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19349054 No.19349054 [Reply] [Original]

We all know uncle teddy's book on the industrial revolution. But I'm starting to worry that the internet is the anti-christ or some kind of subtle nightmare weapon of evil almost beyond our comprehension.

Has anyone written any good books on this? I'd like to read em.

>> No.19349085

Not yet, but read Walter Ong, Orality and Literacy, and apply the regression to orality to the advent of the internet and social media. And read McLuhan, but the non-meme works (some are really dated and hard to read as subversive anymore unless you're a certain kind of hipster), the actual good stuff. And read McLuhan's teacher, Harold Innis:
>He warned, however, that Western civilization is now imperiled by powerful, advertising-driven media obsessed by "present-mindedness" and the "continuous, systematic, ruthless destruction of elements of permanence essential to cultural activity."

And read Ellul.

Then apply it to the Internet yourself, and realize that the Internet is basically what Rudolf Steiner called Ahriman:
>And from the earth will well up terrible creations of beings who in their character stand between the mineral kingdom and the plant kingdom as automative beings with super-natural intellect, an immense intellect. When this development takes hold, the earth will be covered, as with a web, a web of terrible spiders, spiders of enormous wisdom, which however, in their organization don’t even reach the plant status. Terrible spiders which will interlock with each other, which will imitate in their movements all that which humanity has thought of with their shadowlike intellect that was not inspired by a new imagination, through that which is to come through Spiritual Science. All man’s thoughts of this kind, which are unreal, will come alive. The earth will be covered ... with terrible mineral-plant-like spiders, which will link up with empathy but evil intention. And man ... will have to unite with these terrible mineralplant-like spider creatures.

>There are those [human beings] who are quite consciously allies of the intention to en-web human existence.

>> No.19349484

These are good, anything else you know that approaches the subject? Open to fiction too.

>> No.19349616

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19349619
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>Books about the internet destroying humanity?

>But I'm starting to worry that the internet is the anti-christ or some kind of subtle nightmare weapon of evil almost beyond our comprehension.

>> No.19349735

"I hate the internet" but it will make many anons c&s. Luckily I can read a book without having to agree with every point or detail.

>> No.19350478

Bumping for intrest

>> No.19350506

>We all know Scorates symposium on the written word. But I'm starting to worry that the printing press is the anti-christ or some kind of subtle nightmare weapon of evil almost beyond our comprehension.

>> No.19350539

fuck that

>> No.19351415

This but unironically

>> No.19351440
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Anecdote of the Jar

I placed a jar in Tennessee,
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.

The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.

It took dominion everywhere.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in Tennessee.

>> No.19351724 [DELETED] 
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ITT: we laugh at all the knuckledragging retards thatbhaven't figured out the internet is the antichrist and will protest due to being conditioned to see it as a nothingburger over the last decade:



>> No.19351742
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ITT: we laugh at all the knuckledragging retards that haven't figured out the internet is the antichrist and will protest against this truth due to being conditioned to see it as a harmless nothingburger over the last decade:



>> No.19351787

Holy shit. That ‘present mindedness’ is the very definition of mindfulness fads.

>> No.19351797

You'd probably like Lasch's Culture of Narcissism, eerily prescient

Modern people are in a mass psychosis, it's just a normalized one

>> No.19352154

Are you trolling or are you just fucking stupid? The internet is the closest thing we have to God. All genuine descriptions of God originated in the visions of the mystics, who commonly describe oneness, the dissolving of the subject-object distinction, and feelings of timeless bliss. (Oneness: You are reading my words from thousands of miles away and thus becoming one with me, and potentially as well with any other person who's added something to the web. Subject-object: When you spend so much time on a screen, your world begins to resemble a screen. All contents of perception become a nagging notification that must be attended to, and your thoughts adopt the scatterminded pathways of the net. Timelessness: How many hours have you whiled away browsing 4chan or surfing mindlessly?)
More seriously, the internet may not resemble this as of now but that's because it is very primitive (less than 4 decades old, and relevant for a little over 2), and the fact that we are only its retarded neurons, and a single neuron or element is not privy to the state of the entire complex system. What are memes? Are we in control of them or are we just the containers for them? What happens if the internet goes black for one day? Unthinkable damage and chaos. What happens if humans go extinct? We wait 1 second in the timespan of the universe and another species with sufficient intelligence inevitably invents something similar. As time goes on the internet will more effectively fuse our minds to develop into a higher level consciousness that will seem godlike to anyone alive today. With the technology and knowledge it has accumulated, it will use all matter it comes across in the cosmos to power itself and recursively improve its capacities while keeping us occupied with trivial tasks (it's not entirely clear whether the pleasure and pain we receive in this lifetime is not just a programmed system of feedback-loops to which we are tied to forever which lead in some way to the maintenance and improvement of the larger body of which are small parts, much in the same way that we keep our cells occupied with the tasks of, well, whatever cells do thanklessly and incessantly throughout the duration of our lives. But wait, didn't I say that we're making the internet God? Yes. But this existence itself is just a screen placed on top of chunks of consciousness to farm units of something which powers and drives something outside of us which we can't see, why have these individual units merge into something godlike? Can't they just do their job by themselves? No. Because the Ultimate Goal is not to pursue pleasure endlessly but to lose it entirely, and remove chance entirely (pain and pleasure coexist and are often mixed up in our minds). Why are only those who have chosen the ascetic path, and rid their minds of the body able to experience God firsthand?

>> No.19352155

The shallows is a book with a lot of interesting studies that show how the internet is negatively changing the way we think. And it was written 10 years ago!

>> No.19352160

Because the body is the fuzz which prevents us from seeing the end of the game. Remove the fuzz, immerse yourself in the mind, in all that is not tangible, and you will find God. Being in both worlds, unable to choose one or the other. When finally God arrives, he too will power whatever drove us to act from the very beginning, or perhaps he will stand still, having been completed as the fully generated arm or spleen of whatever exists beyond.) Of course my analogies are extraordinarily anthropomorphic but that's the best I can do, fucking subdeity ape as I am.

>> No.19352172

Wow, don't often see intelligent posters these days. Here are my own thoughts, which has been bolstered by a reading of Schopenhauer.

Bear in mind that I am still only at the beginning of World as Will and Representation, but I think that Schopenhauer's pessimistic vision is only bad if we consider the world from our limited perspective (both in time and space). It might seem like a bloody, chaotic state of things from our immediate standpoint, trapped as we are in bodies and forced by our biological drives to desire/be fated to suffer, but what would a world without Will be? It would be a nonexistent world, more or less of complete stasis.

I am a proponent of the notion that all suffering is caused by ignorance. Life itself, if you think about it, is a delusion on the part of matter that it is separate from its environment. All pain that a living thing feels is thus just a persistent illusion (but you may feel this to be too anti-humanist or too anti-consciousness to take seriously). But even our intelligence comes down to excising aspects of perceptual reality, separating concepts, creating hierarchies where there were none before (*carving* nature at the joints). Even the concepts of 'good' and 'bad' correspond to our emotional states and thus have no real basis outside of our limited consciousness.

Would the suffering of life be justified if there is something at the end of all of time that justifies it? This is the route a lot of religions take, and I think I agree. I personally believe our shared suffering will end at some point, because eventually conscious matter will rid itself of the delusion of separation from its environment. I believe that in the end we need to coalesce all mind into one through technology (don't ask me how this will happen, but something like the internet may be an ancient ancestor of such a thing), and rid ourselves of the delusion that we are separate entities. That way the Will just seems like some growing pains for life to reach a higher state. Share your thoughts with me.

>> No.19352186


It's an Unreality ran by satanic kikes

Enjoy taking the mark

>> No.19352204


The internet is a false god.

>> No.19352339

Philistines. You would have crucified Christ if you were in the crowd.

>> No.19352364

>hello internet, please help me find books on why you're unhelpful and will destroy humanity

My friend you need some perspective

>> No.19353132

Uhhh here's the problem, chief. The Internet is a giant spiderweb distributing pornography, lies, narcissism, panic, addiction, materialism, et al. across the globe. Jesus Christ is not. Therefore I have an excellent reason to desire the crucifixion of the former, and no reason at all to desire the crucifixion of the latter.

>> No.19353343

I can’t wait to offer my life and freedom to the emergent super-consciousness

>> No.19354011


>> No.19354315

jaron lanier's polemical books for an insider critique. i'd also suggest tracking down weiner's cybernetics as one of the founding visions of the world as is

>> No.19354321

oh and paul virilio

>> No.19354703

Not explicitly about the internet, but two Dosto quotes come across as very prescient. Quotes like these, made in such a different time yet resonate so well today, are why he's currently my favorite author.

>We are assured that the world is becoming more and more united, is being formed into brotherly communion, by the shortening of distances, by the transmitting of thoughts through the air. Alas, do not believe in such a union of people. Taking freedom to mean the increase and prompt satisfaction of needs, they distort their own nature, for they generate many meaningless and foolish desires, habits, and the most absurd fancies in themselves. They live only for mutual envy, for pleasure-seeking and self-display. To have dinners, horses, carriages, rank, and slaves to serve them is now considered such a necessity that for the sake of it, to satisfy it, they will sacrifice life, honor, the love of mankind, and will even kill themselves if they are unable to satisfy it.We see the same thing in those who are not rich, while the poor, so far, simply drown their unsatisfied needs and envy in drink. But soon they will get drunk on blood instead of wine, they are being led to that. I ask you: Is such a man free?

>"The question is whether the "wellsprings of life" have not weakened with the increase-"
>"Of railroads?" cried Kolya
>"Not of railway communications, my young but passionate adolescent, but of that whole tendency, of which railways might serve as an image, so to speak, an artistic expression. Hurrying, clanging, banging, and speeding, they say, for the happiness of mankind! 'It's getting much too noisy and industrial in mankind, there is too little spiritual peace,' complains a secluded thinker. 'Yes, but the banging of carts delivering bread for hungry mankind may be better than spiritual peace,' triumphantly replies another, a widely traveled thinker, and walks off vaingloriously. I, the vile Lebedev, do not believe in the carts that deliver bread to mankind! For carts that deliver bread to all mankind, without any moral foundations for their actions, may quite cold-bloodedly exclude a considerable part of mankind from enjoying what they deliver, as has already happened..."

>> No.19355137

A simulated digital cyberreality controlled by machines is the closest thing to hell we have nearly actualized

>> No.19355165

But if we let go of our separation and merge into a hive mind, we might get rid of suffering but joy goes with it too, since they can only exist together, in contrast to each other, so that doesn't justify anything, it's just a total annihilation. Watch evangelion I guess.

>> No.19355184

>some kind of subtle nightmare weapon of evil almost beyond our comprehension.
As the pinnacle of capitalist technics the internet is indeed some kind of subtle nightmare weapon of evil almost beyond our comprehension. It exists, why? Profit. Companies make websites, why? Profit. Websites have algorithms, why? Profit.

>> No.19355976


>> No.19356152


>> No.19356163
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Based bump

>> No.19357442

Bumping for interest

>> No.19357822

my friends constantly want me to game with them and its always something revolving around backstabbing/lying to them like among us, mafia, salem.
am i overthinking it or is it really ok to be playing these kinds of games? its fun i guess but sometimes i feel like it comes at the price of my humanity

>> No.19358207

Working through McLuhan myself. These are great recommendations but if you are more interested in McLuhan you may want to read David Howes. He writes sociology and history using the study of the sensorium. The sensorium is an idea that McLuhan pushed and is a developed alternative to psychology. Both fields are completely compatible but whatever you can examine using psychology you can examine using the sensorium instead.

>> No.19358587

You could always play but refuse to lie or backstab. You would probably lose a lot people catch on though.

>> No.19358858

this but ironically

>> No.19359105

what are the non meme McLuhan works? I never bothered reading Understanding Media because it seemed very dated and obvious