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/lit/ - Literature

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19350810 No.19350810 [Reply] [Original]

Dakota bros, will you buy her novel? She said she is writing a novel and that it will be published soon. I am assuming self-published but maybe some local independent press is publishing her. Anyways, I for one will buy it. I want to support Dakota. If it end up being bad I will have the balls to say it is bad. Also do you think KD will review her book if we put it on his radar? I'm just hoping to avoid another TLD/L'Académie disaster.

To the Jannie, this thread is for the discussion of the writing and future novel of the writer Dakota Warren. Exemplars of her writing can be found on her blog, nowheregirl

>> No.19350817

waifufags are so disturbing

>> No.19350820

Waldun 2.0???
What is with these Aussie hacks?

>> No.19350826

No, she is fat, ugly, and Australian.
She is the white female Waldun (without the pseud charm).

>> No.19350833

Based she probably deserves the /lit/ treatment more than he did.

>> No.19350836

She isn't fat. Check out her tiktok sp3llb00k. There are full body videos as of two days ago.

>> No.19350848

She is from Melbourne too. Probably goes to the same university and in the same degree track as Waldun. Wouldn't be surprised if she personally knows him or of him.

>> No.19350852

You should have spent your time reading instead of making this picture.

>> No.19350853

Why simp for these women. It’s not fun or cute and it genuinely makes you seem mentally ill.

>> No.19350857

Is it even worth it to put anything online if you're not an ethot or some high level corporate sponsor personality? I feel like you could post a novel here which is one of the best places on the internet with the most actually interested people, for free, and nobody would even try reading the first page unless it's something meme worthy they can joke about. Is there even a point? When you put something online it's like it doesn't exist and in order to have it exist you have to surround it with absurd tactics to get attention. If you don't have a vagina it's like 10 times harder. Is it straight up a waste of time?

>> No.19350863

It took 5 seconds to make that picture. As in the 5 seconds I was wiping my ass on the toilet.

>> No.19350867

Just another character in the Waldun literary universe

>> No.19350868

Congrats dude you figured it out, almost nothing produced on the internet is good because that’s not what people want. If you want to attempt anything genuine or serious log off and make some irl friends to share ideas with.

>> No.19350873

Only if it includes her nudes

>> No.19350881
File: 1.14 MB, 1125x1718, 90D7DCBD-85AF-4BA5-A1C9-DF662ACCEFFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what her tiktok is for

>> No.19352221

That’s not nude. That’s intimate.