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19338986 No.19338986 [Reply] [Original]

>If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
>*refutes his philosophy by forcing him to put hand on cooking stove"

>> No.19339023

>Willingly letting your own body experience pain
Do you even read?

>> No.19339098

but this is his point exactly
a strong enough will could bear the pain of the cooking stove without feeling it
like auto-hypnotic analgesia

>> No.19339324

you can experience pain without suffering.

>> No.19340306

>*gets hit in the head*
>becomes dribbling retard

>> No.19341781
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stoics mismanaged their slaves & farmers and that's why the most non-boring empire that ever existed came to a screeching halt

>> No.19341802

though you probably couldn’t bear the consequence of a cooked hand

>> No.19341816

You're obviously not Muciuspilled.

>> No.19341851

Helps having a Gom Jabbar pointed at your carotid.

>> No.19341876
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You don't even know what you're capable of.

>> No.19342205

>let's wager $500 you are not stoic enough to cut off your cock and balls

>> No.19343831

Yeah dude apparently he didn't even scream as he was burning alive

>> No.19343854

The most pain he made visible was the slight look of discomfort you see on his face in that picture.

>> No.19343864

>Hand on hot stove? Ouchie!!
LMAO poor zoom zoom who has never cooked for themself.

>> No.19343874

>refuted by Frank Herbert

>> No.19343905

>Gee whiz that really smarts

>> No.19343966

What stoics apparently fail to realize is that the ability to ignore pain is typically counter-intuitive to one's own wellbeing
You are literally trying to disable your own heuristic system evolved over millennia because you are that desperate to cope
Stoicism really is just stupid when you lay it all out

>> No.19344090

Philosophy shouldn't be read by children.

>> No.19344131

Why is it counter-intuitive to one's own wellbeing? Well-being is contained in the mind, what does it matter if one loses a finger, a limb, a hand? The stoic prefers to keep them, so as to not be impaired, but a hand, a foot, a finger are not requirements for living the good life, their loss is like a farmer losing a tool, inconvenient perhaps, but not a part of him

>> No.19344135

>t. fat fuck who thinks sitting all day and eating shitty food is healthy because it makes your brain fuzzy

>> No.19344159

>a strong enough will could bear the pain of the cooking stove without feeling it
It's another episode of "human nature doesn't even exist bro just decide for everything to be different"

>> No.19344208

Right, just that this heuristic system is rendered largely worthless given the stimuli around us in the modern world. Food is freely available and energy dense, we don't need to exercise, and our attention spans are obliterated by all the screens we look at.

The prima facie experience of hunger, tiredness and boredom now require self discipline and self reflection to differentiate between the actual need to look after yourself and laziness

>> No.19344381
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Is this really the level of /lit?

Of course he does not refer to physical pain, but bad experiences, mainly social experiences that could cause some sort of discomfort such shame, anxiety, sadness, etc.

You all a bunch of brainlets.

>> No.19344420
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you are just not strong enough to control it

>> No.19344430

You're all *

>> No.19344437

Ah yes. Please deattach from emotional pain with the level of effort of turning a switch off. You're already a Buddha! You're just not trying hard enough!

>> No.19344491

the heat coming from the cooking stove is not external op

>> No.19344535

>*refutes his philosophy by forcing him to put hand on cooking stove"

One isn't afraid of a cooking stove, one is cautious of it. It's not like I'm afraid of going into the kitchen because there's a stove.

>> No.19344724

Things make sense in the mind before they are reasoned by it to any end; prudent, controlled engagement is necessary for overcoming things intact.

>> No.19344989

heheh, came here to post this

>> No.19345259
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>What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.

>> No.19346533

>I'm weak so EVERYONE must be just as weak as me, and any resistance to comfort is futile. After all, why should I have to suffer?

Some last man shit if I've ever seen it.

>> No.19346631

Stoics are faggots that can't handle being in reality so they make up a bunch of coping mechanisms. Same for buddhists.
>"boo hoo life is suffering"
Correct. Especially when I'm around you faggot.

>> No.19347557

OP btfo of this pic alone.
Now go clean your room and start going to the gym.

>> No.19347623
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>> No.19347648

Anyone that has ever tried to refute stoicism is retarded.

>> No.19347717

BTFO by Nietzsche

>> No.19347919

>pain is typically counter-intuitive to one's own wellbeing

cook hand yum meal

>> No.19348916


>> No.19348927

I wonder how OP is coping after this

>> No.19348930

How is one not reacting immediately to an emotional impulse a cope? Your post is a cope

>> No.19348934

>auto-hypnotic analgesia
Aurelius had no need for that, he was high on opium all the time. Galen, his personal physician, wrote it in his notebooks - Aurelius was eating fat lumps of opium for breakfast lunch and dinner.

That's the secret of stoicism. Just be incredibly fucking high at all times.

>> No.19348951

This is unironically possible. Imagine getting filtered by Marcus Aurelius, of all people lmao

>> No.19348966
File: 69 KB, 931x1280, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone that has ever tried to refute stoicism had no other choice.
stoicism obviously doesn't work if television is the foundation of culture

>> No.19348968

Read Montaigne's essay on opinions.

>> No.19348977

>if television is the foundation of culture
That's good, because it isn't.

>> No.19349004

it is if 95% of people spend more than 5 minutes a day watching it
it doesn't even matter what's on it

>> No.19349020

People haven't watched TV in decades you dumb boomer. Look where you are right now.

>> No.19349023

he was on drugs

>> No.19349024
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>*refutes his philosophy by forcing him to put hand on cooking stove"

Except there are many instances of people being able to overcome even their burn pain receptors - the most famous perhaps being the monk who set himself on fire but there are accounts of a tortured saint who when asked to put his arm in scalding/boiling water did so and replied it was pleasant - the guard in disbelief did so also to get a nasty burn. Don't use your own inferior existence as a barometer to measure the philosophy of a better man than yourself.

>> No.19349033

considering that the 50's were the last good decade and they were barely starting watching the TV, my point still stands