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19341132 No.19341132 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any nonfiction books that talk about these topics? "Asceticism, Life task, Wandering, Daily Ritual, Meaning, Beauty". I think this WebM encapsulates perfectly the type of nonfiction book I'm looking for. To better explain what I'm looking for/

>I’m interested in the idea of having a task in life. Something that takes over your entire life to the point of asceticism. Along with this I feel like the idea of beauty, wandering the earth, the Nation, meaning all take part in this. I think about the idea of the Artist in his cabin like Heidegger’s away from normal life with the need to complete his task and to bask in the glory of Beauty in art, and the land around him. I realize I sound kinda schizo but there is a type of feeling I’m trying to give so you guys can better understand what I’m trying to say. I've looked through thousands of books to find this but I've never found anything exact. Just to add again I'm almost entirely interested in nonfiction. I'll take a fiction book it really encapsulates this but I'm mostly interested in nonfiction.

>> No.19341133

I posted this before but I got no responses. Tried to reformat it to make it less schizo.

>> No.19341191

>working in an office BAD
>breaking back in da field GOOD
>living in a city with infrastructure BAD
>living in da hut shittin' ousside with ma missus GOOD
>accepting that the year is 2021 BAD
>larping as a romanticized version of a medieval peasant life that never existed GOOD

>> No.19341196

uhhh...based department? This post right here1!11!

>> No.19341258


>> No.19341275

bump becuase i like the dog again

>> No.19341280

I think Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse encapsulates this feeling...

>> No.19341290

Thanks bro

>> No.19341367

The crowning achievement of most normalfags is to get home and watch the newest avenger flick on netflix.
The gigachads of antiquity would be either taming the lands with their bare fists or bring down large beasts.
Men of the past lived in the sun, technology has brought humanity into the dark.

>> No.19341425

feudalism in the sun vs gentrified feudalism in the sun on the week end ? modern life still lets you plenty of opportunity to improve your condition

>> No.19341462

>Life task, Wandering, Daily Ritual, Meaning, Beauty.
The first part of Swann's way (Combray) is essentially a manifesto for habit and the appreciation of nature/ art. It also discusses the value of going on daily walks.

>> No.19341573

I'm nearly twenty-eight years old; this ineffable longing you tried to pen on here has haunted me for much of my life. I regret to tell you I haven't found it yet -- that perfection of the written word which removes all obfuscation surrounding the love for ascetic pursuit of the insurmountable, that which aligns body, mind, and the spirit as one delights in the splendor of the wilderness and is brought to his knees by the fleeting realization that there is no real separation between the Creator and his creation. I walked today until I wept, and I stood and looked at a leaf that lay dead in the midst of a city that is in perpetual motion. The leaf never died, nor did it ever live -- existence stands still in His exalted eye, and it is only when I'm outside that I am reminded of this truth.

>> No.19341576

Write a book man I will buy it

>> No.19341586

>I walked today until I wept, and I stood and looked at a leaf that lay dead in the midst of a city that is in perpetual motion. The leaf never died, nor did it ever live...
Seconding this. Extracts like this deserve to live in the canon desu :)

>> No.19341596

Yeah every single person in antiquity was a chiseled male model who wrestled with lions all day long after making sweet love to some little boy this is how it all worked and you're not just a schizo with idiot's understanding of reality

>> No.19341771

Without a doubt the best thread that's ever been on /lit/. A major project of philosophy since the beginning has been to discern "the good life" from all others. I think that without a doubt OP has summed up the good life. Fuck pragmatism, but now that we have an ideal, how do we get there? /lit/'s job is now to answer what books will get us there. this justifies the board's existence

>> No.19341799

there is no universal answer for a good life
it all depends on a person. An ideal life for me is a life where I can spend all my free time with my wife. I don't ask for anything more.
If I can't do that, give me enough money to do notbung but read and learn new things every day.

>> No.19341804

ok, of course i'm completely reducing a much more difficult question, but in order to not get bogged down in the mires of relativism & because OP seems to have a similar conception of a good life to mine, I want to cut to chase

>> No.19342178

Obviously Walden

>> No.19342757

absolutely, but I read that a year ago & now want more

>> No.19342808

Why not trying John Muir as an extension ?

>> No.19342816

how does it compare? similar themes? i've heard it mentioned around the board but never talked about

almost done w oblomov though so i'll check it out soon no matter what

>> No.19343157

Ode to Solitude

Happy the man, whose wish and care
A few paternal acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air,
In his own ground.

Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks supply him with attire,
Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter fire.

Blest, who can unconcernedly find
Hours, days, and years slide soft away,
In health of body, peace of mind,
Quiet by day,

Sound sleep by night; study and ease,
Together mixed; sweet recreation;
And innocence, which most does please,
With meditation.

Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;
Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lie.

>> No.19343366

why do you need a book about it, can't you just do it? I listen to music every morning while I work and then in the afternoons I walk in the woods for a couple hours. would my routine be better if i read some book telling me that was what i'm supposed to be doing?

>> No.19343753


>> No.19343859

>Asceticism, Life task, Wandering, Daily Ritual, Meaning, Beauty"
The Journal of John Woolman touches on all of these.

>> No.19343997

correct, but living in the city can offer some aesthetic fullfillment nonetheless

>> No.19344046

Book of the New Sun fits all of these. So does Book of the Short Sun.

>> No.19345049

John Muir was an American naturalist. Climbed all over the most beautiful parts of this giant landmass. Did some crazy shit. Essentially founded the National Parks System with Teddy Roosevelt. He makes Walden look like a heap of shit.

>> No.19345187
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>> No.19345191

>Men of the past lived in the sun, technology has brought humanity into the dark.
have all my upboats, sir!

>> No.19345445

Stop posting this stupid picture.

>> No.19345514

This but unironically

>> No.19345547


Presumably Switzerland, but where exactly is that fucking place.

>> No.19345550

I assume it is Lauterbrunnen. Instagram tards found out about it.

>> No.19346287

I knew a guy who came from a place like this in the Alps. His whole family looked as if personally blessed by God and they radiated this taking it easy vibe. They were the human version of the landscape.

>> No.19346310

>living as mankind did for 10,000 years, in accordance with how we evolved
>living in an artificial modern society

>> No.19347176


>> No.19347183

Cheers anon. This is a great thread

>> No.19347244

You need to read Laurus by Eugene Vodolozhkin immediately

>> No.19347251
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