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/lit/ - Literature

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19351001 No.19351001 [Reply] [Original]

Why traffic on /lit/ decreased so much? Did books fall out of fashion?

>> No.19351017

People are just too busy reading their Greeks.

>> No.19351033
File: 75 KB, 1536x476, decline of lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods have not been doing their job.
Butters is going insane.

Its unironically over.

>> No.19351041

>Mods have not been doing their job.
This. Lots of off-topic threads and on-topic threads being pruned. Not to mention we have /qa/ refugees shitting up the board.

>> No.19351042

what is there to even talk about now that waldunposting is dead?

>> No.19351088

Bots cost too much and US gov ran out of money.
Most of the 8 good posters left.

>> No.19351126

>Why traffic on /lit/ decreased so much?
Many of the people devoted to ideologies that Guenon retroactively refuted found their world-view turned upside down when encountering his ideas here and so they took time off /lit/ to reflect on things....

>> No.19351133

I didn't realize we were back down to 5-6k a day. Based honestly, I hope it goes even lower

>> No.19351194
File: 44 KB, 475x475, IMG_20210824_224054_329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods doing their job a bit too well. I personally like the off topic stuff like pic related but I can see why it gets removed

>> No.19351205

LOL this is my thread i made this months ago.
This is so fucking funny to see rn.
yea that was a complete shitpost

>> No.19351207

Covid became less of a big deal and mosy schools are back in person.

>> No.19351290


What’s going on with that board? Can someone fill me in?

>> No.19351293

>Why traffic on /lit/ decreased so much?
That's A Good Thing

>> No.19351295

>"what are some books that" is allowed a million times a day
>platonism general isn't
Mods are fags.

>> No.19351343

Idk how you guys haven't figured out that you can just make a thread about a specific book related to Platonims and then use it as a general

>> No.19351558

/lit/ always seems the same to me, it's never had much traffic. If we get less traffic it's probably a good thing, I don't feel like dealing w/ tourists from /pol/ and /b/ or anywhere else on a daily basis.

>> No.19351563

Was thinking this earlier. Probably right

Says it’s maintenance

>> No.19351603

You should post tits to attract a diverse audience.

>> No.19351606

/lit/ has literally always been a slower board
In fact, as the board has gotten faster the quality has also noticeably decreased

>> No.19351628

Going to read multiple states in one sitting tonight.

>> No.19351636

My hypothesis is that our philosophy threads are becoming increasingly big brained. Therefore the minimum IQ required to understand and contribute is increasing.

>> No.19351641

I'm pretty good at ignoring trips but Butterfly genuinely is destroying this board and making it unusable. Is there a way to get her banned or possibly murdered?

>> No.19351645

Uuuuuuh. We're in the middle of a global pandemic with 5 million dead and you're wondering why board traffic has slowed? Put two and two together honey.

>> No.19351655

>Open thread
>First reply is by butters
>"I don't know much about x but here's my unsolicited take anyway that's really a non sequitur if you think about it"
>Exit thread

I'm sick of this.

>> No.19351657

/qa/ dox a 4chan mod and they raided another board.

>> No.19351662
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1608210581189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer vacation ended so the kids are gone. also covid is basically done so all the normies are back to bar hopping on friday nights instead of invading my board.

>> No.19351695

People are working two jobs to survive and have no time to read.

>> No.19351895

Seriously, why hasn't she been ban for spamming and low-effort posts?

>> No.19351910

The election ended and people got bored with (political) philosophy posting

>> No.19351922
File: 243 KB, 385x390, DPepeLaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did books fall out of fashion?
>implying there is any relationship between /lit/ and "books" or "what's in fashion".

>> No.19351935

Thank you for your service anon

>> No.19351938

Those people were born poor and thus never had the habit of reading in the first place

>> No.19351961

People started to read books instead of larping, I hope.

>> No.19351989 [DELETED] 

Really, someone should look into making her irl life very difficult with regards from 4chan in an effort to get her to stop. Surely, she has compromised herself and leaked her real identity. After all, 4chan is known for that sort of thing.

>> No.19351996

I believe "she" is just a GPT-3 bot or some mentally ill tranny, bit of a tautology desu

>> No.19351998 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 3088x2320, A3DAEF9F-3892-46BA-997D-B403CBACFCCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started posting pictures of my shitty asshole occasionally hoping to drive out the normies and redditors. Does this mean it’s working?

>> No.19352002

Doesn't look shitty, just hairy.

>> No.19352005

tits should be posted as a final goal or telos
we should psychologically dominate the women & girls until they post tits

>> No.19352006

busiest part of the fall semester

>> No.19352010 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 2320x3088, 71204093-E2DA-4C63-96D2-477471901A0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.19352012

Maybe he's talking about its quality

>> No.19352015 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking tranny / mentally ill. That doesn't mean you can't fuck their shit up. For instance, you can get the state to come in and take care of a person. You can get them evicted. You can make them a pariah in their community. You can ruin someone financially. There are many ways of deterring someone, even if they're mentally ill.

>> No.19352016

tits or gtfo is needed badly, retvrn

>> No.19352020

I'm reading.

>> No.19352022

Based baphnon.

>> No.19352061 [DELETED] 

To be clear, I'm not advocating violence or anything. That's against the rules. I'm just surprised no one has done it, considering this is 4chan.

>> No.19352078

Of course. But that tranny sucks, I filter but that only does so much. It's probqbly a dedicated leftypol discord gayop with multiple people behind the trip probably, considering /lit/ is small it's a viable strategy.
It doesn't take the most powerful Mossad units on Earth to ruin one of the smallest 4chan boards... Just the will of a few trannies.

>> No.19352089

I'm always surprised by how fast /lit/ compared to some of the other once-popular boards. Slowness is only ever a good thing for a board IMO.

>> No.19352090
File: 690 KB, 280x280, F7F8645F-4F75-4201-A844-E38385850808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's probqbly a dedicated leftypol discord gayop with multiple people behind the trip
Someone tell him he’s got his schizophrenia knobs turned up too high

>> No.19352102

I am now horny to turn a schitzophrenics knob.

>> No.19352103

Mods, if you are real, please ban buttholefly.

>> No.19352104

We should fuck

>> No.19352112
File: 44 KB, 228x221, 7A789362-AE17-4C2A-9857-02342FECB787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist of /lit/. I kneel.

>> No.19352131

fucking kek

>> No.19352132


I recently read somewhere that the average book reader of a decade ago has replaced books with artistically pretentious streamable tv shows that last many seasons, like The Sopranos or Breaking Bad.

To me, that simply shows that long novels have always been overrated as an artistic achievement. No one replaces short novels, essays, non fiction, philosophy etc with netflix

>> No.19352137

>Butters is going insane.
Yeah, I barely come here anymore, too many w*men post here nowadays.
At least I'm reading more

>> No.19352170

That's not the same code as the original Epicurean butterfly, not the same tone & emphasis either. As for how many doppelgangers there have been, who knows?

>> No.19352199
File: 183 KB, 314x354, Platon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jannies keep deleting on topic threads as if they were spam. Once a thread becomes too informative/useful/enjoyable they straight up delete it.

This board has the worst jannies immaginable.

>> No.19352203


The Bible ruined letters. Literally like no one was obsessed with all these meandering ass massive books that go nowhere until talmudists started fucking everything up. No h8 desu just what it is!

>> No.19352366 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 1920x1080, 8878B145-9592-4AFB-B5D6-127DAEAF5296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is me though.
This the one you wanna see?

>> No.19352412
File: 29 KB, 500x378, A213BE3B-336A-49CE-8ADE-D418F09EC864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is actually me.
This the one you wanna see?

>> No.19352586

how does it feel that even on internet nobody likes you?

>> No.19352628

Most people just noted that lit is a shithole, that's it.

>> No.19352659

I hope this is a shitpost. Most of our (non-meme) philosophy threads are "what should I read before I read x" tier posts, I have nothing against those but it's not 'high quality' to say the least. There are some good threads that discuss different ideas and such, but they are usually not that deep and only a few of them pop up here and there.
Otherwise the majority of 'philosophy' threads are about Evola, Guenon or some other meme shit. That's the high IQ philosophy to you?
(And of course the psychoposter posts rarely, but he's bit of a meme desu.)

>> No.19352669

I stopped browsing because the absolute state of the board was disgusting. First time even checking the board in more than a month. Chink spam, Gardner spam, troll threads, autists who don't read, this board should be removed from the internet.

>> No.19352670

Based and superiority pilled.

>> No.19352729

Who are the non-meme philosophers?

>> No.19352745

>Butters going insane
Did she actually do something or are you guys just tripping out cuz she's a chick

>> No.19352752

any other reason is fake
Ive got too much work to do to shitpost.

>> No.19352757


>> No.19352759

That psycho Butterfly has been derailing every thread of merit for YEARS. /lit/ is dying because it was allowed to be killed.

>> No.19352765

>1/3 of the threads is '[insert meme] books for this feel'
>the other third is 'book recommendations for a 25 year old virgin white male who wants to kill himself?'
>only the third that remains is valuable content

>> No.19352778

Start with the greeks and work your way up depending on what kind of philosophy you like. Btw 'meme philosopher' doesn't mean they are wrong or shit, just lit retards spamming them.

>> No.19352815

what a pussy lol

>> No.19352824

>everything that isn't yecarthy, moby dick or dosto is strictly off-limits because it's not based and redpilled enough for election tourists

>> No.19352851

Tourist numbers are down. I’ve only summarised Catcher in the Rye twice today.

>> No.19352921

There's two porn threads right now, yet mods won't remove them.

>> No.19352925


>> No.19352955

Does /lit/ even have mods?

>> No.19352958

>board is bad
>board is unpopular
make good threads then, simple as

>> No.19352963

Janitors are board specific. Mods are universal.

>> No.19352976

So is everyone here from uni? Buncha kids

>> No.19352990 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 685x287, booksoutoffashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did books fall out of fashion?
Yes, it's all gay porn now.

>> No.19353007

/his/ is instant repulsion— absolutely no sincere religiosity of the kind your I find on some rare threads in /lit/. What I dread is the inevitable fate of collective faggotry and mania—the same disease which corrupted r9k beyond mortal limits. When /lit/ falls, assuming it hasn’t yet, will I have the willpower to leave?

>> No.19353036
File: 503 KB, 945x1154, 1635351245603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just gotta make a campaign to block her trip for the good of the board. She ruins every thread with her presence, is never going to change/admit when she's wrong, and making fun of her—while fun—is a distraction. I know the response is, "we aren't your personal army," but this is for the good of /lit/.
P.S. can you filter on mobile?

>> No.19353096

Everyone is isolated so they use their phones and don't read. It makes people less lonely but kills their focus.
Holy shit. I honestly knew /lit/ was small but this is a sub sub sub culture.

Randomly - requesting prayers from anons. I had my either/or and I made a choice and need strength.

>> No.19353291

We're with you, anon.

>> No.19353311

why are so many anons so butthurt over one tripfag posting here? they literally can't stop replying to her? they want to fuck her? over the internet? or they go all awooga awooga when they see a woman? is it unironically so hard to ignore? is it a meme and why am i not laughing anymore?

>> No.19353315
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1160625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where will i go when this board is inevitably flooded with us identity politics and bullshit "memes"?

>> No.19353324

This has been my first time on here in at least 3 months.
The only reason I browsed the the board anyways was for recommendations.

>> No.19353509

I've stopped using it because there's rarely something new on here. It's the same tinder authors who spark some debate (Peterson, bukowski, etc.) Without any insight. I've moved to /fit/, where they're at least transparent about their meat-headedness

>> No.19353530

is this posts? I'd definitely be making more posts if agitators like butterfly weren't shitting up any attempt at discussion because they are hermits that live off of (you)s.

>> No.19353679

Go to settings, filters and post hiding, edit, add, copy and paste the tripcode (something like « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !!bGBGaUpA8kS ), check auto and hide, then save and save settings, then refresh
probably a good idea to copy paste this anytime the tranny posts anything also

>> No.19353686

also if you're retarded like me, plz note that to do this you have to click on settings when not in the catalog, e.g. when in a thread... otherwise the option isn't available

now if only everyone did the same and didn't respond, she'd be nonexistent.

>> No.19353698

This is the truth. Dubs confirm.