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19337965 No.19337965 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Conan the Barbarian fight guant ape men so often?

>> No.19337977

mmm niggards

>> No.19338013

Cause Atlantians were central to the kull stories and they devolved into ape men

>> No.19338181


The Cimmerians are the descendants of the Atlanteans who devolved into a barbaric state. Conans battle against the ape men is a further extension of that battle against spiritual and physical deterioration

>> No.19338207

Tarzan and King Kong were popular at the time. Apes were just in the zeitgeist. That and the themes of evolution and human savagery.

>> No.19338265

But why were Tarzan and King Kong popular at the time?

>> No.19338304

Because of the implications of evolution being explored in fiction plus apes are kind of interesting.

>> No.19338420

>Ahhh sheeeit! Hep! Hep!
>Sumbuddy get dis crazy ass cracka offa meeee!!!

>> No.19338428

He represents the Aryan against sub-humanity.

>> No.19338458

He is the barbarian hero as a middle ground between degenerate civilization and abyssal savagery.

>> No.19338741
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Which one is it?

>> No.19338765

I don't remember fighting them more often than snake/lizard/dragon-like monsters or spiders. And he mostly fights humans anyway, either soldiers or some kind of cultist

>> No.19338771

Both but moreso the latter since Howard was very skeptical of "civilizing" colonialists.

>> No.19338919

Its all rooted in post colonial fascination with the last remaining mysterious pockets of Africa and the ancient lost world they contained within them, and the sense of the collapsing European imperial world that was collapsing around them in civilization.

>> No.19339343

Seems like he was confused

>> No.19339375
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why did Severian?

>> No.19339656

How so?
Conan is brutal, but intelligent, he is a simple, efficient man, moulded by a primordial way of life, and his own innate exceptionalism.
He's a conventional traditional hero, perhaps with more of the archaic Greek conception of heroism, than the latter-day conceit of the same name.

You sound like racist leftie urban culture-trash.

>> No.19340438

REH is clearly caught between Aryan high civilization and Barbarian hyper masculine defiance

>> No.19340514

He recognized civilization leading to frailty and hubris.

>> No.19340895

Aryan just means the Indo-European (White) race. Howard's stories feature Aryan civilized, barbarians and savages as well as non-Aryan civilized, barbarians and savages.

>> No.19341377
File: 253 KB, 1417x2000, cover_ape_culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book seems interesting. Anyone here know anything about it?
>Ape Culture traces the long cultural and scientific obsession with humanity’s closest relatives. In the Western historical representations of modernity, depictions of apes were traditionally used to show the absence of culture. Standing as a liminal figure separating humans and animals, the ape has, since ancient times, played a central role in the narrative of civilisational progress. This book, which appears in conjunction with the exhibition of the same nameseeks, however, to go beyond the mere examination of apes as signifiers of difference. The juxtaposition of artworks with documents taken from popular culture and the history of primatology gives the reader an insight into what the science historian Donna Haraway has termed the primate order ― a hall of mirrors reflecting the scientific and cultural projections that turned the ape from an instrument of humanity’s self-definition into an integral element in testing out the possibility of reconstructing human nature.

>> No.19341856

>Flashes his jewellery
>The apes chill the fuck out


>> No.19341870

To show that hes suprahuman

>> No.19341898


>> No.19341904

What is the best complete collection of all the Conan stories bros?
I want to read Conan but don't know what edition to get

>> No.19341912
File: 922 KB, 1696x2560, 914yEQH3EZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Del Rey editions are the best by far.

>> No.19341932
File: 293 KB, 1440x1080, conan-cimmeria-volume-one-1932-1933_1_fe443db6c1174508377babee3dd2fe91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can get the Wandering Star hardcovers if you're rich.

>> No.19342008

The Complete Chronicles of Conan. It's a nice hardcover edition, and becoming increasingly rare and thus expensive. Get it if you can, it's probably a future collector's item.

>> No.19342028

Don't mislead him. The Del Reys are more complete, have corrected text from the manuscripts and have better introductions, appendices and illustrations.

>> No.19342149

I looked it up and it's only more expensive in the US because it's a UK edition.

>> No.19342268
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Jerry Seinfeld and Eddie Murphy talked about it in Comedians in Cars, they're cool because they're sort of human but still different enough to be weird.
I would say it's much more of the second. Conan is a character who lives outside of civilization and often clashes with it.