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19342428 No.19342428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19342441

The meter.

>> No.19342445

A Thousand and One Nights

>> No.19342453

They mentioned magic mountain and Knausgård on are ent clip I saw.

>> No.19342457

Online conspiracy theories

>> No.19342464

He mentioned he’s read all of Raymond Chandler, when he discussed the racial slur “shine”

>> No.19342476 [DELETED] 

This and the only one where they talk about Philip Roth were super comfy. It’s a shame they don’t talk about books more but I guess that’s not what the audience wants to hear and goes against the irreverent spirit of the podcast anyway.

>> No.19342480

Cantar de mio Cid

>> No.19342481

He did a bit about rdr2 having a blood meridian dlc

>> No.19342484

>implying this is nick from cumtown
you sure? unless i'm gay for taking everything he says literally, he claims the only 2 books he's read to completion was Blood Meridian and some other shit. Although i think this is just a gay ass entp cope to not be vulnerable and admit to what really fancy's him.

>> No.19342488

blood meridian and the power broker
stav reads the greeks and hamburger magazine
adam pretends to read infinite jest

>> No.19342489

This is what happens when you read Osprey Publishing books with 0 rest.

>> No.19342495

This and the other one where they talk about Philip Roth were super comfy. It’s a shame they don’t talk about books more but I guess that’s not what the audience wants to hear and goes against the irreverent spirit of the podcast anyway.

>> No.19342496


>> No.19342516

*on a recent clip.

>> No.19342562


There was a photo of him in an apartment in front of a shelf with some serious lit and left nonfiction but that was probably from when he lived with Amber and those were her books.

>> No.19342577

His lord's writ and his estate's ledgers.

>> No.19342618

what is the appeal of red scare? I listened to a couple of episodes (including the one with nick on) and it was neither funny nor informative.

>> No.19342758

Books of chivalry until he reads don Quixote and says he was only doing it ironically.

>> No.19342990

he mentioned Stop Time once, they did a bit about of mice and men

>> No.19343000

reading is gay

>> No.19343261

St. Augustine’s Confessions

>> No.19343321

He LARPs in /his/ threads as Charles Martel

>> No.19343364
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Since I've learned that the Greeks and medieval people exclusively read aloud I can't take them serious anymore. Wtf were they thinking

>> No.19343652

What episode was that?

>> No.19343656

I can't answer your question but Amber is Chapo Trap House not Red Scare

>> No.19343716

The N-Word of the Narcissus

>> No.19343722

The bloc party video he brought up was only ever discussed on /pol/ prior to that episode, he is on here for sure

>> No.19343826

Firstly, this is wrong. Medieval people didn't read aloud, only ancients did. Medievals read silently. That is the whole point. Silent reading became mainstream alongside the monastic culture that developed in early Christianity.

Secondlytheancientsdidnthavespacesinmostoftheirbooks. Inthatcaseitisactuallyeasierwhenyoureaditaloud.

Thirdly, and most importantly: the ancient languages, especially Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit, had a certain "moraic" dimension of their pronunciation, distinguishing "heavy" and "light" syllables. This property, which of course enabled the sophisticated quantitative verses of ancient poetry, also influenced the prose language. A sentence of Greek or Latin has, implicit in its words, a kind of inherent metrical, musical "rhythm" to it, which is very pleasant and gratifying to say out loud. It is likely that the musical quality of their languages impelled the ancients to consider reading aloud to be natural---while reading silently was an inferior type of reading, a partial reading, suitable only for the most practical purposes. And it is not a coincidence that the disappearance of the moraic pronunciation coincided with the beginning of the Middle Ages and the monks' silent reading.

>> No.19343899

Fair enough. is Chapo good if i like cumtown?

>> No.19343909


Amber did the recording for early Cumtown.

Red Scare is a listening-to-your-girlfriend simulator the same way Cumtown is a hanging-with-your-bros simulator.

I don't listen to RS often, but it caught on for being a female millennial critique of feminism and "girlbosses" the same way Chapo caught on for critiquing the Democratic Party from a left millennial perspective. They were novel in the 2016 media environment. They'd be unremarkable if they were brand new now.

>> No.19343919
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Thank you. That was surprisingly informative

>> No.19343944

I couldn't really say. I haven't listened to it that much. Chapo is waaaay more concerned with actually discussing sociopolitical/cultural events from what little I've listened to, although they do have some of that irreverent, absurdist element to their discussion. I'd try it out sure

>> No.19343959
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Unremarkable in what sense? I think they're far less hysterical, idpol-based than most of what's seen in '21's media environment. Not to mention they come off as more sincere, wise, and worldly too.

>> No.19343964


It's very hit or miss depending on topic and guests. I think the latest was pretty good though.

Felix is an expert on various types of guys.
Matt knows a lot of history and has good rants.
I miss older eps with Amber who was annoying but had real experience organizing and Virgil who was the resident wonk with a solid one liner per episode.

>> No.19343969

Let me ask you this though, is Amber hot? I feel like she might be

>> No.19344016
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>> No.19344018

When not being insincere, histrionic tools for the neoliberal establishment makes you remarkable you know the state of currant day leftists is pretty dire.

>> No.19344027


I mean like now there's dozens of lefty podcasts, on various narrow topics or cultural niches. I don't think they'd stand out now if they just started.

But in 2016, after listening to NPR for so many years, Chapo was like nothing I'd ever heard before.

>> No.19344058

>doesn’t think she is hot

Saw her on a horrible interview for Jacobin. She’s been worn down or is a part of the psyops scam now like Jacobin and DSA
The conclusion was an exasperated “join a church”
So sad and defeated

>> No.19344091

Leftybros im curious. Judging by the fact your on 4chan and talking about pods like chaps and cumtown I can guess you probably didn’t exactly get sucked into the whole “idpol” “breadtube”meme.
Why do you think you didn’t?
For me it was growing up poor and seeing how fucking useless all the idpol stuff was in the lives of ordinary people.

>> No.19344098

What do you mean by "psyops scam like Jacobin or DSA"?
personally, I veer between finding her attractive in an unconventional sense and then thinking she looks like some kind of creature. Nothing against her as a person, just an observation about her appearance

>> No.19344114

>Jacobin a phyops scam.
How come?

>> No.19344122

I'm confused about that too. Seems like kind of a gay ass claim to just make like that

>> No.19344150

High Concept Don Simpson and the Hollywood Culture of Indulgence

>> No.19344153
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How is populism a psyops.
Isn’t this the opposite of what the liberal establishment wants us to believe?

>> No.19344160


>> No.19344187

a lot of chapo/cumtown listening "guilty 4chan users" are secretly just as bad as your average twitter histrionic, they toe a weird line between "i'm not like the other leftists" and "um actually do you have to say the word retard?? i mean i'm not censoring you lol censorship doesn't exist chud but um do you have to say it? like rly??" effeminate social manipulation

fundamentally, a lot of them still have their center of gravity in that puritanical culture, fundamentally a lot of them still feel that the ultimate goal of social reform and activism is to make everyone "nice" and dissolve all conflict and meanie behaviors.

the only qualification for being where they are is that they also know that idpol is embarrassing and ineffective. but their heart still wants an idpol that works. they are bothered by the friction generated by its inefficacy and cringiness, but not bothered enough to do anything about that and change into a person with a coherent ideology. usually because they are too nestled in social frameworks and friend networks for it to be reasonable.

radfems have a term for "problematic boyfriends" they call them "nigels." but they all have a nigel boyfriend, only the most insanely overcommitted unfun embarrassing cringe dogmatist radfem could pick a non-nigel boyfriend, because non-nigel effectively means invertebrate and cuckolded. 4chan is like the nigel boyfriend of cumtown listening "lol i'm not DSA i'm a REAL leftist" leftists, except even worse, because at least nigel-having radfems will be pretty unabashed about it and self-awarely make fun of the contradiction between their public persona and the shit they let their nigel say (and say along with him) in private, whereas the cumtown listener is in a permanent state of butthurt about his nigel, he can't decide whether he wants to be an unabashed nigel-fucking hypocrite or an unfun shrew with a polyamorous twink barista cuckold bf

>> No.19344221

It's a lot of things for me. For one thing a lot of the personalities and characters of the idpol "left" just repulse me. Too many of them seem to be loud, impulsive, ignorant about the context of the issues they're speaking on, and kind of stuck in an eternal adolescence. There also doesn't seem to be a lot of room for critical or laid-back discussion of anything that promotes diversity or inclusivity. It's not that I don't think there's some truth to the things they're upset with, but I'm freaked out by a lot of their means and their ends as far as solutions to the things they're upset with go. Know what I mean?

>> No.19344244

I'm guessing just because the chapo/jacobin crowd can be quite derisive towards anarchists like butters

>> No.19344303

They’re controlled opposition from what I can tell.
You don’t go around saying you support a progressivist platform and do the opposite to fight for it. Both Jimmy Dore and Kshama Sawant distance themselves from them

>> No.19344315

the only opposition that isn't controlled is anti-semitic

>> No.19344341

They’re as led around as BLM is.

>> No.19344350

>They’re controlled opposition from what I can tell.
>You don’t go around saying you support a progressivist platform and do the opposite to fight for it
from what you can tell? How did you come to this conclusion? Because Jimmy Dore and Kshama Sawant distanced themselves from it? Also how do they do the opposite of fighting for a progressivist platform? Making a sincere claim that Jacobin is a psyops scam is a pretty heavy, wouldn't you say?

>> No.19344352
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Jacobin recently came out in favor of vaccine mandates. Luckily their twitter was all people bashing them for it and saying they were a CIA asset etc.

The other day, Richard Wolff tweeted that vaccine hesitancy was an opportunity for labor organizing and the state should never mandate vaccines. He got slammed by all the "good leftists" and ended up going on Dore to talk about it.

I read some of the replies. It was all "um actually sweetie, vaccine mandates help the working class." I even saw a bunch that said "though it's unfortunate that a capitalist fascist state is the one mandating vaccines, the mandates themselves are good and our leftist utopia would do the same."

I hate that I'm fucking talking about twitter.

>> No.19344364

butters, I've never seen you write fucking ANYTHING that would get you banned from twitter. If you can't even get banned from twitter, it's pretty obvious you're not threatening power in the slightest. Get a fucking grip sweatie.

>> No.19344433

The DSA say the want medicare for all. The leadership will never pursue it. (Sawant is an independent from non-party Socialist Alternative)
This one interview/YouTube from Jacobin with Amber (I’ve never seen anything from chapotraps) and the whole segment they’re shitting over the possibility of attempting to make mutual aid networks to help the needy and promote the cause. It was so defeatist and Amber concludes in exasperation with the advice you should “join a church—go to church”. The host had nothing. The whole thing was to confirm we shouldn’t do anything. Crazy waste of time.
In this other thread (about Graeber and Wengrows new book) there’s an anon just as down about the state of things. This movement has been twisted for decades into a mess of pacifists, vegans, trans rights, and everything else but class. The only ones talking about class are the tankies and they’re just nowhere near a coup

>Jacobin recently came out in favor of vaccine mandates
There ya go. Blue fascism.

I was harassed off Facebook five years ago. Don’t have Twitter. I would definitely be banned or put on a watch list

>> No.19344434

Jimmy Dore is a crank and un-serious. Don't know what you're referencing with Sawant, she wrote something for them in August..
Stupid headline yeah but its an article not a letter from the editorial team. I follow their coverage, they've been thoughtful and nuanced concerning both sides of the mandate debate.

>> No.19344442

>I was harassed off Facebook
That's because you're personally insufferable, not because your ideas 'threaten' people.

>> No.19344455

You don’t understand how desperate the Clinton campaign was to control FB chatter. They’re doing it now aren’t they?

>> No.19344458

Who is “butters” and why do they always use the tripcode. Is it for attention?

>> No.19344469

yes I'm from the clinton campaign and I'm harassing you off /lit/

>> No.19344472
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No. Ignore it.

>> No.19344479

>There ya go. Blue fascism.
I don't understand how you equate a vaccine mandate to fascism. I'm not wild about the idea myself, but fascism? What exactly do you mean?
Also, let me just say that I'm grateful and find it heartwarming that you are a person who identifies as transgender (if I'm not mistaken) and yet you seem to push against idpol and actually make the choice to come onto 4chan. I'm being completely serious. It may be more common than I think, but I don't know about it

>> No.19344481

It’s for attention then.

>> No.19344496

Ultimately it was the easy idpol adoption by corporate america. Token board members are added (most of the time from the same educational/class backgrounds) but the power structures remain the same. It's all useless and emblematic of the anemic, corporate controlled left.

>> No.19344507
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Do you think Nick Mullen is reading this thread? Boy I hope so

>> No.19344537

We have a weird fake democratic republic cleptocray with a hefty deep/permanent state. It’s a commercial empire, the two party system is actually just a show and they’re both neoliberals.
The “blue fascism” creep is something I say to describe this surveillance state, with militarized police, open censorship of opposition, anti capitalists are branded domestic terrorists, and now a mandate for big pharmas stupid leaky vaccines. We can fall into true fascism real easily.

And no, I am a lesbian, a woman.

>> No.19344589

when you put into that broader context, yeah I see what you mean. I guess it's just an issue of semantics for me. I don't know who cares.
>And no, I am a lesbian, a woman.
Alright yeah my bad. I thought butterfly poster was a transgender chick. The fact that you're a dyke and on here is still worthy of respect though.

>> No.19344618

I stopped listening a few months ago. The show has gotten bad and I don't really think it will really recover.

Initially the whole "fuck this show" and "lets see what we can get away with saying in the ad read" premise was pretty funny but that's gotten stale. There's no consequence or risk to him saying any of it at this point, I don't think mac wheldon/cratom/argentine gambling site give a shit.

Then there's just stav being fat/gluttonous/horny and adam legitimately being lazy.

I think the podcast has been in a death spiral for a while now.

>> No.19344632

The point is that mutual aid doesn't actually engage in struggle at the site where workers have leverage - the workplace. If you want to differentiate it from charity in that its solidaristic and not top-down that's fine but ultimately semantics (Not all charity is billionaire reputation laundering). A community coming together and forming a church where they pool resources and distribute to those most needing is functionally the same; and its a good thing, but its not class struggle. To the extent that mutual support networks obscure the real locus of struggle is the degree to which they are problematic - again just like charity. It's not defeatism it's letting people know that we have to be tough and we have to be serious.

>> No.19344739

Chapo Guide to Revolution was so disappointing. Ashamed to say I fell for the grift, but I was expecting some actual political points, some sort of outline of their ideology, or at least suggestions about how to change things, but it's literally all jokes. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention and that's on me.

Amber is the only one who seems like she could actually say something interesting, but I have low hopes for her Dirtbag book and I won't be buying that.

>> No.19345153

I was on 4chan first and then became leftist later. plus never tried to use politics to get pussy so no reason to go down the idpol rabbit hole

>> No.19345216

this whole trend of """""dirtbag left""""" is mostly composed of American leftists/liberals/democrats who rightfully recognized that the people who represent them and indeed, share most of their opinions, are complete retard doofuses. don't make the mistake of believing that this is not a trend for them. it is only trend and social status. if ~8 years ago they would have supported the trans/blm types, now they wouldn't, because they, again, rightfully recognize it as a retarded concept. they'll make fun of the more extremist representatives of said movements, but they'll still call ellen page "he".
the thing is, starting in 2015, American republicans/conservatives/rightists started having a huge influence online. all the big memes were started by them (all the memes had been started by 4chan since forever, only now 4chan had become more rightist)- pepe, wojak, "based" whatever. so leftists started appropriating that.
hope this made sense, i'm drunk.
the red scare/cumtown types try to distance themselves from nutty leftists, under a veil of irony, but ultimately still hold the same beliefs.
except maybe nick, lately he seems to be legitimately racist

>> No.19345240
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>meme power
>starting in 2015

>> No.19345264

i don't think this is the point i wanted to make

>> No.19345301

stop being gay you rotten egg roastie

>> No.19345307

for you >>19345240

>> No.19345316

no way he's read either, nick is the type who hasn't read anything except for what he was required to in school (and probably not even most of that)

>> No.19345319

he was an alcoholic in HS so probably not even that

>> No.19345332

red scare is the one with adam's ex fiance, not amber (though amber has been a guest a few times). red scare is interesting to get the perspective of some dumb bimbos on current events who aren't obsessed with being woke like every other female current events podcast. also talk about new york art/hipster scene a lot which is kind of interesting as well

>> No.19345349

they're ok but they literally only have a following because dasha was fucking adam when they started and they got some run off fans from cumtown's fame. it is its own thing now, but definitely would've fizzled out into obscurity without that initial boost. now dasha has leveraged that into an actual career with a small part on succession and some indie movies, and she didn't have the decency to marry adam, or at least break up with him without cheating on him

>> No.19345360

they've never claimed to be leftists, they just liked bernie

>> No.19345376

because i have actual principles on why i think some things are right or wrong and am not retarded enough to think "this group has been wronged before so they are saints that can do no wrong". and anyone who is even remotely paying attention can tell the elites pit us all against each other with these divides on race/gender/etc to distract us from productive work on class issues, where a lot of our society's problems are rooted.

>> No.19346545


>> No.19346551

yes i am, actually.. this post is different, not like the rest of these double diget iq post itt, hey, do you wanna be on the pod? i'll fly you to new york and we can have gay sex:3

>> No.19346558

stav and adam are "leftist" while stav is in it for the clout / liberal points while adam is unironically liberal, but he barely doesn't cross the toxic sjw line.

Nick is a entp "they all suck" centrist i think, he doesn't have any personal politics but he will shit on whoever is being retarded atm.

>> No.19347132

Is this entp as in Myers-Briggs I have no personality test.

>> No.19347553

They're not populists. They are DSA-trannies who think Tulsi Gabbard is a fascist.

>> No.19347711

i'm simply too old. I was already in mid-late 20s when this stuff really took off. when you are sort of established as a person it's hard to get caught up in any bullshit. you've seen enough already and are too critical of everything.

which makes me all the more confused when i see middle aged people who have never been involved in anything before all of a sudden going off the deep end. i'm guessing they never actually thought critically about anything before and were just drifting through life.

>> No.19347745

the ancients didn't have control of their inner monologue. They genuinely interpreted the voice in their head as the gods. They also couldn't see the colour blue for some reason. Very strang people.

>> No.19347781

nick has the same politics as stav and adam, he just likes to be edgy and contrarian, and has to keep everything at arm's length by pathological necessity.

listen to the episode where he spends the entire time having a meltdown because some magazine mentioned cumtown as being dirtbag left. it touched such a nerve because how dare anyone ever try to categorize him. you would think that a 30+ yr old man would be able to handle that with less insecurity, but alas.

>> No.19347822


uhh okay

>> No.19347828

Am I supposed to know who this fag is? Or is this a dogwhistle general thread for fans of him?

>> No.19347882 [DELETED] 

>except maybe nick, lately he seems to be legitimately racist

keep seeing want you want to see, your daddy isn't racist

>> No.19347892

I don't understand the retards who listen to the show and get angry at Stav for shutting down Nick's racism. I genuinely think these people are retarded because they do not understand the basic premise of funny man and straight man. The joke is funny because Stav shuts him down. It wouldn't be funny if Nick just ranted unchecked. The people who don't get that are legitimately 100% autistic because they don't understand how human interactions work. Same people who think that Nick and Stav actually hate Adam. They can't parse the difference between jokes and reality. They are like lesser apes that don't recognise themselves in the mirror.

>> No.19347924

A good chunk of the listeners are legitimately racist and think that Nick is sending them subtle coded racist signals but he's being kept down by the fat greek tranny lover and the scheming jew, and if only he went solo so he could let his power levels go unchecked etc.

>> No.19348282

>woman (male)

>> No.19348295

It’s fucking hilarious that you think you have control of your inner monologue.

>> No.19348300

Fuck off with your bicameral mind bullshit, nobody buys that any more

>> No.19348467

Red Scare > > > > > > > > > > > > c*mt*wn
These two women are actually intelligent have intelligent discourse on an array of topics and subjects.

>> No.19348537

i've met adam irl, he's seemingly more redpilled than let on

>> No.19348569

Jews are naturally redpilled, that’s how they know to weaponize the mud races as weapons.

>> No.19348576

stav is only lefty for puss