, want to buy it?

yeah sure haha the nazis were suuuuuuch cartoon villains that they took a break from fighting a war on 3 fronts to brew up batches of jew soap. seems they had a lot of arts and crafts projects. one has to wonder where in the fuck they found all this manpower while busy with the war effort. truly it just boggles the mind. such ardent workers, those germans.

>> No.19356389

Not literally every Nazi was involved in the military.

>> No.19356402

>Nazi Germany consisted entirely of on-the-ground soldiers
Now that's a cartoonish impression of the Nazis if I ever saw one

>> No.19356408

>batches of jew soap
Learn to read motherfucker. I literally said no one knows if they used Jewish bodies for the soap. What we do know is that the Nazis did experiments on people, and we have anatomy books they made with terrifyingly accurate depictions of human corpses that doctors say is the most detailed there is. So it's not far-fetched at all to believe they did some crazy shit while they were at it.

>> No.19356413

I don't remember much from high school english
>9th: all short stories like Harrison Bergeron
>10th: weird mix of stuff, only one I remember is King Henry VIII (Shakespeare)
>11th/AP English Language: Light in August, Great Gatsby, two other books I have completely forgotten
>12th/AP English Literature: Frankenstein, 1984/Brave New World, Jane Eyre, As I Lay Dying, some other book

>> No.19356418

based tyler durden

>> No.19356426

literally batches of jew soap. this is the shit they expect me to believe and then they call me the lunatic for not buying it.

>> No.19356433

>literally batches of jew soap
>>literally batches of jew soap
>>>>>>>literally batches of jew soap

>> No.19356450

Everyone on the fence reading this, this is why you can't argue with Nazis. They literally ignore your very words and say you said the exact opposite of what you said. They don't argue in good faith, so don't even bother debating them.

>> No.19356463
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we were never assigned any book to read. we read and analyzed small excerpts in the school textbooks and that's it. all the kids that read outside of school did so out of their own volition.
thirdworldbros had the real freedom after all.

>> No.19356465

So just buy and use the soap for fucks sake. If you can’t believe the prices then buy some anyway. Maybe it’s got horrible scent like roses or something. But if it’s lavender win.

>I can’t buy it
For fucks sake inspect your own metaphors the extent to which you’ve replaced your genuine object relations with relations to exchange value is worrisome.

>> No.19356470

don't make me post a söyjak anon, don't make me do it

>> No.19356489

i'm an east coast burger who went to private school and i read all on this list plus
>childhood's end
>the giver
>a bunch of stuff by john steinbeck
>a bunch of stuff by hemingway
>a lot of shakespeare
in middle school. good fucking times man.

>> No.19356499

Your english teacher should have made you read more holocaust books with reading comprehension like that. How about you at least take a quick peek at the wiki link this anon posted

>but how can I be expected to read things

Where the fuck do you think youre at

>> No.19356500

I went to a 90+% Black and Latino district so aside from the required texts for AP English (The Odyssey, etc.), we read a whose who of Black authors.

Not a bad thing because Native Son was good, and Toni Morrison is absolutely top tier, but Their Eyes Were Watching God was absolute shit.

Incoherent plot, over the top. Ends up with a woman fighting her shitty man who legit had rabies while on top of a cow during a hurricane...

>> No.19356512

lmao, literally jew soap. were there lampshades too? can i buy an uncle moishe lampshade?

>> No.19356515

did the haitians make soap out of the french colonists in the haitian revolution? or just in the wars that you are interested in propagandizing?

>> No.19356530

Why are you so adamant on defending the Nazis? We have so much documentation and written history on their war crimes but you insist on arguing about it. Even if you find some of the things Wikipedia says they did hard to believe, why do you care so much you feel the need to nitpick it?

Think about that for a bit.

>> No.19356559
File: 84 KB, 750x278, pols razor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even give a flying fuck about the nazis. But I'm not going to buy that they made literal holocoasters that dumptrucked jews directly into an oven at the end of the ride, freeze-pop jews smashing on the ground, masturbation machines of death, drowning jews in pits of poo poo, trap walls with jagged spikes that shut in on the jews and crush them, or the other nonsense that jews wrote in their holocaust propaganda. what i am interested in is why the weimar republic was never mentioned even once in all my years of schooling but we were force fed jewish propaganda novels every year. no other war in history gets this kind of treatment.

>> No.19356562

eLIE "some things are true that didn't happen" Wiesel

>> No.19356568

He Lie Weasel

>> No.19356577

John Taylor Gatto of "Weapons of Mass Instruction" fame talked about reading Caesar's Gallic Wars with his class of 5th graders
...and not only reading it, but analyzing it as an anthropological case-study in how to divide and defeat a numerically-superior enemy and to pacify and administer a foreign territory, as well as a work of political propaganda (i.e the exaggerated ferocity of the Gauls meant to make Caesars victory seem all the more miraculous).
did school get shittier or did kids get stupider?
its a real chicken-egg scenario

>> No.19356580

Some of the things you mentioned are in fact untrue, but that stuff is hearsay, a lot of which was written during the war when all they really had to go off of was word of mouth. This happens during every historical event. There's a lot of misinformation about the Vietnam War too for the same reasons.

That's not the same as stuff that was tested decades after the war and proven to be legit. And as for not hearing about the Weimar Republic, like I said earlier ITT, my teachers barely went over the Holocaust. I guess they thought it was "too disturbing" to teach kids or something. So that should tell you something about how effective the education system is in this country anyway. Not because they lie, but because they don't go over stuff they should go over.

>> No.19356599

so you're saying some jews indeed lied about what happened during the holocaust?

thanks for playing.

>> No.19356611

Some PEOPLE said misinformation about stuff that happened during the Holocaust, just like every other historical event. So yes, I am saying that not everything that was said about it is true.

>> No.19356619

your post is illegal in over a dozen countries.

>> No.19356636

No it isn't.

>> No.19356702

look up "holocaust denial laws" lmao. Grandma Ursula has been in jail for a decade over similar to what you just said.

>> No.19356765

Saying that there weren't masturbation machines isn't Holocaust denial.

Per Wikipedia, Holocaust deniers deny that there was a program of extermination, that Jews were killed in camps and gas chambers, and that the number wasn't 6 million. Saying that certain details written about when people didn't know exactly what was going on yet probably aren't true isn't Holocaust denial.

Even denying that soap was made from human corpses, which we DO have evidence for, wouldn't qualify as Holocaust denial. It would just be denying one of the things the Nazis did.

>> No.19356896

How many criminal legal systems can you represent clients before mate?

>> No.19356903

Who cares

>> No.19356967
File: 105 KB, 1556x2400, 61rRxM4C2dL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck my sophomore year teachers making me read literal communist propaganda, pic related. ironically enough, had to read harrison bergeron the year before. also, the later two years it wasn't even an english class, but "latin/asian literature studies". african too but i made sure i wasn't in that one. basically hustling a bunch of over exaggerated/lies stories about how x group had x troubles in the past and that's why we need mass immigration forever and ever now.

>> No.19356970

The Chosen is not a bad book. I agree that there is far too much holocaust fiction in the modern instructional repertoire, however.

Also, how fucked up do you have to be to write holocaust fiction? What a strange genre.

>> No.19356988

Uh mate. Nobody in the cruciable was a witch. And the CPUSA let their members not be martyrs. It was bourgeois liberal progressives who were sent down.

>> No.19357009

Picrel was a cocktease

>> No.19357032

Nothing was a cocktease?
How pro feminist man of you.

>> No.19357153
File: 111 KB, 1536x1536, the hate u give.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to read this piece of shit

>> No.19357235

tell us how bad it was
>look through manuscriptwishlist
>see agents all over putting this in their favorites
you have no idea how much i suffer

>> No.19357311

>had to read some YA shit about a guy who gets "depressed" because his brother goes to jail for drunk driving
You know how he gets over it? He's a great football player and he gets a girlfriend who just fixes it.
As someone who was depressed at the time it was just enraging, although it was presented asdoing depressed people some kind of service.

>> No.19357330

>enders game
That doesn't belong in a list of classics

>> No.19357337

what's it about?

>> No.19357340

I'm in sydney and we read lord of the flies and >>19357311
that's it.

>> No.19357399

only ones on there i have read are LOTR, 1984 and mice of men. absolute kino. i cant believe you were given those books to read in school. in my class we only read short poems and shit that i no longer remember. uk public school.

>> No.19357417

britfag here. In history we learned about the roman empire and henry the 8th. that's it.
i took history as a subject in year 10 and 11 (most people didn't, and thus stopped having history lessons for the last 2 years). In those classes we covered WW2 which was great, and American History from WW2 through the Cold War.
To this day I dont know shit about british history

>> No.19357431

>Hated Macbeth and still do, I am too stupid to ever enjoy any Shakespeare (other than R&J)
I read Macbeth in school and a few other Shakespear plays. (The tempest, midsommar nights eve, Twelvth Night)
To this day I love MacBeth. It's like a dark thriller. it's great.

>> No.19357461

Short version is 'a black girl witnesses a police shooting. Shit ensues.' I though it was decent, nothing special, but I guess it came out at just the right time to capitalize on current events and become a massive best seller.

>> No.19357785

To be fair The Cay was read by us in 7th grade, so it might be a bit young for OP's premise.
For high school, let me think.

I got filtered hard by Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.

>> No.19357789

I'm surprised nobody else has posted Great Expectations yet. The book is just incredibly dull, even as an adult.

>> No.19357783

The Cay
Absolute shit book. Also they made us read Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.19358077

>learning about the history and culture of your country and isn't superficial anon
Yeah it would be great to learn about the culture of Abbos, but as I said, the curriculum is superficial in its coverage of them, though oversaturated. Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.

>> No.19358082

Nah, that shit carries on until age 16, it's flat out abysmal.