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/lit/ - Literature

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19349770 No.19349770 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related.

>> No.19349778

Any brautigan

>> No.19349792

Yeah. It's a shame only, like, 100 pages are good and the rest is just dull nothing. The clock and the duck are golden.

>> No.19349796

American Psycho
Gravity's Rainbow
Some of Plato's dialogues
Various Shakespeare
Finnegan's Wake

>> No.19349800
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i laugh all the time when reading. it doesn't have to be because it's funny either. i tend to laugh joyously when an author does something surprising and fun
i love reading, you guys

>> No.19349805


>> No.19349862

don't forget vroom's daughters

>> No.19349868

Dickens, Raymond Chandler.

>> No.19349875

Patrick Bateman forcing his date to read his "poem" in the restaurant

>> No.19349876

Satantango, at the bar owner's seething rage at everything, but especially at the spiders in his bar.

>> No.19349882
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Also American Psycho

>> No.19349894
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>> No.19349943

nearly all of them desu

>> No.19349960
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>> No.19349978

krasz is fucking hilarious in general

>> No.19349988

I've got Satantango, been meaning to read it. Good to know it's not fucking boring like the film.

>> No.19350003

I can't remember the specifics but there's a nigger joke in In Search of Lost Time somewhere and it's not all that funny but it gets you with the sheer unexpectedness of it.

>> No.19350264

The ones that I remember the best are:
Molloy every 5 pages or so.
The Stranger when they're talking about their engagement and he keeps explaining that he'd have done it with anyone else because it doesn't matter or when he says he wasn't calling the police when the woman was being beaten because he didn't like police.
The Trial.
Most of Kharm's short stories from Today I Wrote Nothing.
Satantango when the clerk and typist are breaking their heads to edit Irimiás report that's full of subjectivities to a more official non personal document.

>> No.19350294
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>> No.19350307

>the were-beaver sketch

>> No.19351818


>> No.19351823
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It’s actually hilarious.

>> No.19351837
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damn I really liked this book
gonna have to read it again

>> No.19351850

Real Ultimate Power

>> No.19352271
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"the boy with the red hunting cap said. —Queers dominate writing, they dominate the theater, they dominate art. Just try to find a gallery where you can show your pictures if you're not a queer, he added, raising a cigarette between paint-encrusted fingers. —What do you think women look so damned foolish for
today? It's because queers design their clothes, queers dictate women's fashions, queers do their hair, queers do all the photography in the fashion magazines. They're purposely making women look more and more idiotic until nobody will want to go to bed with one. It's a conspiracy."

>> No.19352310
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>a wild colleague appears

>> No.19352341


>> No.19352383
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>> No.19352395

Moby dick

>> No.19352499


>> No.19353352
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The book is overall pretty tragic, but some parts made me laugh hysterically because they are pretty relateable. Like all the stuff about the aphids. and the scene with the mega aphid

>> No.19354601

Anything involving Harrogate is hilarious.

>> No.19354620

Can't remember when, but one of Dmitri's rambles in Brothers Karamazov

>> No.19354663

i often laugh like a retard while reading. Not just because the described situation or the writing is funny but because some vaguely associated thought forms in my dummy brain, which makes a sentence or the plot 1000x more funny

>> No.19354673
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>> No.19354681

Lolita either made me laugh or cry depending on the chapter

>> No.19355381

Don Quixote

>> No.19355403

>Here's a tip, get a real job you fucking nigger

As for me, the Toothbrush by Jorge Díaz.
The play is about two people who are insane, and in one moment they're talking about meeting secretly in a public place and giving signs to eachother
>I'm gonna wear a purple rose!
>And I'm gonna park it in the forbidden direction!
>My paraplegic grandfather.

>> No.19356071
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Rabelais is the supreme comedian. Some of the funniest things I have ever read/seen/heard. And full of ineluctable wisdom too

Oblomov, Gravity's Rainbow, Mason & Dixon too
yes molloy was funny but very uncomfortable

>> No.19356080
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>> No.19356100

I remember one year /lit/ developed an obsession with Today I Wrote Nothing. There were threads about it nearly every day.

>> No.19356112

God bless you anon

>> No.19356210

Kek. This gets even funnier when I replace queers for faggots when reading.
Also, pretty based extract.

>> No.19357486

Is it really that funny? Been putting this one off.

>> No.19357521

brothers karamazov and crime and punishment both made me laugh out loud at times

>> No.19357531

It was written in 1955 too
The mind boggles

>> No.19357549

The first 2 chapters are fantastic

>> No.19358234
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I had some good laughs from this.