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File: 214 KB, 1600x2416, shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19340518 No.19340518 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with Ben Shapiro's books? People make fun of him but his arguments are strong and he knows statistics. He is like the Chomsky of the right.

>> No.19340524
File: 70 KB, 712x872, 16FA11D9-6299-4E5B-896B-753376014883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with Ben Shapiro's books?
So guy named “ben shapiro” wrote it

>> No.19340532

Because Ben is a pseudo-intellectual. His arguments are not strong and are so deeply influenced by his Orthodox Jewish beliefs it is laughable. He is an ideological charlatan.

>> No.19340536

His voice is too funny.

>> No.19340537

His arguments are pretty strong. I'm well versed in political theory and he is giving the serious academic arguments. Once in a while especially in his youth he said some retarded shit but overall I've never seen anything especially retarded. Do you have any examples of where he is obviously wrong?

>> No.19340543

No but...uh...he's Jewish so...there's that.

>> No.19340550

>you will never be her brother and hug her with your face at tit height because you're so short
why should we even live, butters?

>> No.19340554

Nothing wrong with that. Highest IQ's

>> No.19340574

Because "well everyone should just have the same underlying beliefs" is a meaningless argument. That's not the world we live in, and as much as historical-fetishizers like to paint the past as having that quality, they merely believe the rhetoric without looking at the reality. It's a tautology - was (society) good? Then they believe good things. Was (regime) bad? It's because they didn't appeal to universal law of good. They also fail to carry the logic of political principles and judgements all the way through. Someone like Shapiro would never admit how the paradigm of the Conservative Revolution of the 80s created contemporary issues unless he could ascribe it to a diversion from Pauline Puritanism. A social solution consisting of everyone being obedient to the "things I think are important" is tempting if you're ignorant and politically uninvolved but a serious student of political principle finds little value in that kind of punditry no matter his position on the spectrum.

>> No.19340582

Just sounds like differing opinion

>> No.19340590

Ben Shapiro is a partisan HACK.

>> No.19340596

He often comes across as too partisan in his presentation. I say this as a right of center person.

>> No.19340604


>> No.19340610
File: 179 KB, 800x1200, 4C07B6FB-89EF-4171-B16D-953701D16BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many pairs like these. And better even.

>> No.19340614

Why is that a bad thing?

>> No.19340647

Because he has a passionless, robotic ideology for autists and boomers
Should we be socially liberal or conservative? Well... something in the middle seems easy.
Should we be communist or capitalist? Well... capitalism is working well enough.
Should the state be big or small? Well... small state theory is nicer to talk about.
Every single thing he argues is cold, bland, and unmoving. It's the political issue in general; it isn't for people who like humanity. It's not for people who like art. It's for people who like to look at what's statistically easy and decide that's best.
Most 'leftists' are similar btw, but they just have pathological anger at some class of people. That makes them marginally better at at least having some passion, though they're no lest autistic.

>> No.19340653

It gets annoying after a while, and it would be frustrating for someone that does not lean right to read/listen to his work. Thomas Sowell is a right-leaning academic that is much better at communicating in a way that doesn't come across as hostile to people that don't think exactly like him.

>> No.19340656

>butters likes the big milkers

>> No.19340664

Yeah, I guess, although I'm just going from hearing him talk. Although on some level all political thinkers are hacks.

>> No.19340669

Being an apart of an ideology because it's "moving" is something for children lol. Also Ben Shapiro Rap isn't music makes him the right choice for someone who likes art.

>> No.19340674

>Being an apart of an ideology because it's "moving" is something for children lol
Clearly not, because the most autistic, sterile ideologies tend to attract autistic teenagers

>> No.19340680

What ideology moves you to tears? I'm really curious this passionate ideology you have

>> No.19340689

>serious academic arguments

>> No.19340697

Nice one. Do you have any counters? You act smug but do you have literally anything of value to say retard?

>> No.19340856

Ancient Greek hypermasculinity. Notice how they also produced the greatest works of art in history

>> No.19340918


>> No.19340922

They're entirely meritorious on the grounds of their arguments and entirely without merit in their style. He is bland. I suppose there is nothing wrong with them, but they're not worth reading either. Even Peterson is more interesting to read.

>> No.19340990

Shapiro is the worst kind of "conservative": a shill for free market capital and an under-educated prude to boot. An American disease. I long for the days of cultured Tory reactionaries.