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File: 31 KB, 600x584, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19344155 No.19344155 [Reply] [Original]

Many philosophers and authors sought the answer to the meaning of life but no one agrees on anything universally. No one.

Just stop playing fucking games and agree on something dammit. It's either that or life is meaningless or subjective.

>> No.19344220

trying to attribute objective meaning to life is peak ant mentality

>> No.19344234
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But why?

>> No.19344250

Fuck off, kid. Life is all about having sex and eating, that's the objective truth. Your esoteric shit is manmade by schizoids.

>> No.19344267

I disagree with the your whole premise that it's important or desirable for us to agree on anything
Now what, retard?

>> No.19344270

>but no one agrees on anything universally
But anon, they do.

>> No.19344272

>*buzz buzz buzz*
>*chirp chirp chirp*

>> No.19344284

IT IS important because when someone actually finds the meaning of life or has already found it there's always going to be some retard who disagrees and then other retards will disagree too then no one can actually come to a consensus and we're all split on this.


>> No.19344300

hi sir. what is up with you lately? are you feeling alright? much love sincerely kylie

>> No.19344321

Hi...its kylie brown

>> No.19344322

>It's either this or that
lame game anon, read a book

>> No.19344387

That's because philosophy is worthless and the core of human experience isn't sitting in a room thinking, it's going outside and living your life to the fullest.

>> No.19344423

Meaning is a function inside of your brain.
The function mostly operates the same way for everyone but the output is different, so as the inputs.
Obviously you therefore have multiple answers.

>> No.19344426

A hollow, futile pursuit.

>> No.19344585

It's all cope. The only reason you look for meaning is to try and make your life more comfy.

>> No.19344612

i'm already quite content that i've found the meaning of life and it's not contingent on whether or not other people disagree with me
maybe you'd feel better about this if you were more content with your own understanding of things

>> No.19344636

I think what’s more important than us agreeing on what the meaning of life is is what we individually garner from asking the question. It’s not about finding the truth, it’s about finding our truths.

>> No.19344651

everyone agrees that people are shit

>> No.19344673

What a gay answer. You just put forward a statement that implied an objective meaning, that there is a 'hidden' point, that we should try to accumulate some sort of mental gain. Why? Either there is an objective meaning, in which case we should ascertain what it is and pursue it, or there isn't, and what we do is totally, completely, irrelevant.

>> No.19344757

Stop being cucked by western philosophy. The eastern canon implicitly agrees on the meaning of life and that assertion endures to this day.

>> No.19344779

Modern philosophy especially in the 20th century become about trying to become a pop "intellectual". You can't become a famous "genius" if you agree with others. You gotta have your original theory.

We shouldn't use the same word "philosophy" to name the thing that the ancients and medievals were doing and the thing that moderns and contemporaries are doing. They aren't the same thing at all.

>> No.19344790
File: 3.23 MB, 1536x6912, Catholic Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just stop playing fucking games and agree on something dammit.

We all agree on pic related, or at least a billion of us do.

>It's either that or life is meaningless or subjective.

It would be a pity if you thought so, and lived the rest of your life that way.

>> No.19344817

If most Catholics were held to the rules of the Catechism, they would be excommunicated.
If most Catholics actually read and comprehended their doctrine, they would no longer wish to follow it.
t. Went to Catholic school, taught by teachers who fundamentally misunderstood core Catholic theology.

>> No.19345091
File: 553 KB, 1691x2560, Case for Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If most Catholics were held to the rules of the Catechism, they would be excommunicated.
Perhaps. And perhaps they would repent if they were faced with that prospect.

>If most Catholics actually read and comprehended their doctrine, they would no longer wish to follow it.
I really doubt that. It would effectively put them into the same boat as the OP, which, with all due respect to the OP, is not a particularly happy place to be.

In any event, pic related is a good intro to a key question. And the Catholic Catechism is an accessible introduction to basic doctrine.

>> No.19345313

>it's going outside and living your life
any philosophy worth its salt derives from this

>> No.19345321
File: 308 KB, 545x522, 1618276251655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many philosophers and authors sought the answer to the meaning of life but no one agrees on anything universally. No one.
Wonder why that is...
Is it maybe because it's all arbitrary and pointless after all? Could that be...?

>> No.19345327

>Life is all about having sex and eating, that's the objective truth
That's not even true. Sex and eating is how we got here. No one has to continue that.

>> No.19345330

>maybe because it's all arbitrary

Look in the mirror. Does not the symmetry of your eyes, nostrils, teeth, ears, brain, hands and balls argue against that? Not to even mention the elegant points where the paired symmetries press together, as it were, into a single point, like your belly button and the hole at the tip of your dick.

>> No.19345335

I choose to continue with the eating, but not so much with the sex.
Tasty and guilt-free.

>> No.19345371

its not too coincidential that "simmetry" is like the symmetry of our eyes, nostrils, teeths, etc ...

>> No.19345375
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I'm glad you found something for yourself.

>> No.19345378
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Anyone who says life is meaningless has never really lived

>> No.19345384
File: 72 KB, 640x640, 1519683390604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off, kid. Life is all about having sex and eating, that's the objective truth. Your esoteric shit is manmade by schizoids.

>> No.19345390

philosophy is the result of a life lived, retard

>> No.19345396

I see others "living" and how meaningless it is
life is just repetition after 22 years or so

>> No.19345446
File: 1.11 MB, 3058x1720, IMG_20150529_081511_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... I disagree respectfully.

I get ruthlessly made fun of for printing my own books and having a ridiculous idea that I can somehow sustain myself while being independent. Yet, somehow, I persist.

The reason?

I always have to adapt.

Every single day is a new challenge. My car is running rich, my minivan blew the head gasket, my blade needs to be sharpened. The company I have done freelance work for has gone tits up, only to re-appear later working again but the money they owe me for writing has mysteriously changed. I cannot use my charm and personality to sell books, only online, and who I am translates poorly in a digital medium.

If you battle for things, repetition fades away. But battle for the right things, anon, and you will always feel fulfilled.

>> No.19345504

The same reason we don't understand where everything came from. These questions are end expressions of evolved drivers that helped us in our environment. A beginning has meaning to us in such a way we can't fathom there being no beginning. Evolution sharpens us against our environment, not something that isn't there. We only have the tools that have helped us. If we didn't evolve it where exactly could it come from? I'm not a dualist. So all that to say, we aren't equipped to answer these questions.

>> No.19345521

Life is suffering. The meaning of life is to overcome said suffering, and if not, to lead a good life in spite of it. Anyone who disagrees is, uh, I don't even know what to call them. Less than human
>inb4 hurr what is good
You know it when you see it. You have have the forbidden fruit and Jung to thank for that.

>> No.19345528

Life's about living, ain't nothing more to it, it's its own purpose

>> No.19345645

It might seem hard to believe, but it's true.
For example, discussing Aquinas with most average Catholics, I find that they find his proofs utterly unconvincing. When the average Catholic is actually faced with doctrine, they often find something to reject in it. Most Catholics are only Catholics because they were born into it and never cared to understand what they claim to believe.
There's a reason mass was only given in a language they laypeople couldn't understand for most of catholic history. They don't want you to understand it, they want you to follow.

>> No.19345727

>life is suffering
>The meaning of life is to overcome said suffering
If I were to die, I would've overcame my suffering quite handily. And yet, I don't think you support that.

>> No.19345736
File: 544 KB, 3244x2433, 1627189548519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On this question, the pronouncements of highly learned men are so varied and so much at odds with each other that inevitably they strongly suggest that the explanation is human ignorance, and that the Academics have been wise to withhold assent on matters of such uncertainty; for what can be more degrading than rash judgement, and what can be so rash and unworthy of the serious and sustained attention of a philosopher, as either to hold a false opinion or to defend without hesitation propositions inadequately examined and grasped?
—Cicero, The Nature of the Gods

Start with the Sceptics

>> No.19345759


>> No.19345775
File: 122 KB, 1009x567, Frank’s Bacon Cheeseburger_2019-01-30_9355_TSUCALAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one agrees on anything universally
i want this cheeseburger and we can both agree on that

>> No.19345803

Not him.
But isn't that just avoiding suffering, and not overcoming it?

>> No.19345812

Subjectivity I can say tomatoes are bad on a cheese burger but I objectively do not like tomatoes on cheeseburgers.

>> No.19345817

There is an extremely small chance that you dont exist. How could you want a burger if you're not real?

>> No.19345920
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good to me

>There is an extremely small chance that you dont exist. How could you want a burger if you're not real?
someday i won't but insofar as this thread can be archived i will be preserved in a state of longing forever i suppose. in this very moment, wanting a burger, frozen in time

or it's a thing like the Matrix i guess. neither i nor the burger am real and it's all a computer simulation. but damn i'm not getting any less hungry thinking about it