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File: 504 KB, 510x680, white privilidge kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19349955 No.19349955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books does her mother read?

>> No.19349959

harry potter

>> No.19349969

Unless she's jewish, she's not truly privileged. My guess is she's forced to read critical race theory propaganda but in the shape of children's books.

>> No.19349970

i wish my mum took pics like this of me so i'd have a cool twitter dp

>> No.19349999
File: 78 KB, 450x450, 9780593110416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19350015

Why is the word "privileged" written with the LGBTQBLM colors?

>> No.19350062

Babies are shit as protective vests during riots.

>> No.19350069
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x4032, 1635394239925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT The Shitkickers

>> No.19350077

>trolling the trolls or how to make poltards seethe: 4 rules to true power (baby troll edition) chinese thesaurus edition

>> No.19350085

What happened to your plans on self binding your book?

>> No.19350164


>> No.19351313


>> No.19351380

It's incredibly trite to say but this whole BLM/queer/trans anti-white victimhood ideology really is like a religion that taints every corner of the believer's psyche and inspires them to believe, do, and say the most asinine things with complete conviction. Like religious fanatics they want to destroy dissidents who they can't convert, either financially, socially, or physically, and they seem to feel their doctrine gives them a divine morality. Like evangelicals, they believe complete adherence to their doctrine will ultimately result in utopia, but a worldly, cosmopolitan, egalitarian one.

I know that's incredibly pseudy, I'm sure some smart people have done thorough analyses of what I'm trying to describe.

>> No.19351406

yes, and you might not like it, but Nietzsche has

>> No.19351432

Lessons for the Nigger Goyim from the Talmud
by Rabbi Mordecai Shekelthief

>> No.19351444

>Nietzsche has

>> No.19351465

I have to say, Vigilantes are not to be praised, but if the mother was to go on a mandatory soul searching journey at the bottom of the bay, I can't say I'd be crying.

>> No.19351489

To clarify, I'm also against the Youngins for Youngnkin signs and the like, but setting your child up to feel ashamed of themselves based on immutable characteristics is much worse than simply using them as political pawns. You're an ass hat if you use your kids for political purposes. You're actively harming your children if your insist that they are responsible for their their ancestors actions and/or teach them to inherently judge based on immutable characteristics.
Also, the parents read
>Ibram X Kendi
>Robin D'Angelo (since the father works as a delivery driver for Coke)

In other news. Just found this:

>> No.19351607
File: 41 KB, 806x605, b0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not BLM of course but I remember him pointing this out several times about Socialism, and about advocates of higher justice in general: That this is a kind of secularized Christianity which seeks to establish the kingdom of heavens right here on earth. Consequently, what we would call SJWs are crusaders for what you describe: They love to tell you it's all for the better, but they will be the most cruel and cold-blooded inquisitors of all. Incidentally, I'm a drunk Yuropoor at 3 am who has just moved to a new flat and my books are still in the box in pic related so I'm not gonna look it up right now, sawry. I've read all of his works multiple times and rn I'd say you will find instances of this in Genealogy of Morals or whatever the English translation is called, my edition is actually right there in that pic

>> No.19351615

yeah I'm drunk
was for
unrelated but the orange book in the box is a facsimile edition of Sebastian Brandt's Ship of Fools with ultra-kino woodcut illustrations by (supposedly) a young Albrecht Dürer

>> No.19351688

>Reading books